MPLab C18 v3.41 Header Files - header-files

I'm a newbie so be easy.
I'm "trying" to build a LCD test program which was given to me by an instructor that uses the XLCD.h and Delays.h headers. Problem is that the headers don't seem to be linked during the build process as the compiler keeps tossing me an error about a function not being defined.
MPLINK 4.42, Linker
Device Database Version 1.7
Copyright (c) 1998-2011 Microchip Technology Inc.
Error - could not find definition of symbol 'SetDDRamAddr' in file './LCD_Main.o'.
Errors : 1
I used the Project Wizard and selected my chip...added the .lnk file for my chip, added the .h files for xlcd and delays, added the p18cxxx.h file.
The test code is tried and true. I've done the #include at the top and I've even put the file in the same directory and then used #include "xlcd.h" but nothing seems to work for me.
Yes, I've double tripple checked the syntax for errors and eventually just copied and pasted from the header file to the main.c so it's not that.
Looking at the error it seems to me that only the prototype might be being seen and not the defined function. I thought that was all done with magic in the background so I have no idea how to check for paths or even if it is happening.
As the whole thing is a bit of a walkthru I figured it should be straight forward but it's not.
I'm sure it must just be a simple fix but I've been working on it for hours now and I'm getting ready to drop kick the stupid protoboard and PIC across the room.
Anybody have an idea what I could be doing wrong?

You need to point the linker to the proper library.
Go to Project->Build Options. Select the Directories tab. On the Show Directories For combobox, select Library Search Path. Click New.
Then, select the directory that has your libraries. For C18 it's likely (on Windows 7):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\mplabc18\v3.41\lib
You should then be able to link without problem.


Adding libtomcrypt and libtommath to my c++ project

I am a C# developer, and spoiled rotten when it comes to references and dependencies. I am working on a small project now in Visual C++ (Visuial Studio 2017), where I want to use the libtomcrypt and libtommath libraries. I've created a small project and added the 2 projects to my solution:
I have also added my includes:
And I added the dependencies:
However, I still can't build:
Error C1083 Cannot open include file: 'tomcrypt.h': No such file or directory
I am not sure what else I need to do to get the references working and the code to compile. Any pointers is appreciated!
The error message indicates that the compiler can't find the file tomcrypt.h while compiling one of your source files. From the message I would guess that you have a line like the following in your source file:
#include <tomcrypt.h>
(...or perhaps with quotes instead of brackets.) From your screenshot I can see that you've added "...\repos\libtomcrypt-develop\src\headers" to your include path. Is the file tomcrypt.h found directly in that folder, or is it perhaps in a subfolder instead?
Your #include directive will basically append whatever path you give it to each entry in your include path when looking for the file, so if there are subfolders in between, you'll have to expand your #include directive to include those folders.
If this doesn't solve your problem, perhaps try posting the actual full path of where this header file exists on your filesystem, as well as your complete include path value! (The full compiler command from the build log would be useful, as well as the complete error message(s) related to this source file.)
The original poster posted a separate answer indicating that the actual problem was that the Visual Studio Project Properties were set correctly, but that he was accidentally trying to build a different Configuration. :(
I was building the project under x86. Once I changed it to x64, it built just fine.

Linking a new third party library to a c++ program while working with eclipse on Ubuntu

I recently downloaded a third party library called spline-master from github and the file provides a header file called spline.h. I wanted to use this header file so as to create a spline. I am currently using eclipse oxygen for c/c++. I was pretty new to this and have been stuck on this problem since the last few days. I tried changing so many things to link this file. The file can be seen in my project tree and it's there in the includes but when I write #include"spline.h" it throws me an error telling "there exists no such file or directory".
Can anyone please let me know how I can go about this problem? All the applications are of the latest version including Ubuntu. I would have attached a couple of screenshots so that you can have a better idea about the problem I am facingenter image description here
Thanking you.
enter image description here
There are 2 main ways to include a header file, and you need to know where your spline.h is located in order to know which one you can use.
#include "spline.h"
Enclosing in quotes will tell the preprocessor that the path you have supplied is relative to the location of the code file you are including the file into. Your compiler can't find the file which means it must be located in a directory different to the code file you are working on.
#include <spline.h>
This is probably the version you want to use. This version will tell the preprocessor to look for spline.h in any header directories you have defined in your project. Again, it considers the path relative to the header directory.

