Why is out-of-bounds pointer arithmetic undefined behaviour? - c++

The following example is from Wikipedia.
int arr[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
int* p = arr + 5; // undefined behavior
If I never dereference p, then why is arr + 5 alone undefined behaviour? I expect pointers to behave as integers - with the exception that when dereferenced the value of a pointer is considered as a memory address.

That's because pointers don't behave like integers. It's undefined behavior because the standard says so.
On most platforms however (if not all), you won't get a crash or run into dubious behavior if you don't dereference the array. But then, if you don't dereference it, what's the point of doing the addition?
That said, note that an expression going one over the end of an array is technically 100% "correct" and guaranteed not to crash per §5.7 ¶5 of the C++11 spec. However, the result of that expression is unspecified (just guaranteed not to be an overflow); while any other expression going more than one past the array bounds is explicitly undefined behavior.
Note: That does not mean it is safe to read and write from an over-by-one offset. You likely will be editing data that does not belong to that array, and will cause state/memory corruption. You just won't cause an overflow exception.
My guess is that it's like that because it's not only dereferencing that's wrong. Also pointer arithmetics, comparing pointers, etc. So it's just easier to say don't do this instead of enumerating the situations where it can be dangerous.

The original x86 can have issues with such statements. On 16 bits code, pointers are 16+16 bits. If you add an offset to the lower 16 bits, you might need to deal with overflow and change the upper 16 bits. That was a slow operation and best avoided.
On those systems, array_base+offset was guaranteed not to overflow, if offset was in range (<=array size). But array+5 would overflow if array contained only 3 elements.
The consequence of that overflow is that you got a pointer which doesn't point behind the array, but before. And that might not even be RAM, but memory-mapped hardware. The C++ standard doesn't try to limit what happens if you construct pointers to random hardware components, i.e. it's Undefined Behavior on real systems.

If arr happens to be right at the end of the machine's memory space then arr+5 might be outside that memory space, so the pointer type might not be able to represent the value i.e. it might overflow, and overflow is undefined.

"Undefined behavior" doesn't mean it has to crash on that line of code, but it does mean that you can't make any guaranteed about the result. For example:
int arr[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
int* p = arr + 5; // I guess this is allowed to crash, but that would be a rather
// unusual implementation choice on most machines.
*p; //may cause a crash, or it may read data out of some other data structure
assert(arr < p); // this statement may not be true
// (arr may be so close to the end of the address space that
// adding 5 overflowed the address space and wrapped around)
assert(p - arr == 5); //this statement may not be true
//the compiler may have assigned p some other value
I'm sure there are many other examples you can throw in here.

Some systems, very rare systems and I can't name one, will cause traps when you increment past boundaries like that. Further, it allows an implementation that provides boundary protection to exist...again though I can't think of one.
Essentially, you shouldn't be doing it and therefor there's no reason to specify what happens when you do. Specifying what happens puts unwarranted burden on the implementation provider.

This result you are seeing is because of the x86's segment-based memory protection. I find this protection to be justified as when you are incrementing the pointer address and storing, It means at future point of time in your code you will be dereferencing the pointer and using the value. So compiler wants to avoid such kind of situations where you will end up changing some other's memory location or deleting the memory which is being owned by some other guy in your code. To avoid such scenario's compiler has put the restriction.

In addition to hardware issues, another factor was the emergence of implementations which attempted to trap on various kinds of programming errors. Although many such implementations could be most useful if configured to trap on constructs which a program is known not to use, even though they are defined by the C Standard, the authors of the Standard did not want to define the behavior of constructs which would--in many programming fields--be symptomatic of errors.
In many cases, it will be much easier to trap on actions which use pointer arithmetic to compute address of unintended objects than to somehow record the fact that the pointers cannot be used to access the storage they identify, but could be modified so that they could access other storage. Except in the case of arrays within larger (two-dimensional) arrays, an implementation would be allowed to reserve space that's "just past" the end of every object. Given something like doSomethingWithItem(someArray+i);, an implementation could trap any attempt to pass any address which doesn't point to either an element of the array or the space just past the last element. If the allocation of someArray reserved space for an extra unused element, and doSomethingWithItem() only accesses the item to which it receives a pointer, the implementation could relatively inexpensively ensure that any non-trapped execution of the above code could--at worst--access otherwise-unused storage.
The ability to compute "just-past" addresses makes bounds checking more difficult than it otherwise would be (the most common erroneous situation about would be passing doSomethingWithItem() a pointer just past the end of the array, but behavior would be defined unless doSomethingWithItem would try to dereference that pointer--something the caller may be unable to prove). Because the Standard would allow compilers to reserve space just past the array in most cases, however, such allowance would allow implementations to limit the damage caused by untrapped errors--something that would likely not be practical if more generalized pointer arithmetic were allowed.


