How do you loop read for c++ sockets? - c++

How do you loop read for c++ sockets.
stringstream ss;
while (1) {
char buf [2];
ssize_t e = read(fd, buf, 2);
ss << buf[0];
ss << buf[1];
cout << e << endl;
cout << buf[0] << endl;
cout << buf[1] << endl;
if (e <= 0) {
string msg = "";
ss >> msg;
When I telnet and type hello and then enter to test this out, I get
And it just waits there, no looping. What is going on, and how do I read sockets?
How do I signify EOF using
buf in the context of write(fd, buf, bufSize);

What do you mean no looping? Typo some more, press enter and you'll see some more output..
If you finished, you have to press Ctrl+D to signal the end of input (EOF).

How do I signify EOF using
1) telnet
2) buf in the context of write(fd, buf, bufSize);
First, it's not EOF that you want to signal. It's "end of message" or "the data you have just received is a complete protocol data unit and you should now process it". And the answer is, however you want, so long as both sides agree.
For example, you could reserve the ~ character specifically to mark the end of a message. To indicate the end of a message, one side sends a ~. The other side knows that when it receives a ~, everything before that is a single message and everything after it is a new message.
You can also send the length of a message prior to sending the actual message. You can do it in text followed by a zero byte or by a line feed. Or you can make each message a line.
You can do it however makes the most sense in your specific application, but you actually have to do it.
There are two cases where TCP does do it for you:
1) When a side is completely done sending and knows the other side will not send anymore data anyway, it can use close on the socket. The other side will read the rest of the data already sent and then read will return 0.
2) When a side is not going to send any more data but the other side might send more data, it can shutdown its side of the connection. It can never send any more data though. The other side will know about this shutdown, and if specifically coded to do so, can continue to send data until it shuts down its half. Then the other side's read will return zero. (Note that if you do this to a program that wasn't designed to take it, it will likely get confused and not realize it can still send data to you.)
Otherwise, it's all up to you.

TCP packets are a stream, not a file. It is up to you how the stream is read.
In general, if you write 20 bytes at one end, you'll get 20 bytes at the other end in one read, barring the use of some common tcp/ip options.
There are assumptions made below. Some of the assumptions are:
Assume all the scaffolding code is there.
Assume I made mistakes and debug it yourself.
Assume all byte order issues are handled.
Assume you're smart enough not to send floating point types as binary.
Some programmers choose to use a length prefixed packet and read the length byte(2) and then read as many bytes as that length represents, like so.
unsigned char buffer[MAX_CHAR] = "";
unsigned char length = 0;
int bytesRead = 0;
read( fd, sizeof( length ), &length );
// Handle failure from read
while( bytesRead < length )
int readRv = read( fd, &buffer[bytesRead], length - bytesRead );
if( readRv <= 0 ) // 0 usually means socket was closed. -1 is an erro
// Handle socket error/closed socket
else if( readRv < length )
bytesRead += readRv;
else if( readRv == length )
bytesRead = readRv;
Some programmers read what is available and look for an end of packet marker
unsigned char buffer[MAX_CHAR] = "";
unsigned char length = 0;
int bytesRead = 0;
int readRv = read( fd, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );
int eopFound = 0;
if( (eopFound = findEndOfPacketMarker( buffer )) > 0 )
// Less than 0 = error.
else if( eopFound == 0 )
// No end of packet, must read more bytes here
// Found an end of packet marker
// Here you deal with bytes that are "over read"
// Either the
// 1) packet was bigger than buffer,
// 2) there were bytes left over after the EOP marker
// 3) Martians crapped in your code and screwed it all up. :)
Some programmers use a fixed sized set of packets and a packet type id
int packetType;
unsigned char buffer[MAX_CHAR] = "";
unsigned char length = 0;
int bytesRead = 0;
read( fd, sizeof( packetType ), &packetType );
read( fd, getLengthFromPacketType( packetType ), buffer );
That should cover most things...
If you have more questions, please ask in the comments with the #JimR thingy so it shows up as a message for me to read.


