How can i install external pinax projects? - django

I try to deal with poor documentation of Pinax.
I found this project
what i want is that install it. I normally install a project called account but here i have to install from git . How can i do that in Pinax

It turns out the new way of using projects is to just copy the folder and rename it.
Usage instructions:
So to use the multiblog project you would do
Copy the multiblog inside the cloned repo to a new location and rename it to the name you would like to use for your project. Then install the requirements via pip and follow the rest of the steps for setting up a django project
cd ~/src
git clone
cp -r ~/src/pinax-project-admin ~/Sites/new_project
cd ~/Sites/new_project"
pip install -r requirements.txt
python syncdb
I too have been trying to accomplish the same thing. So far I found this commit
Relevant section on begins on line 160 near the end
External Starter Projects
The Pinax ``setup_project`` command can also use starter projects built by third parties.
These can either be plain directory structures, or they may be a git/hg pip editable.
To install a starter project from an external source, simply pass the file path or git/hg
URL to the ``-b`` option::
pinax-admin setup_project -b git+git:// my_new_project
However all the pinax projects I have come across don't seem to include an egg to use
I need to use Django 1.4 for my project but the included account base project in both Pinax 0.9a2 and 0.9b1-dev10 use Django 1.3.
I am guessing the external project integration is something we will have to wait for in the Pinax 1.0 release.


Creating migrations for a reusable Django app

I am writing a reusable Django app and having problems creating migrations.
I have looked at this question, and I'm still confused. I have the following sort of directory structure:
As you can see, the directory "django_mycleverapp" contains my reusable app and the directory "example" contains a test project.
I include the models of "django_mycleverapp" in the INSTALLED_APPS section of the settings for "example".
However, running python ~/example/ makemigrations django_mycleverapp doesn't build any migrations.
Any suggestions?
How am I meant to have a test project that will build migrations in "/django-mycleverapp/django_mycleverapp/migrations"?
Your app should be in the directory of your project. Your directory hierarchy should look like this.
If you do not want your app to be part of your "example" project, but rather want it to be separated and used by your project "example", you'll have to install it in your project using pip (this requires to have a at the root of your app).
For instance if you have published your app on a git repository "", you can add to our requirements.txt:
If you don't have your app published on a git repository yet, you can add the absolute path to your app to you requirements.txt:
Don't forget to work in a virtualenv when you use pip.

django-admin command error while project creation

After upgrading to django 1.9 and tried creating new project.Getting following error
How should i solve this?
After upgrading to django 1.9 and creating new project following error occurred
CommandError: /home/shaastr/ehgg/ already exists, overlaying a project or app into an existing directory won't replace conflicting files
I think you have 2 versions of django installed, and both are being called when trying to start the project.
Try running pip uninstall django twice, if it runs both time then this was what was going on. Obviously, pip install django afterwards to get it working again
I had the same problem after using pip to install django 1.10 over an older version.
I used pip to uninstall and manually deleted the leftover django folder in the site-packages folder.
re-installed using pip, and now it is working with no problem.
I am also working with docker containers. I had this problem where it said that already exists in the workdirectory (that I made through the Dockerfile file) when I tried to restart the process of making a container after deleting the old one.
It did not show me where the workdirectory was made and hence could not delete the as pointed out in the error.
The solution that worked was I changed the service name in my yml file and gave the command with new servicenm
docker-compose run servicenm startproject projectnm directory
remove then re-run your django-admin startproject command, it will work
Make sure that if you have deleted (rm -r) "your Django project_name" to also delete (rm) the corresponding deleted project python file in the same repository.
sudo pip uninstall django
sudo rm /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/ -rf
sudo pip install django==1.10
This resolved my problem.
You need to define another directory for your new project. Not /ehgg directory.
It seems though you are creating a new project inside your old project.
And this error clearly state that, there is old setting i.e "" for your old project. Since every time a new settings created for your new project.
I hope it's clear to you.
Thank you.
Check whether the project name is correct or not. Django avoids
hypens (-) in project names.
It can happen due to two reasons:
You are trying to create a new folder with the exiting folder name.
You have previously deleted a folder with this name. Deleted it for some reason. But again trying to create package with this name.
To resolve this follow
Rename the from your project folder.
Go to <%System Path%>/PycharmProjects/<%Your Project Name%>/.idea/workspace.xml
edit this file "workspace.xml" and then search with the package name you are trying to create.
delete that line and save the file.
Now try to run the command again.
I hope this helps.

