Retrieving values of collection from multiple classes, what's the correct way? - c++

Before anything, thanks for reading!
I'm developing an application in C++ and I want an advice about a design issue. Let me explain:
The main class of my application has some collections, but other classes eventually need to get a value from one of those collections. Something like this:
class MainClass {
// Collections are internally implemented as QHash
Collection<Type1> col1;
Collection<Type2> col2;
class RosterUnit {
RosterUnit() {
/* This method needs to get a specific value from col1 and
initialize this class with that data */
class ObjectAction {
virtual void doAction() = 0;
class Action1 : public ObjectAction {
void doAction() {
// This needs a specific value from col2
class Action2 : public ObjectAction {
void doAction() {
// This needs a specific value from col1
My first approach was passing the whole collection as parameter when needed, but it is not so good for ObjectAction subclasses, because I would have to pass the two collections and if I later create another subclass of ObjectAction and it needs to get an element from other collection (suppose col3), I would have to modify the doAction() signature of every ObjectAction subclass, and I think that is not too flexible. Also, suppose I have a Dialog and want to create a RosterUnit from there. I would have to pass the collection to the dialog just to create the RosterUnit.
Next I decided to use static variables in RosterUnit and ObjectAction that pointed to the collections, but I'm not very happy with that solution. I think it is not flexible enough.
I have been reading about design patterns and I first thought a Singleton with get functions could be a good choice, but after some more investigation I think it isn't a proper design for my case. It would be easier and more or less the same if I use global variables, which don't seem to be the right way.
So, could you give some advices, please?
Thank you very much!

As mentioned previously, Iterators are good for abstracting away the details of the Collection. But going this route implies that the objects that use the Iterators will need to know about what's inside the Collection. Meaning they will need to know how to decide which object in the Collection they need, thus increasing the coupling. (more details below in the Factory paragraph) This is something you need to consider.
Another approach would be to create accessor methods on the MainClass that take some sort of key and return an object from the Collection (findObject(key)). Internally the MainClass methods would search through the container(s) and return the appropriate object. To use this approach, you will however need access to the MainClass, either by dependancy injection as mentioned before, or possibly making it a Singleton (not recomended in this scenario, though).
With the info provided so far, it may even be better for your ObjectAction Factory to have a reference to the MainClass, and as a part of the ObjectAction creation logic, call the appropriate MainClass accessor and pass the result into the ObjectAction, thus decoupling the ObjectAction Objects from the MainClass.

You probably want to use iterators, they exist exactly for the purpose of abstracting away sequences from specific containers.
If your issue is how to pass the iterators to the code that needs them in the first place, do not give in to the temptation to use globals. It may look more convoluted if you have to pass parameters in, but your code is that much more decoupled for it. "Dependency Injection" is a good keyword if you want to read more about this topic.
I would also advise you to check out std::function or boost::function instead of inheriting from ObjectAction. Functional style is getting more common in modern C++, as opposed to how it's usually done in languages like Java.

There's not enough information here of what you are trying to do. You make it sound like 'at some point in the future, this statically created action needs this data that was left behind.' How does that make any sense? I would say either construct the actions with the data, as you would for instance with a Future or Callable), or have the command ask for the next piece of data, in which case you are just implementing a Work queue.
Sounds like you are trying to do something like a thread pool. If these actions are in any way related, then you should have then in some composing object, implementing something like the Template Method pattern, e.g. execute() is abstract and calls a few other methods in a fixed sequence and that cannot be overridden, the other methods must be (protocol enforcement).


Design pattern to use when the application wants to know which concrete class it got

