Error calling Informatica B2B Data Transformation with java API - informatica

I am trying to run DataTransformation from java API and get the following error message:
Failure while trying to create engine log /Informatica/9.1.0/DataTransformation/CMReports/Init/Events.cme- for more information see file://internal
Could you please advise about the reason for this exception and how to fix it ?

It seems that the user which is running the informatica Workflow through B2B doesn;t have the permission to create this log file. Please assign correct permission to this directory.
Please note that this is the log file created by Informatica DT or UDT Transformation and on failure you have to import this event.cme into Informatica DT for spotting the error.


Terraform GCS backend writing .tflock failed. 403 access denied

I am trying to use Terraform with a Google Cloud Storage backend, but I'm facing some issues when executing this in my CI pipeline.
I have set the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to my service account JSON keyfile, but whenever I try to init Terraform, I get the following errors:
Error loading state: 2 errors occurred:
* writing "gs://[my bucket name]/state/default.tflock" failed: googleapi: Error 403: Access denied., forbidden
* storage: object doesn't exist
I have tried all documented methods of authentication, but still no luck.
Turns out only the second error was actually relevant and there were no authentication issues after all.
My remote backend only contained my custom workspace state files and no default state.
Since terraform init needs to be executed before being able to switch to a workspace, it was looking for a default.tflock/default.tfstate file that did not exist.
From my local workstation I initialized the default workspace, which created the file that Terraform was looking for.
I wasted a good few hours trying to debug a service account authentication issue that did not exist. I hope this answer can save someone else from that rabbit hole...

BigQuery Data Transfer error for scheduled queries

Im keep getting this error when I try to go to the scheduled queries dashboard.
I have a scheduled query that is importing aggregated data from another project trough a service account.
The import seems like it's working for a while but then shortly after I get this error.
Error loading location europe: BigQuery Data Transfer service account does not have sufficient permission. Please ask the project owner to disable the BigQuery Data Transfer service and then re-enable it.
Error loading location asia-northeast3: Unknown Error
It looks like I get this error multiple times for multiple regions.To make it work (for a while) I disabled the relevant API and reactivated it but after a while I keep getting the same errors.
I'm not if this could be a permission error (if the service account trough which this data transfer is being made does not have sufficient permission) or it's an API problem.
Do you guys know what could be the issue here and how I could test this out?

Azure Text Analytics API to Power BI - error: Web.Contents failed to get contents

My goal is to get a new column in Power BI with keyphrases based on a column with text data. I try to connect the Azure text analytics API to PowerBI. I use this tutorial:
After I invoke the custom function, and set the authentication and privacy to "anonymous" and "public", the KeyPhrases column I get only contains the values "Error" with the following description:
An error occurred in the ‘’ query. DataSource.Error: Web.Contents failed to get contents from 'https://******' (404): Resource Not Found
Also, not sure if it is related to my issue, but I see the following warning on my Azure account in the Networking menu:
"VNet setting is not supported for current API type or resource location."
I checked all the steps in the tutorial, I re-entered the authentication and privacy settings. Also, I tried the same for the sentiment analysis function. Finally, I tried everything on a different and very simplistic dataset.
Not sure what the cause of my issue is and how to solve it.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Best, Rosanne
Look at your error message:
'https://******' (404): Resource Not Found Details: DataSourceKind=Web DataSourcePath=https://******* Url=https://******
It throw a 404, so you are pointing to the wrong URL.
And s you can see in the beginning of your url:
https://****** << here you have twice "" so you url setup is wrong.
I don't know exactly how it is setup on your side, but you may have provided a region or endpoint during it and it's here where you put the wrong value.

PowerBI Embedded: Datasource has no credentials, unable to Patch the gateway

I wanted to test out PowerBI embedded so I downloaded the the sample app that is able to publish a pbix file and to embed it.
So I created the easiest PowerBI file one is able to make with Azure SQL, using the DirectQuery option, as underlying data source.
I succesfully imported the PowerBI file in my workspace collection
I changed the connection string of my PowerBI file succesfully
After that the code to patch the gateway with the username and password credentials fails
Then when I tried to view the embedded report I got this error.
I believe the connectionstring is in the correct format because it was updated succesfully. I also already tried to point it to another SQL database and then the error shows the other SQL database in the error message.
1) I thought this could be because the Gateway does not get the credentials that I gave it is that correct?
2) Does someone know how can I fix this?
Thanks in advance!
As #Cuong Le stated, this was a Microsoft Issue at first.
When the problem was fixed I still received a BadRequest exception. After trying to update the credentials with the PowerBI-CLI the problem became clearer. I needed to grant rights for Azure IP addresses to the relevant SQL database. Once I did that I was able to update the credentials. Unfortunately PowerBI API SDK's exception messages are not as good as the PowerBI-CLI messages. I also tried it with PowerBI API SDK and it also worked.
The exception message I got was the following:
[ powerbi ] {"error":{"code":"DM_GWPipeline_Gateway_DataSourceAccessError","pbi.error":{"code":"DM_GWPipeline_Gateway_DataSourceAccessError","parameters":{},"details":[{"code":"DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingErrorCode","detail":{"type":1,"value":"-2146232060"}},{"code":"DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingErrorMessage","detail":{"type":1,"value":"Cannot open server 'engiep-dev-weeu-sql' requested by the login. Client with IP address 'xx.xx.xx.213' is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes for this change to take effect."}},{"code":"DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingHResult","detail":{"type":1,"value":"-2146232060"}},{"code":"DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingNativeErrorCode","detail":{"type":1,"value":"40615"}}]}}}
The correct connectionstring format to use is:
Data Source=yourDataSource;Initial Catalog=yourDataBase;User ID=yourUser;Password=yourPass;
(Don't use quotes anywhere.)
I was experiencing the same issue. Also it is an open issue on github.
Attached Image :
enter image description here
To solve this, I used the PowerBI Cli 1.0.4 from NPM. And used Update Connection Operation,(remember to add -d).
powerbi update-connection -c [workspace name] -k [access key] -w [workspace id] -d [dataset id] -s "Data;Initial Catalog=xxx;User ID=xxx;Password=xxx"
If it fails do it(Update-Connection Operation) again.
The issue happens since sometimes datasource credentials are not carried over to the workspace.
In the case of reports that use direct query, credentials are never brought with the pbix as an import is done. All private info are stripped out.
Hope this helps!

WSO2 CEP bucket creation error

I was trying to execute the sample Access Analysis from the WSO CEP samples. After I created the bucket same as given in the sample I received an error and it doesn't created the bucket. Can any one help what is the problem?
Error log:
[2012-12-13 15:09:21,654] INFO {org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine} -
org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentException: wrong configuration provided for adding AccessAnalysisBucket.xml
This error was appearing when I gave query syntax at the Add query Expression. If i am not giving this, it will create the bucket.