hex subtraction result is not shown as expected [duplicate]

I am using a code sample to check the distance between two integers like in the answer of this question.
int i = 0, j = 0;
std::cout << &i - &j;
From my understanding of the memory representation, these memory addresses of these two variables should be next to each other and the difference should be exactly 1.
To my surprise, running this code with MS compiler in VS2017 prints 3 and running the same code with GCC prints 1.
Why this happens, is something wrong with VS?
C++ standard does not make any requirements for C++ compilers to allocate variables with automatic storage duration in any particular way, including making them contiguous in memory. In fact, compiler may choose to not allocate any memory to a variable, optimizing it out completely.
That is why subtracting pointers makes sense only when they both point to memory inside the same array, or one element past the end of it. In all other situations, including yours, you get undefined behavior.
The pointer arithmetic you tried has undefined behavior:
If the pointer P points to the ith element of an array, and the
pointer Q points at the jth element of the same array, the
expression P-Q has the value i-j, if the value fits in std::ptrdiff_t.
Both operands must point to the elements of the same array (or one
past the end), otherwise the behavior is undefined. If the result does
not fit in std::ptrdiff_t, the behavior is undefined.

Creating an array using new without declaring size [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Accessing an array out of bounds gives no error, why?
(18 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
This has been bugging me for quite some time. I have a pointer. I declare an array of type int.
int* data;
data = new int[5];
I believe this creates an array of int with size 5. So I'll be able to store values from data[0] to data[4].
Now I create an array the same way, but without size.
int* data;
data = new int;
I am still able to store values in data[2] or data[3]. But I created an array of size 1. How is this possible?
I understand that data is a pointer pointing to the first element of the array. Though I haven't allocated memory for the next elements, I still able to access them. How?
Normally, there is no need to allocate an array "manually" with new. It is just much more convenient and also much safer to use std::vector<int> instead. And leave the correct implementation of dynamic memory management to the authors of the standard library.
std::vector<int> optionally provides element access with bounds checking, via the at() method.
#include <vector>
int main() {
// create resizable array of integers and resize as desired
std::vector<int> data;
// element access without bounds checking
data[3] = 10;
// optionally: element access with bounds checking
// attempts to access out-of-range elements trigger runtime exception
data.at(10) = 0;
The default mode in C++ is usually to allow to shoot yourself in the foot with undefined behavior as you have seen in your case.
For reference:
Undefined, unspecified and implementation-defined behavior
What are all the common undefined behaviours that a C++ programmer should know about?
Also, in the second case you don't allocate an array at all, but a single object. Note that you must use the matching delete operator too.
int main() {
// allocate and deallocate an array
int *arr = new int[5];
delete[] arr;
// allocate and deallocate a single object
int *p = new int;
delete p;
For reference:
How does delete[] know it's an array?
When you used new int then accessing data[i] where i!=0 has undefined behaviour.
But that doesn't mean the operation will fail immediately (or every time or even ever).
On most architectures its very likely that the memory addresses just beyond the end of the block you asked for are mapped to your process and you can access them.
If you're not writing to them it's no surprise you can access them (though you shouldn't).
Even if you write to them most memory allocators have a minimum allocation and behind the scenes you may well have been allocated space for more (4 is realistic) integers even though the code only requests 1.
You may also be overwriting some area of memory but never get tripped up. A common consequence of writing beyond the end of an array is to corrupt the free-memory store itself. The consequence may be catastrophe but may only exhibit itself in a later allocation possibly of a similar sized object.
It's a dreadful idea to rely on such behaviour but it's not very surprising that it appears to work.
C++ doesn't (typically or by default) perform strict range checking and accessing invalid array elements may work or at least appear to work initially.
This is why C and C++ can be plagued with bizarre and intermittent errors. Not all code that provokes undefined behaviour fails catastrophically in every execution.
