What is "system-supplied DSO" that gdb references? - gdb

I'm running gdb with set verbose on and I'm trying to understand one of the messages I am getting:
Reading symbols from system-supplied DSO at 0x7ffff7ffb000...(no debugging symbols found)...done.
What is thesystem-supplied DSO? After some search I think that DSO might stand for "dynamic shared object". But I still don't understand exactly what gdb is doing here and how I might solve the problem with the debugging symbols not being found (or if it even matters).
Also the program that I am debugging is being compiled with llvm-gcc and has an LLVM pass applied to it. I think that is effecting the behavior of gdb, but I"m not exactly sure how.
So essentially my question is what does the message that gdb prints mean, is it likely to cause a problem, and if so any suggestions on how I could help gdb find the debugging symbols.

According to this document a DSO is:
A dynamic shared object (DSO) is an object file that’s meant to be
used simultaneously— or shared—by multiple applications (a.out files)
while they’re executing.
I believe that a system supplied DSO is just a DLL provided by the OS and loaded by the main executable. Since this is an external library you don't have the debugging symbols of such object unless you download them separately. Typically the release binaries are stripped of debugging symbols but they can have a link to a separate file. A typical Linux distribution provides a package containing the debugging symbols of such binaries ( like the xxx-debuginfo-xxx.rpm for RedHat based distributions).

In this context, system-supplied-DSO means a shared library provided directly by the linux kernel such as VDSO. Debuginfo is indeed available for them, but is packaged along with the kernel rather than userspace. Use debuginfod to automatically fetch them if your distro supports that.


Given program counter, find the source line in a shared library

I'm trying to debug a segfault in Android's surfaceflinger daemon on a custom made ARM board. The process crashes before dumping the call stack and register content, including the program counter.
Normally I would've used objdump and searched for the program counter. The problem is that part of the call stack is in a shared library. Without using gdb, how can I correlate the program counter with a line in the source file? That is, can the addresses of shared library instructions be determined without running the program?
The simplest solution is to load core dump into gdb and use info symbol <program counter address>, see https://stackoverflow.com/a/7648883/72178.
You can also use addr2line but you will have to provide library starting address in parameters to addr2line, see How to map function address to function in *.so files.
You need your program (and all the relevant shared libraries) to be compiled with debug information (in DWARF format), e.g. by passing some -g (or -g2 or -g3) flag to the GCC compiler when they are built. Notice that with GCC such a debugging option can be mixed with optimization options like -O2
Then you might use utilities like addr2line, or perhaps libraries like libbacktrace. FWIW, the GCC compiler itself (actually its cc1plus) uses that libbacktrace library to print a useful backtrace on SIGSEGV and other terminating signals (on compiler crashes).
BTW, you could (and probably should) enable core(5) dumping and do a post mortem analysis of it with gdb
Notice that due to ASLR, a shared library is loaded (actually mmap(2)-ed) at some "random" page.
Read Drepper's How to Write Shared Libraries paper.

How to prevent GDB from loading debugging symbol for a (large) library?

While debugging a Qt 5 application, I am sometimes not interested in the internals of Qt 5 but in the structure of the application itself. Therefore I do not need to load all debugging symbols of the Qt 5 libraries since these take a few seconds to load.
Is it possible to prevent GDB from loading symbols for these Qt 5 libraries while keeping the debugging symbols for my application?
Is it possible to prevent GDB from loading symbols for these Qt 5 libraries while keeping the debugging symbols for my application?
As Richard Critten's comment mentions, setting auto-solib-add to 0 will prevent loading of symbols for all shared libraries, and you can then add files manually with the sharedlibrary command (which accepts a regex). If this regex is omitted, then all shared libraries are loaded.
That however would prevent auto-loading of all symbols (not just debug symbols), and would also prevent auto-loading of symbols for system libraries, which are often required to unwind the stack.
A better approach may be to save a copy of Qt5 libraries with full debug info somewhere, e.g. ~/Qt5-debug/, then run strip -g on the original libraries. That way, you will get symbolic info for all libraries, and in the rare case when you actually need full-debug info for Qt5, you can still do that using the GDB file ~/Qt5-debug/libQt5Core.so.5.2 or similar commands.
The chapter GDB Files from the GDB manual has more documentation on using such separate debugging symbols.

Is there a way to extract the symbols from a ELF, and use LD to link another file together with the symbols defined in the previous ELF?

