I have created small compojure web application, which can display multiple values, fetched from other website, using provided URL. At the moment, this URL is hard coded in one of my functions, and now I would like to add feature for dynamical URL creation, based upon values in text field and checkbox.
This is how my page looks like:
(defn view-layout [& content]
(html [:body content]))
(defn view-input []
[:h2 "Find"]
[:form {:method "post" :action "/"}
( for [category ["Cat1" "Cat2" "Cat3"]]
[:input {:type "checkbox" :id category } category ] )
[:input {:type "text" :id "a" :value "insert manga name"}] [:br]
[:input.action {:type "submit" :value "Find"}]
[:a {:href "/downloads"} "Downloads"]]))
(defn view-output []
[:h2 "default images"]
[:form {:method "post" :action "/"}
(for [name (get-content-from-url (create-url))]
[:label name [:br]]
(defn create-manga-url
Here are the routes:
(defroutes main-routes
(GET "/" []
(GET "/downloads" []
(POST "/" []
(view-output) ))
At the moment, I need help with (create-url) function (returns a string), where I would like to fetch all fields, mandatory for my search (one text field and 3 checkboxe's) , and parse values from them, which will be fed into (concatenated) the URL - for checkbox, if checked, the check section will have value 1, instead of 0, or remain 0 if not (check=100, or 010, 011 if two check boxes were selected) . In case of text field, the tfield=userinputtext.
I spent a lot of time as a .Net and Java developer, and this part of compojure is a total mystery for me.
This is what I would like to achieve with (create-url) function (pseudo code written in OO style):
(defn create-url [*text_field cbox1 cbox2 cbox3*]
(def url "http://www.mysite.net/search/?")
(def tfield "tfield=")
(def cbox "&check=")
(if (checked? cbox1)
(str cbox "1")
(str cbox "0"))
(if (checked? cbox2)
(str cbox "1")
(str cbox "0"))
(if (checked? cbox3)
(str cbox "1")
(str cbox "0"))
(str tfield (:value text_field))
(str url tbox cbox))
I apologize for how this pseudo code looks like, but this is the part that I would like to learn: How can I scoop data from form, and parse it (in this case i would like to attachh values from form fields into the string)
Can anyone help me with this?
First, you need to add 'name' attributes to your HTML input elements. The 'id' attributes aren't sent to the server on post.
Next, I guess a quick way of doing this similar to your example is:
(POST "/" [a Cat1 Cat2 Cat3] (create-url a [Cat1 Cat2 Cat3]))
and then something like this:
(defn checked? [c]
(and c (= c "on")))
(defn checked->num [c]
(if (checked? c) "1" "0"))
(defn create-url [a cats]
(str "x?tfield=" a "&check="
(apply str (for [c cats] (checked->num c)))))
Or just drop the two helpers:
(defn create-url [a cats]
(str "x?tfield=" a "&check="
(apply str (map #(if (= "on" %) "1" "0") cats))))
I have a component:
(defn inner-input [cljs_element activeEl title]
(let [form (atom title)]
(fn [cljs_element activeEl title]
[:input {:type "text"
:onChange #(reset! form (.. % -target -value))
:on-blur #(change-title cljs_element (.. % -target -value))
:style {:display (if (:active (:node cljs_element)) "block" "none")
:width (* (+ 1 (count #form)) 8)
:max-width 730
:min-width 170}
:value #form}])))
It is nested in other component:
(defn card-input [cljs_element activeEl]
(fn [cljs_element activeEl]
(let [title (:title (:node cljs_element))]
[inner-input cljs_element activeEl title]])))
When i type data to the input in the inner-input component, i need update the local state form. And when the outer component card-input updates i want to reset my form to new title prop from argument. How can i achieve that?
I tried put (reset! form title) between let and fn in the inner-input component but it will not help
You can use reagent/track! to listen to changes to title, and reagent/dispose to stop listening. You can alternatively use add-watch and remove-watch, but track is a more convenient syntax.
(defn inner-input [title]
[form (reagent/atom #title)
watch (reagent/track! (fn [] (reset! form #title)))]
"Inner input"
[:input {:on-change (fn [e]
(reset! form (.. e -target -value)))
:on-blur (fn [e]
(reset! title (.. e -target -value)))
:value #form}]]
(reagent/dispose! watch))))
(defn card-input []
[title (reagent/atom "hello")]
[:label "Title"
[:input {:on-change (fn [e]
(reset! title (.. e -target -value)))
:value #title}]]
[inner-input title]]))
Now if you type in the inner input it will only update the outer when you exit the input box, but changing the outer title will immediately change the inner one. Is that what you wanted?
