C++ Array Size Initialization - c++

I am trying to define a class. This is what I have:
enum Tile {
class Board {
int toShow;
int toStore;
Tile* shown;
Board (int tsh, int tst);
Board::Board (int tsh, int tst) {
toShow = tsh;
toStore = tst;
shown = new Tile[toStore][toStore]; //ERROR!
Board::~Board () {
delete [] shown;
However, I get the following error on the indicated line -- Only the first dimension of an allocated array can have dynamic size.
What I want to be able to do is rather then hard code it, pass the parameter toShow to the constructor and create a two-dimensional array which only contains the elements that I want to be shown.
However, my understanding is that when the constructor is called, and shown is initialized, its size will be initialized to the current value of toStore. Then even if toStore changes, the memory has already been allocated to the array shown and therefore the size should not change. However, the compiler doesn't like this.
Is there a genuine misconception in how I'm understanding this? Does anyone have a fix which will do what I want it to without having to hard code in the size of the array?

Use C++'s containers, that's what they're there for.
class Board {
int toShow;
int toStore;
std::vector<std::vector<Tile> > shown;
Board (int tsh, int tst) :
toShow(tsh), toStore(tst),
shown(tst, std::vector<Tile>(tst))
Board board(4, 5);
board.shown[1][3] = DIRT;

You can use a one dimensional array. You should know that bi-dimensional arrays are treated as single dimensional arrays and when you want a variable size you can use this pattern. for example :
int arr1[ 3 ][ 4 ] ;
int arr2[ 3 * 4 ] ;
They are the same and their members can be accessed via different notations :
int x = arr1[ 1 ][ 2 ] ;
int x = arr2[ 1 * 4 + 2 ] ;
Of course arr1 can be seen as a 3 rows x 4 cols matrix and 3 cols x 4 rows matrix.
With this type of multi-dimensional arrays you can access them via a single pointer but you have to know about its internal structure. They are one dimensional arrays which they are treated as 2 or 3 dimensional.

Let me tell you about what I did when I needed a 3D array. It might be an overkeill, but it's rather cool and might help, although it's a whole different way of doing what you want.
I needed to represent a 3D box of cells. Only a part of the cells were marked and were of any interest. There were two options to do that. The first one, declare a static 3D array with the largest possible size, and use a portion of it if one or more of the dimensions of the box were smaller than the corresponding dimensions in the static array.
The second way was to allocate and deallocate the array dynamically. It's quite an effort with a 2D array, not to mention 3D.
The array solution defined a 3D array with the cells of interest having a special value. Most of the allocated memory was unnecessary.
I dumped both ways. Instead I turned to STL map.
I define a struct called Cell with 3 member variables, x, y, z which represented coordinates. The constructor Cell(x, y, z) was used to create such a Cell easily.
I defined the operator < upon it to make it orderable. Then I defined a map<Cell, Data>. Adding a marked cell with coordinates x, y, z to the map was done simply by
my_map[Cell(x, y, z)] = my_data;
This way I didn't need to maintain 3D array memory management, and also only the required cells were actually created.
Checking if a call at coordinate x0, y0, z0 exists (or marked) was done by:
map<Cell, Data>::iterator it = my_map.find(Cell(x0, y0, z0));
if (it != my_map.end()) { ...
And referencing the cell's data at coordinat x0, y0, z0 was done by:
my_map[Cell(x0, y0, z0)]...
This methid might seem odd, but it is robust, self managed regarding to memory, and safe - no boundary overrun.

First, if you want to refer to a 2D array, you have to declare a pointer to a pointer:
Tile **shown;
Then, have a look at the error message. It's proper, comprehensible English. It says what the error is. Only the first dimension of an allocated array can have dynamic size. means -- guess what, that only the first dimension of an allocated array can have dynamic size. That's it. If you want your matrix to have multiple dynamic dimensions, use the C-style malloc() to maintain the pointers to pointers, or, which is even better for C++, use vector, made exactly for this purpose.