I have a class structure like the on below.
class Technology;
class BasicTechnology : public Technology;
class BasicChildTechnology : public BasicTechnology;
class ConcreteChildTechnology1 : public BasicChildTechnology;//concretechildtech1
class ConcreteChildTechnology2 : public BasicChildTechnology;//concretechildtech2
class ConcreteChildTechnology3 : public BasicChildTechnology;//concretechildtech3
class ConcreteChildTechnologyN : public BasicChildTechnology;//concretechildtechN
The ConcreteChildTechnologyN/3/2/1 has an isValid(String selector) method, which is as shown below,
public isValid(String selector){
return "concretechildtech1".Equals(selector);
Now in the client code is,
Technology tech = getTechnologyObject("concretechildtech1"); //tech becomes an instance of ConcreteChildTechnology1
How should I implement getTechnologyObject() in this case?.
Thought of using the abstract factory pattern, but doubtful of that. or even create a Facade and create the concrete child based on the input argument?
The problem is, only the ConcreteChildTechnology1 knows whether the input string (concretechildtech1) belongs to him or not; via isValid() method.
Again if I start to create N objects every time to check the validity, that will cause and overhead, because 1)the system is running in a very low memory environment like mobile and tablets, 2)the number of instance creation is high, 10-100 per minute.
May be make the isValid() a static inline method and create object based on the reply from child objects?
My understanding is that getTechnologyObject("string") is returning a smart reference/pointer like std::shared_ptr<BasicChildTechnology> based on a string. Inside that function there is a list of these tech objects and only that tech object knows if it is associated with that string.
The first problem is that string. Is it possible to convert it to an enumeration or some more precise data type earlier than now? That alone will make your system more reliable, and faster.
The second problem is the ownership of the match criteria. I imagine when the system was being designed that this felt natural. I would point out that this object does not have a single responsibility. It is both required to do whatever the Tech is, and required to match itself from some serialisation format. It may still make sense to leave the string inside that object (it might be a name) but the matching needs to be elevated out of the object, and into the search function getTechnologyObject("string").
Now regardless of if you have a string/numeric, the tech objects need a function virtual label_t label() (name it as you feel fit) that returns this identifier.
Thirdly your creating a new object each time. That is the factory pattern, but there are two choice on how to implement that. One is giving the power of cloning to each implementation and treat each instance as a prototype. The other is to create a related hierarchy of factories that build those tech objects.
If you go the prototype path also define a virtual std::shared_ptr<BasicChildTechnology> clone() const =0; in the Tech classes. Otherwise create a related TechnologyFactory class tree, or a Factory<T> template. The factory will need something like a label_t label() and a std::shared_ptr<BasicChildTechnology> build().
I'm going to pick prototype here.
Construct the lookup like:
std::map<label_t, std::shared_ptr<BasicChildTechnology>> lookup;
lookup.add(tech1->label(), tech1);
lookup.add(tech2->label(), tech2);
lookup.add(tech3->label(), tech3);
std::shared_ptr<BasicChildTechnology> getTechnologyObject(const label_t& label)
return lookup[label]->clone();
And a Factory template here.
Construct the lookup like:
std::map<label_t, Factory<std::shared_ptr<BasicChildTechnology>>> lookup;
lookup.add(factory1->label(), factory1);
lookup.add(factory2->label(), factory2);
lookup.add(factory3->label(), factory3);
std::shared_ptr<BasicChildTechnology> getTechnologyObject(const label_t& label)
return lookup[label]->build();
The lookup will execute in log(N) time, for both cases.
What you are trying to do has different solutions based on your exact implementation and what the child types actually do.
If the isValid() method never relies on non-static member variables, isValid() could be made static. Your getTechnologyObject() function could be written as:
Technology* getTechnologyObject(const std::string& _string)
return new ConcreteChildTechnology1(/* arguments go here */);
/* follow with the rest */
As per user4581301's comment you can return a pointer to prevent object slicing.
It seems that your type hierarchy is blowing out in size. To reduce complexity and perhaps make the creation of objects easier, you could explore some form of composition instead of inheritance. This way a factory pattern would make more sense. Perhaps you could create a Technology object based off what is it supposed to do using a decorator pattern.

