Please help me with the following code. I need to add lengths of strings to a vector. I have no idea how to achieve it with boost. My best idea so far is:
boost::bind(add2Vect, boost::ref(lengths), L::_1)
Where add2Vect is a simple function that takes a vector, a string and add the length of the string to the vector. L is just a shorthand for boost::lambda
But this solution is bad, because I have to create a discrete function. That's not what lambdas should be about.
The code:
vector<string> strings;
vector<int> lengths;
for_each(strings.begin(), strings.end(),
// add lengths of strings to the vector 'lengths'
for_each(lengths.begin(), lengths.end(),
cout << L::_1 << " "
Boost.Bind and Boost.Lambda are not the same thing. You can't use lambda placeholders in bind unless you're using boost::lambda::bind.
Here's how you do what you seem to want:
std::transform(strings.begin(), strings.end(), std::back_inserter(lengths),
boost::bind(&std::string::size, _1));
If you really MUST use for_each:
std::for_each(strings.begin(), strings.end(),
&lengths, boost::bind(&std::string::size, _1)));
But you should be using size_t rather than int.
I was trying to transform a string into lowercase and store it in another variable using std::transform and std::tolower. I first tried:
string str1("Hello");
string lowerStr1;
transform(str1.begin(), str1.end(), lowerStr1.begin(), ::tolower);
cout << lowerStr1 << endl;
But, lowerStr1 contained nothing. After initializing lowerStr1 with str1, I got the desired result. I want to know the intuition behind this. Could someone explain why lowerStr1 should be initialized in this case?
lowerStr1 is empty, and std::transform won't insert elements into it.
std::transform applies the given function to a range and stores the result in another range, beginning at d_first.
You can use std::back_inserter, which constructs a std::back_insert_iterator, which would call push_back() on the container to insert elements.
transform(str1.begin(), str1.end(), back_inserter(lowerStr1), ::tolower);
Or make lowerStr1 containing 5 elements in advance.
string lowerStr1(5, '\0');
transform(str1.begin(), str1.end(), lowerStr1.begin(), ::tolower);
string lowerStr1;
transform(str1.begin(), str1.end(), lowerStr1.begin(), ::tolower);
Could someone explain why lowerStr1 should be initialized in this case?
That's because you initialize lowerStr1 containing 5 elements in advance as above. What's the value of the initialized elements doens't matter in fact.
This is because your call to std::transform is logically equivalent to the following code:
auto b=str1.begin();
auto e=str1.end();
auto p=lowerStr1.begin();
while (b != e)
But lowerStr1, is a completely empty string. lowerStr1.begin() gives you, loosely speaking, a pointer to an empty string. So writing to that pointer and, adding insult to injury, incrementing it and continuing to write to it, result in undefined behavior, memory corruption, and a non-trivial possibility of a crash.
You do not add content to an empty string by grabbing a pointer to it, and then scribbling into that pointer. There are several ways of doing that correctly, with push_back() or insert() methods. You can also use an iterator that does that, like a std::back_insert_iterator, which can use with std::transform.
Generic algorithms won't change the size of the containers.
You need to use an iterator adapter which implements operator= in a special way so that it actually insert elements.
Therefore you can use back_inserter(lowerStr1) to make sure that lowerStr1 gets extended as trasform() does assignments.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main() {
string str1("Hello");
string lowerStr1;
transform(str1.begin(), str1.end(), std::back_inserter(lowerStr1), ::tolower);
cout << lowerStr1 << endl;
Both can be used to apply a function to a range of elements.
On a high level:
std::for_each ignores the return value of the function, and
guarantees order of execution.
std::transform assigns the return value to the iterator, and does
not guarantee the order of execution.
When do you prefer using the one versus the other? Are there any subtle caveats?
std::transform is the same as map. The idea is to apply a function to each element in between the two iterators and obtain a different container composed of elements resulting from the application of such a function. You may want to use it for, e.g., projecting an object's data member into a new container. In the following, std::transform is used to transform a container of std::strings in a container of std::size_ts.
std::vector<std::string> names = {"hi", "test", "foo"};
std::vector<std::size_t> name_sizes;
std::transform(names.begin(), names.end(), std::back_inserter(name_sizes), [](const std::string& name) { return name.size();});
On the other hand, you execute std::for_each for the sole side effects. In other words, std::for_each closely resembles a plain range-based for loop.
Back to the string example:
std::for_each(name_sizes.begin(), name_sizes.end(), [](std::size_t name_size) {
std::cout << name_size << std::endl;
Indeed, starting from C++11 the same can be achieved with a terser notation using range-based for loops:
for (std::size_t name_size: name_sizes) {
std::cout << name_size << std::endl;
Your high level overview
std::for_each ignores the return value of the function and guarantees order of execution.
std::transform assigns the return value to the iterator, and does not guarantee the order of execution.
pretty much covers it.
Another way of looking at it (to prefer one over the other);
Do the results (the return value) of the operation matter?
Is the operation on each element a member method with no return value?
Are there two input ranges?
One more thing to bear in mind (subtle caveat) is the change in the requirements of the operations of std::transform before and after C++11 (from;
Before C++11, they were required to "not have any side effects",
After C++11, this changed to "must not invalidate any iterators, including the end iterators, or modify any elements of the ranges involved"
Basically these were to allow the undetermined order of execution.
When do I use one over the other?
If I want to manipulate each element in a range, then I use for_each. If I have to calculate something from each element, then I would use transform. When using the for_each and transform, I normally pair them with a lambda.
That said, I find my current usage of the traditional for_each being diminished somewhat since the advent of the range based for loops and lambdas in C++11 (for (element : range)). I find its syntax and implementation very natural (but your mileage here will vary) and a more intuitive fit for some use cases.