But if you don't want to pass title as a ratom and have to pass it as a value, then instead you can compare it to the previous value to determine if it changed, and reset form only when it changes.
(when (not= #previous-title title)
(do (reset! previous-title title)
(reset! form title)))
This code can go in render seeing as it is safe to call when form changes... nothing will happen.
I have this in Luminus/Compojure project:
(defn article-show-single [id]
(let [a (db/get-single-article {:id id})]
(layout/render "show.html"
{:article a}))
Now I want to preprocess the the :body of an article. I can this by:
(str/replace (:body a) #"regex123"
(fn [[_ var1 var2]]
(str "new str 123")))
; => new str 123
But how can I combine those 2, that is, I want to change the :body of an article and still return the article. How can I do this?
As the first step I would extract your preprocessing code as a function to make the code more readable:
(defn preprocess [s]
(str/replace s
(fn [[_ var1 var2]]
(str "new str 123"))))
Then I would use update function to update the value of a map's key by applying a provided function to the current value and use that value in the new version of the map:
(update article :body preprocess)
I am working on a simple web-app using clojurescript and reagent. I would like to create a simple "tab" component, which will contain (for starters) a text-input component.
The app has 2 tabs and the user has the option to choose a tab and I want to "preserve" the values in each of these two tabs.
Here's the code:
(defn atom-input [value]
[:input {:type "text"
:value #value
:on-change #(reset! value (-> % .-target .-value))}])
(defn simple-tab [index]
(let [pg-index (atom 1)
a (atom 0)]
(fn []
[:h4 (str "index: " #index)]
[atom-input a]])))
(defn main-page []
(let [index (atom 0)]
[:button {:on-click (fn [] (reset! index 0))} "select tab 1"]
[:button {:on-click (fn [] (reset! index 1))} "select tab 2"]]
[simple-tab index]]]))
(defn ^:export run []
(fn [] [main-page])
(.-body js/document)))
The problem is that when I switch the tab, the components share the values of the input field - what am I please doing wrong here?
Thank you so much for your help!
The problem is you're passing a (atom 0) to the atom-input control: [atom-input a].
This caused the same atom value to be shared between your tabs.
If you don't want to share the value, you'll need change a to a map: a (atom {}) and pass the map and the index to atom-input, e.g.:
(defn atom-input [value index]
[:input {:type "text"
:value (or (get #value index) "")
:on-change #(swap! value assoc index (-> % .-target .-value))}])
(defn simple-tab [index]
(let [pg-index (atom 1)
a (atom {})]
(fn []
[:h4 (str "index: " #index)]
[atom-input a #index]])))
A better approach, IMHO, is to use cursor so you don't need to pass the index & the whole map to atom-input, e.g.:
(defn atom-input [value]
[:input {:type "text"
:value (or #value "")
:on-change #(reset! value (-> % .-target .-value))}])
(defn simple-tab [index]
(let [pg-index (atom 1)
a (atom {})]
(fn []
[:h4 (str "index: " #index)]
[atom-input (reagent/cursor [#index] a)]])))
I think there are a couple of problems here because you are mixing up application data (state) and display logic data (i.e. DOM). If you keep the two things distinct i.e. maintain your application state in one atom and data relating to component display in another, then things may be a bit cleaner.
Your simple-tab component does not need to know anything about the tab state. It just needs to know about the app state i.e. the value entered/stored via atom-input. Therefore, rather than passing it index, pass it the atom you want it to use. this would require some higher level logic to determine the call. for example, if you had a number of tabs, you might have something like
(condp = #index
0 [simple-tab tab0-atom]
1 [simple-tab tab1-atom]
n [simple-tab tabn-atom])
or you could modify simple-tab so that the value passed in i.e. index value is used as a key into the app-state - a cursor would be easiest I think i.e.
(def app-state (r/atom {:tabs {0 nil 1 nil}}})
(defn simple-tab [index]
(let [val-cur (r/cursor app-state [:tabs index])]
[atom-input val-cur]))
You are using a form-2 component, that is, a component that returns a function.
More details here : https://github.com/Day8/re-frame/wiki/Creating-Reagent-Components#form-2--a-function-returning-a-function
When doing so, only the returned function is called so your atom-inputs are sharing the same atom.
