Visual Studio 2010 not rebuilding/recompiling - c++

I was working on a project when all of a sudden VS stopped recompiling my project each time I debugged (mid way through working... I never changed anything). So it keeps running the same old build over and over.
I don't want to have to "clean build" each time, and I've followed the instructions here (Visual Studio 2010 doesn't rebuild changed code unless I manually select "Rebuild"). Surprisingly, they were already set (prompt to build when project outdated, build is checked under configuration manager).
However, it still never prompts me (except for after clean), and it's getting really frustrating. I'm using VS c++ if it helps.

I just had the same issue. This might solve your problem:
Tools->Options->Project and Solution->Build and Run.
There is an option what to do for "On run, when projects are out of date". Set this to "always create". This will mean that if you compile a project which depends on another project in your project folder, then the other project is compiled first, just as you want.
In my case, this option was set but then set to something else after a crash of VS2010.


Visual studio compiling failed without any errors [duplicate]

I have a WebApplication which contains reference to WCF services.
While building using Visual Studio 2010, Build fails without any error or warning. However building the .csproj using MsBuild is successful.
Can't figure out what should I try in Visual Studio, to resolve / diagnose the issue. Can you please help out?
I find out that the build has been failing,
From text displayed in status Bar.
From output window:
========== Build: 0 succeeded or up-to-date, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
The output tab includes configuration details.
------ Build started: Project: <projectName here> Configuration: Debug Any CPU
I noticed that if "Build + Intellisense" is selected in the Error List, it causes the error messages to be swallowed.
Change this option to "Build Only", and all error messages will be displayed:
I don't know if this is a bug in Visual Studio or what, but it certainly revealed hidden error messages that were the key to pinpointing the failure for me.
Some, like Richard J Foster, have suggested increasing the "MSBuild project build output verbosity" setting to "Diagnostic" (the highest possible option), but this didn't solve the problem for me, as Visual Studio appeared to be suppressing the error message(s) themselves.
As an alternative, you may try to use the raw output messages from the "Output" tab, which haven't been filtered by Visual Studio. Either do an in-place search for the strings "error" and/or "failed", or copy all of the output to your favorite text editor and do a search there.
To ensure that the Output window appears each time you do a build, you can go to Tools → Options → Projects and Solutions → General, and ensure that the option "Show Output Window when build starts" is checked.
As an additional troubleshooting step, it is also possible to build the project from the PowerShell command line by running dotnet build. This will show you the complete build output, including any errors that Visual Studio may be hiding.
I just ran into a similar situation. In my case, a custom action (from the MSBuildVersioning package available on - which appeared in the csproj file's BeforeBuild target was failing without triggering any error message in the normal place.
I was able to determine this by setting the "MSBuild project build output verbosity" (in the latest Visual Studio's Tools tab [Path: Tools > Options > Build and Run]) to "Diagnostic" as shown below. This then showed that the custom action (in my case HgVersionFile) was what had failed.
Here are some things that you can try:
If your solution contains more than one project, try building each project one at a time. (You may even want to try opening each project independently of the solution.)
If applicable, ensure that all of your projects (including dependencies and tests) target the same version of the .NET Framework. (Thanks to user764754 for this suggestion!)
Tip: Check Tools → Extension and Updates to ensure that your packages are up-to-date.
Ensure that all dependency projects are built to target the same platform as your main project.
Try restarting Visual Studio.
As suggested by Bill Yang, try running Visual Studio as Administrator, if you aren't already. (If you are already running Visual Studio as Administrator, perhaps try the opposite?)
Try restarting your computer.
Try "Rebuild All".
Run "Clean Solution", then remove your *vspscc* and *vssscc* files, restart Visual Studio, and then "Rebuild All".
As suggested by Andy, close Visual Studio, delete the .suo file, and restart Visual Studio.
As suggested by Arun Prasad E S, close Visual Studio, delete the .vs folder in your solution directory, and then re-open Visual Studio. (This folder is auto-generated by Visual Studio and contains cache, configuration settings, and more. More details can be found in these questions: Visual Studio - Deleting .vs folder and
As suggested by MrMalith, close Visual Studio, delete the obj folder in your solution directory, clear your temporary folder, and then re-open Visual Studio.
Delete the hidden .vs folder & restart Visual Studio. That worked for me.
I want to expand on Sasse's answer. I had to target the correct version of .NET to resolve the problem.
One project was giving me an error:
"The type or namespace name 'SomeNamespace' does not exist in the namespace 'BeforeSomeNamespace' (are you missing an assembly reference?)".
There was no error in the Error List window but the assembly had a yellow warning sign under "References".
I then saw that the referencing project targeted 4.5.1 and the referenced project 4.6.1. Changing 4.6.1 to 4.5.1 allowed the overall build to succeed.
Nothing was working for me so I deleted the .suo file, restarted VS, cleaned the projected, and then the build would work.
I tried many things like restarting Visual Studio, cleaning and rebuilding the solution, restarting the PC, etc., but none of them worked for me. I was finally able to solve the problem by doing the following:
First of all, make sure all the projects in your solution (including tests) are targeting the same .NET version. Then:
Save pending changes in the project and close Visual Studio
Find the exact location from file explorer and find "obj" file and open it,
Then, delete all the included files (some files won't remove, it doesn't matter, just skip them).
Use run command (by pressing Windows Key + R) and type "%temp%" and press enter to find temporary files.
Finally, delete them all.
On other possibility is that Visual Studio needs to run as Administrator, this might be related to deploying to local IIS server or other deployment need.
Just for the sake of completion and maybe helping someone encountering the same error again in the future, I was using Mahapps metro interface and changed the XAML of one window, but forgot to change the partial class in the code-behind. In that case, the build failed without an error or warning, and I was able to find it out by increasing the verbosity of the output from the settings:
In my case (VS 2019 v16.11.20), disabling Text Editor->C#->Advanced->Enable 'pull' diagnostics in the options solved the issue.
Double check for _underscore.aspx pages in your project.
I had a page and code-behind:
`myPage.aspx` and `myPage.aspx.vb`
when building the project, I'd get errors on the .aspx.vb page stating that properties defined on the .aspx page didn't exist, even though the page itself would build fine and there were NO OTHER ERRORS showing in the output (even with diagnostic level build output).
I then came across a page in the project that was named the same thing but with an underscore: _myPage.aspx - not sure where it came from, I deleted it, and the solution built fine.