Going outside the bounds of an array in C++ is undefined behavior, so anything can happen, including things that appear to work "correctly".
In practical implementation terms on common systems, you can think of "virtual" memory as a large "flat" space from 0 up to the size of a pointer, and pointers are into this space.
The "virtual" memory for a process is mapped to physical memory, page file, etc. Now, if you access an address that is not mapped, or try to write a read-only part, you will get an error, such as an access violation or segfault.
But this mapping is done for fairly large chunks for efficiency, such as for 4KiB "pages". The allocators in a process, such as new and delete (or the stack) will further split up these pages as required. So accessing other parts of a valid page are unlikely to raise an error.
This has the unfortunate result that it can be hard to detect such out of bounds access, use after free, etc. In many cases writes will succeed, only to corrupt some other seemingly unrelated object, which may cause a crash later, or incorrect program output, so best to be very careful about C and C++ memory management.
data = new int; // will be some virtual address
data[1000] = 5; // possibly the start of a 4K page potentially allowing a great deal beyond it
other_int = new int[5];
other_int[10] = 10;
data[10000] = 42; // with further pages beyond, so you can really make a mess of your programs memory
other_int[10] == 42; // perfectly possible to overwrite other things in unexpected ways
C++ provides many tools to help, such as std::string, std::vector and std::unique_ptr, and it is generally best to try and avoid manual new and delete entirely.
new int allocates 1 integer only. If you access offsets larger than 0, e.g. data[1] you override the memory.
int * is a pointer to something that's probably an int. When you allocate using new int , you're allocating one int and storing the address to the pointer. In reality, int * is just a pointer to some memory.
We can treat an int * as a pointer to a scalar element (i.e. new int) or an array of elements -- the language has no way of telling you what your pointer is really pointing to; a very good argument to stop using pointers and only using scalar values and std::vector.
When you say a[2], you well access the memory sizeof(int) after the value pointed to by a. If a is pointing to a scalar value, anything could be after a and reading it causes undefined behaviour (your program might actually crash -- this is an actual risk). Writing to that adress will most likley cause problems; it is not merely a risk, but something you should actively guard against -- i.e. use std::vector if you need an array and int or int& if you don't.
The expression a[b], where one of the operands is a pointer, is another way to write *(a+b). Let's for the sake of sanity assume that a is the pointer here (but since addition is commutative it can be the other way around! try it!); then the address in a is incremented by b times sizeof(*a), resulting in the address of the bth object after *a.
The resulting pointer is dereferenced, resulting in a "name" for the object whose address is a+b.
Note that a does not have to be an array; if it is one, it "decays" to a pointer before the operator [] is applied. The operation is taking place on a typed pointer. If that pointer is invalid, or if the memory at a+b does not in fact hold an object of the type of *a, or even if that object is unrelated to *a (e.g., because it is not in the same array or structure), the behavior is undefined.
In the real world, "normal" programs do not do any bounds checking but simply add the offset to the pointer and access that memory location. (Accessing out-of-bounds memory is, of course, one of the more common bugs in C and C++, and one of the reasons these languages are not without restrictions recommended for high-security applications.)
If the index b is small, the memory is probably accessible by your program. For plain old data like int the most likely result is then that you simply read or write the memory in that location. This is what happened to you.
Since you overwrite unrelated data (which may in fact be used by other variables in your program) the results are often surprising in more complex programs. Such errors can be hard to find, and there are tools out there to detect such out-of-bounds access.
For larger indices you'll at some point end up in memory which is not assigned to your program, leading to an immediate crash on modern systems like Windows NT and up, and unpredictable results on architectures without memory management.
I am still able to store values in data[2] or data[3]. But I created an array of size 1. How is this possible?
The behaviour of the program is undefined.
Also, you didn't create an array of size 1, but a single non-array object instead. The difference is subtle.

Why two variables declared one after another are not next to each other in memory?