Accessing subclass functions of member of collection of parent class objects

(Refer Update #1 for a concise version of the question.)
We have an (abstract) class named Games that has subclasses, say BasketBall and Hockey (and probably many more to come later).
Another class GameSchedule, must contain a collection GamesCollection of various Games objects. The issue is that we would, at times, like to iterate only through the BasketBall objects of GamesCollection and call functions that are specific to it (and not mentioned in the Games class).
That is, GameSchedule deals with a number of objects that broadly belong to Games class, in the sense that they do have common functions that are being accessed; at the same time, there is more granularity at which they are to be handled.
We would like to come up with a design that avoids unsafe downcasting, and is extensible in the sense that creating many subclasses under Games or any of its existing subclasses must not necessitate the addition of too much code to handle this requirement.
A clumsy solution that I came up with, that doesn't do any downcasting at all, is to have dummy functions in the Game class for every subclass specific function that has to be called from GameSchedule. These dummy functions will have an overriding implementation in the appropriate subclasses which actually require its implementation.
We could explicitly maintain different containers for various subclasses of Games instead of a single container. But this would require a lot of extra code in GameSchedule, when the number of subclasses grow. Especially if we need to iterate through all the Games objects.
Is there a neat way of doing this?
Note: the code is written in C++
Update# 1: I realized that the question can be put in a much simpler way. Is it possible to have a container class for any object belonging to a hierarchy of classes? Moreover, this container class must have the ability to pick elements belonging to (or derive from) a particular class from the hierarchy and return an appropriate list.
In the context of the above problem, the container class must have functions like GetCricketGames, GetTestCricketGames, GetBaseballGame etc.,
This is exactly one of the problems that The "Tell, Don't Ask" principle was created for.
You're describing an object that holds onto references to other objects, and wants to ask them what type of object they are before telling them what they need to do. From the article linked above:
The problem is that, as the caller, you should not be making decisions based on the state of the called object that result in you then changing the state of the object. The logic you are implementing is probably the called object’s responsibility, not yours. For you to make decisions outside the object violates its encapsulation.
If you break the rules of encapsulation, you not only introduce the runtime risks incurred by rampant downcasts, but also make your system significantly less maintainable by making it easier for components to become tightly coupled.
Now that that's out there, let's look at how the "Tell, Don't Ask" could be applied to your design problem.
Let's go through your stated constraints (in no particular order):
GameSchedule needs to iterate over all games, performing general operations
GameSchedule needs to iterate over a subset of all games (e.g., Basketball), to perform type-specific operations
No downcasts
Must easily accommodate new Game subclasses
The first step to following the "Tell, Don't Ask" principle is identifying the actions that will take place in the system. This lets us take a step back and evaluate what the system should be doing, without getting bogged down into the details of how it should be doing it.
You made the following comment in #MarkB's answer:
If there's a TestCricket class inheriting from Cricket, and it has many specific attributes concerning the timings of the various innings of the match, and we would like to initialize the values of all TestCricket objects' timing attributes to some preset value, I need a loop that picks all TestCricket objects and calls some function like setInningTimings(int inning_index, Time_Object t)
In this case, the action is: "Initialize the inning timings of all TestCricket games to a preset value."
This is problematic, because the code that wants to perform this initialization is unable to differentiate between TestCricket games, and other games (e.g., Basketball). But maybe it doesn't need to...
Most games have some element of time: Basketball games have time-limited periods, while Baseball games have (basically) innings with basically unlimited time. Each type of game could have its own completely unique configuration. This is not something we want to offload onto a single class.
Instead of asking each game what type of Game it is, and then telling it how to initialize, consider how things would work if the GameSchedule simply told each Game object to initialize. This delegates the responsibility of the initialization to the subclass of Game - the class with literally the most knowledge of what type of game it is.
This can feel really weird at first, because the GameSchedule object is relinquishing control to another object. This is an example of the Hollywood Principle. It's a completely different way of solving problems than the approach most developers initially learn.
This approach deals with the constraints in the following ways:
GameSchedule can iterate over a list of Games without any problem
GameSchedule no longer needs to know the subtypes of its Games
No downcasting is necessary, because the subclasses themselves are handling the subclass-specific logic
When a new subclass is added, no logic needs to be changed anywhere - the subclass itself implements the necessary details (e.g., an InitializeTiming() method).
Edit: Here's an example, as a proof-of-concept.
struct Game
std::string m_name;
Game(std::string name)
: m_name(name)
virtual void Start() = 0;
virtual void InitializeTiming() = 0;
// A class to demonstrate a collaborating object
struct PeriodLengthProvider
int GetPeriodLength();
struct Basketball : Game
int m_period_length;
PeriodLengthProvider* m_period_length_provider;
Basketball(PeriodLengthProvider* period_length_provider)
: Game("Basketball")
, m_period_length_provider(period_length_provider)
void Start() override;
void InitializeTiming() override
m_period_length = m_time_provider->GetPeriodLength();
struct Baseball : Game
int m_number_of_innings;
Baseball() : Game("Baseball") { }
void Start() override;
void InitializeTiming() override
m_number_of_innings = 9;
struct GameSchedule
std::vector<Game*> m_games;
GameSchedule(std::vector<Game*> games)
: m_games(games)
void StartGames()
for(auto& game : m_games)
You've already identified the first two options that came to my mind: Make the base class have the methods in question, or maintain separate containers for each game type.
The fact that you don't feel these are appropriate leads me to believe that the "abstract" interface you provide in the Game base class may be far too concrete. I suspect that what you need to do is step back and look at the base interface.
You haven't given any concrete example to help, so I'm going to make one up. Let's say your basketball class has a NextQuarter method and hockey has NextPeriod. Instead, add to the base class a NextGameSegment method, or something that abstracts away the game-specific details. All the game-specific implementation details should be hidden in the child class with only a game-general interface needed by the schedule class.
C# supports reflections and by using the "is" keyword or GetType() member function you could do these easily. If you are writing your code in unmanaged C++, I think the best way to do this is add a GetType() method in your base class (Games?). Which in its turn would return an enum, containing all the classes that derive from it (so you would have to create an enum too) for that. That way you can safely determine the type you are dealing with only through the base type. Below is an example:
enum class GameTypes { Game, Basketball, Football, Hockey };
class Game
virtual GameTypes GetType() { return GameTypes::Game; }
class BasketBall : public Game
GameTypes GetType() { return GameTypes::Basketball; }
and you do this for the remaining games (e.g. Football, Hockey). Then you keep a container of Game objects only. As you get the Game object, you call its GetType() method and effectively determine its type.
You're trying to have it all, and you can't do that. :) Either you need to do a downcast, or you'll need to utilize something like the visitor pattern that would then require you to do work every time you create a new implementation of Game. Or you can fundamentally redesign things to eliminate the need to pick the individual Basketballs out of a collection of Games.
And FWIW: downcasting may be ugly, but it's not unsafe as long as you use pointers and check for null:
for(Game* game : allGames)
Basketball* bball = dynamic_cast<Basketball*>(game);
if(bball != nullptr)
I'd use the strategy pattern here.
Each game type has its own scheduling strategy which derives from the common strategy used by your game schedule class and decouples the dependency between the specific game and game schedule.