Visual Studio messes up project settings

I've created an empty C++ project, added main.cpp, and set up build configurations. Particularly, I changed Output Directory and Intermediate Directory. Pushed everything to GitHub, and cloned it to the other computer. Opened solution, checked properties of the project to find out that it is now set back to default. Tried compiling, wrong directories are used. git status on both computers shows nothing. I also checked .vcxproj to find out that changed strings are present in the file.
What could be the cause of this behavior?
My environment:
1st computer: VS Express 2015 update 1.
2nd computer: VS Community 2015 update 3.
This happens to me all the time!
VS has the nasty habit of not saving project and solution options, even when you configure it to "Save to Compile", or even when you click the "Save" button.
You must click the "Save All" button. Or to be extra safe, close VS before committing.
Or could be caused because one of the computers is compiling the "Debug" configuration while the other is compiling the "Release" one. Or one is compiling the "Any CPU" and the other the "x86". Note that the "current configuration" option is not pushed to the repository.
Some updates MIGHT change libraries directory. I had this moment when I changed from VS2015 to VS2017 and nothing worked anymore.
Also try to see the directories in the settings. A project could be on CPU1's desktop, but on CPU's 2 document folder. In other words, check project propreties.

Can't debug test using breakpoint in Visual Studio 2013

I'm trying to debug a failing unit test by putting a breakpoint at the beginning of the test method and choosing Debug Selected Tests in the Test Explorer. However, the test always runs (and fails) without hitting the breakpoint.
I've tried:
Cleaning and rebuilding the project
Restarting Visual Studio
This seems like a pretty basic case - I'm not attaching to a separate process, or doing anything fancy. Just a basic unit test inside VS2013. What else can I try to get the debugger to work correctly?
This did indeed turn out to be simple. I had forgotten that I told Visual Studio not to build the test project (Build - Configuration Manager - unchecked Build). I was trying to speed up my compile times, and it came back to bite me.
Long but simple story short, Build Configuration is another thing you can check if you strangely can't debug code you've placed breakpoints on in the IDE.

Visual Studio 2012 express debugging

could you tell me why this happens when I simply press F5 in order to start debugging? VS is freshly installed and can't run hello world program :(
I checked for c# console application and that module works, only problem is when choosing C++
here is the screenshot..
First, i would recommend to Clean the project and choose Rebuild.
If the problem is still there, you need to check the exe location, and try to execute it manually.
I would say that the error is likely to come from some changes you did (project configuration) that require you to clean the solution, but it is just a mere guess.

MSVCR100D.dll error at runtime

Ok , so i created a program using VC++ 2010. it ran just fine.
Got to work and could only install vc++ 8 due to having a crappy computer that is still stuck on xp sp2...
Everything will link up and build with no errors, But when the program starts to run i get "This application has failed to start because MSVCR100D.dll was not found"
I tried changing the runtime libary from MDd to MTd but still no luck...any idea?
That DLL comes with Visual Studio 2010. If you want to use your program, you'll somehow have to get your hands on it. If possible at your work, you can download it. Another (probably better) option would be to take it with you from home on a USB drive.
Edit: You can also try re-creating the project, and then copying the source code over into the new project. Your newly created project (in Visual Studio 2008) should not be depending on that erroneous DLL.
Edit 2: As Hans Passant added in a comment, this DLL is needed by Debug compilations of your program. So if you simply compile as Release, you can safely ignore the first part of my post. (I hope I'm not breaking gentleman rules by adding this to my post.)
MSVCR100D.dll is for debug mode, and is installed with visual studio 2010, since 2008 has MSVCR80D. You can just google that and download it, and put it in the same direcrory, or just complie in release mode.
here is a download link. You need the small download zip file button, not the big ones.
As I know, MSVCR100D is debug version of runtime library used by VC2010。So, if your point either is:
(1) you do not have that dll which you really need, you can download at or
(2) you want to run that program without requirement of MSVCR100/D.dll, you may need to recreate a project in VC8, then substitute with your source files (not solution file or other files managed by Vistual Studio).
FYI: If my memory were not going wrong, I remember that a project created by higher version of VS cannot be opened directly by lower version one. So, how did you build them?