Codeblocks can't find header files

So a few hours ago I started learning c++ in codelite but I was getting frustated with, so I just got codeblocks and imported the project. But now whenever I try to compile it returns:
fatal error: imports.h: No such file or directory
This is my project hierarchy in codeblocks:
And this is what the project folder looks like:
What am I doing wrong?
I know this is years later, but I've recently seen students following what I deem is frankly bad advice such as what is given above. For those learning c++ this functionality is NOT for you. To add headers you should simply check that you are using double quotes, instead of angled brackets i.e.
#include "myheader.h"
and NOT
#include <myheader.h>
Angled brackets are meant for libraries (informally) and adding a simple header file for you basic classes does not require you to change default search directories. The problem comes when someone else tries to run your code (assuming you're doing this for uni) and their IDE isn't setup to search for a "library" (your header) where it shouldn't be. Double quotes tells the compiler the files exist in your current relative directory. This way you can keep your main, headers and header implementation in one directory. Fiddling with your IDE should only be done when necessary. KISS
You have to tell Codeblocks where to find the header files that you include. Try adding the full path to your '/Headers' in the include directories of codeblocks
Goto 'Codeblocks menu > Settings > Compiler > Search directories > Add'.
EDIT: Since your issue, however, is quite irrelevant to learning the C++ language itself, I suggest that you start with simpler programs, then move on to more complex ones. That, of course, unless you have previous experience with other programming languages
Since I haven't found any Makro for
#define 'hostname of device where compiler is located' // which is unique and not to be copied !
I have now successfully used and included
#include "myCompileEnv.h"
as a workaround with the comments above, which is located more central - above the project directories in CodeBlocks.

Bit definition error - IAR Workbench

I am a beginner with embedded programming and am using the IAR workbench for a project of mine using STM32F4Discovery. I am trying to compile an existing code and have a few errors at a few places regarding the bit definitions like the following:
Error[Pe020]: identifier "GPIO_PIN_SET" is undefined
Now, the GPIO_PIN_SET is defined in the file stm32f4xx_gpio_hal.h and is already included in my project. In order to resolve this issue when I looked up online, I have found this solution. However, I don't have the System tab in the General Options in my IAR Workbench. I have a full version of IAR Workbench and am not sure why the System tab is missing.
I also tried defining
as stated in this link in my main.c file but to no avail.
Trying to set
#define STM32F4XX
in the main.c file or defining the symbols STM32F4XX, USE_STDPERIPH_DRIVER in the Preprocessor tab in General Options as mentioned here also didn't help.
The solution could be very simple that I am probably overlooking but am not able to figure out what could I be missing. Any help would be appreciated
Including a header file in a "project" is not enough, you should actually include it (directly or indirectly) in the source file where the declarations are to be used. It would be that simple in any halfway sane development kit, but we are stuck with ST, and they force us doing it their way.
Include the "master" header in your main.c
#include "stm32f429i_discovery.h"
this would in turn include stm32f4xx_hal.h, which includes stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h, which included stm32f4xx_hal_gpio.h if the right #defines were there.
You might not have stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h
If that's the case, then copy Drivers\STM32F4xx_HAL_Driver\Inc\stm32f4xx_hal_conf_template.h into your project, rename it to stm32f4xx_hal_conf.h. Otherwise just make sure that #define HAL_GPIO_MODULE_ENABLED is not commented out.
Set the right #defines
New versions of STM32CubeF4 have been released since the tutorial you've linked was written, and a few things have apparently changed. As of version 1.6.0, define STM32F429xx in Preprocessor Options, and forget the ones above. Yes, I've noticed that there is a version 1.7.0 now, let's hope that compatibility lasts this time.

Netbeans-specific C++ error "Undefined reference to XXX" - (Solution posted)

I wrangled with this problem for a good 5 or 6 hours, pulling my hair out until I finally found a solution. I wanted to post this (not sure if there is a specific place to post solutions to unasked questions) as a solution for others who may run into the same difficulty.
I am coding a C++ project in Netbeans 7.1.1 running on Linux Mint Lisa, and kept on getting an "Undefined reference to XXX" error when trying to use a static variable. Coming from a background in C# and thus not very familiar with header files and the like, I searched for hours expecting to find a problem with the way I declared my variable or my class. I couldn't find anything...
Go to your nbproject folder in the files explorer in Netbeans. Open up the configurations.xml file. Scroll down to the logicalFolder tag with the attribute name="SourceFiles". Make sure that all your .h and .cpp files are included as itemPath tags within the logicalFolder tag! Netbeans correctly added some, but not all of my cpp and h files, hence the problem. Not sure why there would be this inconsistency, as all class and header files were added through the same Netbeans wizard. Anyways, with the configurations file changed, the makefiles were then updated and written correctly on the next build and all functioned as expected. Hope this can help somebody!
Just to add more details to Levi's answer (for anyone newish to this like me), click the "Files" tab on the left of the screen, where your list of files and folders is. This gives you a different list of files than the "Project" tab does.
Expand your project folder if it isn't expanded already. One of the resulting folders is "nbproject." Expand the folder. This is where configurations.xml is.
In short:
Files tab > nbproject > configuration.xml
However, adding the .h files to configuration.xml did not work for me.
In my case, I only had to include the source files as #include lines within other source files to make it work ... I could compile the individual source files without error, but the project was another story. Once I added the #include lines in other source files that required certain methods to be found, then it all worked as planned. Hope this helps someone.