Update a TDBGrid in C++ Builder - c++

Embarcadero's documentation on a lot of the DB components is incomplete and asks that users update it. As a result I can't figure out how to get my DBGrid to update with a new SQL statement.
I have it call my SQL Statement just fine to begin with, however when I change the SQL statement and call the same update statement it still displays the original Grid.
I am using a TDataSource object to connect to my TADOQuery in order to fill my DBTable. When I update my TADOQuery and have it rerun the query, then call the Update Function on my DBGrid, I see no difference. Is there something extra I need to be doing with the TDataSource?
Edit: I copied the TDataSource, deleted the original, closed and opened Builder and it worked fine.

copied the TDataSource, deleted the original, closed and opened Builder and it worked fine.


Why this SQL sentence gets stuck and never finishes

I'm using PostgreSQL and all queries have been working fine for all our users. Except now. Some hours ago, some of the sentences are not working for some users. For instance:
select comments from appointments_appointmentlog where id=102501539;
If I run this sentence in the psql tool, it runs just fine. But, I use a different id (one of the problematic ones), then it gets stuck:
UPDATE appointments_appointmentlog SET comments='A' WHERE id=30042047;
The select command works fine though:
select comments from appointments_appointmentlog where id=30042047;
Any idea what may be happenning? Do you need any additional information? Also, as a side note, I can update, create and delete other rows in the same appointments_appointmentlog table.
Note: not sure if relevant, but we are using Django 1.1 (I know I know, too old). The problem can also be reproduced with raw sql though, without using django.
As #a_horse_with_no_name said in the comments, it is a lock:
LOG: process 3637036 still waiting for ShareLock on transaction 2604361155 after 4413702.724 ms
DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 3635781. Wait queue: 3637036.
CONTEXT: while deleting tuple (429566,2) in relation "appointments_appointmentlog"
STATEMENT: DELETE FROM "appointments_appointmentlog" WHERE "appointments_appointmentlog"."id" IN (30042047)
Not sure how to unlock it though.

SQL72007: The syntax check failed 'Unexpected end of file occurred.' in batch near :

In SSDT project (using VS2017/VS2015, SSDT version 15.1.61702.140), I cannot get my project to build. The compiler keeps complaining about the sql statement in my PostDeploymentScript (yes, I have set the BuildAction property to PostDeploy). The sql statement is:
if ('$(env)' = 'dvp')
PRINT 'creating users for dvp'
:r .\SecurityAdditions\usersdvp.sql
ELSE IF ('$(env)' = 'qat')
PRINT 'creating users for qat'
:r .\SecurityAdditions\usersqat.sql
The actual error message is:
D:\My\File\Path\PostDeploymentScript.sql (lineNum, col): Error: SQL72007:
The syntax check failed 'Unexpected end of file occurred.' in the batch near:
The line num referred in the error message in the last line (end). Any idea what's causing this?
Apparently the problem was due to the GO statements I had in the files I was referencing. Having GO statements inside if else block is invalid. Here is an article explaining that. I was able to get it work by removing all GO statements from the referenced files and by splitting if else to two if.
IF ('$(env)' = 'dvp')
:R .\SecurityAdditions\UsersDVP.sql
IF ('$(env)' = 'qat')
:R .\SecurityAdditions\UsersQAT.sql
I had this same error because I forgot to end one of the scripts being included in the post deployment script with a GO statement. What makes it hard fix is that the error will point to the first line in the next script instead of the script where the GO statement is missing.
I ran into this issue while I was trying to create database users in a SQL Database project. Setting the build action to None is no use because then your script doesn't run during the deployment.
I was using a script like this to create the users:
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.sysusers WHERE name='$(DbUserName)')
CREATE USER [$(DbUserName)] WITH PASSWORD = '$(DbPassword)';
ALTER ROLE [db_owner] ADD MEMBER [$(DbUserName)];
I had two SQLCMD variables in the project file and setting a default value for one of them actually resolved the issue. It's really weird but I hope this helps some poor soul one day :)
I would like to share my experience here.
I got same error building my sql project but scenario was different and tricky.
I introduced new column in one of my database table and I needed to populate that column for already existing rows in that table. So basically it should be one time process and hence I decided to create post deployment script to do that. This post deployment script
began with IF condition to make sure it run only once for a given database. Please note this does not allow GO statement.
then Create Function to create temporary function. This needs GO statement before Create Function mainly because it makes changes in database schema. This was tricky because IF does not allow GO statement.
then Update query using temp function to achieve my requirement. This is fine without GO statement
then DROP FUNCTION to remove temporary function. This is also database schema change and ideally needs GO statement.
To handle this situation without any GO statement
I created a variable let's say '#CreateFuntion NAVARCHAR(MAX)' and set it with whole Create Function statement.
Executed Create Function using "EXEC sp_executesql #CreateFunction". This runs Create Function in separate batch. I was expecting Drop Function will need same treatment but in my case it worked without GO and "EXEC sp_executesql" may be because it was last statement in the script and would anyway run in next batch.
Everything else as it is
Another reason this could happen is if a post deployment script has a BEGIN statement without a corresponding END line. In such a case, any subsequent GO in anther future script will cause this error. I stumbled across this due to my own absent-mindedness when editing one of the post-deployment scripts.

