returning c++ iterators - c++

I have a function that returns an iterator if an object is found.
Now i have a problem. How do i fix the problem of informing the object that called this function that the object was not found?
vector<obj>::iterator Find(int id, int test)
vector<obj>::iterator it;
aClass class;
for(it = class.vecCont.begin(); it != class.vecCont.end(); ++it)
if(found object) //currently in psuedo code
return it;
return ???? // <<< if not found what to insert here?
Do i need to change my data structure in this instead?
Thanks in advance! :)

Return vector::end(), throw an exception, or return something other than a plain iterator
Better yet, don't implement your own Find function. That is what the <algorithm> library is for. Based on your psudocode, you can probably use std::find or std::find_if. find_if is particularly useful in cases where equality doesn't necessarily mean operator==. In those cases, you can use a [C++11] lambda or if C++11 isn't available to you, a functor class.
Since the functor is the lowest common denominator, I'll start with that:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
class Person
Person(const string& name, unsigned age) : name_(name), age_(age) {};
string name_;
unsigned age_;
class match_name : public unary_function <bool, string>
match_name(const string& rhs) : name_(rhs) {};
bool operator()(const Person& rhs) const
return rhs.name_ == name_;
string name_;
#include <iostream>
int main()
vector<Person> people;
people.push_back(Person("Hellen Keller", 99));
people.push_back(Person("John Doe", 42));
/** C++03 **/
vector<Person>::const_iterator found_person = std::find_if( people.begin(), people.end(), match_name("John Doe"));
if( found_person == people.end() )
cout << "Not FOund";
cout << found_person->name_ << " is " << found_person->age_;
found_person now points to the person whose name is "John Doe", or else points to people_.end() if that person wasn't found.
A C++11 lambda is new language syntax that makes this process of declaring/defining a functor and using is somewhat simpler for many cases. It's done like this:
string target = "John Doe";
vector<Person>::const_iterator found_person = std::find_if(people.begin(), people.end(), [&target](const Person& test) { return it->name_ == target; });

You can return an iterator to the end, i.e. return class.vecCont.end() to indicate that.

How about just returning the end iterator?
Your code becomes:-
vector<obj>::iterator Find(int id, int test)
vector<obj>::iterator it;
aClass class;
for(it = class.vecCont.begin(); it != class.vecCont.end(); ++it)
if(found object) //currently in psuedo code
return it;
or just use std::find.

You should return class.vecCont.end() if the object was not found. But #chris is right - this is exactly what std::find is for.

Something like this
std::vector<obj>::iterator pos;
pos = find(coll.begin(),coll.end(), val);
And don't forget to these check for presence of your element or not in the container
if (pos != coll.end())

Don't return an iterator to a hidden container. Return simply what it is that you want, namely a means to access an object if it exists. In this example, I store the objects in the container via pointer. If your objects only exist temporarily, then new one up and copy the object over!
class AClass;
//...some time later
std::vector<AClass*> vecCont; //notice, store pointers in this example!
//..some time later
AClass * findAClass(int id, int test)
vector<AClass*>::iterator it;
for(it = class.vecCont.begin(); it != class.vecCont.end(); ++it)
if(found object) //currently in psuedo code
return it;
return NULL;
//later still..
AClass *foundVal = findAClass(1, 0);
//we found it!
//we didn't find it
edit: the intelligent thing to do is to write a comparator for your class and use the std algorithms sort and to find them for you. However, do what you want.

Never emulate std::algorithm functions inside a class. They are free functions for a reason. It usually is enough to expose begin and end member function that return the right iterators (and possibly a boost::iterator_range). If you need to do a fancy find with a functor, expose the functor as well.


Why std::iterator is not able to access the function

When I try to access a function through iterator the compile tells that class ha no member with such name.
class Director
std::string stdstrName;
Director(std::string name): stdstrName(name){ }
void setName(std::string name) { stdstrName = name; }
std::string getName() { return stdstrName; }
int main(){
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Director>> stdVecDir;
std::shared_ptr<Director> pointer1 = std::make_shared<Director>("Director1");
std::shared_ptr<Director> pointer2 = std::make_shared<Director>("Director2");
std::shared_ptr<Director> pointer3 = std::make_shared<Director>("Director3");
auto it = std::find(stdVecDir.begin(), stdVecDir.end(), [](std::shared_ptr<Director> dir) { return dir->getName() == "Director2"; });
if (it != std::end(stdVecDir))
std::cout << *it->getName(); // compiler complains that getName() is not a member of class Director
Why does the compile complains that getName() is not a member of class Director.
You are using std::find(), but it's used with values, not with callables, hence you need to use std::find_if.
And you are using your iterator to access to a member function of an object pointed to by a pointer which is pointed to by an iterator, hence you have two dereferences, not one.
The following is a correction
auto it = std::find_if(stdVecDir.begin(), stdVecDir.end(),
[](std::shared_ptr <Director> dir) { return dir->getName() == "Director2"; });
if (it != std::end(stdVecDir))
std::cout << it->get()->getName(); //or (*it)->getName();
If im not mistaken you need to change it to (*it)-> to access Director from iterator and shared_ptr. With *it-> you are accessing shared_ptr from the iterator.

