Regex in perl/sed replacement not matching whitespace/characters - regex

Given this file, I'm trying to do a super primitive sed or perl replacement of a footer.
Typically I use DOM to parse HTML files but so far I've had no issues due to the primitive HTML files I'm dealing with ( time matters ) using sed/perl.
All I need is to replace the <div id="footer"> which contains whitespace, an element that has another element, and the closing </div> with <?php include 'footer.php';?>.
For some reason I can't even get this pattern to match up until the <div id="stupid">. I know there are whitespace characters so i used \s*:
perl -pe 's|<div id="footer">.*\s*.*\s*|<?php include INC_PATH . 'includes/footer.php'; ?>|' file.html | less
But that only matches the first line. The replacement looks like this:
<?php include INC_PATH . includes/footer.php; ?>
<div id="stupid"><img src="file.gif" width="206" height="252"></div>
Am I forgetting something simple, or should I specify some sort of flag to deal with a multiline match?
perl -v is 5.14.2 and I'm only using the pe flags.

You probably want -0777, which will force perl to read the entire file at once.
perl -0777 -n -e 's|something|else|g' file
Also, your strategy of doing .*\s*.*\s* is pretty fragile. It'll match e.g. <div id="foo", which is just a fragment...

Are you forgetting that almost all regex parsing works on a line-by-line basis?
I've always had to use tr to convert the newlines into some other character, and then back again after the regex.
Just found this:
You need to tell the regex engine to treat your scalar as a multiline string with the /m option; otherwise it won't attempt to match across newlines.

perl -p
is working on the file on a line by line basis see
that means your regex will never see all lines to match, it will only match when it gets the line that starts with "<div id="footer">" and on the following lines it will not match anymore.


Regex does not match in Perl, while it does in other programs

I have the following string:
load Add 20 percent
to accommodate
I want to get to:
load Add 20 percent to accommodate
With, e.g., regex in sublime, this is easily done by:
$1 $2
However, in Perl, if I input this command, (adapted to test if I can match the pattern in any case):
perl -pi.orig -e 's/[a-z]\n.+to/TEST/g' file
It doesn't match anything.
Does anyone know why Perl would be different in this case, and what the correct formulation of the Perl command should be?
By default, Perl -p flag read input lines one by one. You can't thus expect your regex to match anything after \n.
Instead, you want to read the whole input at once. You can do this by using the flag -0777 (this is documented in perlrun):
perl -0777 -pi.orig -e 's/([a-z])\n\s(to)/$1 $2/' file
Just trying to help and reminding below your initial proposal for perl regex:
perl -pi.orig -e 's/[a-z]\n.+to/TEST/g' file
Note that in perl regex, [a-z] will match only one character, NOT including any whitespace. Then as a start please include a repetition specifier and include capability to also 'eat' whitespaces. Also to keep the recognized (but 'eaten') 'to' in the replacement, you must put it again in the replacement string, like finally in the below example perl program:
$str = "load Add 20 percent
to accommodate";
print "before:\n$str\n";
$str =~ s/([ a-z]+)\n\s*to/\1 to/;
print "after:\n$str\n";
This program produces the below input:
load Add 20 percent
to accommodate
load Add 20 percent to accommodate
Then it looks like that if I understood well what you want to do, your regexp should better look like:
s/([ a-z]+)\n\s*to/\1 to/ (please note the leading whitespace before 'a-z').