Creating and sending raw data packets in C/C++

I know how my packet looks like. It has 6 header fields (1 byte each, each header has 8 fields) and then it has the payload (data).
I would like to build a raw packet in C or C++ (it should look the same I think).
Here's what I think I should do:
unsigned char packet[11];
packet[0] = (0x81); // first header with 8 fields
packet[1] = (0x8c); // second header with 8 fields
packet[2] = (0xfe);
packet[3] = (0x84);
packet[4] = (0x1d);
packet[5] = (0x79);
packet[6] = (0x96); // payload, the 'h' letter, masked
packet[7] = (0xe1); // 'e'
packet[8] = (0x71); // 'l'
packet[9] = (0x15); // 'l'
packet[10] = (0x91);// 'o'
Where, for instance, 0x81 is the first byte (I simply converted every field (bit) of my first header to hex).
And then, simply, I want to send it to server: send(sockfd, packet, sizeof(packet), 0) to send it.
Receiving and printing the response:
unsigned char buffer[1024];
if ((recv(sockfd, buffer, len, 0)) == 0)
if (errno != 0)
int i;
for(i = 0; i<len; i++)
printf("%x ", buffer[i]);
Am I right?
Other than mishandling the return value from recv, your code looks okay.
if ((recv(sockfd, buffer, len, 0)) == 0)
if (errno != 0)
A zero return indicates normal close of the connection. There's no reason to check errno if it returns zero.
A return value of -1 indicates an error. In that case, it does make sense to check errno.
A value greater than zero indicates that number of bytes have been received. Be aware that it is perfectly normal for recv to return fewer bytes than you asked it for. If you want to receive exactly some number of bytes, you must call recv in a loop.
TCP is a byte-stream protocol and has no idea where your "packets" (really, messages) begin and end.
Your code will not appear to be error-prone!
But a good practice would be:
const std::uint32_t BUFFER_SIZE = 11;
std::vector<std::uint8_t> buffer;
buffer = {0x81,0x8c.....};
send( sockfd,
reinterpret_cast <const char*> ( ),
static_cast <int> ( buffer.size() ),
Doing so, your code gets more optimized, and avoids possible leaks, using the std vectors.
May also benefit from taking a look at ZeroMQ, as an example of a ready-made, high-performance asynchronous messaging library, aimed at use in distributed or concurrent applications.

How can I stop C++ recv() when string read is finished?

I am reading an Image URL sent from a Java client to a C++ server from Sockets. The server stops reading through recv() when it detects there is a null character in the char buffer[] as I do below in the following code:
void * SocketServer::clientController(void *obj)
// Retrieve client connection information
dataSocket *data = (dataSocket*) obj;
// Receive data from a client step by step and append data in String message
string message;
int bytes = 0;
char buffer[12] = {0};
bytes = recv(data->descriptor, buffer, 12, 0);
if (bytes > 0) // Build message
message.append(buffer, bytes);
cout << "Message: " << message << endl;
else // Error when receiving it
cout << "Error receiving image URL" << endl;
// Check if we are finished reading the image link
unsigned int i = 0;
bool finished = false;
while (i < sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(buffer[0]) && !finished)
finished = buffer[i] == '\0';
if (finished)
while (bytes > 0);
cout << message << endl;
Is there a better and more elegant way to make this?
I read about sending first the size of the URL, but I do not know exactly how to stop recv() with it. I guess it is done by counting the bytes received until the size of the URL is reached. At that moment, we should be finished reading.
Another approach could be closing the Java socket so that recv() will return -1 and the loop will be finished. However, considering my Java client waits for a response from C++ server, closing the socket and then reopen it does not seem a suitable option.
Thank you,
Apart from that your buffer has an unusual size (one typically chooses a power of 2, so 8, 16, 32, ...) and it looks a little small for your intent, your approach seems fine to me:
I assume that your java client will send a null terminated string and then wait anyway, i. e. especially it does not send any further data. So after you received the 0 character, there won't be any data to receive any more anyway, so there is not need to bother for something explicitly that recv does implicitly (recv normally returns only the data available, even if less than the buffer could consume).
Be aware that you initialized buffer with 0, so if you check the entire buffer (instead of the range [buffer, buffer + bytes), you might detect a false positive (if you receive less than 12 characters in the first iteration)! Detection of the 0 character can be done more elegantly, though, anyway:
if(std::find(buffer, buffer + bytes, 0) < buffer + bytes)
// found the 0 character!