I'm creating an application specifically for the Nintendo Wii using devKitPro. I wanted to make my application modular by offering the ability to load code passed though objcopy -O binary. My problem is, I want the modules to be able to use symbols from the main ELF that is loaded into memory. I have tried various things and I have not come up with any solutions.
I tried use -Map, as I thought that would let me use a linker map with it, but that idea failed.
I also tried compilation into a shared library, but that did not work for me, as the linker complained about "read-only segments with dynamic relocations".
I really need help with this, as I am in neither a Windows or Linux environment.
You may consider doing this using libdl which is made precisely to load symbols by name at runtime. Using libdl you can get handles to all of the functions you want to call as part of an initialization subroutine and then have them available to you when your program needs them. best of all, you dont need to have the library you are linking against at compile time so you can replace it with any elf that has those symbols defined without recompiling.

Read debugging information at runtime from an application

I have some questions regarding debugging symbols and what can be done with them, besides, well, debugging. I'm mostly interested in answers regarding GCC, but I'd also be happy to know how it looks like under other compilers, including MSVC.
First of all:
What are the common formats/types of debugging symbols?
How do they relate to compilers and platforms? Is it always the same format on GCC and MinGW among platforms?
Can I check in runtime whether the build has them and what format are they in?
And some more practical questions... How can I:
Check the current file and line number?
Obtain the (qualified) function name being executed?
Obtain a full current stack trace?
Let me emphasize that I'm talking about run-time checks. All of those can be read and pretty-printed by GDB, but I don't know how much info comes from the debugging symbols themselves and how much from the source code which GDB also has access to.
Maybe there's a library which is able to parse the debugging symbols and yield such information?
Are the debugging symbols standardised well enough that I can expect some degree of portability for such solutions?
What are the common formats/types of debugging symbols?
DWARF and STABS (those are embedded inside executable, in special sections), Program Database (PDB; external file, used by MSVC).
How do they relate to compilers and platforms? Is it always the same format on GCC and MinGW among platforms?
GCC uses DWARF/STABS (I think it's a GCC compile-time option) both on Linux (ELF) and Windows (PE), don't know about others. MSVC always uses PDB.
Can I check in runtime whether the build has them and what format are they in?
You can parse the executable image and see if there are sections with debugging info (see STABS documentation and DWARF specs). PDB files are distributed either with executables or via symbol servers (so if you don't want to go online, check if there is X.pdb for X.exe/X.dll).
About how to read and use those symbols — I don't know about DWARF/STABS (there's probably something around GNU binutils that can locate and extract those), but for PDB your best bet is to use dbghelp — its usage is pretty well documented and there are a lot of examples available on the net. There's also DIA SDK that can be used to query PDB files.
Are the debugging symbols standardised well enough that I can expect some degree of portability for such solutions?
DWARF has a formal specification, and it's complicated as hell. PDB AFAIK is not documented, but dbghelp/DIA are, and are the recommended way.

Preventing symbols from being stripped in IBM Visual Age C/C++ for AIX

I'm building a shared library which I dynamically load (using dlopen) into my AIX application using IBM's VisualAge C/C++ compiler. Unfortunately, it appears to be stripping out necessary symbols:
rtld: 0712-002 fatal error: exiting.
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol setVersion__Q2_3CIF17VersionReporterFRCQ2_3std12basic_stringXTcTQ2_3std11char_traitsXTc_TQ2_3std9allocatorXTc__ was referenced
from module ./object/AIX-6.1-ppc/plugins/plugin.so(), but a runtime definition
of the symbol was not found.
Both the shared library and the application which loads the shared library compile/link against the static library which contains the VersionReporter mentioned in the error message.
To link the shared library I'm using these options: -bM:SRE -bnoentry -bexpall
To link the application, I'm using this option: -brtl
Is there an option I can use to prevent this symbol from being stripped in the application? I've tried using -nogc as stated in the IBM docs, but that causes the shared library to be in an invalid format or the application to fail to link (depending on which one I use it with).
Yes. This is not really connected to a particular language or compiler. The same general technique is used for gcc for example. -bI:foo.exp is used to tell the linker that the symbols listed in foo.exp will come from the name at the top. Likewise, -BE:dog.exp is used to tell the linker that the symbols listed in dog.exp are exported and can be used by others.
You can see /bin/ldd and /bin/dump can be used to review these symbols.
I figured this out. The trick is to use an export list so that symbols used in the plugin but not used in the binary aren't stripped out.
# version.exp:
And then when linking the application use: -brtl -bexpfull -bE:version.exp
There's more information here: Developing and Porting C and C++ Applications on AIX.