how to do max-match search in JCS (java caching system) - jcs

I am developing an application which makes use of JCS. i do know how to retrive the data from the catch when searchkey is a complete string. I need to implement max-match search in JCS.
For example : cache contains following data.
book number | book title
123 | EJB
321 | Head First Java
121 | Jsp and servlets
111 | Ant scripting
when user inputs just 1 for book number it should fetch all the book title with book number starting with 1. i.e it should list
Jsp and servlets
Ant scripting
It is the kind of search we do in sql using 'like and %' .
Kindly help me.
Thanks in advance!!!

You should be able to to do something like this:
JCSAdminBean admin = new JCSAdminBean();
LinkedList<CacheElementInfo> cacheElements = admin.buildElementInfo("myCache");
for (CacheElementInfo e : cacheElements) {
if (e.getKey().startsWith("1")) {
//do something.. store it in a list?
Try it out and let me know if that works for you.


Why is this ATL helper wrong?

I'm new to ATL and OCL and I'm trying to transform this metamodel:
enter image description here
into this one:
enter image description here
The helper is meant to take all the tests created by the user admin and after that sum the id's of the Actions of that test.
I've done this helper:
helper def: actionsId: Integer = Test!Test.allInstances()->select(i |'admin')->collect(n |>sum();
But when I run the transformation I'm having this error:
org.eclipse.m2m.atl.engine.emfvm.VMException: Collections do not have properties, use ->collect()
This error is in the collect(n | part of the helper.
The rest of my code is this:
rule Testset2Testcase{
from s: Test!Test
to r: Testcase!Testcase(
ident <- thisModule.actionId.toString(),
date <-,
act <- thisModule.resolveTemp(s.act,'a')
rule Action2Activity{
from s: Test!Action
to a: Testcase!Activity(
ident <-
Sorry for my bad english.
My teacher helped me with this.
The problem was in the helper. Doing this:
helper def: actionsId: Integer = Test!Test.allInstances()->select(i |'admin')->collect(n |>sum();
I was trying to take the id of a collection of collections of the type Action instead of taking the id of each objects.
With that helper I was taking a collection of collections so using flattener this collection of collections became a collection of Actions.
The helper written in a correct way looks like this:
helper def: actionsId: Integer = Test!Test.allInstances()->select(i |'admin')->collect(n | n.act)->flatten()->collect(x |>sum();
Your expression looks plausible, but without your metamodel it is difficult to see where ATL is unhappy about use of a Collection property. If Test::md is a collection, the expression would just be stupid, though not for the reason given.
If ATL's hovertext doesn't help you understand your types, you might enter the same expression into the OCL Xtext Console and carefully hover over "." and "md" to get its accurate type analysis.
But beware, ATL has an independently developed embedded OCL that is not as rich as Eclipse OCL. Perhaps your expression is too complex for ATL; try breaking it up with let's.

Display Alphabetic Ordered List in Oracle Apex page

I am using Oracle Apex 5 and wanted to display a beverage list in my page in alphabetic order like this (example).
a. Coffee
b. Tea
c. Juice
For this I have used PL/SQL block and used the code below (example) :
sys.htp.prn('<ol type = "a">');
sys.htp.prn('<li>' || 'Coffee' || '</li>');
But it is showing me list in number instead of alphabets like below:
Am I doing something wrong here. Please help. Thanks in advance.
Also asked here
Short answer would be try this
<ol style="list-style-type: list-alpha;">