C++ Sockets, send and recv not in sync

I'm currently working on a multiplayer game using sockets and I encountered some problems at the log-in.
Here's the server function - thread that deals with incoming messages from a user:
void Server::ClientThread(SOCKET Connection)
char *buffer = new char[256];
while (true)
recv(Connection, buffer, 256, 0);
cout << buffer << endl;
if (strcmp(buffer, "StartLogIn"))
char* UserName = new char[256];
ZeroMemory(UserName, 256);
recv(Connection, UserName, 256, 0);
char* Password = new char[256];
ZeroMemory(Password, 256);
recv(Connection, Password, 256, 0);
cout << UserName << "-" << Password << " + "<< endl;
if (memcmp(UserName, "taigi100", sizeof(UserName)))
cout << "SMB Logged in";
cout << "Wrong UserName";
int error = send(Connection, "0", 1, 0);
// error = WSAGetLastError();
if (error == SOCKET_ERROR)
cout << "SMB D/Ced";
And here is the function that sends the data from the client to the server:
if (LogInButton->isPressed())
send(Srv->getsConnect(), "StartLogIn", 256, 0);
const wchar_t* Usern = UserName->getText();
const wchar_t* Passn = Password->getText();
stringc aux = "";
aux += Usern;
char* User = (char*)aux.c_str();
stringc aux2 = "";
aux2 += Passn;
char* Pass = (char*)aux2.c_str();
if (strlen(User) > 0 && strlen(Pass) > 0)
send(Srv->getsConnect(), User, 256, 0);
send(Srv->getsConnect(), Pass, 256, 0);
I'm going to try to explain this as easy as possible. The first recv function from the while(true) in the Server-side function receives at first "StartLogIn" but does not enter the if only until the next loop of the while. Because it loops again it changes to "taigi100" ( a username I use ) and then it enters the if even tho it shouldn't.
A way to fix this would be to make a send-recv system in order to not send anything else until it got some feedback.
I want to know if there are any other fast ways of solving this problem and why such weird behaviour happens.
Well it's full of bugs.
Your overuse of new[]. Ok not a bug but you are not deleting any of these, and you could use either local stack buffer space or vector< char >
You need to always check the result of any call to recv as you are not guaranteed to receive the number of bytes you are expecting. The number you specify is the size of the buffer, not the number of bytes you are expecting to get.
strcmp returns 0 if the strings match, non-zero if they do not (actually 1 or -1 depending whether they compare less or greater). But it appears you are using non-zero to mean equal.
Not sure what stringc is. Some kind of conversion from wide string to string? In any case, I think send is const-correct so there is no need to cast the constness away.
3rd parameter of send is the number of bytes you are sending, not the capacity of your buffer. The user name and password are probably not 256 bytes. You need to send them as a "packet" though so the receiver knows what they are getting and will know when they have received a full packet. e.g. send a string like "User=vandamon\0". (And you need to check its return value too)
Because send() and recv() calls may not match up, two very good habits to get into are (1) preceed all variable length data by a fixed size length, and (2) only send the bare minimum needed.
So your initial send() call would be written as follows:
char const * const StartLogin = "StartLogIn";
short const StartLoginLength = static_cast<short>(strlen(StartLogin));
send(Srv->getsConnect(), reinterpret_cast<char *>(&StartLoginLength), sizeof(short), 0);
send(Srv->getsConnect(), StartLogin, StartLoginLength, 0);
The corresponding receive code would then have to read two bytes and guarantee that it got them by checking the return value from recv() and retrying if not enough was received. Then it would loop a second time reading exactly that many bytes into a buffer.
int guaranteedRecv(SOCKET s, char *buffer, int expected)
int totalReceived = 0;
int received;
while (totalReceived < expected)
received = recv(s, &buffer[totalReceived], expected - totalReceived, 0);
if (received <= 0)
// Handle errors
return -1;
totalReceived += received;
return totalReceived;
Note that this assumes a blocking socket. Non-blocking will return zero if no data is available and errno / WSAGetLastError() will say *WOULDBLOCK. If you want to go this route you'll have to handle this case specifically and find some way to block till data is available. Either that or busy-wait waiting for data, by repeatedly calling recv(). UGH.
Anyway, you call this first with the address of a short reinterpret_cast<char *> and expected == sizeof(short). Then you new[] enough space, and call a second time to get the payload. Beware of the lack of trailing NUL characters, unless you explicitly send them, which my code doesn't.

