Copy contents of one DeviceContext to another DeviceContext - c++

I've never done any GDI programming and despite taking several shots in the dark and searching the documentation I haven't found the correct way to do copy the contents of one DC to another DC.
The code I have at the moment is below. I don't understand why it's not working (the window remains just remains blank after creation).
SIZE srcSize;
// ... Get size of source DC
HDC destDC = ...; // from GetDC(myWindow), myWindow was
// sized before this to properly contain source
HDC sourceDC = ...;
HBITMAP buffer = CreateCompatibleBitmap(sourceDC,,;
HGDIOBJ oldObj = SelectObject(destDC, buffer);
BitBlt(destDC, 0, 0,,, sourceDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
SelectObject(destDC, oldObj);
//... ReleaseDC()s here
What's the proper way this is done?

The only thing necessary to copy from one DC to another is a BitBlt. Code that works is below.
SIZE srcSize;
// ... Get size of source DC
HDC destDC = ...; // from GetDC(myWindow), myWindow was
// sized before this to properly contain source
HDC sourceDC = ...;
BitBlt(destDC, 0, 0,,, sourceDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
//... ReleaseDC()s here

It's not very clear to me what you are trying to do. First off, why create the new bitmap and select it into the window (sorry, "client area") DC? All you want is paint/draw the window, isn't it? This is not needed then. The destDC is exactly the window's client area surface.
Does sourceDC really contain anything? For example, does it have a bitmap slected into it?
And of course, you SHOULD process WM_PAINT. If you process this message the window is validated, and you are not required to validate it explicitly. Using GetDC()/ReleaseDC() is called "drawing", as opposed to "painting". In an application I made in the past I had to use both methods, painting (processing WM_PAINT) for responding to resizing, exiting from minimized state and bringing the window to foreground (if previously obscured by another) and drawing, for making certain changes immediately visible (instead of invalidating the window and waiting for the application to nearly enter the idle state first - pls note that WM_PAINT is a low-priority message).
Hope this helps


Capturing window's screenshot excluding certain HWND's styles (WS_SYSMENU)

I'm trying to periodically compare snapshots of the same window every few of seconds. Even though that technically the window doesn't change, pictures remains the same, i still get notified that something has changed with in the picture, I'm using good old BitBlt function to capture a specific window. and Zlib's CRC32 to compare results.
Here's an example of 2 identical pictures, the sole difference is the windows' caption(untitled paint) color. Whenever the window has the focus it's black, and gray otherwise. Since I'm not the owner of the HWND, Is there a better way of taking a picture without calculating the actual size of the window minus GetSystemMetrices(SM_CYSIZEFRAME / SM_CXSIZE) than changing the style.
My code:
::GetWindowPlacement(windowDesc.hWnd, &rect);
if (SW_SHOWMINIMIZED == rect.showCmd)
CImage img;
rect.rcNormalPosition.right - rect.rcNormalPosition.left,
rect.rcNormalPosition.bottom -,
HWND hWnd = windowDesc.hWnd;
std::shared_ptr<HDC__> spSrcHdc(::GetDC(hWnd), [hWnd](HDC hdc) {::ReleaseDC(hWnd, hdc); });
//::BitBlt(img.GetDC(), 0, 0, img.GetWidth(), img.GetHeight(), spSrcHdc.get(), 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
::PrintWindow(hWnd, img.GetDC(), 0x2);
BITMAP bmp = { 0 };
if (!::GetObject((HBITMAP)img, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmp))
throw std::exception("Failed to retrieve raw bmp buffer");
unsigned long ulbmpCRC = crc32(0,
(BYTE*)bmp.bmBits, bmp.bmWidthBytes * bmp.bmHeight);
if (0 != ulbmpCRC && ulbmpCRC == windowDesc.crc)
And another issue i failed to solve is when textboxes are present. The very fact that i have the cursor flickering, it generates different CRC32 values. yet again, can i use BitBlt with the ability to ignore the phenomenon?
To determine the client area of the target window, you can send it a WM_NCCALCSIZE message. This should enable you to determine the size of the caption bar reliably for most applications, something like:
GetWindowRect (hTargetWnd, &r);
SendMessage (hTargetWnd, WM_NCCALCSIZE, FALSE, (LPARAM) &r);
As for the flashing caret problem, you could try remembering the checksums for the last two different screens you have seen. Then you have a chance of working out when the window is, in effect, switching back and forth between two states.
That, and more sophisticated comparison logic (such as walking the list of child windows to look for edit controls to see if any changes are confined to the contents of such controls), should make it possible to achieve most of what you want.

