Qt - how to set audio playback starts from the beginning of buffer? - c++

I have a buffer with a size for example 4096, and store data into it, if the buffer is full, it would be start from the beginning of the buffer. It seems like this works fine.
But I have problem with playing data from buffer.
QByteArray m_buffer;
QBuffer m_audioOutputIODevice;
QAudioOutput* m_audioOutput;
Now I can play the sound from the buffer but when it reaches the end of buffer, play stops.
How could I change the code so when it reaches the end of buffer it would all start from the beginning?
Thank you very much
update codes:
void bufferPlayback::resetPlayBuffer (QAudio::State state)
if (state == QAudio::IdleState) {

void stateChanged ( QAudio::State state ) <~ signal for when the player changes. Hook to a slot in your class, and just repeat the playback process when the state is stopped. Simple. One of the reasons I LOVE Qt.

AFAICT QAudioOutput doesn't have any built-in support for audio looping, so I think you would have to simulate audio-looping by sending fresh audio buffers to the QAudioOutput device periodically so that it would never run out of audio bytes to play.
I think the easiest way to do that would be to write your own subclass of QIODevice that pretends to be a very long (infinite?) file, but returns your looping samples over and over again when queried. Then pass your QIODevice-subclass-obect as an argument to QAudioOutput::start().


QSerialPort continuous reading accumulative delay

I am trying to do communication from QT Application to Arduino. The flow is like this: QT Application sends a '1' and Arduino is expected to respond with some data(the data String length is huge, around 300). QT Application is sending '1' at the rate of around 5Hz(every 200ms).
The problem I am facing is, there is an accumulative delay between the Arduino to QT communication. That is, the data I receive from Arduino is not recent data but the frequency of data coming of Arduino is 5Hz only(which is as expected), just the data coming is not recent. This delay keeps on increasing with time. I believe there is some problem with buffer or something.
What I tried:
QSerialPort serialPort; is my device port
Increasing and decreasing Baud Rate from both ends.
Reduce character length from Arduino, here delay reduces significantly but the accumulated delay is observed after a long time.
to clear serial communication buffer, but the issue still persists.
Here is my code snippet:
connect(timer_getdat, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(Rec()));
where Rec() is the function where I do communication part.
In Rec():
serialPort.write("1", 2);
// serialPort.waitForBytesWritten(100);
long long bytes_available = serialPort.bytesAvailable();
if (bytes_available >= 1)
serialPort.readLine(temp, 500);
serialPort.flush(); // no change
serialPort.clear(); // no change by .clear() also
I have been stuck on this issue for a quite long time. The above code snippet is what I think is necessary but if anyone needs more clarification, I may reveal more of the code.
I also encountered with the same issue, and yes QSerialPort.clear() and QSerialPort.flush() doesn't help. Try doing readAll()
So change the part in your Rec() function to something like this:
serialPort.write("1", 2);
long long bytes_available = serialPort.bytesAvailable();
if (bytes_available >= 1)
serialPort.readLine(temp, 500);
serialPort.readAll(); // This reads all the data in buffer at once and clears the queue.
Even on QT forums, I didn't find the answer to this, was playing with all functions available with QSerialPort class and readAll() seems to work.
About readAll(), Qt documentation says:
Reads all remaining data from the device, and returns it as a byte
My explanation for the resolution is that readAll captures all of the data from the communication buffer and empties it.
This should be the job of clear() function but apparently readAll() seems to work.

Raw files aren't playing, or are playing incorrectly - Oboe (Android-ndk)