It's good to understand a little of how memory allocation works in C and C++.
char x[10];
The compiler will allocate ten bytes and remember the starting address, perhaps it's at 0x12 (in real life probably a much larger number.)
x[3] = 'a';
Now the compiler looks up x[3] by taking the starting address of x, which is 0x12, and adding 3*sizeof(char), which brings to 0x15. So x[3] lives at 0x15.
This simple addition-arithmetic is how memory inside an array is accessed. For two dimensional arrays the math is only slightly trickier.
char xy[20][30];
Allocates 600 bytes starting at some place, maybe it's 0x2000. Now accessing
Requires some math... xy[0][0], xy[0][1], xy[0][2]... are going to occupy the first 30 bytes. Then xy[1][0], xy[1][1], ... are going to occupy bytes 31 to 60. It's multiplication: xy[a][b] will be located at the address of xy, plus a*20, plus b.
This is only possible if the compiler knows how long the first dimension is - you'll notice the compiler needed to know the number "20" to do this math.
Now function calls. The compiler little cares whether you call
foo(int* x);
foo(int[] x);
Because in either case it's an array of bytes, you pass the starting address, and the compiler can do the additional to find the place at which x[3] or whatever lives. But in the case of a two dimensional array, the compiler needs to know that magic number 20 in the above example. So
foo(int[][] xy) {
xy[3][4] = 5; //compiler has NO idea where this lives
//because it doesn't know the row dimension of xy!
But if you specify
foo(int[][30] xy)
Compiler knows what to do. For reasons I can't remember it's often considered better practice to pass it as a double pointer, but this is what's going on at the technical level.


Dynamic allocated 2d array

I have in my class 2 const int variables:
const int m_width;
const int m_height;
In my constructor, I have set the variables and I want to create a 2D array with exactly this size that will be passed by value from the player. I am trying to make a TicTacToe game. I need the input of the user to determine the size of the playing field(in this case the width and height of it). How do I dynamically declare a 2D array in my situation?
It is a common misconception that 2-dimensional matrices should be supported by two-dimensional storage. People often try to use vectors of vectors or other techniques, and this comes at a cost, both performance and code maintainability.
This is not needed. In fact, perfect two-dimensional matrix is a single std::vector, where every row is packed one after each another. Such a vector has a size of of M * N, where M and N are matrix height and width. To access the element at location X, Y, you do v[K], where K is calculated as X * N + Y.
C++ doesn't provide a standard dynamic 2D array container.
What you can do (if you don't want to write your own full implementation) is use an std::vector of std::vectors instead.
It's not exactly the same thing (provides you with an extra degree of freedom: rows can be of different length) but unless you're working in an extremely constrained environment (or need an extremely optimized solution) the extra cost is not big.
Supposing your elements needs to be integers the code to initialize a 2d array can be for example:
std::vector<std::vector<int>> board(rows, std::vector<int>(cols));
PS: A few years ago I wrote a class here to implement a simple 2D array as an answer to an SO question... you can find it here.

Strange parameter recuperation of an array

I am trying to understand some code that passes a multi dimension array to a function. But the prototype of this function intrigues me.
The program creates this "tab" variable:
#define N 8
float tab[N][N];
tab[0][0] = 2; tab[0][1] = 3; tab[0][2] = -1;
tab[1][0] = 3; tab[1][1] = 1; tab[1][2] = -4;
tab[2][0] = 1; tab[2][1] = 2; tab[2][2] = 3;
And we have this function:
function hello(float mat[][N]) {
I dont understand why the hello function gets the tab variable with an empty [] and then with [N]. What does it change ? I don't understand... Why not tab[][] ?
The code seems to have been made by a good developer so I don't think that the N variable is here for no reason.
If you can explain me this, thanks for your time !
The original code
float tab[N][N];
defines an array of N by N. I'm not going to use row or column because how the array is oriented to the program logic may have no bearing on how the array is represented in memory. Just know that it will be a block of memory N*N long that can be access with mat[0..N-1][0..N-1]. The sizes are known and constant. When you define an array, it must know its size and this size cannot change. If you do not know the size, use a std::vector or a std::vector<std::vector<YOUR TYPE HERE>>
float tab[][];
is illegal because the size of the array is unknown. The compiler has no clue how much storage to allocate to the array and cannot produce a functional (even if flawed) program.
When you pass an array to a function such as
function hello(float mat[][N])
the array decays into a pointer. More info: What is array decaying? Once the array has decayed, the size of the first dimension is lost. To safely use the array you must either already know the size of the array or provide it as another parameter. Example:
function hello(float mat[][N], size_t matLen)
In question, the size is given as N. You know it's N and you can safely call
without providing any sizing and simply use N inside the function as the bounds. N is not a devious magic number, but it could be given a more descriptive name.
You can also be totally explicit and
function hello(float mat[N][N])
and remove any ambiguity along with the ability to use the function with arrays of size M by N. Sometimes it's a trade-off worth making.
Let me explain a little bit "untechnically", but probably comprehensive:
Think float tab[ROW][COL] as a two dimensional array of floats, where "ROW" stands for the rows, and "COL" stands for the columns, and think that the array is mapped to memory one complete row following the other, i.e.
for ROW=3 and COL=3. Then, if the compiler would have to find out where to write tab[2][1], it would have to take 2 times the size of a row + 1 (where row size is actually the number of columns COL). So for addressing a cell, it is relevant to know the size of the row, whereas within a row one has just to add the column index. Hence, a declaration like tab[][N] is sufficient, as N defines the number of columns - i.e. the size of a row - and lets the compiler address each cell correctly.
Hope it helps somehow.

