As regards cloudfoundry platform
is there the possibility to implement a multi-tenant solution? The customer should be able to manage multi-tenancy from a dashboard or “provider console”
is there the possibility to grant permissions and create access roles on a per-user basis?
is there a control panel where the admin user will have direct access to main services (mysql, mongodb,redis, dea, etc)?
As regards application/web development
Is the code versioning (cvs, svn) implemented as module of cloudfoundry or delivered in the vfabric suite?
Is there the possibility to adopt a workflow to track all the phases of application development (design, development, integration and test, implementation, operation)?
Here are your answers:
Cloud Foundry platform is a multi-tenant solution in that it allows for multiple users and each user's applications are shielded from others.
There are two types of roles for Cloud Foundry today:admin and user.
There isn't a UI web application tool as of today. You can access your apps deployed to cloud foundry by using the vmc CLI tool. Accessing services is possible using vmc tunnel. See
As regarding to web development:
No. However one can look at those as a service...
Workflow is usually tool or process based. There is no offer of an application development tracking tool in Cloud Foundry today.
How can I orchestrate and call cloud services from different providers: Google Cloud, AWS and Azure
We did check workflows, but it seems that workflows are limited in each provider's platform, so if I build a workflow in Azure, I can only include services from Azure, but not from Google Cloud or AWS.
Cloud Workflow is an orchestrator that call APIs. There is a better integration for Google Cloud services (and with Google Security) but you can also use other API, such as other Cloud Provider services API.
You can also use Cloud Composer, based on Apache Airflow, which has a large library of operator that help you to call different services on different platform. Because it's initially (and still) an open source project, it's portable and there is no Cloud Preference on that solution.
If you want an orchestration tool for multi Cloud usage, Airflow should be the best approach because it proposes many operators for each Cloud Provider.
It's open source, well documented, there are many supports and example in each Cloud Provider.
It's also the best tool if you want to be Cloud Agnostic and migrate it easily to any Cloud provider if needed.
If you host Airflow in Google Cloud, you can use a managed solution with Cloud Composer 2 (GKE autopilot).
Cloud Workflow is a good solution if you stay in the GCP world, it's serverless and based on API calls but it is less documented than Airflow for an usage outside of GCP. It's also not Cloud agnostic and strongly coupled to GCP.
I recommend you using Airflow for your need.
I am trying to publish my Android app to our company's Play Store.
On Google API access page
I am trying to create new service account. It does not work.
You are missing at least one of the following required permissions:
orgpolicy.policy.get resourcemanager.projects.get Check that the
folder, organization, and project IDs are valid and you have
permissions to access them
My GCP shows google account.
On the other side,Google API(Google Play Console) shows MYCOMPNAY Team account.
How to solve this IAM problem?
I'll do my best to answer but the question lacks some detail.
As the error describes, service accounts are a distinct type of credential used by Google that are intended to be used by software (rather than humans) for interacting with Google services. It makes some sense (though I'm unfamiliar with the Play process) that you'd need to use service accounts rather than human accounts with this service.
Unlike, regular (human) accounts (e.g., service accounts are owned by Google projects. When you create a service account, you'll need to scope the account to an existing Google project.
Google provides various Consoles for different services. I'm most familiar with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and so I would create projects and service accounts using GCP's CLI (Cloud SDK aka gcloud) or Are you using something similar?
Unfortunately, I think, Google's tools scope projects (even though these are universal Google resources) to specific platforms (Cloud, Firebase, Apps etc.) and so you may not be able to see all your projects via the e.g. Cloud Console.
If you have a Play (!?) Console, there should be a mechanism to list|create projects. If you haven't already, created a project to own your service account. Then the tool should provide a mechanism to create a service account. Do so under that projects. Lastly, you'll need to grant the service account permissions so that it can do what you need it to do (e.g. publish your app).
If you add more details to your question, I may be able to help.
NOTE One distinction between human (e.g. as a Google account) and a service account is that human accounts using 3-legged OAuth while service accounts use 2-legged OAuth. This is because the service account is not able to interact with OAuth prompts as a human user would and it is often a good "tell" when you need to use a human vs. a service account.