Using Regex in Pig in hadoop

I have a CSV file containing user (tweetid, tweets, userid).
396124436476092416,"Think about the life you livin but don't think so hard it hurts Life is truly a gift, but at the same it is a curse",Obey_Jony09
396124436740317184,"“#BleacherReport: Halloween has given us this amazing Derrick Rose photo (via #amandakaschube, #ScottStrazzante)” yes",Colten_stamkos
396124436845178880,"When's 12.4k gonna roll around",Matty_T_03
Now I need to write a Pig Query that returns all the tweets that include the word 'favorite', ordered by tweet id.
For this I have the following code:
A = load '/user/pig/tweets' as (line);
B = FOREACH A GENERATE FLATTEN(REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL(line,'(.*)[,”:-](.*)[“,:-](.*)')) AS (tweetid:long,msg:chararray,userid:chararray);
C = filter B by msg matches '.*favorite.*';
D = order C by tweetid;
How does the regular expression work here in splitting the output in desired way?
I tried using REGEX_EXTRACT instead of REGEX_EXTRACT_ALL as I find that much more simpler, but couldn't get the code working except for extracting just the tweets:
B = FOREACH A GENERATE FLATTEN(REGEX_EXTRACT(line,'[,”:-](.*)[“,:-]',1)) AS (msg:chararray);
the above alias gets me the tweets, but if I use REGEX_EXTRACT to get the tweet_id, I do not get the desired o/p: B = FOREACH A GENERATE FLATTEN(REGEX_EXTRACT(line,'(.*)[,”:-]',1)) AS (tweetid:long);
(396124554353197056,"Just saw #samantha0wen and #DakotaFears at the drake concert #waddup")
(396124554172432384,"#Yutika_Diwadkar I'm just so bright 😁")
(396124554609033216,"#TB23GMODE i don't know, i'm just saying, why you in GA though? that's where you from?")
(396124554805776385,"#MichaelThe_Lion me too 😒")
(396124552540852226,"Happy Halloween from us 2 #maddow & #Rev_AlSharpton :)")
Please help.
Can't comment, but from looking at this and testing it out, it looks like your quotes in the regex are different from those in the csv.
" in the csv
” in the regex code.
To get the tweetid try this:
B = FOREACH A GENERATE FLATTEN(REGEX_EXTRACT(line,'.*(,")',1)) AS (tweetid:long);

Trying to create a system to merge two lists of "buzz words" together, forming every possibility for domain availability checking?

My problem originates from me trying to create names for all my crazy (brilliant?) ideas for business and products, which then need to have their purchasing availability checked for .com domain names.
So I have a pen and paper system where I create two lists of words... List A and List B for example.
I want to find or create a little app where I can create and store custom lists which takes each word from List A, appends each word from List B (to create a total of List A * List B results?)
After the list is compiled of "ListAListB" results, I want to check if the .com domain is available for purchase online via some other method...
And ultimately, create a new list of each combination, along with some sort of visual status like maybe a color or word representing if the combined word is available as a .com...
So I'm basically using a nested for loop structure to index each word in List A, Loop through each word in List B, and create List C?
Then when the list is fully completed, send a CSV? to somewhere online and then somehow get a new list back.
I guess that is my rough thought process.
Any advice in the algorithm to create the list from the two original lists is appreciated.
Any help in the process to check the available domain names online via godaddy, ICANN, etc is appreciated..
Any help as to where I might find this tool already is even more appreciated..
I could probably download a free sdk or tool and write this in a language I suppose, based on my c++ experience from a few years ago, but I am rusty for sure, and haven't actually created anything since college like 3 years ago.
Thank you.
Here's a quick shell script that leverages Chris's answer.
for a in $(< listA); do
for b in $(< listB); do
avail=`wget -qO- $ids_url$a$b | sed -e "s/.*'com':'u'.*//g"`
if [ "$avail" == "" ]; then
echo "$a$ unavailable"
echo "$a$ available"
It iterates through both lists, hits the DNS service with wget and looks for any results that contain "'com':'a'". Supposing List A contains 'goo', 'foo', and 'arglbar' and List B contains 'gle', the output should look like this: unavailable unavailable available
Pipe it through grep -v unavail to see only the available names.
For checking if a domain you can give try this out:
Request this page:
Which will return this json (u = unavailable, a = available)
Then you just need to parse it. You may get blocked if you are checking lots of domains but I doubt it since this site recieves a ton of request from one session so you should be good (I'd pause a 800 miliseconds between each request at least).
C# code for list creation:
// Load up all the lines of each list into string arrays
string[] listA = File.ReadAllLines("listA.txt");
string[] listB = File.ReadAllLines("listB.txt");
// Create a list to hold the combinations
List<string> listC = new List<string>();
// Loop through each line in listA
foreach(string buzzwordA in listA)
// Now loop through each word in listB
foreach(string buzzwordB in listB)
listC.Add(buzzwordA + buzzwordB); // Combine them and add it to the listC
File.WriteAllLines("listC.txt", listC.ToArray()); // Save all the combos
I didn't check the code but thats the general idea. This is a bad idea for huge lists though because it reads the lists completely into memory at the same time. A better solution is probably reading the files line-by-line using FileStream and StreamReader
Edit (Same idea but this uses filestreams):
// Open up file streams for the lists
using(FileStream _listA = new FileStream("listA.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
using(FileStream _listB = new FileStream("listB.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
using(StreamReader listA = new StreamReader(_listA))
using(StreamReader listB = new StreamReader(_listB))
using(StreamWriter listC = new StreamWriter("listC.txt"))
string buzzwordA = listA.ReadLine();
while(buzzwordA != null)
string buzzwordB = listB.ReadLine();
while(buzzwordB != null)
listC.WriteLine(buzzwordA + buzzwordB);
buzzwordB = listB.ReadLine();
buzzwordA = listA.ReadLine();
// reset the listB stream to the begining
listB.BaseStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
} // All streams and readers are disposed by using statement
For parsing the json try this out: C# Json Parser Library
check out
sounds exactly like what you're doing

