Doctrine automatically create all the database tables? - doctrine-orm

is there any way to tell doctrine automaticaly create schema tables without using this command :
doctrine:schema:update --force

Using SchemaTool and EntityManager you can do this:
$schemaTool = new \Doctrine\ORM\Tools\SchemaTool($entityManager);
$classes = $entityManager->getMetadataFactory()->getAllMetadata();

I'm not sure what you want to do, but if you want to do it from php code, you can check how the doctrine command works and copy the code. You can find it here:
If you check the execute method, you will see how it's done. Apparently you need to get a connection through the DBAL DriverManager, which gives you access to a schema object, which in turn has a createDatabase method. I have not tried this myself.


Doctrine2 orderBy in Symfony4 UnitTest

I'm having an issue in Symfony when it comes to test my API. I want to get a field and its values that I insert with an orderBy in my DQL. I'm using a getSingleResult to get the result.
When I get it in Postman, the orderBy is functionnal.
When I try to get it in my console running php bin/phpUnit, the orderBy is inefficient. If I replace getSingleResult by getArrayResult, it works but I don't have an object and that's not what I want.
Is there someone who know's about a problem like this one ?
I found the answer : when I'm testing my API I'm adding the entity, then I try to get it, but the collection in the parent entity is kept in cache. The fact is Doctrine needs to know that in this particular case the entity must be refreshed so I told my entity manager to use the HINT_REFRESH. Now it's working just fine.

Symfony doctrine convert from db to Entity comments are missing

I'm using this official tutorial to generate entityies from database, all works well except db column comments they are totally missing.
When i run this mapping import command in xml i see column comment
php bin/console doctrine:mapping:import --force AcmeBlogBundle xml
right after running
php bin/console doctrine:mapping:convert annotation ./src
when i open Entity/SomeTable.php some_column (which had comment in database) dose not have options={"comment":"some comment"} in annotation
So do i miss some option for convert command or it is bug of doctrine/symfony and is there a solution for this ?
Note: i have tested this with both symfony2 and symfony3 issue is same
Currently there is no option that will convert your comments and add it to the entity class. The Entity geneartion can be seen in the DoctrineBundle of Symfony in the class Doctrine\ORM\Tools\EntityGenerator this class says it all:
Generic class used to generate PHP5 entity classes from ClassMetadataInfo instances.
So in easy words the mapping you create in xml is then read as ClassMetadataInfo and the EntityGenerator generates the entity class from that ClassMetadataInfo. If you want you can try to add an implementation for the comment or propose a PR or bug in the symfony git repository.
See generateFieldMappingPropertyDocBlock method of the Doctrine\ORM\Tools\EntityGenerator class and see if you can manage to understand the code and add your comment from there.
Based on #SimeonKolev answer i was able to implement simple fix for this issue in doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Tools/EntityGenerator.php to have options={"comment"=".."} filled in each Entity
Solution was add in EntityGenerator.php method generateFieldMappingPropertyDocBlock before if (isset($fieldMapping['unsigned']) ... condition near to ~1652 line
if( isset($fieldMapping['options']) && is_array($fieldMapping['options'])
&& isset($fieldMapping['options']['comment']) ){
$column[] = 'options={"comment"="'.$fieldMapping['options']['comment'].'"}';

How to update fixture column in Rails Minitest

How can i update column of a fixture for temporary use only with update_column command.
Right now i have following command that is running fine:
name = names(:one)
role = roles(:one)
name.role_id =
And it is running fine, but is there any efficient way to do it in one line something like name.update_column(---, ----) ?
Thanks #richfisher for your answer, later on i figure out another way to do it. update_attributes is not a good idea to be used in test, because the problem with update_attributes is
It runs callbacks and validations
and usually we do not want to run these things in test cases
Instead of update_attributes we can use update_column like this
name.update_column(:role_id, roles(:one).id)
The advantage of using update_column is
It did not run callbacks and validations
name = names(:one)
name.update_attributes(role_id: roles(:one).id)

Doctrine Scheme tool with ZF2

I am trying to use the Doctrine Scheme tool with ZF2 without much success, I am trying to update my Mysql DB via command line but I keep getting this error:
$ ./doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:create --dump-sql [Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\SchemaException] The
table with name 'ondemand_server.rbu_roles' already exists.
The rbu_roles is from ZfcRbac and I would imagine it is defined in the vendor module as well as in my own custom modules, how do I deal with this? Is there a way to ignore certain entities etc?
Check your entity annotations, if you have done some copy/paste, you might have a duplication of the table name:

doctrine migrations phar, how to setup type mapping?

I want to use doctrine migrations in my non-symfony project, so I got the phar standalone from I configured everything properly (db-configuration and configuration) and then when doing "migrations:status" I get the error:
Unknown database type enum requested,
Doctrine\DBAL\Platforms\MySqlPlatform may not support it.
Now there are many resources on how to fix this in the context of a symfony app (for instance but where can I put this type mapping in this case? Should I extract the .phar, put the code in it (where?) and then re-package it? (how?)
I have tried something for Zend framework and it worked:
Open ./vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Platforms/MySqlPlatform.php
Search for function initializeDoctrineTypeMappings()
create an entry for enum as,
'enum' => 'string'
Worked like charm !
That problem resolved in this fork
By default Doctrine does not map the MySQL enum type to a Doctrine type. This is because Enums contain state (their allowed values) and Doctrine types don’t.
Use fork at link and you can register MySQL ENUMs to map to Doctrine strings.
This way Doctrine always resolves ENUMs to Doctrine strings.
name: Doctrine Sandbox Migrations
migrations_namespace: DoctrineMigrations
table_name: doctrine_migration_versions
migrations_directory: /path/to/migrations/classes/DoctrineMigrations
enum: string
More information -
What Ocramius said:
You need to use migrations and setup the CLI on your own. Start from cloning and installing via composer. After that, customize your CLI runner to setup the connection according to your own needs.