C++ Command line action abstraction using interface

I'm building an application whose usage is going to look something like this:
application --command --option1=? --option2=2?
Basically, there can be any number of options, but only one command per instance of the application. Similar to the way git works.
Now, I thought I'd write it in C++ to get some boost and stl experience and have a go with a few of those design patterns I keep reading about. So, I implemented this:
class Action
void AddParameter(std::string key, boost::any p);
virtual unsigned int ExecuteAction();
std::map<std::string, boost::any> parameters;
I'll explain my logic anyway, just to check it - this is an abstract-ish action. All actions need option adding, hence the parameters map, so that we can implement at this level, but we expect ExecuteAction to be implemented by derived classes, such as my simple example DisplayHelpAction, which does pretty much what it says on the tin.
So now I've written a factory, like so:
class DetermineAction
vx::modero::Action getAction(std::string ActionString);
std::map<std::string, vx::modero::Action> cmdmap;
The logic being that the constructor will create a map of possible strings you can ask for and getAction will do what it says - give it a command string and it'll give you a class that is derived from Action which implements the desired functionality.
I'm having trouble with that constructor. I am trying this:
this->cmdmap = std::map<std::string, Action>();
this->cmdmap.insert(pair<string, Action>("help", DisplayHelpAction()));
this->cmdmap.insert(pair<string, Action>("license", DisplayLicenseAction()));
Which is causing a lot of errors. Now, I'm used to the Java Way of interfaces, so you use:
Interface I = new ConcreteClass();
and Java likes it. So that's the sort of idea I'm trying to achieve here, because what I want do have for the implementation of getAction is this:
return this->cmdmap[ActionString];
Which should return a class derived from Action, on which I can then start adding parameters and call execute.
So, to summarise, I have two questions which are closely related:
Soundboard. I'm deliberately practising abstracting things, so there's some additional complexity there, but in principle, is my approach sound? Is there an insanely obvious shortcut I've missed? Is there a better method I should be using?
How can I set up my class mapping solution so that I can return the correct class? The specific complaint is link-time and is:
Linking CXX executable myapp
CMakeFiles/myapp.dir/abstractcmd.cpp.o: In function `nf::Action::Action()':
abstractcmd.cpp:(.text._ZN2vx6modero6ActionC2Ev[_ZN2vx6modero6ActionC5Ev]+0x13): undefined reference to `vtable for nf::Action'
Just because it might be relevant, I'm using boost::program_options for command line parsing.
Edit 1: Ok, I have now replaced Action with Action* as per Eugen's answer and am trying to add new SomethingThatSubclassesAction to the map. I'm still getting the vtable error.
One thing than needs to be said right off the bat is that runtime polymorphism works in C++ via pointers to the base class not by value. So your std::map<std::string, Action> needs to be std::map<std::string, Action*> or your derived Actions (i.e. DisplayHelpAction) will be sliced when copied into the map. Storing Action* also mean that you'll need to explicitly take care of freeing the map values when you're done. Note: you can use a boost::ptr_map (boost::ptr_map<std::string,Action>) (as #Fred Nurk pointed out) or a boost::shared_ptr (std::map<std::string,boost::shared_ptr<Action> >) to not worry about explicitly freeing the Action* allocated.
The same thing about 'Action getAction(std::string ActionString);' it needs to become Action* getAction(std::string ActionString);.
The linker error is (most likely) caused by not providing an implementation for virtual unsigned int ExecuteAction();. Also I'd say it makes sense to make it pure virtual (virtual unsigned int ExecuteAction() = 0;) - in which case you don't need to provide an implementation for it. It will also provide the closes semantics to a Java interface for the Action class.
Unless you have a very good reason for the Action derived objects to not know the entire boost:program_options I'd pass it down and let each of them access it directly instead of constructing std::map<std::string, boost::any>.
I'd rename DetermineAction to something like ActionManager or ActionHandler.