C++: Avoid flickering using WM_ERASEBKGND-Message in MFC-Application

in the OnDraw()-Method i create a Bitmap and blit it to the output every time the window size changes:
void CmbmView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC)
CRect WindowSize;
HDC hdc;
CBitmap *pBitmap;
void* ppvBits;
hdc = CreateDC (TEXT ("DISPLAY"), NULL, NULL, NULL) ;
memset(&pbmi, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFO));
pbmi.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
pbmi.bmiHeader.biWidth = WindowSize.Width();
pbmi.bmiHeader.biHeight = -WindowSize.Height(); // top down
pbmi.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
pbmi.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32;
pbmi.bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB;
hbm = CreateDIBSection(hdc, &pbmi, DIB_RGB_COLORS, &ppvBits, NULL, NULL);
pBitmap = CBitmap::FromHandle(hbm);
// "Draw" into ppvBits
GetDocument()->DrawApple(pDC, ppvBits, WindowSize.Width(), WindowSize.Height(), m_MaxIter, m_MaxBetragQuadrat, m_BW);
// Blit it to the output
pDC->BitBlt(0, 0, WindowSize.Width(), WindowSize.Height(), &MemDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
But every time the application needs to recreate the bitmap in OnDraw(), the Screen gets white until it blits the bitmap to the screen. How can i use the WM_ERASEBKGND-Message to avoid this flickering?
I don't know with MFC but with the native Windows API you have to process the WM_ERASEBKGND message and simply return TRUE;. This tells the default window procedure that the message is processed hence the window background is erased. As a result the flickering disappears.
Additionally if you're using function InvalidateRect(..) be sure to set parameter bErase to FALSE. Note that the parameter is TRUE by default if not explicitly given.
In an application where rendering the window content took nontrivial amounts of time I took the following steps:
when the screen needs a redraw, blit its content from a bitmap
if the underlying data changes, kick off a thread to render that data into a new bitmap (if that thread is already running, just set a flag)
when the rendering thread finishes, exchange the stored bitmap with the thread result and invalidate the window (if the according flag is set, restart rendering right away)
when the window is resized trigger rendering and stretch-blit the bitmap to the window
when the view is scrolled, blit those parts that are available and trigger rendering
The important benefit is not just that you don't have flickering, but also that the application remains responsive while a thread in it is busy rendering the data into a graphic. In the implementation, apart from the usual multithreading issues, there are a few important things:
Don't run multiple threads in the background at once, as that can degrade performance. If you just stretch the window with the mouse you can easily generate tens of resize messages and you neither want to waste the time nor the amount of memory for that.
Only render the visible parts, as with virtual sizes of a scrollview the bitmap can become really large. In order to make scrolling easier you can add a frame (e.g. 1/5th of the width/height) to keep some additional data available while preparing a new bitmap in the background.

BitBlt issues with Memory DC created from printer DC

i have an issue with a fix i made to allow a flood filled object be printed...
so, the full story is we were using the windows GDI FloodFill function, which we noticed doesnt work on printers, so what i found on the inet, was to create a memory DC, compatible with the printer DC, and make all my drawing operations on the memory DC, and then BitBlt it all at once to the printer DC (i had to change to use a recursive, color replacment flood fill function too, since the memory DC only allows what the main DC did)
the problem is the memory DC seems to be a pixel or two bigger on the x and y, but i dont know what to do, when i get the selected bitmap from the memory DC, it shows it to be the correct size, i would like to use StretchBlt, but the values i have access to use as params for StretchBlt, make it no different than calling BitBlt
let me know if you need more info...
thanks in advance!!!
heres my code:
HDC hMemPrnDC = CreateCompatibleDC (hPrnDC);
HBITMAP hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap (hPrnDC, iWidthLP, iHeightLP);
HBITMAP hOldBitmap = SelectBitmap (hMemPrnDC, hBitmap);
// paint the whole memory DC with the window color
HBRUSH hBrush = CreateSolidBrush (GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOW));
RECT rect;
// add one to right and bottom, FillRect doesnt include the right and bottom edges
SetRect (&rect, 0, 0, iWidthLP + 1, iHeightLP + 1);
// NOTE: im doing this cause it starts out as all black
FillRect (hMemPrnDC, &rect, hBrush);
// delete object
DeleteBrush (hBrush);
// do all my MoveToEx, LineTo, Ellipse, Arc, TextOut,
// SetPixel, etc calls on hMemPrnDC here
// copy all the memory DC drawing data to the printer DC
BitBlt (hPrnDC, 0, 0, iWidthLP, iHeightLP, hMemPrnDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
// select old bitmap, and clean up objects
SelectBitmap (hMemPrnDC, hOldBitmap);
DeleteBitmap (hBitmap);
DeleteDC (hMemPrnDC);
hMemPrnDC = NULL;
UPDATE (Sept 5):
here is a link to a PDF print where I draw straight to the printer DC:
and here is the same but I draw to the memory DC then BitBlt it to the printer DC:
now, I did enable my recursive flood fill function on the second, to show an example of what we are trying to achieve, it does the same without it, so that is not an issue
as you can see, the bottom and right edge are cut off, I'm also concerned about the differences in font & line weight between the two, but not as much as the sizing mismatch
NOTE: the filename printed at the top doesn't go through the memory DC, that is always drawn straight to the printer DC
I found a solution to my problem, more of a work-around, but it achieved the desired results...
I only used the memory DC as a go between on the items that needed the recursive flood fill (GetPixel and SetPixel), so I draw them first to the memory DC, copy it all over to the printer DC and then draw everything else straight to the printer DC, seems to work just fine
thanks for the help!

