OpenSceneGraph uses header files without the '.h' extension. Is there a way of getting Xcode to recognise the syntax as C++ and therefore allow me to have highlighting and jumping to definitions etc?
Eg: No highlighting:
Yes. Toggle the right panel (the rightmost icon of the "View" section of the toolbar, arrow 1 in the screenshot) with your file selected. Select the document tab in the panel (arrow 2), then find "File Type" under "Identity and Type" (arrow 3). Choose "C++ header" in the dropdown list.
You will need to reopen the file for the syntax coloring to kick in.
Is there any way to reset the default option as "Current File" in "Replace" of WebStorm?
Is there any way to reset the default option as "Current File" in "Replace" of WebStorm?
You cannot.
You cannot set a specific entry as a default one.
The IDE will (should) remember the last option used when you invoke "Find/Replace in Files" next time.
If you invoke "Find/Replace in Files" from a folder context (e.g. from the Project View panel) then the IDE automatically will select that folder as an option instead of what you have there from the previous time.
The reason why I need it cause it'll be better for me to get a quick and entire view for the content I am searching.
You can see the same "entre view" using in-file replace:
There is an "Open in Find Tool Window" button in the search toolbar that will open ALL matches in a standard Find Results toolwindow (the same window that you get when you hit the "Open in Find Window" button in the bottom right of Find/Replace in Files). So ALL matches will be listed there;
the Preview area is also available (may need to enable it first -- there is a button for that). It also allows editing the file content right there.
When I have text selected in a VS 2017 text edit window and then hit ctrl+t to do ReSharper's 2017 Ultimate's "go to everything", the selected text is not automatically placed into the "go to everything" search field.
As automatically pasting selected text into search dialogs is pretty standard functionality, I'm hoping there is a way to configure ReSharper to do this but have not been able to find one.
Does anyone know? Thanks in advance!
Try ticking the checkbox Remember last search on ReSharper | Options | Environment | Search & Navigation page. According to the WebHelp page, that should help
ReSharper can remember the last input that you used to find something
with Search Everywhere/Go to Type, Go To File, and Go to Text actions.
When this option is selected, ReSharper will also use your current
selection in the editor as the initial search query. For example, you
can select a file name in a string and then press Ctrl+Shift+T to
search for files in your solution that match this name.
I have two makefiles in Eclipse, one is named all.mak and the second is called Makefile.
My Problem is that Makefile is highlighted correctly when opend with the Makefile-Editor but alle.mak is not.
I know that under Window→Preferences→General→Editors→File Associations one can set the Makefile-Editor to open this file and I did so (but no highlighting for all.mak).
Is there another preference I have to make for correct highlighting of the all.mak-File?
Yes, there is another preference to set. Go to..
Open the preferences view: Window → Preferences
General (in left panel)
Content Types
In the right panel ("Content types"): Text
Press the 'Add' button, and enter the same filename as you did in the File Association view.
I'm trying to control language by selecting it in combobox, but I can't even write to the combo any selection as simple text.
Here is sourcecode: multilang
It is that what I'm looking for: Link
You can set the language automatically to the systemlanguage, due to creating a folder en-US (or every language tag you want) with a Resources.resw (Don't change it) in it.
To add Items to a ComboBox, open the "Collection" of the Items propperty of your ComboBox, select (at the bottom in the DropDown, next to "Add") "Other type..." and search for "String". Now you can add as many as you want, and edit their text on the right side.
Does ColdFusion Builder have split screen editing like Homesite+, and how do I turn it on? How do I activate word wrap?
Thanks much!
In order to see 2 files tiled at the same time within ColdFusion Builder 2, follow the steps below:
Open the file
Right click the tab with the file name
Choose Move Editor
You will see the file outlined in black in the interface, it is now attached to your cursor
Click to the right of the Source tab in the open area
This will allow you to view both files at the same time, one above the other
The file you select will be the active file
You can still use the Source and browser tabs, they will reflect whatever file is the active one
Word Wrap:
Go to Window > Preferences > HTML > Editors. Click the Advanced tab and check Enable word wrap. Restart CF Builder.
If you want to compare 2 files, there is an easier way.
Select both files
Right-click one of them
Select 'Compare With --> Each Other
Eclipse will then show you the 2 files side by side, and highlight any differences.
ColdFusion Builder 2016 (AKA 3.1) offers "split view" for both horizontal (CTRL+_) & vertical (CTRL+{), but the hotkeys don't appear to work at the moment. This can be accessed via the "Window | Editor" menu. You can also search the "Quick Access" search box and type "Split" and then choose the toggle options that appear.
In ColdFusion Builder 2016 the keyboard shortcut is: (CTRL+SHIFT+_) AND (CTRL+SHIFT+{)