I am using a code sample to check the distance between two integers like in the answer of this question.
int i = 0, j = 0;
std::cout << &i - &j;
From my understanding of the memory representation, these memory addresses of these two variables should be next to each other and the difference should be exactly 1.
To my surprise, running this code with MS compiler in VS2017 prints 3 and running the same code with GCC prints 1.
Why this happens, is something wrong with VS?
C++ standard does not make any requirements for C++ compilers to allocate variables with automatic storage duration in any particular way, including making them contiguous in memory. In fact, compiler may choose to not allocate any memory to a variable, optimizing it out completely.
That is why subtracting pointers makes sense only when they both point to memory inside the same array, or one element past the end of it. In all other situations, including yours, you get undefined behavior.
The pointer arithmetic you tried has undefined behavior:
If the pointer P points to the ith element of an array, and the
pointer Q points at the jth element of the same array, the
expression P-Q has the value i-j, if the value fits in std::ptrdiff_t.
Both operands must point to the elements of the same array (or one
past the end), otherwise the behavior is undefined. If the result does
not fit in std::ptrdiff_t, the behavior is undefined.

How do I take the address of one past the end of an array if the last address is 0xFFFFFFFF?

If it is legal to take the address one past the end of an array, how would I do this if the last element of array's address is 0xFFFFFFFF?
How would this code work:
for (vector<char>::iterator it = vector_.begin(), it != vector_.end(); ++it)
I read here that it is legal before making this question: May I take the address of the one-past-the-end element of an array?
If this situation is a problem for a particular architecture (it may or may not be), then the compiler and runtime can be expected to arrange that allocated arrays never end at 0xFFFFFFFF. If they were to fail to do this, and something breaks when an array does end there, then they would not conform to the C++ standard.
Accessing out of the array boundaries is undefined behavior. You shouldn't be surprised if a demon flies out of your nose (or something like that)
What might actually happen would be an overflow in the address which could lead to you reading address zero and hence segmentation fault.
If you are always within the array range, and you do the last ++it which goes out of the array and you compare it against _vector.end(), then you are not really accessing anything and there should not be a problem.
I think there is a good argument for suggesting that a conformant C implementation cannot allow an array to end at (e.g.) 0xFFFFFFFF.
Let p be a pointer to one-element-off-the-end-of-the-array: if buffer is declared as char buffer[BUFFSIZE], then p = buffer+BUFFSIZE, or p = &buffer[BUFFSIZE]. (The latter means the same thing, and its validity was made explicit in the C99 standard document.)
We then expect the ordinary rules of pointer comparison to work, since the initialization of p was an ordinary bit of pointer arithmetic. (You cannot compare arbitrary pointers in standard C, but you can compare them if they are both based in a single array, memory buffer, or struct.) But if buffer ended at 0xFFFFFFFF, then p would be 0x00000000, and we would have the unlikely situation that p < buffer!
This would break a lot of existing code which assumes that, in valid pointer arithmetic done relative to an array base, the intuitive address-ordering property holds.
It's not legal to access one past the end of an array
that code doesn't actually access that address.
and you will never get an address like that on a real system for you objects.
The difference is between dereferencing that element and taking its address. In your example the element past the end wont be dereferenced and so it is a valid. Although this was not really clear in the early days of C++ it is clear now. Also the value you pass to subscript does not really matter.
Sometimes the best thing you can do about corner cases is forbid them. I saw this class of problem with some bit field extraction instructions of the NS32032 in which the hardware would load 32 bits starting at the byte address and extract from that datum. So even single-bit fields anywhere in the last 3 bytes of mapped memory would fail. The solution was to never allow the last 4 bytes of memory to be available for allocation.
Quite a few architectures that would be affected by this solve the problem by reserving offset 0xFFFFFFFF (and a bit more) for the OS.


