connecting a web service to wso2 identity server - wso2

I have installed a wso2 identity server on my computer and now I am looking to have it act as an pdp and pep for my application which will be a website or database server. I already know how to create policies, the problem is that i can not seem to find a tutorial for how to connect a service to the identity server. what i want is for a tutorial to start off with the simple basic things and then I will be able to move on from there. thank you for your help

I think you want to use Identity Server as PDP. your application which is running on tomcat uses this PDP for authorization queries. Therefore you want to create PEP component with your application. PEP can do a web service call to WSO2IS PDP. Actually use can use the same PEP client source that is described in the above blog post. You can easily integrate it with your web app. However there is a sample web app that act as a PEP. Please refer the sample from here. Also source code of this web app can be found at here. If you just go through source code, you could find how it has been implemented.

You can find SOAP based PEP client for accessing WSO2 Identity Server's PDP from here. Also If you want more details on PDP PED communication related to WSO2 Identity Server, please find from here.


Is there a way to find out if a updated a service in WSO2 application server?

I have a simple question if it make sense in the context of WSO2 Application server.
I want to write a module, which tells me if i updated a service. The service is an axis2 SOAP service. I know how to write modules for axis2 services inside axis2 engine. But if i use the WSO2 interface, and either delete a service, update a service or add a service, Is there a way to find out that i performed these activities?.
In short, can i intercept the messages that i uploaded a new module or i uploaded a new service or i changed the service.
thanks you...
You could write a Axis2 Observer for this, take a look

WSO2 Identity Server Web Services Documentation

I am doing a comparison between some Identity Management tools, one of which is the WSO2 Identity Server. I have found a number of wsdl files regarding WSO2 IS web services.
Is there any kind of documentation regarding operations in the wsdl files? Because i can't seam to find any.
Yes. Identity Server contains many web service APIs.. These APIs mainly support for identity and entitlement management functions. You can find web service API such as UserAdmin, RemoteUserStoreManagerService , EntitlementService and so on. But there are some web service APIs for server management functions.. All the UI that you see in WSO2IS server, calls backend web service APIs to get the operation done.. Unfortunately there is no any good document on explaining all these web service APIs. But if you are looking some specific function, You can find them.. As an example, if you want to use WSO2IS as authorization server, You must look about EntitlementService API. More detail on it can be found here. Like that, You can search for some specific topic about WSO2IS in the internet..and get some details about these service.
But, If you like to list and see all WSDL of WSO2IS, You go through this question that is asked in SO. Actually by looking at the WSDL, You can even get some idea about the functions.

Unable to login to WSO AppFactory

WSO2 experts
I downloaded the WSO2 AppFactory, but couldn't login into the web console with admin/admin. Has the default password changed?
Please try with the following credentials
If you just tried with a downloaded 'binary' set-up of WSO2 App Factory; this will only allow you to log in to the Carbon admin console of the App Factory (If you just clicked on and visited the URL, that was printed on the server console). This Carbon admin console does not have any App Factory specific functionality which you might expect [WSO2 Carbon is the underlying platform which is used by all of the WSO2 products].
Since App Factory runs having few other servers alongside (such as WSO2 AS, WSO2 ELB, Jenkins, Redmine etc) this set up that you are running will not provide the same User interfaces or functionality which you have observed within the setup provided with .
I just thought to leave this answer, because; you would get disappointed after spending your time expecting the same Application (User Interfaces) available with the online setup (which I have mentioned with the hyperlink) by running the binary setup( that you have downloaded from the WSO2 Web site.

CXF JAX-WS on WebSphere 7 doesn't appear in the admin console

I'm using the CXF's wsdl2java (through maven codegen plugin) to generate sources from wsdl (top-down) of a jax-ws web service.
Everything is fine till I have to deploy on WebSphere Application Server 7.
So, I made some adjustments according to various documentation found on the internet.
Now my deployed jax-ws (with frontEnd forced to 2.1) works fine.
The problem now is that I don't see any trace of the web service contained in my web module from the WAS admin concole (nor client, nor provider... nothing at all).
This situation prevents me to apply Policy Sets and configure WS-Security from the admin console.
My questions are:
what does prevent a working web service to be shown in the admin console?
if I cannot see it in the admin console: how to configure policy sets without the console?
Sadly, if you are using a 3rd party JAX-WS library on WebSphere, neither the client nor the provider will not show up in the admin console, and you won't be able to configure it to use the WS-Security and other stuff that comes with WAS.
Read the official doc here.

how to publish and discover a java web service

I am new to developing web services using java. I have an academic project where I need to do dynamic service composition. For that I can't directly create a service-client for a particular service because if I do so then that client will call that particular service only. Client need to search various web services and then out of those services select any one at run time and also call that service at run time.
I was able to develop the web service(JAX-WS) using Eclipse(indigo), I also created the client for that web service and every thing is working fine. Now my problem is that while creating the client I am hard coding the client to call that particular web service only(since I am creating the client using the WSDL file of the service). However I actually need to call any one of the searched service, but for that I need to publish the service some where then discover it and then call it.
I tried publishing the service to juddiv3. But on juddiv3 I could only publish the sample service supplied with the juddiv3. When I try to publish service created by me then it is not getting displayed in the group of published services.
Is there any other UDDI server which I could install on my local machine and then publish and discover the service from that. Also I was not able to figure out how to create a client that will modify itself at run time to call any one service out of various searched services.
Kindly provide the necessary steps and code.
You can use jUDDI ( ).
juddi is based on UDDI v2.0, v 3.0 .
Here, you can publish as well as discover your web service.
For integration, you have to make some application which integrates with jUDDI.
But I think for your academic project, and for your purpose, jUDDI is best suitable! ( :) )
jUDDI has a boat load of examples in the source code trunk. You may want to check them out. It's difficult to guess what the problem is from the little information you've provided. Consider contacting the jUDDI team for further assistance. There's also additional document for working with UDDI in the jUDDI user's guide, which is at the jUDDI web site
You cannot directly publish on jUDDI. You need to create publisher entities in jUDDI server also. You'll find Rename4Sales and Rename4Marketing examples in 'Classes' folder in the standalone server's juddi application. Use these XMLs as your basis and create your own entity. You also need to configure the server's login credentials.
I suggest you follow the tutorials on jUDDI blog.