runtime type comparison

I need to find the type of object pointed by pointer.
Code is as below.
//pWindow is pointer to either base Window object or derived Window objects like //Window_Derived.
const char* windowName = typeid(*pWindow).name();
if(strcmp(windowName, typeid(Window).name()) == 0)
// ...
else if(strcmp(windowName, typeid(Window_Derived).name()) == 0)
// ...
As i can't use switch statement for comparing string, i am forced to use if else chain.
But as the number of window types i have is high, this if else chain is becoming too lengthy.
Can we check the window type using switch or an easier method ?
EDIT: Am working in a logger module. I thought, logger should not call derived class virtual function for logging purpose. It should do on its own. So i dropped virtual function approach.
First of all use a higher level construct for strings like std::string.
Second, if you need to check the type of the window your design is wrong.
Use the Liskov substitution principle to design correctly.
It basically means that any of the derived Window objects can be replaced with it's super class.
This can only happen if both share the same interface and the derived classes don't violate the contract provided by the base class.
If you need some mechanism to apply behavior dynamically use the Visitor Pattern
Here are the things to do in order of preference:
Add a new virtual method to the base class and simply call it. Then put a virtual method of the same name in each derived class that implements the corresponding else if clause inside it. This is the preferred option as your current strategy is a widely recognized symptom of poor design, and this is the suggested remedy.
Use a ::std::map< ::std::string, void (*)(Window *pWindow)>. This will allow you to look up the function to call in a map, which is much faster and easier to add to. This will also require you to split each else if clause into its own function.
Use a ::std::map< ::std::string, int>. This will let you look up an integer for the corresponding string and then you can switch on the integer.
There are other refactoring strategies to use that more closely resemble option 1 here. For example,if you can't add a method to the Window class, you can create an interface class that has the needed method. Then you can make a function that uses dynamic_cast to figure out if the object implements the interface class and call the method in that case, and then handle the few remaining cases with your else if construct.
Create a dictionary (set/hashmap) with the strings as keys and the behaviour as value.
Using behaviour as values can be done in two ways:
Encapsulate each behaviour in it's
own class that inherit from an
interface with"DoAction" method that
execute the behavior
Use function pointers
I found this article that might be what you're looking for:
You might try putting all your typeid(...).name() values in a map, then doing a find() in the map. You could map to an int that can be used in a switch statement, or to a function pointer. Better yet, you might look again at getting a virtual function inside each of the types that does what you need.
What you ask for is possible, it's also unlikely to be a good solution to your problem.
Effectively the if/else if/else chain is ugly, the first solution that comes to mind will therefore to use a construct that will lift this, an associative container comes to mind and the default one is obviously std::unordered_map.
Thinking on the type of this container, you will realize that you need to use the typename as the key and associate it to a functor object...
However there are much more elegant constructs for this. The first of all will be of course the use of a virtual method.
class Base
void execute() const { this->executeImpl(); }
virtual void executeImpl() const { /* default impl */ }
class Derived: public Base
virtual void executeImpl() const { /* another impl */ }
It's the OO way of dealing with this type of requirement.
Finally, if you find yourself willing to add many different operations on your hierarchy, I will suggest the use of a well-known design pattern: Visitor. There is a variation called Acyclic Visitor which helps dealing with dependencies.