Throughout various code, I have seen memory allocation in debug builds with NULL...
Or with 0xDEADBEEF...
What are the advantages to using each one, and what is the generally preferred way to achieve this in C/C++?
If a pointer was assigned a value of 0xDEADBEEF, couldn't it still deference to valid data?
Using either memset(ptr, NULL, size) or memset(ptr, 0xDEADBEEF, size) is a clear indication of the fact that the author did not understand what they were doing.
Firstly, memset(ptr, NULL, size) will indeed zero-out a memory block in C and C++ if NULL is defined as an integral zero.
However, using NULL to represent the zero value in this context is not an acceptable practice. NULL is a macro introduced specifically for pointer contexts. The second parameter of memset is an integer, not a pointer. The proper way to zero-out a memory block would be memset(ptr, 0, size). Note: 0 not NULL. I'd say that even memset(ptr, '\0', size) looks better than memset(ptr, NULL, size).
Moreover, the most recent (at the moment) C++ standard - C++11 - allows defining NULL as nullptr. nullptr value is not implicitly convertible to type int, which means that the above code is not guaranteed to compile in C++11 and later.
In C language (and your question is tagged C as well) macro NULL can expand to (void *) 0. Even in C (void *) 0 is not implicitly convertible to type int, which means that in general case memset(ptr, NULL, size) is simply invalid code in C.
Secondly, even though the second parameter of memset has type int, the function interprets it as an unsigned char value. It means that only one lower byte of the value is used to fill the destination memory block. For this reason memset(ptr, 0xDEADBEEF, size) will compile, but will not fill the target memory region with 0xDEADBEEF values, as the author of the code probably naively hoped. memset(ptr, 0xDEADBEEF, size) is eqivalent to memset(ptr, 0xEF, size) (assuming 8-bit chars). While this is probably good enough to fill some memory region with intentional "garbage", things like memset(ptr, NULL, size) or memset(ptr, 0xDEADBEEF, size) still betray the major lack of professionalism on the author's part.
Again, as other answer have already noted, the idea here is to fill the unused memory with a "garbage" value. Zero is certainly not a good idea in this case, since it is not "garbagy" enough. When using memset you are limited to one-byte values, like 0xAB or 0xEF. If this is good enough for your purposes, use memset. If you want a more expressive and unique garbage value, like 0xDEDABEEF or 0xBAADFOOD, you won't be able to use memset with it. You'll have to write a dedicated function that can fill memory region with 4-byte pattern.
A pointer in C and C++ cannot be assigned an arbitrary integer value (other than a Null Pointer Constant, i.e. zero). Such assignment can only be achieved by forcing the integral value into the pointer with an explicit cast. Formally speaking, the result of such a cast is implementation defined. The resultant value can certainly point to valid data.
Writing 0xDEADBEEF or another non-zero bit pattern is a good idea to be able to catch both write-after-delete and read-after-delete uses.
1) Write after delete
By writing a specific pattern you can check if a block that has already been deallocated was written over later by buggy code; in our debug memory manager we use a free list of blocks and before recycling a memory block we check that our custom pattern are still written all over the block. Of course it's sort of "late" when we discover the problem, but still much earlier than when it would be discovered not doing the check.
Also we have a special function that is called periodically and that can also be called on demand that just goes through the list of all freed memory blocks and check their consistency and so we can call this function often when chasing a bug. Using 0x00000000 as value wouldn't be as effective because zero may possibly be exactly the value that buggy code wants to write in the already deallocated block e.g. zeroing a field or setting a pointer to NULL (it's instead more unlikely that the buggy code wants to write 0xDEADBEEF).
2) Read after delete
Leaving the content of a deallocated block untouched or even writing just zeros will increase the possibility that someone reading the content of a dead memory block will still find the values reasonable and compatible with invariants (e.g. a NULL pointer as on many architectures NULL is just binary zeroes, or the integer 0, the ASCII NUL char or a double value 0.0).
By writing instead "strange" patterns like 0xDEADBEEF most of code that will access in read mode those bytes will probably find strange unreasonable values (e.g. the integer -559038737 or a double with value -1.1885959257070704e+148), hopefully triggering some other self consistency check assertion.
Of course nothing is really specific to the bit pattern 0xDEADBEEF, actually we use different patterns for freed blocks, before-block area, after-block area and and also our memory manager writes another (address-dependent) specific bit pattern to the content part of any memory block before giving it to the application (this is to help finding uses of uninitialized memory).
I would definitely recommend 0xDEADBEEF. It clearly identifies uninitialized variables, and accesses to uninitialized pointers.
Being odd, dereferencing a 0xdeadbeef pointer will definitely crash on the PowerPC architecture when loading a word, and very likely crash on other architectures since the memory is likely to be outside the process' address space.