How to use LoadImage and DeleteObject properly?

I am working on a windows application with C++. I load a bmp file to a DC using LoadImage, and it shows up properly. However, when I call DeleteObject, the memory doesn't seem to be freed. (I use windows task manager to track the memory usage)
In the WM_INITDIALOG part I do this:
static HBITMAP hBitmap = 0;
char* tempPath = "tabView.bmp";
hBitmap = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(NULL,
tempPath, // file containing bitmap
IMAGE_BITMAP, // type = bitmap
0, 0, // original size
LR_LOADFROMFILE); // get image from a file
SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_PICTURE),
STM_SETIMAGE, // message to send
(WPARAM)IMAGE_BITMAP, // bitmap type
(LPARAM)hBitmap); // bitmap handle
So the picture shows up in the DC, and memory increases. And in a button I do:
int result = DeleteObject(hBitmap);
When I press the button, I checked the result and it's a non-zero value, which is success. But IDC_PICTURE will still show the picture, and memory stays the same. I am wondering if the SendMessage() may increase the ref count on the hBitmap...
So my question is: What is the proper way to clean up?
You didn't mentioned what version of Windows you are using. Anyway, if you read "Important" part of STM_SETIMAGE, you will see next:
With Windows XP, if the bitmap passed in the STM_SETIMAGE message contains pixels with nonzero alpha, the static control takes a copy of the bitmap. This copied bitmap is returned by the next STM_SETIMAGE message. The client code may independently track the bitmaps passed to the static control, but if it does not check and release the bitmaps returned from STM_SETIMAGE messages, the bitmaps are leaked.
Maybe this applies not only for Windows XP, but for later version of Windows. Hope this will help you.

C++ Win32, easiest way to show a window with a bitmap

It's only for 'debugging' purposes, so I don't want to spend a lot of time with this, nor it is very important. The program exports the data as a png, jpg, svg, etc... -so it's not a big deal, though it could be good to see the image while it is being generated. Also, the program is going to be used in a Linux server; but I'll limit this 'feature' to the Win version.
I also don't want to use a library, except if it is very, very lightweight (I used CImg for a while, but I wasn't very happy with its speed, so I ended up writing the important functions myself and just using libjpeg and libpng directly).
I have the image in an ARGB format (32bpp), though converting the format won't be a problem at all. I would like to use Win32, creating a window from a function deep inside the code (no known hInstance, etc), and writing the bitmap. Fast and easy, hopefully.
But I don't know the win32api enough. I've seen that the only option to draw (GDI) is trough a HBITMAP object... Any code snippet or example I can rely on? Any consideration I might not overlook? Or maybe -considering my time constrains- should I just forget it?
The biggest piece of work here is actually registering the window class and writing a minimal window procedure. But if this is debug only code, you can actually skip that part. (I'll come back to that later).
If you have an HBITMAP, then you would use BitBlt or StretchBlt to draw it, but if you don't already have the image as an HBITMAP, then StretchDIBits is probably a better choice since you can use it if you only have a pointer to the bitmap data. You have to pass it a source and destination rectangle, a BITMAPINFOHEADER and a pointer to the raw bitmap data. Something like this
SIZE sBmp = { 100, 200 };
LPBITMAPINFOHEADER pbi; // the bitmap header from the file, etc.
LPVOID pvBits; // the raw bitmap bits
StretchDIBits (hdc, 0, 0,,,
0, 0,,,
pvBits, pbi,
So the next part is how do I get a HDC to draw in? Well for Debug code, I often draw directly to the screen. HDC hdc = GetDC(NULL) will get a DC that can draw to the screen, but there are security issues and it doesnt' work the same with Aero in Windows Vista, so the other way is to draw onto a window. If you have a window that you can just draw over, then HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd) will work.
The advantage of doing it this way is that you don't have to create and show a window, so it's less disruptive of code flow, It's helpful for debugging a specific problem, but not the sort of thing you can leave turned on all of the time.
For a longer term solution, You could create a dialog box and put your bitmap drawing call in the WM_PAINT or WM_ERASEBKGND message handler for the dialog box. But I don't recommend that you show a dialog box from deep inside code that isn't supposed to be doing UI. Showing a window, especially a dialog window will interfere with normal message flow in your application. If you want to use a dialog box for this bitmap viewer, then you want that dialog window to be something that the User shows, and that you just draw onto if it's there.
If you don't have access to an HINSTANCE, it's still possible to show a dialog box, it's just more work. That's sort of a different question.
About all you need is a handle to a device context (HDC). To display your data on it:
CreateDibSection to create a DIBSection.
Copy your data to the memory block returned by CreateDibSection.
create a DC compatible with the target DC.
Select the DIBSection into your newly created DC.
BitBlt (or StretchBlt) from your DC to the target DC.