Best way to use a C++ Interface

I have an interface class similar to:
class IInterface
virtual ~IInterface() {}
virtual methodA() = 0;
virtual methodB() = 0;
I then implement the interface:
class AImplementation : public IInterface
// etc... implementation here
When I use the interface in an application is it better to create an instance of the concrete class AImplementation. Eg.
int main()
AImplementation* ai = new AIImplementation();
Or is it better to put a factory "create" member function in the Interface like the following:
class IInterface
virtual ~IInterface() {}
static std::tr1::shared_ptr<IInterface> create(); // implementation in .cpp
virtual methodA() = 0;
virtual methodB() = 0;
Then I would be able to use the interface in main like so:
int main()
std::tr1::shared_ptr<IInterface> test(IInterface::create());
The 1st option seems to be common practice (not to say its right). However, the 2nd option was sourced from "Effective C++".
One of the most common reasons for using an interface is so that you can "program against an abstraction" rather then a concrete implementation.
The biggest benefit of this is that it allows changing of parts of your code while minimising the change on the remaining code.
Therefore although we don't know the full background of what you're building, I would go for the Interface / factory approach.
Having said this, in smaller applications or prototypes I often start with concrete classes until I get a feel for where/if an interface would be desirable. Interfaces can introduce a level of indirection that may just not be necessary for the scale of app you're building.
As a result in smaller apps, I find I don't actually need my own custom interfaces. Like so many things, you need to weigh up the costs and benefits specific to your situation.
There is yet another alternative which you haven't mentioned:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
boost::shared_ptr<IInterface> test(new AImplementation);
return 0;
In other words, one can use a smart pointer without using a static "create" function. I prefer this method, because a "create" function adds nothing but code bloat, while the benefits of smart pointers are obvious.
There are two separate issues in your question:
1. How to manage the storage of the created object.
2. How to create the object.
Part 1 is simple - you should use a smart pointer like std::tr1::shared_ptr to prevent memory leaks that otherwise require fancy try/catch logic.
Part 2 is more complicated.
You can't just write create() in main() like you want to - you'd have to write IInterface::create(), because otherwise the compiler will be looking for a global function called create, which isn't what you want. It might seem like having the 'std::tr1::shared_ptr test' initialized with the value returned by create() might seem like it'd do what you want, but that's not how C++ compilers work.
As to whether using a factory method on the interface is a better way to do this than just using new AImplementation(), it's possible it'd be helpful in your situation, but beware of speculative complexity - if you're writing the interface so that it always creates an AImplementation and never a BImplementation or a CImplementation, it's hard to see what the extra complexity buys you.
"Better" in what sense?
The factory method doesn't buy you much if you only plan to have, say, one concrete class. (But then again, if you only plan to have one concrete class, do you really need the interface class at all? Maybe yes, if you're using COM.) In any case, if you can forsee a small, fixed limit on the number of concrete classes, then the simpler implementation may be the "better" one, on the whole.
But if there may be many concrete classes, and if you don't want to have the base class be tightly coupled to them, then the factory pattern may be useful.
And yes, this can help reduce coupling -- if the base class provides some means for the derived classes to register themselves with the base class. This would allow the factory to know which derived classes exist, and how to create them, without needing compile-time information about them.
Use the 1st method. Your factory method in the 2nd option would have to be implemented per-concrete class and this is not possible to do in the interface. I.e., IInterface::create() has no idea exactly which concrete class you actually wish to instantiate.
A static method cannot be virtual, and implementing a non-static create() method in your concrete classes has not really won you anything in this case.
Factory methods are certainly useful, but this is not the correct use.
Which item in Effective C++ recommends the 2nd option? I don't see it in mine (though I don't also have the second book). That may clear up a mis-understanding.
I would go with the first option just because it's more common and more understandable. It's really up to you, but if your working on a commercial app then I would ask what my peers what they use.
I do have a very simple question there:
Are you sure you want to use a pointer ?
This question might seem unlogical but people coming from a Java background use new much often than required. In your example, creating the variable on the stack would be amply sufficient.