Is it worth to use vector in case of making a map

I have got a class that represents a 2D map with size 40x40.
I read some data from sensors and create this map with marking cells if my sensors found something and I set value of propablity of finding an obstacle. For example when I am find some obstacle in cell [52,22] I add to its value for example to 10 and add to surrounded cells value 5.
So each cell of this map should keep some little value(propably not bigger). So when a cell is marked three times by sensor, its value will be 30 and surronding cells will have 15.
And my question is, is it worth to use casual array or is it better to use vector even I do not sort this cells, dont remove them etc. I just set its value, and read it later?
Actually I have in my header file:
using cell = uint8_t;
class Grid {
int xSize, ySize;
cell *cells;
//some methods
In cpp :
using cell = uint8_t;
Grid::Grid(int xSize, int ySize) : xSize(xSize), ySize(ySize) {
cells = new cell[xSize * ySize];
for (int i = 0; i < xSize; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ySize; j++)
cells[x + y * xSize] = 0;
Grid::~Grid(void) {
delete cells;
inline cell* Grid::getCell(int x, int y) const{
return &cells[x + y * xSize];
Does it look fine?
I'd use std::array rather than std::vector.
For fixed size arrays you get the benefits of STL containers with the performance of 'naked' arrays.
A static (C-style) array is possible in your case since the size in known at compile-time.
BUT. It may be interesting to have the data on the heap instead of the stack.
If the array is a global variable, it's ugly an bug-prone (avoid that when you can).
If the array is a local variable (let say, in your main() function), then a stack overflow may occur. Well, it's very unlikely for a 40*40 array of tiny things, but I'd prefer have my data on the heap, to keep things safe, clean, and future-proof.
So, IMHO you should definitely go for the vector, it's fast, clean and readable, and you don't have to worry about stack overflow, memory allocation, etc.
About your data. If you know your values are storable on a single byte, go for it !
An uint8_t (same as unsigned char) can store values from 0 to 255. If it's enough, use it.
using cell = uint8_t; // define a nice name for your data type
std::vector<cell> myMap;
size_t size = 40;
side note: don't use new[]. Well, you can, but it has no advantages over a vector. You will probably only gain headaches handling memory manually.
Some advantages of using a std::vector is that it can be dynamically allocated (flexible size, can be resized during execution, etc) and can be passed/returned from a function. Since you have a fixed size 40x40 and you know you have one element int in every cell, I don't think it matters that much in your case and I would NOT suggest using a class object std::vector to process this simple task.
And here is a possible duplicate.

Misunderstanding of C++ array structure

I'm new to C++ and I learned with different tutorials, in one of them I found an example of code:
I have pointed by numbers of lines, that I completely do not understand;
Does this array in array or something like that?
I can understand the second call, but what is the first doing? There is already
"coordinates[blocks[num]]", aren't there? Why need again blocks(i) ?
How do you make this part of the code easier? Did struct with this arrays
don't make easier getting value from arrays?
Thanks in advance!
// Global vars
Struct Rect {
float left;
Rectangle *coordinates;
int *blocks;
coordinates = new Rect[25];
blocks = new int[25];
// in method storing values
const int currentBlock = 0; //var in cycle
coordinates[currentBlock].left = column;
blocks[currentBlock] = currentBlock;
//get element method
const Rect& classA::Coords(int num) const
return coordinates[blocks[num]]; //(2)
//and calling this method like
Coords(blocks[i]); //(3)
Coords(i); //(3)
// (4)
No, not really. Lots of people will think of them as arrays and even describe them as arrays, but they're actually not. coordinates and blocks are both pointers. They just store a single address of a Rect and an int respectively.
However, when you do coordinates = new Rect[25];, for example, you are allocating an array of 25 Rects and setting the pointer coordinates to point at the first element in that array. So, while coordinates itself is a pointer, it's pointing at the first element in an array.
You can index coordinates and blocks like you would an array. For example, coordinates[3] will access the 4th element of the array of Rects you allocated. The reason why this behaves the same as arrays is because it actually is the same. When you have an actual array arr, for example, and you do arr[4], the array first gets converted to a pointer to its first element and then the indexing occurs.
No, this is not an array of arrays. What it is doing is looking up a value in one array (blocks[num]) and using that to index the next array (coordinates[blocks[num]]). So one array is storing indices into the other array.
I'll ignore that this won't compile, but in both cases you are passing an int to the Coords function. The first case looks incorrect, but might not be. It is taking the value at blocks[i], passing that to the function then using that value to index blocks to get another value, then using that other value to index coordinates. In the second case, you are just passing i, which is being used to index blocks to give you a value with which you index coordinates.
That's a broad question that I don't think I can answer without knowing exactly what you want to simplify and without seeing some real valid code.

