Open console inside gui application - c++

I'm trying to create a program in C++, which open with him, within the form, the CMD, so that I can run a program within the CMD that is inside the program. As an example, in this photo:
I found some examples, but could not implement them in code, so, I ask your help... To be more precise, I want to create a function in a dll, so I can call this CMD, starting from any language
basically an embedding a Console

I see two methods:
Write your own console widget and pass all entered command to the std::system command
Do what is described in How to open a console window in a Win32 application


How to hide console window while opening hidden COM object using C++?

I am new to C++ so please be gentle. So i created a small C++ script which will be a part of a larger program. It creates an invisible window and navigates to home. While that part is done, it always creates a console window when it finishes execution and then in less than a second it vanishes. What do i need to change in order to make the program work in a way that the console window won't open ?
Instead of compiling as a console application, compile as a windows desktop project. Then convert main to be WinMain

How can I output to the parent console window from a Win32 C++ application?

I have a WinAPI/Win32 application. If I try to use cin/cout/cerr when it is run from a command prompt, it doesn't work. I tried switching the project type from Windows Application to Console Application, but the problem is that a console window appears when I run it normally by double-clicking the executable.
So my question is: Is there any way I can use cin/cout/cerr with the parent (calling) console window in a Win32 application? (I only want this behaviour if parameter /c or /? were passed, so if it is called with no arguments then no matter what it should launch the GUI).
A GUI app does not have a console window attached to it by default.
When a GUI app is run from a console process, the GUI app can use AttachConsole() to attach itself to the console.
Or, if the GUI app is not run from a console process, but still wants to use a console window, it can create its own console window using AllocConsole().
Once the GUI app is attached to a console, it can use GetStdHandle() to get handles to the console's STDIN/STDOUT, and then redirect cin/cout to use them (how is dependent on your particular STL implementation).
Or, you can ignore cin/cout and just use ReadConsole() and WriteConsole() directly instead.

QProcess with CreateNoWindow

In C# there is an attribute which enables application to run 3rd party apps without showing the app window.
Is there any way to run a console application without showing the console window in QT without using Win32 CreateProcess function?
QProcess.start() will run the console application without showing its window, but you may also wish to have some control over it. Please see this example:
QProcess p;
p.start("cmd.exe", QStringList()<<"/C"<<"ping"<<"");
You can pass commands and parameters to the console using second argument in the start method (inside QStringList). It is also possible to redirect the output to some file, with setStandardOutputFile method.
If you need to show the window, use p.startDetached().

Win32 application with console output and without new window

I'd like to create a tool that can either act as command line (display some console output based on input parameters), or display a window, based on input parameters.
I'm using MSV2012 with C++, and it seems you have to 'choose' between console and window app.
I know the net is filled with samples which use AllocConsole() and redirect std::out, but it doesn't make it feel like a command line application : calling the exe from the windows console will open a new window with the console output...
Is there a way to have it use the current console window instead of allocating a new one?
If not possible, I'll make 2 applications instead, but that's a pity..
Someone else may have a more authoritative answer, but I don't believe it's supported.
The usual workaround is to create a Windows app, but have a command-line wrapper that launches it from the CLI (and provides a channel for communicating with the original console).
It's not technically supported but I found a good solution by getting a snapshot for the current process, finding the parent process, attaching to it's console if it's a console app or creating one with AllocConsole, redirecting the output, getting the thread of the parent process if it's cmd.exe and suspending it, resuming it just before I exit my app

How can I hide the command prompt of an application after it has started?

How do I go about suppressing the command prompt of a c++ application using the mingw compiler AFTER the program has started.. -mwindows works great in the linker settings but I want to be able to toggle it whilst the program is running, is this possible at all?
I am using a text editor and command line so no IDE related answers please.
As far as I know: no, at least not with a single executable. When you open an application in a Windows based console, it will start an instance of conhost.exe in order to provide an environment to your command line application. The console host will run as long as your applications hasn't exited.
It's hard to determine in which circumstances you'll need this behavior. But you could create two application - one which is a simple command line application, and one which has been compiled with -mwindows. The latter could call the first. After the first has exited the second will continue executing.
Note that this will leave the user bewildered, as it seems to him your application has stopped (as the console window has been closed) and a -mwindow compiled application doesn't create any GUI elements.
You can use WinAPI function ShowWindow to hide and show any window. There is a quirk, however - this function accepts an HWND handle as its argument and there is no obviuos way to obtain console HWND. Following is pretty convoluted way to get it:
HWND GetConsoleHwnd(void)
#define MY_BUFSIZE 1024 // Buffer size for console window titles.
HWND hwndFound; // This is what is returned to the caller.
TCHAR pszNewWindowTitle[MY_BUFSIZE]; // Contains fabricated
// WindowTitle.
TCHAR pszOldWindowTitle[MY_BUFSIZE]; // Contains original
// WindowTitle.
// Fetch current window title.
GetConsoleTitle(pszOldWindowTitle, MY_BUFSIZE);
// Format a "unique" NewWindowTitle.
TCHAR * format=_TEXT("%d/%d");
// Change current window title.
// Ensure window title has been updated.
// Look for NewWindowTitle.
hwndFound=FindWindow(NULL, pszNewWindowTitle);
// Restore original window title.
Forgive me for this dirty trick, but it works perfectly in my code and is an official way of getting console HWND.
Some programs have to be of a console type. Like Emacs where the same executable can be launched to operate in console (with -nw option) and in GUI.
To hide that console there are lots of methods (including esoteric WSH scripts, or 3rd party utils, like nircmd exec hide notepad.exe) but there is a simple modern portable way:
powershell -c Start-Process -WindowStyle Hidden -FilePath notepad.exe
You can wrap that ugly command into .bat script alias.
PS Use Task Manager to kill hidden Notepad ))