Strange issue when iterating a STL set<CStudent> in C++

I have class CStudent and class CStudentGroup which has one member set<CStudent>. I populate the set of an object from the class CStudentGroup. I want to iterate this set and print via the getter of the CStudent class the points of all the students in the set. I do this by assigning the set to a new one. Then I iterate the set with an iterator it. However the compiler gives an error *the object has type qualifiers that are not compatible with the member function CStudent::getP; object type is const CStudent* I would like to ask how can I do this? Thank you in advance.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <set>
using namespace std;
class CStudent {
string m_strFN;
int m_iPoints;
void setP(int p) {
m_iPoints = p;
void setFN(string f) {
m_strFN = f;
int getP() {
return m_iPoints;
string getFN() {
return m_strFN;
CStudent() {
m_strFN = "123456789";
m_iPoints = 70;
CStudent(const CStudent& stud) {
m_strFN = stud.m_strFN;
m_iPoints = stud.m_iPoints;
CStudent(int p) {
m_iPoints = p;
class CStudentGroup {
set<CStudent> m_setStudents;
CStudentGroup(const CStudentGroup& grp) {
m_setStudents = grp.m_setStudents;
CStudentGroup(set<CStudent> st) {
m_setStudents = st;
CStudentGroup() {
CStudent s1(50), s2, s3(s2);
set<CStudent> gets() {
return m_setStudents;
int main()
CStudentGroup group;
set<CStudent> stt = group.gets();
for (set<CStudent>::iterator it = stt.begin(); it != stt.end(); it++) {
cout << it->getP() << endl;
std::set stores keys as constant value, as a change of a key can be a cause of change to its position in red-black tree (typical std::set implementation).
In other words, your CStudent object are considered const or unchangeable.
It's possible to problem here using std::set::const_iterator as a type of iterator inside the loop in combination with std::set::cbegin() and std::set::cend() calls.
Another possible solution is to use foreach-loop:
for (CStudent const& student : stt)
std::cout << student.getP() << '\n';
Moreover, you would need to change CStudent::getP() declaration to be a constant method.
Objects inside a std::set are always const. That is to protect them, in case you decide you change any key field, the sorting order changes and the set invariant is broken.
So basically the set<CStudent>::iterator is a const_iterator and you get a const CStudent& reference. Since your CStudent::getP is not a const member function, you cannot use it.
Solution, make it const:
int getP() const {
return m_iPoints;
Naturally, you want to mark as const any function that does not change the contents of your object, not only the ones std::set requires you to do so. This is sometimes called const-correctness and is always a good practice.

C++ typedef, map, iterator

Can anybody help me with an iterator problem? I'm having something like this:
class SomeClass{
//Constructor assigns to m_RefPtr a new t_Records
//Destructor deletes m_RefPtr or decreases m_RefCnt
//Copy Constructor assigns m_RefPtr to new obj, increases m_RefCnt
bool Search(const string &);
//Some private variables
struct t_Records{ //For reference counting
int m_RefCnt; //Reference counter
typedef vector<int> m_Vec;
typedef map<string, m_Vec> m_Map;
m_Map m_RecMap;
m_RefCnt = 1;
t_Records * m_RefPtr;
//Searchs through the map of m_RefPtr, returns true if found
bool SomeClass::Search(const string & keyword){
//How to create and use an iterator of m_Map???
return true;
As how I mentioned, I'm having troubles with creating (defining) map iterator outside of the struct. The map is initalized and contains some records. Thanks for your reply.
Like this:
// assuming m_RefPtr is properly initialized:
t_Records::m_Map::iterator it = m_RefPtr->m_RecMap.begin();
++it; // etc.
By the way, m_Map is a bad name for a type. By common convention, names prefixed with m_ are used for data members.
You can iterate like this
for (m_Map::iterator it = m_RecMap.begin(); it != m_RecMap.end(); ++it)
// do stuff with *it
Or even easier
for (auto it = m_RecMap.begin(); it != m_RecMap.end(); ++it)
// do stuff with *it