I'm attempting to Play a Raw (int16 PCM) encoded audio file in my android application. I've been following and reading through the Oboe documentation/samples to try to get one of my own audio files to play.
The audio file I need to play is roughly 6kb, or 1592 frames (stereo).
Either no sound plays, or sound/jitter plays on startup (with varying output - see bellow)
I have switched to floats for buffer queuing, instead of keeping everything to int16_t (and converting back to int16_t when done), although now I'm back to no sound.
The audio seems to be either not playing, or playing on startup (which is wrong). The sound should play after I press 'start'.
When the app was implemented with int16_t only, the premature sound was relative to how big the buffer size was. If the buffer size is smaller than the audio file, the sound is very fast and clipped (more drone-like at lower buffer sizes). Bigger than the Raw audio size it seems like it plays on a loop and gets quieter at higher buffer sizes. The sound would also get "softer" when the start button is pressed. I'm not even entirely sure this means the raw audio was playing, it could just be random nonsense jitters from Android.
When filling the buffers with floats, and converting to int16_t afterwards, no audio is played.
(I have tried running systrace, but I honestly don't know what I'm looking for)
The stream opens fine.
The buffer size fails to be ajusted in createPlaybackStream() (although somehow it still sets it to twice the burst size)
The stream starts fine.
The Raw resources are being loaded fine.
What I am currently trying in the builder:
Setting the callback to this, or onAudioReady()
Setting the performance mode to LowLatency
Setting the sharing mode to Exclusive
Setting the buffer capacity to (anything bigger than my audio file frame count)
Setting the burst size (frames per call back) to (anything equal to or lower than the buffer capacity / 2)
I am using the Player class and the AAssetManager class from the Rhythm Game sample here: https://github.com/google/oboe/blob/master/samples/RhythmGame. I am using these classes to load my resources and play the sound. Player.renderAudio writes the audio data to the output buffer.
Here are the relevant methods from my audio engine:
void AudioEngine::createPlaybackStream() {
// // Load the RAW PCM data files into memory
std::shared_ptr<AAssetDataSource> soundSource(AAssetDataSource::newFromAssetManager(assetManager, "sound.raw", ChannelCount::Mono));
if (soundSource == nullptr) {
LOGE("Could not load source data for sound");
sound = std::make_shared<Player>(soundSource);
AudioStreamBuilder builder;
Result result = builder.openStream(&stream);
if (result == Result::OK && stream != nullptr) {
mSampleRate = stream->getSampleRate();
mFramesPerBurst = stream->getFramesPerBurst();
int channelCount = stream->getChannelCount();
if (channelCount != mChannelCount) {
LOGW("Requested %d channels but received %d", mChannelCount, channelCount);
// Set the buffer size to (burst size * 2) - this will give us the minimum possible latency while minimizing underruns
stream->setBufferSizeInFrames(mFramesPerBurst * 2);
if (setBufferSizeResult != Result::OK) {
LOGW("Failed to set buffer size. Error: %s", convertToText(setBufferSizeResult.error()));
// Start the stream - the dataCallback function will start being called
result = stream->requestStart();
if (result != Result::OK) {
LOGE("Error starting stream. %s", convertToText(result));
} else {
LOGE("Failed to create stream. Error: %s", convertToText(result));
DataCallbackResult AudioEngine::onAudioReady(AudioStream *audioStream, void *audioData, int32_t numFrames) {
int16_t *outputBuffer = static_cast<int16_t *>(audioData);
sound->renderAudio(outputBuffer, numFrames);
return DataCallbackResult::Continue;
// When the 'start' button is pressed, it calls this method with true
// There should be no sound on app start-up until this button is pressed
// Sound stops when 'stop' is pressed
setPlaying(bool isPlaying) {
Setting the buffer capacity to (anything bigger than my audio file frame count)
You don't need to set the buffer capacity. This will be set automatically at a reasonable level for you. Typically ~3000 frames. Note that buffer capacity is different from buffer size which defaults to 2*framesPerBurst.
Setting the burst size (frames per call back) to (anything equal to or lower than the buffer capacity / 2)
Again, don't do this. onAudioReady will be called every time the stream requires more audio data and numFrames indicates how many frames you should supply. If you override this value with a value which isn't an exact ratio of the audio device's native burst size (typical values are 128, 192 and 240 frames depending on underlying hardware) then you may get audio glitches.
I have switched to floats for buffer queuing
The format which you need to supply data in is determined by the audio stream and it is only known after the stream has been opened. You can get it by calling stream->getFormat().
In the RhythmGame sample (at least the version you're referring to) here's how the formats work:
Source file is converted from 16-bit to float inside AAssetDataSource::newFromAssetManager (floats are the preferred format for any kind of signal processing)
If the stream format is 16-bit then convert it back inside onAudioReady
1592 frames (stereo).
You said that your source was stereo but you're specifying it as mono here:
std::shared_ptr soundSource(AAssetDataSource::newFromAssetManager(assetManager, "sound.raw", ChannelCount::Mono));
Without doubt that will cause audio problems because the AAssetDataSource will have a value for numFrames which is double the correct value. This will cause audio glitches because half the time you'll be playing random parts of system memory.