Google Play: (API) Projects and Service Accounts
Understanding Service Accounts
Using OAuth for Server-to-Server apps
First question: We need a way to migrate all the pipelines from the source environment to a new target environment. We also need to do this for the files. This is not an issue with the Azure DevOps server but having issued another one by one when using Azure DevOps Services to Azure DevOps Services.
Second: There is no guidance for best security governance for RBAC/AD and setting up organizations and projects to actually follow for a medium-sized development group that is migrating from another organization.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I deployed a Java application in SAP Cloud platform cloud foundry environment. I wonder how to access this application on Portal site in cloud foundry.
Can someone please help me?
Bringing the Java application with a frontend into a Portal requires several steps outlined in this blog post.
On a high level, you need to:
Create a Portal site in your Cloud Foundry space.
Switch to the design time editor on Neo and create a tile for your application.
Configure the routes for the Fiori Launchpad and setup the authentication and trust management.
Deploy the launchpad to your Cloud Foundry space.
First, please identify the correct SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit. For the trial landscape the link is
Afterwards, select your global account and sub-account and go to spaces on the left.
In the SAP Cloud Platform Cockpit tab spaces, you select the space you have deployed to. Then you go to applications and should see an application with the name you specified during the deployment. Click on the application and you should see application details, logging output and a link to the deployed application.
The deployment parameters space and application name have to be specified during the deployment. If you use the SAP S/4HANA Cloud SDK Pipeline, you specify it in the pipeline_config.yml. If you use cf push, you specify it during cf login and as parameter for cf push or in the manifest.yml.
Hope that helps or did you mean the Fiori Launchpad?
I have a MEAN stack application which needs to be cloud hosted. The management needs it to be portable and that brought me to checkout cloud foundry. However, even for cloud foundry there are many provider options like CF on Azure, PCF , IBM Blue Mix and so on. However, I am not able to understand the differences between them. Can you please point me to something that helps me understand the differences between these various providers and make a decision? Also whats the difference between Azure PaaS and Azure Cloud Foundry?
Cloud Foundry is an open source PaaS and because it's open source, you have the freedom to either:
host it yourself on a variety of IaaS
use a public, multi-tenant Cloud Foundry service
have a provider host a private CF for you
This is very similar to hosting options for Kubernetes for example (even though it's worth mentioning that Cloud Foundry predates Kubernetes by a couple of years).
"Pivotal Cloud Foundry" is a commercial distribution of Cloud Foundry targeted at large enterprises. It has a couple of features not found in the open source version, mostly related to deployment automation and integration of application services like MySQL etc. Pivotal is also a main sponsor of development work on the open source version of Cloud Foundry. PCF on Azure is kind of a "template service" that allows you to quickly deploy a private PCF installation on Azure, so it's to some degree a combination of hosting options 1) and 3).
You specifically asked about the difference between various public Cloud Foundry service providers. Here's the most important points:
data center location and related privacy concerns (PWS runs on AWS US locations for example)
choice of managed application services and plans (e.g. MySQL, PostgreSQL etc.)
pricing for apps and application services
performance (available CPU per Diego Cell on which application containers execute, networking)
Cloud Foundry version and supported features like container-to-container networking or deployment of docker containers
quality and availability of support options, onboarding assistance
availability of legal assurances/contracts you may need, e.g. to comply with EU GDPR rules
Also worth reading: Cloud Foundry explained
Cloud Foundry is an OpenSource PaaS that can run on top of any different IaaS. So you can got to and use it to install your own instance of Cloud Foundry on Azure, AWS, GCP, vSphere, OpenStack, SoftLayer ... etc.
PCF is a commercial product from Pivotal based on the OpenSource Cloud Foundry. You buy it and then you install and run it on an IaaS of your choice.
BlueMix is a commercial product from IBM which is also based on OpenSource Cloud Foundry. It is also a set of services based on various IBM products so with BlueMix IBM runs and manages the cloud for you.
Azure PaaS is a set of service from Microsoft for deploying applications which only runs an Azure, while Cloud Foundry can be installed on Azure or other IaaS providers.