Add requirement for only dependent app

I am working on my django project on Linux Ubuntu.
i am not using virualevn. so when i run the command
pip freeze > requirement.txt
it add the hundreds of lines(apps) to my requirement.txt file. I want only to add those app who will need to run this app only.
is there any way to do it?
There's no automatic way to get only the apps you need. You'll have to construct the requirements file manually. It's not that hard to do though - start by looking at all the imports in all your files an add the apps for those imports. Then run your app in a new virtualenv with only those imports - any time it crashes because of a missing import you know that you need to add another one!
Get pip downloaded packages Only
It omits the dependent packages, and can be used to get clean list of downloaded python modules to add in requirement.txt file
comm -12 <(pip list --format=freeze --not-required) <(pip freeze) > requirements.txt
Hope This Helps!
I am not sure whether we should put whatever we received from pip freeze or only required packages in requirement.txt file
I have Asked a question here

heroku buildpack for python/geos

I am running my django app on heroku. I want to use their websolr plugin to add spatial search to the app via django haystack.
Spatial serach in django haystack depends on the GEOS C library that is not deployed on heroku by default.
So in order to use spatial search I followed to create a binary package of GEOS.
To deploy the binaries I forked the heroku buildback for python and modified bin/compile to include:
mkdir -p /app/.heroku/vendor/geos
curl $AWESOME_VM_BINARY -o - | tar -xz -C /app/.heroku/vendor/geos -f -
I added the custom build pack to my application, redeployed but still I cannot access the library. When I run ls the geos folder does not show up
heroku run ls /app/.heroku/vendor
Any idea what I am missing? Thanks for your help!
Another option is using a buildpack that only contains the geospatial libraries and combine it with the python buildpack. This is a cleaner separation:
in combination with
To use it add a .buildpacks file to your repo that looks something like this
(the use of multi buildpacks is explained in the multi buildpack repo as well)
You should be able to use the GeoDjango buildpack that was already created here

django + virtualenv = atomic upgrade - is it possible?

I have a Django project running within a virtualenv with no site-packages. When it comes to pushing my new changes to the server, I would like to create a new virtualenv directory, install my project and all its dependancies, then do a quick renaming of the two virtualenv directories ONLY if the new code deployed successfully.
All is great on paper, till the point you rename the virtualevn directory. Relocate option on virtualenv is not reliable as per its documentation.
How do you suggest upgrading my project ONLY if the new code is proven to be deployable.
Here are the steps:
# fab update_server to run the following:
cd /srv/myvenv # existing instance
cd ../
virtualenv myenv-1
source myenv-1/bin/activate
git co
pip install -r project/req.txt
# all worked
mv myenv myenv-2; mv myenv-1 myenv
touch /path/proj.wsgi # have apache to reload us
The above is perfect, but renaming or relocating virtualenv is not reliable.
Upgrading the live site within myvenv takes time and may break the site too.
How would you do it?
I do it with symlinks and completely separate release directories. Ie, a deployment involves cloning the entire project into a new directory, building the virtualenv inside that, then switching the "production" symlink to point at that directory.
My layout is basically
...etc in each release directory...
myapp # symlink to releases/003/myapp/
So, when I deploy to production, my deployment scripts rsync a completely fresh copy to /var/www/myapp/releases/004/myapp/, build a virtualenv in there, install all the packages into it, then
rm -f /var/www/myapp/myapp
ln -s /var/www/myapp/releases/004/myapp/ /var/www/myapp/myapp
My actual deployment script is a little more complicated as I also make sure to keep the previous release around and marked so if I notice that something is really broken, rolling back is just a matter of switching the symlink to point back at the previous one. (some extra work is also necessary to clean up old, unused releases if you are worried about the disk space).
Every external reference (in apache config files or wsgi files or whatever) point at libraries and binaries in the virtualenv as /var/www/myapp/myapp/ve/. I also shun the use of source ve/bin/activate and instead point at the full path in config files and I edit to use #!ve/bin/python so I can run commands with ./ whatever and it will always work without me having to remember if I've activated the right virtualenv.