2D array vs array of arrays

What is the difference between a 2D array and an array of arrays?
I have read comments, such as #Dave's, that seem to differentiate between the two.
This breaks if he's using 2d arrays, or pointer-to-array types, rather than an array of arrays. – Dave
I always thought that both referred to:
int arr_arr[][];
EDIT: #FutureReader, you may wish to see How do I use arrays in C++?
There are four different concepts here.
The two-dimensional array: int arr[][]. It cannot be resized in any direction, and is contiguous. Indexing it is the same as ((int*)arr)[y*w + x]. Must be allocated statically.
The pointer-to array: int (*arr)[]. It can be resized only to add more rows, and is contiguous. Indexing it is the same as ((int*)arr)[y*w + x]. Must be allocated dynamically, but can be freed free(x);
The pointer-to-pointer: int **arr. It can be resized in any direction, and isn't necessarily square. Usually allocated dynamically, not necessarily contiguous, and freeing is dependent on its construction. Indexing is the same as *(*(arr+y)+x).
The array-of-pointers: int *arr[]. It can be resized only to add more columns, and isn't necessarily square. Resizing and freeing also depends on construction. Indexing is the same as *(*(arr+y)+x).
Every one of these can be used arr[y][x], leading to the confusion.
A 2 dimensional array is by definition an array of arrays.
What Dave was saying is that in that context, there are different semantics between the definition of a 2D array like this:
int x[][];
int *x[];
or this:
int **x;
The answer here is a little more subtle.
An array of arrays is defined as such:
int array2[][];
The pointer-to-array types are defined as:
int (*array2)[];
The array-of-pointer types are defined as:
int* array2[];
The compiler treats both of these a little differently, and indeed there is one more option:
int** array2;
A lot of people are taught that these three are identical, but if you know more about compilers you will surely know that difference is small, but it is there. A lot of programs will run if you substitute one for another, but at the compiler and ASM level things are NOT the same. A textbook on C compilers should provide a much more in depth answer.
Also, if one is interested in the implementation of a 2D array there are multiple methods that vary in efficiency, depending on the situation. You can map a 2D array to a 1D array, which ensures spacial locality when dealing with linearized data. You can use the array of arrays if you want the ease of programming, and if you need to manipulate the rows/columns separately. There are certain blocked types and other fancy designs that are cache-smart, but rarely do you need to know the implementation if you the user.
Hope I helped!
The following is a 2D array that can be called an array of arrays:
int AoA[10][10];
The following is a pointer to a pointer that has been set up to function as a 2D array:
int **P2P = malloc(10 * sizeof *P2P);
if(!P2P) exit(1);
for(size_t i = 0; i < 10; i++)
P2P[i] = malloc(10 * sizeof **P2P);
for(; i > 0; i--)
free(P2P[i - 1]);
Both can be accessed via AoA[x][y] or P2P[x][y], but the two are incompatible. In particular, P2P = AoA is something that newbies sometimes expect to work, but will not - P2P expects to point to pointers, but when AoA decays into a pointer, it is a pointer to an array, specifically int (*)[10], which is not the int ** that P2P is supposed to be.
2d array can include this:
int x[width * height]; // access: x[x + y * width];
From Wikipedia:
For a two-dimensional array, the element with indices i,j would have
address B + c · i + d · j, where the coefficients c and d are the row
and column address increments, respectively.