Also, you should use the same argument in the inner function
(defn simple-tab [index]
(let [pg-index (atom 1)
a (atom {})]
(fn [index]
[:h4 (str "index: " #index)]
[atom-input a #index]])))
In your case, you are passing an atom so this is not important but you could have error in the future if you forgot this.
Concerning the broader architecture, I would advise you to use a single global atom. Try to have as much as possible state in this atom and avoid component local state so this is easier to reason about.
You could also name your tabs like :product :users and use a multimethod to render the correct tab based on the selected one. This is easier to read and easier to add new tabs in the future.
I am trying to do this in webnoir.
This works:
(defpage [:post "/testurl] {:keys [name phone]}
(str "name: " name)
(str "phone: " phone)))
Now I want to generate defpages for many modules, each has a list of different fields. And I want to call the defpages from a function. The defpage must accept post for the fields.
Basically I have this: (def fields1 ["Name" "Phone" "Email" "xyz"])
And I would like to pass this to defpage, instead of having to specify the keys manually.
The fields might change in the future and that's why I want my code to pick up the fields and create the defpages dynamically on server startup.
Is it possible?
Thank you for all your help!
You can do this with a macro:
(defmacro defpages [pages]
~#(map (fn [page]
`(~'defpage [:post ~(str "/" (page :name))]
{:keys ~(into [] (map symbol (page :fields)))}
~#(map (fn [field]
`(str ~(str field ": ")
~(symbol field)))
(page :fields))))) pages)))
(defpages [{:name "testurl"
:fields ["name" "phone"]}
{:name "user"
:fields ["age" "address"]}])
I am implementing a simple drop-down using hiccup:
(defn get-cols-nms [table]
"This function gets the list of columns of a specific table".
(do (db/cols-list table)))
(defpartial form-dataset [cols-list]
(text-field "dataset_nm" "Input here dataset name")[:br]
(drop-down "table" tables-n)
(submit-button "Refresh")[:br]
(mapcat #(vector (check-box %) % [:br]) cols-list)
(defpage "/dataset/create" []
(form-to [:post "/dataset/create"]
(form-dataset (get-cols-nms (first tables-n))))))
(defpage [:post "/dataset/create"] {:as ks}
(let [table (ks :table)]
(form-to [:post "/dataset/create"]
(form-dataset (get-cols-nms table))))))
What I need is to issue a post request (as I think this the only way to do it, but I am open to suggestions) when the drop-down is selected on a specific table (so that "get-cols-nms" gets called with the selected table). In this way, when a table of the database is selected in the drop-down, the table columns will be automatically showed.
So, ultimately, the main point is for me to understand better this function:
(drop-down "table" tables-n)
I think that to do what I want I need the tag to have an "onchange" attribute that calls a javascript function. But I don't know: 1) if I can do this using the hiccup form-helper drop-down; 2) how can I issue (if this is the only solution, maybe there is an hiccup way?) a post request with javascript.
Following the answer to this question, I rewrote the code above.It should be pretty straightforward. As I think there are not so many examples of hiccup out there, I will post my code here for reference.
Please, bear in mind that there is still a problem with this code: the drop-down won't stay on the selected item, but it will return at the default. This is because it submits "onchange". I still could not find a solution for that, maybe somebody could help...
(defn get-cols-nms [table]
(do (db/cols-list table)))
(defpartial form-dataset [cols-list]
(text-field "dataset_nm" "Input here dataset name")[:br]
(assoc-in (drop-down "table" tables-n) [1 :onclick] "this.form.submit()")[:br]
[:input {:type "submit" :value "Submit" :name "name"}][:br]
(mapcat #(vector (check-box %) % [:br]) cols-list)
(defpage "/dataset/create" []
(form-to [:post "/dataset/create"]
(form-dataset(get-cols-nms (first tables-n))))))
(defpage [:post "/dataset/create"] {:as ks}
(prn ks)
(let [table (ks :table)]
(form-to [:post "/dataset/create"]
(if (= (:name ks) nil)
(form-dataset (get-cols-nms table))
[:p "It works!"])))))
hiccup.form-helpers/drop-down doesn't directly support adding attributes to its select element, but it does guarantee there is a standard hiccup attribute map in its return value - meaning the attributes are a map at index 1 (the second element) of the returned vector.
That means you can do something like
(assoc-in (drop-down ....) [1 :onchange] "this.form.submit()")
to generate a select tag with an onchange property.