Raspberry Pi C++ Read NMEA Sentences from Adafruit's Ultimate GPS Module

I'm trying to read the GPS NMEA sentences from Adafruit's Ultimate GPS module. I'm using C++ on the raspberry pi to read the serial port connection to the module
Here is my read function:
int Linuxutils::readFromSerialPort(int fd, int bufferSize) {
Reading data from a port is a little trickier. When you operate the port in raw data mode,
each read(2) system call will return however many characters are actually available in the
serial input buffers. If no characters are available, the call will block (wait) until
characters come in, an interval timer expires, or an error occurs. The read function can be
made to return immediately by doing the following:
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, FNDELAY);
The NDELAY option causes the read function to return 0 if no characters are available on the port.
// Check the file descriptor
if ( !checkFileDecriptorIsValid(fd) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not read from serial port - it is not a valid file descriptor!\n");
return -1;
// Now, let's wait for an input from the serial port.
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0); // block until data comes in
// Now read the data
int absoluteMax = bufferSize*2;
char *buffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * bufferSize); // allocate buffer.
int rcount = 0;
int length = 0;
// Read in each newline
FILE* fdF = fdopen(fd, "r");
int ch = getc(fdF);
while ( (ch != '\n') ) { // Check for end of file or newline
// Reached end of file
if ( ch == EOF ) {
printf("ERROR: EOF!");
// Expand by reallocating if necessary
if( rcount == absoluteMax ) { // time to expand ?
absoluteMax *= 2; // expand to double the current size of anything similar.
rcount = 0; // Re-init count
buffer = (char*)realloc(buffer, absoluteMax); // Re-allocate memory.
// Read from stream
ch = getc(fdF);
// Stuff in buffer
buffer[length] = ch;
// Increment counters
// Don't care if we return 0 chars read
if ( rcount == 0 ) {
return 0;
// Stick
buffer[rcount] = '\0';
// Print results
printf("Received ( %d bytes ): %s\n", rcount,buffer);
// Return bytes read
return rcount;
So I kind of get the sentences as you can see below, the problem is I get these "repeated" portions of a complete sentence like this:
Received ( 15 bytes ): M,-31.4,M,,*61
Here is the complete thing:
Received ( 72 bytes ): GPGGA,182452.000,4456.2019,N,09337.0243,W,1,8,1.19,292.6,M,-31.4,M,,*61
Received ( 56 bytes ): GPGSA,A,3,17,07,28,26,08,11,01,09,,,,,1.49,1.19,0.91*00
Received ( 15 bytes ): M,-31.4,M,,*61
Received ( 72 bytes ): GPGGA,182453.000,4456.2019,N,09337.0242,W,1,8,1.19,292.6,M,-31.4,M,,*61
Received ( 56 bytes ): GPGSA,A,3,17,07,28,26,08,11,01,09,,,,,1.49,1.19,0.91*00
Received ( 15 bytes ): M,-31.4,M,,*61
Received ( 72 bytes ): GPGGA,182456.000,4456.2022,N,09337.0241,W,1,8,1.21,292.6,M,-31.4,M,,*64
Received ( 56 bytes ): GPGSA,A,3,17,07,28,26,08,11,01,09,,,,,2.45,1.21,2.13*0C
Received ( 70 bytes ): GPRMC,182456.000,A,4456.2022,N,09337.0241,W,0.40,183.74,110813,,,A*7F
Received ( 37 bytes ): GPVTG,183.74,T,,M,0.40,N,0.73,K,A*34
Received ( 70 bytes ): GPRMC,182453.000,A,4456.2019,N,09337.0242,W,0.29,183.74,110813,,,A*7E
Received ( 37 bytes ): GPVTG,183.74,T,,M,0.29,N,0.55,K,A*3F
Received ( 32 bytes ): 242,W,0.29,183.74,110813,,,A*7E
Received ( 70 bytes ): GPRMC,182452.000,A,4456.2019,N,09337.0243,W,0.33,183.74,110813,,,A*75
Why am I getting the repeated sentences and how can I fix it? I tried flushing the serial port buffers but then things became really ugly! Thanks.
I'm not sure I understand your exact problem. There are a few problems with the function though which might explain a variety of errors.
The lines
int absoluteMax = bufferSize*2;
char *buffer = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * bufferSize); // allocate buffer.
seem wrong. You'll decide when to grow the buffer by comparing the number of characters read to absoluteMax so this needs to match the size of the buffer allocated. You're currently writing beyond the end of allocated memory before you reallocate. This results in undefined behaviour. If you're lucky your app will crash, if you're unlucky, things will appear to work but you'll lose the second half of the data you've read since only the data written to memory you own will be moved by realloc (if it relocates your heap cell).
Also, you shouldn't cast the return from malloc (or realloc) and can rely on sizeof(char) being 1.
You lose the first character read (the one that is read just before the while loop). Is this deliberate?
When you reallocate buffer, you shouldn't reset rcount. This causes the same bug as above where you'll write beyond the end of buffer before reallocating again. Again, the effects of doing this are undefined but could include losing portions of output.
Not related to the bug you're currently concerned with but also worth noting is the fact that you leak buffer and fdF. You should free and fclose them respectively before exiting the function.
The following (untested) version ought to fix these issues
int Linuxutils::readFromSerialPort(int fd, int bufferSize)
if ( !checkFileDecriptorIsValid(fd) ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not read from serial port - it is not a valid file descriptor!\n");
return -1;
fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, 0); // block until data comes in
int absoluteMax = bufferSize;
char *buffer = malloc(bufferSize);
int rcount = 0;
int length = 0;
// Read in each newline
FILE* fdF = fdopen(fd, "r");
int ch = getc(fdF);
for (;;) {
int ch = getc(fdF);
if (ch == '\n') {
if (ch == EOF) { // Reached end of file
printf("ERROR: EOF!\n");
if (length+1 >= absoluteMax) {
absoluteMax *= 2;
char* tmp = realloc(buffer, absoluteMax);
if (tmp == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: OOM\n");
goto cleanup;
buffer = tmp;
buffer[length++] = ch;
if (length == 0) {
return 0;
buffer[length] = '\0';
// Print results
printf("Received ( %d bytes ): %s\n", rcount,buffer);
return length;
Maybe you could try to flush serial port buffers before reading from it as shown in this link ?
I would also consider not reopening the serial port every time you call Linuxutils::readFromSerialPort - you could keep the file descriptor open for further reading (anyway the call is blocking so from the caller's point of view nothing changes).