Working RegEx that fails in Perl find & replace one-liner

I have the following RegEx (<th>Password<\/th>\s*<td>)\w*(<\/td>) which matches <th>Password</th><td>root</td> in this HTML:
However this Terminal command fails to find a match:
perl -pi -w -e 's/(<th>Password<\/th>\s*<td>)\w*(<\/td>)/$1NEWPASSWORD$2/g' file.html
It appears to have something to do with the whitespace between the </th> and <td> but the <\/th>\s*<td> works in the RegEx so why not in Perl?
Have tried substituting \s* for \n*, \r*, \t* and various combinations thereof but still no match.
A working example can be seen here.
Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
The substitution is only applied to one line of your file at a time.
You can read the entire file in at once using the -0 option, like this
perl -w -0777 -pi -e 's/(<th>Password<\/th>\s*<td>)\w*(<\/td>)/$1NEWPASSWORD$2/g' file.html
Note that it is far preferable to use a proper HTML parser, such as HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath, to process data like this, as it is very difficult to account for all possible representations of a given HTML construct using regular expressions.
Perl evaluates a file one line at a time, in your example you're trying to match over two lines so perl never finds the end of the string it's looking for on the first line, and never finds the beginning of the line it's looking for on the second line.
You can either flatten file.html to a single line temporarily (which might work if the file's small / performance is not so important) or you'll need to write more sophisticated logic to keep track of lines it's found.
Try searching for 'multiline regex perl' :)
You could use sed to do this:
sed -i '/<th>Password<\/th>/{n;s!<td>[^<]*!<td>NEWPASSWORD!}' file.html
Another sed version:
sed -i '/<th>Password<\/th>/!b;n;s/<td>[^<]*/<td>NEWPASSWORD/' file.html

Replace multiple lines in HTML file which is marked by a start and end pattern.

I'm trying to make an automated build and use Perl in it to update some paths in a file.
Specifically, in an html file, I want to take the block shown below
<!-- BEGIN: -->
<script src="js/a.js"></script>
<script src="js/b.js"></script>
<script src="js/c.js"></script>
<!-- END: -->
and replace it with
<script src="js/all.js"></script>
I have tried a few regexes like:
perl -i -pe 's/<--BEGIN:(.|\n|\r)*:END-->/stuff/g' file.html
or just starting with:
perl -i -pe 's/BEGIN:(.|\n|\r)*/stuff/g' file.html
But I can't seem to get past the first line. Any ideas?
perl -i -pe 's/<--BEGIN:(.|\n|\r)*:END-->/stuff/g' file.html
This is so close.
Now just match with the /s modifier, this allows . to match any char, including newlines.
Most importantly, you want to start the match with <!--, note the !.
Also, you want a non-greedy match like .*?, in case you have multiple END markers.
Your example input shows that there may be extra spaces.
This would lead to the following substitution:
As #plusplus pointed out, the -p iterates over each line. Let's change Perl's concept of a “line” to “the whole file at once”:
BEGIN { $/ = undef }
or use the -0 command line switch, without a numeric argument.

Is there a truly universal wildcard in Grep? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I match any character across multiple lines in a regular expression?
(26 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Really basic question here. So I'm told that a dot . matches any character EXCEPT a line break. I'm looking for something that matches any character, including line breaks.
All I want to do is to capture all the text in a website page between two specific strings, stripping the header and the footer. Something like HEADER TEXT(.+)FOOTER TEXT and then extract what's in the parentheses, but I can't find a way to include all text AND line breaks between header and footer, does this make sense? Thanks in advance!
When I need to match several characters, including line breaks, I do:
Note I'm using a non-greedy pattern
You could do it with Perl:
$ perl -ne 'print if /HEADER TEXT/ .. /FOOTER TEXT/' file.html
To print only the text between the delimiters, use
$ perl -000 -lne 'print $1 while /HEADER TEXT(.+?)FOOTER TEXT/sg' file.html
The /s switch makes the regular expression matcher treat the entire string as a single line, which means dot matches newlines, and /g means match as many times as possible.
The examples above assume you're cranking on HTML files on the local disk. If you need to fetch them first, use get from LWP::Simple:
$ perl -MLWP::Simple -le '$_ = get "";
print $1 while m!<head>(.+?)</head>!sg'
Please note that parsing HTML with regular expressions as above does not work in the general case! If you're working on a quick-and-dirty scanner, fine, but for an application that needs to be more robust, use a real parser.
By definition, grep looks for lines which match; it reads a line, sees whether it matches, and prints the line.
One possible way to do what you want is with sed:
sed -n '/HEADER TEXT/,/FOOTER TEXT/p' "$#"
This prints from the first line that matches 'HEADER TEXT' to the first line that matches 'FOOTER TEXT', and then iterates; the '-n' stops the default 'print each line' operation. This won't work well if the header and footer text appear on the same line.
To do what you want, I'd probably use perl (but you could use Python if you prefer). I'd consider slurping the whole file, and then use a suitably qualified regex to find the matching portions of the file. However, the Perl one-liner given by '#gbacon' is an almost exact transliteration into Perl of the 'sed' script above and is neater than slurping.
The man page of grep says:
grep, egrep, fgrep, rgrep - print lines matching a pattern
grep is not made for matching more than a single line. You should try to solve this task with perl or awk.
As this is tagged with 'bbedit' and BBedit supports Perl-Style Pattern Modifiers you can allow the dot to match linebreaks with the switch (?s)
will match ANY character. And yes,
will match the whole text.
As pointed elsewhere, grep will work for single line stuff.
For multiple-lines (in ruby with Regexp::MULTILINE, or in python, awk, sed, whatever), "\s" should also capture line breaks, so
might work ...
here's one way to do it with gawk, if you have it
awk -vRS="FOOTER" '/HEADER/{gsub(/.*HEADER/,"");print}' file