Qt reading serial data - working code but needs to be more reliable

I'm sending a few kB of data from an Arduino microcontroller to my PC running Qt.
Arduino measures the data on command from the PC and then sends the data back like this:
void loop(){
// I wait for trigger signal from PC, then begin data acquisition
// Data are acquired from a sensor, typically few thousand 16-bit values
// 1 kHz sampling rate, store data on SRAM chip
// Code below transfers data to PC
for(unsigned int i=0;i<datalength;i++){
// Get data from SRAM
// Serial write
} // Loop over
Qt is receiving the data like this:
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
// open and configure serialport
connect(microcontroller, &QSerialPort::readyRead, this, &MainWindow::readData);
void MainWindow::readData() // Read in serial data bytes
serialData += microcontroller->readAll();
// Once all serial data received
// Do something, like save data to file, plot or process
Now the above code works pretty well, but once in a while (let's say once out of every few hundred acquisitions, so less than 1% of the time) not all of the data will get received by Qt and my readData function above is left hanging. I have to reset the program. So my question is: how can I make the data transfer more reliable and avoid missing bytes?
FYI: I am aware there exists an Arduino stackexchange. I'm not posting there because this seems a problem more related to Qt than Arduino.
I didn't much look into it, but it seems the problem might be related to this line:
So if you got some extra data you just give up on the whole thing? It is not guaranteed that data will arrive at neatly discrete blocks after all.
You should read in the data if length is greater or equal, read in the specified length and leave the remaining data because it is part of the next block.
It would also explain why your function hangs - if you happen to exceed 2*datalength the condition is never true.
But even if you fix this, the implementation is kinda naive and not something that can be considered fullproof. There are other things that can go wrong, and you will need to have more descriptive block data so you can figure out what went wrong and how to fix it or skip errors without throwing a wrench in the gears so to speak.
Some thing I would suggest is wrapping your data in an envelop. Add a header character ('H' for example) and signature ('S' maybe?) every time you wanna send the data. In the receiving part check for the first and last char of your message And make sure it is what it should be. This will eliminate the noise and non-complete data pretty much.

How should QLocalSocket/QDataStream be read to avoid deadlocks?

How should QLocalSocket/QDataStream be read?
I have a program that communicates with another via named pipes using QLocalSocket and QDataStream. The recieveMessage() slot below is connected to the QLocalSocket's readyRead() signal.
void MySceneClient::receiveMessage()
qint32 msglength;
(*m_stream) >> msglength;
char* msgdata = new char[msglength];
int read = 0;
while (read < msglength) {
read += m_stream->readRawData(&msgdata[read], msglength - read);
I find that the application sometimes hangs on readRawData(). That is, it succesfully reads the 4 byte header, but then never returns from readRawData().
If I add...
if (m_socket->bytesAvailable() < 5)
...to the start of this function, the application works fine (with the short test message).
I am guessing then (the documentation is very sparse) that there is some sort of deadlock occurring, and that I must use the bytesAvailable() signal to gradually build up the buffer rather than blocking.
Why is this? And what is the correct approach to reading from QLocalSocket?
Your loop blocks the event loop, so you will never get data if all did not arrive pn first read, is what causes your problem I think.
Correct approach is to use signals and slots, readyRead-signal here, and just read the available data in your slot, and if there's not enough, buffer it and return, and read more when you get the next signal.
Be careful with this alternative approach: If you are absolutely sure all the data you expect is going to arrive promptly (perhaps not unreasonable with a local socket where you control both client and server), or if the whole thing is in a thread which doesn nothing else, then it may be ok to use waitForReadyRead method. But the event loop will remain blocked until data arrives, freezing GUI for example (if in GUI thread), and generally troublesome.

Restarting Streaming OpenAL Source?

Why does my streaming OpenAL source somtimes go to AL_STOPPED state, forcing me to call alSourcePlay? This usually happens when I do not call send fast enough, i.e. in debug mode. Does the oal source automatically stop when it doesn't have enough queue buffers? How do I avoid that?
void send(audio_buffer audio) override
ALenum state;
alGetSourcei(source_, AL_SOURCE_STATE,&state);
if(state != AL_PLAYING)
alSourcePlay(source_); // This happens sometimes, usually when "send" is not called fast enough.
ALuint buffer = 0;
alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source_, 1, &buffer);
alBufferData(buffer, AL_FORMAT_STEREO16, audio.data(), static_cast<ALsizei>(audio.size()*sizeof(int16_t)), 48000);
alSourceQueueBuffers(source_, 1, &buffer);
LOG << "Dropped audio.";
It sounds like your basic problem is that your audio stream is starved. There are a few options you can use to mitigate this, but they all have their own side effects:
(1) You can configure it to play from a looping buffer, to which you are supplying the relevant data. The downside to this is that it will audibly repeat itself if you starve the buffer too long, but it will have some better performance characteristics (fragmentation, etc).
(2) You can increase the send buffer size. This will only cover up small problems, and potentially increases the latency in dynamic content.
(3) Finally, you can thread the audio send operation, that way so long as the audio thread isn't starved, it can continue to send data in the background.
The high production / quality solution probably involes all three of these. Sorry for the lack of OpenAL specific terminology, but every audio system I've seen has these capabilities.