How to do ANDing of conditions in a regular expression?

I want to match and modify part of a string if following conditions are true:
I want to capture information regarding a project, like project duration, client, technologies used, etc..
So, I want to select string starting with word "project" or string may start with other words like "details of project" or "project details" or "project #1".
RegEx. should first look at word "project" and it should select the string only when few or all of the following words are found after word "project".
1) client
2) duration
3) environment
4) technologies
5) role
I want to select a string if it matches at least 2 of the above words. Words can appear in any order and if the string contains ANY two or three of these words, then the string should get selected.
I have sample text given below.
Details of Projects :
*Project #1: CVC – Customer Value Creation (Sep 2007 – till now) Time
Warner Cable is the world's leading
media and entertainment company, Time
Warner Cable (TWC) makes coaxial
Client : Time Warner Cable,US. ETL
Tool : Informatica 7.1.4
Database : Oracle 9i.
Role : ETL Developer/Team Lead.
Responsibilities: Created Test Plan and Test Case Book. Peer reviewed team members > Mappings. Documented Mappings. Leading the Development Team. Sending Reports to onsite. Bug >fixing for Defects, Data and Performance related.
Details of Project #2: MYER – Sales
Analysis system (Nov 2005 – till now)
Coles Myer is one of Australia's largest retailers with more than 2,000 > stores throughout Australia,
Client : Coles Myer
Retail, Australia. ETL Tool :
Informatica 7.1.3 Database : Oracle
8i. Role : ETL Developer. O/S :
UNIX. Responsibilities: Extraction,
Transformation and Loading of the data
using Informatica. Understanding the
entire source system.
Created and Run Sessions and
Workflows. Created Sort files using
Syncsort Application.*
Does anyone know how to achieve this using regular expressions?
Any clues or regular expressions are welcome!
Many thanks!
I would break it down into a few simpler regex's to get these results. The first would select only the chunk of text between projects: (?=Project #).*(?<=Project #)
With the match that this produces, i would run a seperate regex to ask if it contains any of those words : client | duration | environment | technologies | role
If this match comes back with a count of more then 2 distinct matches, you know to select the original string!
string originalText;
MatchCollection projectDescriptions = Regex.Matches(originalText, "(?=Project #).(?:(?!Project #).)*", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
Foreach(Match projectDescription in projectDescriptions)
MatchCollection keyWordMatches = Regex.Matches(projectDescription.value, "client | duration | environment | technologies | role ", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
if(keyWordMatches.Distinct.Count > 2)
//At this point, do whatever you need to with the original projectDescription match, the Match object will give you the index etc of the match inside the original string.
Maybe you need to break that requirements in two steps: first, take your key/value pairs from your string, than apply your filter.
string input = #"Project #...";
Regex projects = new Regex(#"(?<key>\S+).:.(?<value>.*?\.)");
foreach (Match project in projects.Matches(input))
Console.WriteLine ("{0} : {1}",
project.Groups["key" ].Value,
^(details of )?project.*?((client|duration|environment|technologies|role).*?){2}.*$
One note: This will also match if only one of the terms appears twice.
In C#:
foundMatch = Regex.IsMatch(subjectString, #"\A(?:(details of )?project.*?((client|duration|environment|technologies|role).*?){2}.*)\Z", RegexOptions.Singleline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);