Zeroing out memory is a convenience since many structures/classes have member variables that use 0 as their initial value, but I would very much recommend initializing each member in the constructor rather than using the default memory fill. You will really want to be on top of whether or not you properly initialized your variables.
These "magic" numbers are are a debugging aid to identify bad pointers, uninitialized memory etc. You want a value that is unlikely to occur during normal execution and something that is visible when doing memory dumps or inspecting variables. Initializing to zero is less useful in this regard. I would guess that when you see people initialize to zero it is because they need to have that value at zero. A pointer with a value of 0xDEADBEEF could point to a valid memory location so it's a bad idea to use that as an alternative to NULL.
One reason that you null the buffer or set it to a special value is that you can easily tell whether the buffer contents is valid or not in the debugger.
Dereferencing a pointer of value "0xDEADBEEF" is almost always dangerous(probably crashes your program/system) because in most cases you have no idea what is stored there.
DEADBEEF is an example of HexSpeek. With it, as a programmer you convey intentionally an error condition.
I would personally recommend using NULL (or 0x0) as it represents the NULL as expected and comes in handy while comparison. Imagine you are using char * and in between on DEADBEEF for some reason (don't know why), then at least your debugger will come very handy to tell you that its 0x0.
I would go for NULL because it's much easier to mass zero out memory than to go through later and set all the pointers to 0xDEADBEEF. In addition, there's nothing at all stopping 0xDEADBEEF from being a valid memory address on x86- admittedly, it would be unusual, but far from impossible. NULL is more reliable.
Ultimately, look- NULL is the language convention. 0xDEADBEEF just looks pretty and that's it. You gain nothing for it. Libraries will check for NULL pointers, they don't check for 0xDEADBEEF pointers. In C++ then the idea of the zero pointer isn't even tied to a zero value, just indicated with the literal zero, and in C++0x there is a nullptr and a nullptr_t.
Vote me down if this is too opinion-y for StackOverflow but I think this whole discussion is a symptom of a glaring hole in the toolchain we use to make software.
Detecting uninititialized variables by initializing memory with "garabage-y" values detects only some kinds of errors in some kinds of data.
And detecting uninititialized variables in debug builds but not for release builds is like following safety procedures only when testing an aircraft and telling the flying public to be satisfied with "well, it tested OK".
WE NEED HARDWARE SUPPORT for detecting uninitialized variables. As in something like an "invalid" bit that accompanies every addressability entity of memory (=byte on most of our machines) and which is set by the OS in every byte VirtualAlloc() (et. al, or equivalents on other OS's) hands over to applications and which is automatically cleared when the byte is written to but which causes an exception if read first.
Memory is cheap enough for this and processors are fast enough for this. This end of reliance on "funny" patterns and keeps us all honest to boot.
Note that the second argument in memset is supposed to be a byte, that is it is implicitely cast to a char or similar. 0xDEADBEEF would for most platforms convert to 0xEF (and something else for some odd platform).
Also note that the second argument is supposed to formally be an int which NULL isn't.
Now for the advantage of doing these kind of initialization. First of course the behavior would more likely be deterministic (even if we by this ends up in undefined behavior the behavior would in practice be consistent).
Having deterministic behavior will mean that debugging becomes easier, when you found a bug you would "only" have to provide the same input and the fault will manifest itself.
Now when you select which value you would use you should select a value that most likely will result in bad behavior - which means the use of uninitialized data would more likely result in a fault being observed. This means that you would have to use some knowledge of the platform in question (however many of them behave quite similar).
If the memory is used to hold pointers then indeed having cleared the memory will mean that you get a NULL pointer and normally dereferencing that will result in segmentation fault (which will be observed as a fault). However if you use it in another way, for example as an arithmetic type then you will get 0 and for many application that is not that odd number.
If you instead use 0xDEADBEEF you will get a quite large integer, also when interpreting the data as floating point it will also be quite large number (IIRC). If interpreting it as text it will be very long and contain non-ascii characters and if you use UTF-8 encoding it will likely be invalid. Now if used as a pointer on some platform it would fail alignment requirements for some types - also on some platforms that region of memory might be mapped out anyway (note that on x86_64 the value of the pointer would be 0xDEADBEEFDEADBEEF which is out of range for an address).
Note that while filling with 0xEF will have pretty much similar properties, if you want to fill the memory with 0xDEADBEEF you would need to use a custom function since memset doesn't do the trick.