Awk/etc.: Extract Matches from File

I have an HTML file and would like to extract the text between <li> and </li> tags. There are of course a million ways to do this, but I figured it would be useful to get more into the habit of doing this in simple shell commands:
awk '/<li[^>]+><a[^>]+>([^>]+)<\/a>/m' cities.html
The problem is, this prints everything whereas I simply want to print the match in parenthesis -- ([^>]+) -- either awk doesn't support this, or I'm incompetent. The latter seems more likely. If you wanted to apply the supplied regex to a file and extract only the specified matches, how would you do it? I already know a half dozen other ways, but I don't feel like letting awk win this round ;)
Edit: The data is not well-structured, so using positional matches ($1, $2, etc.) is a no-go.
If you want to do this in the general case, where your list tags can contain any legal HTML markup, then awk is the wrong tool. The right tool for the job would be an HTML parser, which you can trust to get correct all of the little details of HTML parsing, including variants of HTML and malformed HTML.
If you are doing this for a special case, where you can control the HTML formatting, then you may be able to make awk work for you. For example, let's assume you can guarantee that each list element never occupies more than one line, is always terminated with </li> on the same line, never contains any markup (such as a list that contains a list), then you can use awk to do this, but you need to write a whole awk program that first finds lines that contain list elements, then uses other awk commands to find just the substring you are interested in.
But in general, awk is the wrong tool for this job.
gawk -F'<li>' -v RS='</li>' 'RT{print $NF}' file
Worked pretty well for me.
By your script, if you can get what you want (it means <li> and <a> tag is in one line.);
$ cat test.html | awk 'sub(/<li[^>]*><a[^>]*>/,"")&&sub(/<\/a>.*/,"")'
$ cat test.html | gawk '/<li[^>]*><a[^>]*>(.*?)<\/a>.*/&&$0=gensub(/<li[^>]*><a[^>]*>(.*?)<\/a>.*/,"\\1", 1)'
First one is for every awk, second one is for gnu awk.
There are several issues that I see:
The pattern has a trailing 'm' which is significant for multi-line matches in Perl, but Awk does not use Perl-compatible regular expressions. (At least, standard (non-GNU) awk does not.)
Ignoring that, the pattern seems to search for a 'start list item' followed by an anchor '<a>' to '</a>', not the end list item.
You search for anything that is not a '>' as the body of the anchor; that's not automatically wrong, but it might be more usual to search for anything that is not '<', or anything that is neither.
Awk does not do multi-line searches.
In Awk, '$1' denotes the first field, where the fields are separated by the field separator characters, which default to white space.
In classic nawk (as documented in the 'sed & awk' book vintage 1991) does not have a mechanism in place for pulling sub-fields out of matches, etc.
It is not clear that Awk is the right tool for this job. Indeed, it is not entirely clear that regular expressions are the right tool for this job.
Don't really know awk, how about Perl instead?
tr -d '\012' the.html | perl \
-e '$text = <>;' -e 'while ( length( $text) > 0)' \
-e '{ $text =~ /<li>(.*?)<\/li>(.*)/; $target = $1; $text = $2; print "$target\n" }'
1) remove newlines from file, pipe through perl
2) initialize a variable with the complete text, start a loop until text is gone
3) do a "non greedy" match for stuff bounded by list-item tags, save and print the target, set up for next pass
Make sense? (warning, did not try this code myself, need to go home soon...)
P.S. - "perl -n" is Awk (nawk?) mode. Perl is largely a superset of Awk, so I never bothered to learn Awk.