map inheritance

I have a parent class which holds a map and n the child class i have used to inherit that class with for some reason can't access the map which i can't under stand why, i want to access the values inside the map.
my code is as follows
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
struct TTYElementBase
//some code here
class element
std::map<char,std::string> transMask;
std::map<char,std::string>::iterator it;
void populate();
class elementV : public element
public :
std::string s1;
std::string s2;
friend ostream &operator<< (ostream &, const elementV &);
void transLateMask();
#include "example.h"
#include <iostream>
void elementV::transLateMask()
for ( it=transMask.begin() ; it != transMask.end(); it++ )
cout << (*it).first << endl;
int main()
elementV v;
output is nothing but i need to acces the map fron the parent class, what am i doing wrong?
any help i will be very gratefull
Does the map contain an entry for 'D' when you call transLateMask()? You'll get undefined behaviour (perhaps a runtime error) if it doesn't, since you don't check the result of find(). Something like this would be more robust:
auto found = transMask.find('D');
if (found == transMask.end()) {
// handle the error in some way, perhaps
throw std::runtime_error("No D in transMask");
std::string str = found->second;
(If you're not using C++11, then replace auto with the full type name, std::map<char,std::string>::const_iterator).
Alternatively, C++11 adds an at() method which throws std::out_of_range if the key is not found:
std::string str ='D')->second;
The find() method of the std::map can return an iterator that is "one beyond the end" of the map, i.e. equals to result of end(). This means there's no such entry in the map. You have to check for that:
typedef std::map<char,std::string> mymap;
mymap::const_iterator i = transMask.find('D');
if ( i == transMask.end()) {
std::cerr << "'D' not found" << std::endl;
} else {

Trying to implement an iterator without an explicit container

After my recent question, I am trying to implement my own contrived example.
I have a basic structure in place but even after reading this, which is probably the best tutorial I've seen, I'm still very confused. I think I should probably convert the Chapter._text into a stream and for the increment operator do something like
string p = "";
string line;
while ( getline(stream, line) ) {
p += line;
return *p;
but I'm not sure which of the "boilerplate" typedefs to use and how to put all these things together. Thanks much for your help
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Paragraph {
string _text;
Paragraph (string text) {
_text = text;
class Chapter {
string _text;
/* // I guess here I should do something like:
class Iterator : public iterator<input_iterator_tag, Paragraph> {
// OR should I be somehow delegating from istream_iterator ? */
Chapter (string txt_file) {
string line;
ifstream infile(txt_file.c_str());
if (!infile.is_open()) {
cout << "Error opening file " << txt_file << endl;
while ( getline(infile, line) ) {
_text += (line + "\n");
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
Chapter c(argv[1]);
// want to do something like:
// for (<Paragraph>::iterator pIt = c.begin(); pIt != c.end(); pIt++) {
// Paragraph p(*pIt);
// // Do something interesting with p
// }
return 0;
As you weren't planning on a chapter loading at a time (merely a paragraph), and your paragraph is empty, I think this might be best done with a single paragraph_iterator class
class paragraph_iterator :
public std::iterator<std::input_iterator_tag, std::string>
std::shared_ptr<std::ifstream> _infile; //current file
std::string _text; //current paragraph
paragraph_iterator(const paragraph_iterator &b); //not defined, so no copy
paragraph_iterator &operator=(const paragraph_iterator &b); //not defined, so no copy
// don't allow copies, because streams aren't copiable.
// make sure to always pass by reference
// unfortunately, this means no stl algorithms either
paragraph_iterator(string txt_file) :_infile(txt_file.c_str()) {
if (!infile.is_open())
throw std::exception("Error opening file ");
std::getline(_infile, _text);
paragraph_iterator() {}
paragraph_iterator &operator++() {
std::getline(_infile, _text);
return *this;
// normally you'd want operator++(int) as well, but that requires making a copy
// and std::ifstream isn't copiable.
bool operator==(const paragraph_iterator &b) const {
if (_infile.bad() == b._infile.bad())
return true; //all end() and uninitialized iterators equal
// so we can use paragraph_iterator() as end()
return false; //since they all are seperate strings, never equal
bool operator!=(const paragraph_iterator &b) const {return !operator==(b);}
const std::string &operator*() const { return _text;}
int main() {
paragraph_iterator iter("myfile.txt");
while(iter != paragraph_iterator()) {
// dostuff with *iter
the stream is encapsulated in the iterator, so that if we have two iterators to the same file, both will get every line. If you have a seperate Chapter class with two iterators, you may run into "threading" problems. This is pretty bare code, and completely untested. I'm sure there's a way to do it with copiable iterators, but far trickier.
In general, an iterator class implementation is closely tied with the data structure it iterates over. Otherwise, we'd just have a few generic iterator classes.