How to read an input from a client via socket in Linux in C++?

My goal is create an app client server, written in C++.
When the server read an input from the client, should process the string and give an output.
Basically, I have a simply echo server that send the same message.
But if the user types a special string (like "quit"), the program have to do something else.
My problem is that this one dont happend, because the comparison between strings is not working... I dunno why!
Here a simple code:
while(1) {
int num = recv(client,buffer,BUFSIZE,0);
if (num < 1) break;
send(client, ">> ", 3, 0);
send(client, buffer, num, 0);
char hello[6] ="hello";
if(strcmp(hello,buffer)==0) {
send(client, "hello dude! ", 12, 0);
buffer[num] = '\0';
if (buffer[num-1] == '\n')
buffer[num-1] = '\0';
std::cout << buffer;
strcpy(buffer, "");
Why the comparison is not working?
I have tried many solutions...but all failed :(
Your data in buf may not be NULL-terminated, because buf contains random data if not initialized. You only know the content of the first num bytes. Therefore you also have to check how much data you've received before comparing the strings:
const char hello[6] ="hello";
size_t hello_sz = sizeof hello - 1;
if(num == hello_sz && memcmp(hello, buffer, hello_sz) == 0) { ...
As a side note, this protocol will be fragile unless you delimit your messages, so in the event of fragmented reads (receive "hel" on first read, "lo" on the second) you can tell where one message starts and another one ends.
strcmp requires null terminated strings. The buffer you read to might have non-null characters after the received message.
Either right before the read do:
ZeroMemory(buffer, BUFSIZE); //or your compiler defined equivalent
Or right after the read
buffer[num] = '\0';
This will ensure that there is a terminating null at the end of the received message and the comparison should work.
A string is defined to be an array of chars upto and including the terminating \0 byte. Initially your buffer contains arbitrary bytes, and is not even guaranteed to contain a string. You have to set buffer[num] = '\0' to make it a string.
That of course means that recv should not read sizeof buffer bytes but one byte less.