Entity Framework error during unit test

I'm using the entity framework.
In one of my unit tests I have a line like:
On executing that line I get:
System.InvalidOperationException : The model backing the
'InvoiceNewDataContext' context has changed since the database was
created. Either manually delete/update the database, or call
Database.SetInitializer with an IDatabaseInitializer instance. For
example, the DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges strategy will
automatically delete and recreate the database, and optionally seed it
with new data.
Well I've actually deleted the database and removed the connection string.
I'm surprised this error is happening on adding as I wouldn't expect it to happen until I saved the data and it discovered there was no database.
In previous projects/solutions I created during unit tests I have been able to add to the context for test purposes without actually calling SaveChanges.
Would anyone know why this would be happening in my latest projects/solutions?
Are you sure it really didn't use database in your previous projects? If you do not specify any connection string it will silently use a default one to SQLExpress database with local .mdf file so make sure that isn't happening now.

Error inserting new record with Flex 4 via ColdFusion 9 with Apptacular extension

I have a little problem with using Flex 4 with Coldfusion 9. I hope you can tell me what I have to fix.
I use Coldfusion 9, hosted on my development machine.
I created a table in MySQL database with 2 columns: idPlayer as integer and auto increment. 2nd column is Name.
I use a ColdFusion Builder, Apptacular, to generate solid CFC service for me. It generates PlayerService.cfc here.
Now I use Flash Builder 4's data wizard to generate data service class from PlayerService.cfc. I create a form on update method of that service.
Ok, now look at the generated code.
// Please uncomment the below line if Data Management is enabled for Player and update is used as the create function.
// var player:Player = new Player();
So I uncommented the code and run the form. After fill the data, and click update, the pop up appear like this:
Unable to invoke CFC - Field 'idPlayer' doesn't have a default value
For details, turn on Robust Exception Information in the ColdFusion Administrator
So I don't know how Apptacular generate the code to work as ORM. But it should have some way or workaround to let the system act with idPlayer has no default value to insert other columns and generate idPlayer as auto-increment value (as I set in MySQL).
Could you help me solve this?
I don't know what your Player.cfc looks like (that's where the error is actually happening), but you'll need to set the generator attribute of the id property to let Hibernate know that the database is supposed to take care of that for you. You'll most likely have the exact same error if you tried to save the object via ColdFusion, so test your Service using CF first, and then move onto Flash so that you know if your issue is really with your Flex integration, or with your CF app.

SPDataSource for update and delete

Has anyone tried out working with the Delete and update command of SPDataSource used in conjunction with SPGridView? If yes, can you share a working example?
There is no way to do this without code. It specifies the query used to first retrieve the item(s) to be deleted, you in turn should add a handler for deleting the items the DeleteCommand retrieves in code.... I know, not very clean, but the SPDataSource is basically only useable for selecting items... CAML is a retrieval only language, it itself does not have any Command either (i.e. SELECT is implicit, DELETE, INSERT UPDATE do not exist in CAML)