Trouble loading tiff images with wxWidgets when using camera aquisition methods - c++

I am writing (or rather taking over) a little network camera capture program that was written in Visual C++. The camera is an Allied Vision Technologies and uses the PvAPI.h, and the GUi was written in wxwidgets. The project was abandoned when they couldn't get tiff images to load under wxWidgets. I have traced the problem down to a single line, sadly it is the line where the frame is captured off the camera
if( !ImageWriteTiff(GCamera.Filename,pFrame) )
if I comment out this line the following line works fine
image = new wxStaticBitmap(mainPanel, wxID_ANY, wxBitmap("C:\\path-to\\horse.tif",
wxBITMAP_TYPE_TIF), wxPoint(244,64));
For some reason if I use ImageWriteTiff is doesn't allow wxWidgets to import a tiff. I also make sure to import all image handlers

They probably have the TIFF library built without support for compression. IIRC, it's not turned on by default.
As a test, try loading the TIFF into a free paint program like the Gimp and save it out uncompressed and see if your wx loading code works.
If that is the problem, then you need to rebuild your wx library with zlib as part of the tiff library. Since this is OS/compiler dependent you need to google that. Also, it might be that the version of wx is out of date.


How to display rgb data in QtQuick 2?

I am writing an Application for Android using Qt (with Android Build Kit), Felgo and QtQuick.
The App should be able to display a video which is decoded by libvlc. The problem is, that I do not know, how to display the frames provided by libvlc (format is RGB 24bit). I looked up several approaches in the internet but they were all outdated (e.g. used some OpenGL functions, which are not available in the Kit).
So does somebody knows how to efficiently render the raw rgb-data into a QtQuick Item?
(I know it is possible with a PaintedItem and Painter, but this uses a QImage which makes the process to inefficient.)
(I do not know much about OpenGL, so if your solution includes it, please be so kind and explain the functions you are using.)

OpenGL - Display video a stream of the desktop on Windows

So I am trying to figure out how get a video feed (or screenshot feed if I must) of the Desktop using OpenGL in Windows and display that in a 3D environment. I plan to integrate this with ARToolkit to make essentially a virtual screen. The only issue is that I have tried manually getting the pixels in OpenGl, but I have been unable to properly display them in a 3D environment?
I apologize in advance that I do not have minimum runnable code, but due to all the dependencies and whatnot trying to get an ARToolkit code running would be far from minimal. How would I capture the desktop on Windows and display it in ARToolkit?
BONUS: If you can grab each desktop from the 'virtual' desktops in Windows 10, that would be an excellent bonus!
Alternative: If you know another AR library that renders differently, or allows me to achieve the same effect, I would be grateful.
There are 2 different problems here:
a) Make an augmentation that plays video
b) Stream the desktop to somewhere else
For playing video on an augmentation you basically need to have a texture that gets updated on each frame. I recall that ARToolkit for Unity has an example that plays video.However.
Streaming the desktop to the other device is a problem of its own. There are tools that do screen recording, but you probably don't want that.
It sounds to me that what you want to do it to make a VLC viewer and put that into an augmentation. If I am correct, I suggest you to start by looking at existing open source VLC viewers.

Video preview image using vlc-qt (or libvlc directly)

I'd like to make a detailed video list in my Qt application using vlc-qt. Other playback engines such as QtAV or QtMultimedia are not an option. It should be vlc-qt (libvlc). That's why I need to get a small picture of a video, a preview, but can't find anything suitable for this task, except libvlc_video_take_snapshot. This method will save a picture locally, and I guess it needs a real render window to exist. That's not a good variant for me, maybe there's some better solution?

Firebreath placing JPEG image inside the plugin window

I'm writing a plugin in firebreath, C++.
I don't have any experience with both, so my question may be very basic.
How do I place a JPEG image inside my plugin window?
Or at least, how do I do it in C++ simple program?
There are a couple of other questions that may help you better understand this:
How to write a web browser plugin for IE, Firefox and Chrome
Directx control in browser plugin
Basically you'll get a drawing model from FireBreath with the AttachedEvent. Depending on your platform, you will draw to that window using platform-specific drawing APIs. On Windows, for example, you would get the HWND from the PluginWindow (cast it to a PluginWindowWin) and then draw to that. Just make sure you stop drawing when DetachedEvent shows up.
For more information, you'll need to be a lot more specific; but follow those links and do some reading, then you'll know better what questions to ask.
FireBreath 1.5.2 was just released, btw! Good luck!
Good luck!
You can also use OpenGL to display images in plugin. You can get several tutorials to load jpeg image in OpenGL as texture. Same code can be ported into the Firebreath plugin using the already given OpenGL sample plugin for windows. Though OpenGL context creation will vary from one OS to the other. If you want to load jpeg images from web, you'll have to download image before converting it into opengl texture.

Render a vector graphic (.svg) in C++

My and a friend are working on a 2D game where the graphics will be .svg files and we will scale them appropriately either by rasterizing them first, or rendering them directly on a surface (which still would require rasterization at some point).
The problem is, I've been looking all day to find a library that will allow me to take an .svg file and eventually get it to render in allegro. As far as I know, it would involve rasterization into some sort of format that allegro can read and then allegro could render the "flattened" image.
So what are some C++ libraries I could use for taking an .SVG file and "flattening" it so I can render it? The library obviously needs to support scaling too so I can scale the vector graphic then rasterize it.
I'm using Windows and Visual C++ Express 2010.
I've tried Cairo, but it only allows writing of .svg files and doesn't allow you to read the .svg file. I've also looked into librsvg which works with Cario, but I was having a lot of trouble getting it to work properly on Windows (because it has loads of GNOME dependencies). If you have any guides for getting these to work (on Windows) that would be great too.
The wxsvg library allows loading and manipulating SVG files. Qt also has an SVG module.
I'm coming a little late to the conversation, but I would suggest you to look at Nano SVG, an extremely lightweight svg renderer that doesn't need cairo/libsvg. I got nanosvg compiled and working in a couple of hours. It's very basic, but it gets the job done. is a nice svg parsing, rendering and manipulating library. It is written with pure c++
SVG++ library provides advanced support for SVG reading, so that rendering SVG with allegro can be implemented in reasonable time.
I have recently put together an SVG renderer library in C++:
It uses AGG for rendering to off-screen surface.
Supports gradients and all kind of shapes.
Personally, I using NanoSVG in my Simple Viewer GL. It's allowing me easy to load and rasterize SVG images in few lines of code. But this library has weak SVG support.
With the help of nanosvg and many other c++ svg parsers, adding svg rendering capability to your application should be trivial. The recipe is as follows: svg parser + vector rendering library = trivial svg rendering. The vector rendering library can be cairo and a number of other libraries (nanovg comes to mind, as well as a number of other vg libraries). Here's an example of how to support svg rendering with cairo + fltk + nanosvg combo. Now, all the svg parsers, as well as cairo itself, along with other renderers, have bugs/shortcomings, but basic svg support should never present a problem.
I was looking for a real quick way to render SVG file in a Windows OS based MFC project.
In that case, Microsoft Browser Web Browser ActiveX Control is found to be an ideal solution.
And here is the result of loading SVG file using the Browser control.