Although the question has been answered, I believe that this example would clarify the difference further.
for_each belongs to non-modifying STL operations, meaning that these operations do not change elements of the collection or the collection itself. Therefore, the value returned by for_each is always ignored and is not assigned to a collection element.
Nonetheless, it is still possible to modify elements of collection, for example when an element is passed to the f function using reference. One should avoid such behavior as it is not consistent with STL principles.
In contrast, transform function belongs to modifying STL operations and applies given predicates (unary_op or binary_op) to elements of the collection or collections and store results in another collection.
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
using namespace std;
void printer(int i) {
cout << i << ", ";
int main() {
int mynumbers[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
vector<int> v(mynumbers, mynumbers + 4);
for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), negate<int>());//no effect as returned value of UnaryFunction negate() is ignored.
for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), printer); //guarantees order
cout << endl;
transform(v.begin(), v.end(), v.begin(), negate<int>());//negates elements correctly
for_each(v.begin(), v.end(), printer);
return 0;
which will print:
1, 2, 3, 4,
-1, -2, -3, -4,
Real example of using std::tranform is when you want to convert a string to uppercase, you can write code like this :
std::transform(s.begin(), s.end(), std::back_inserter(out), ::toupper);
if you will try to achieve same thing with std::for_each like :
std::for_each(s.begin(), s.end(), ::toupper);
It wont convert it into uppercase string
I have the following object
std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> vectorList;
Then I add to this using
std::vector<std::string> vec_tmp;
if (std::find(vectorList.begin(), vectorList.end(), vec_tmp) == vectorList.end())
The std::vector<std::string>s contained vectorList are only ever 2-dimensional and there are no duplicates. This works great, but I now only want to check if vectorList contains an item that index zero equal to the current strDrg. In C# I would not even be thinking about this, but this does not seem straight forward using C++. How can I find if a vector exists in vectorList where strDrg already exists in[0]?
Note: I can use boost.
Use find_if with a lambda:
std::find_if(vectorList.begin(), vectorList.end(),
[&strDrg](const std::vector<std::string>& v) { return v[0] == strDrg; });
It seems you don't need the full power of vector for you inner elements. Consider using:
std::vector<std::array<std::string, 2>>
For doing exactly what you asked, std::find_if with a lambda as #chris proposed in comments is the best:
std::find_if(ob.begin(), ob.end(),
[&](const auto x){return x[0] == strDRG;});
// Replace auto with "decltype(ob[0])&" until
//you have a C++1y compiler. Might need some years.
But if you only ever have exactly two elements, consider using a std::array<...>, a std::pair<...> or a std::tuple<...> instead of the inner vector.
For tuple and pair, you need to access the first element differently:
pair : member first
tuple: use get<0>(x);
I was thinking about using remove_if on a vector of strings as follows in the pseudo code below:
for(some strings in a given set) {
remove_if(myvec.begin(), myvec.end(), string_matches_current_string);
Now, I am aware I can define the predicate and make this work easily. But I was wondering if there is a standard template function that I could use in place of the predicate above to make this work. I was looking around and couldn't find one. Appreciate any ideas with examples. Thanks!
Why using std::remove_if if you already know the value you want to remove? Use std::remove, which removes the items in the provided range, that match the given value:
std::vector<std::string>::iterator new_end = my_vec.end();
for(const auto ¤t_set_string : some_set)
new_end = std::remove(myvec.begin(), new_end, current_set_string);
my_vec.erase(new_end, my_vec.end()); // effectively remove them from the vector.
Note that I used the range-based for loop just to make this shorter, but you should use a regular loop if you can't use C++11.
I'm pretty sure there isn't a standard function but you can easily write the whole expression using a C++11 lambda:
std::remove_if(myvec.begin(), myvec.end(),
[&compare_me](std::string const& cmp) -> bool
return compare_me == cmp;
With compare_me being the "current" string set by the outer loop.
Keep in mind that remove_if returns an iterator to one past the last valid element so in order to get the correct myvec, you have to erase the elements between the iterator returned by remove_if and myvec.end().
For a non-C++11 implementation you'd have to turn the lambda into a function or functor. If you turn it into a functor you can pass the functor directly, if you turn it into a function you'll have to use something like boost::bind to provide the necessary glue.
The standard way to remove certain elements from a vector in C++ is the remove/erase idiom. However, the predicate passed to remove_if only takes the vector element under consideration as an argument. Is there a good STL way to do this if the predicate is conditional on other elements of the array?
To give a concrete example, consider removing all duplicates of a number immediately following it. Here the condition for removing the n-th element is conditional on the (n-1)-th element.
Before: 11234555111333
After: 1234513
There's a standard algorithm for this. std::unique will remove the elements that are duplicates of those preceding them (actually, just like remove_if it reorganizes the container so that the elements to be removed are gathered at the end of it).
Example on a std::string for simplicity:
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
int main()
std::string str = "11234555111333";
str.erase(std::unique(str.begin(), str.end()), str.end());
std::cout << str; // 1234513
Others mentioned std::unique already, for your specific example. Boost.Range has the adjacent_filtered adaptor, which passes both the current and the next element in the range to your predicate and is, thanks to the predicate, applicable to a larger range of problems. Boost.Range however also has the uniqued adaptor.
Another possibility would be to simply keep a reference to the range, which is easy to do with a lambda in C++11:
std::vector<T> v;
v.erase(std::remove_if(v.begin(), v.end(),
[&](T const& x){
// use v, with std::find for example
}), v.end());
In my opinion, there will be easier to use simple traversal algorithm(via for) rather then use std::bind. Of course, with std::bind you can use other functions and predicates(which depends on previous elements). But in your example, you can do it via simple std::unique.