Visual Studio 2010 files modified warning dialog before recompile - c++

by default VS 2010 when I run a c++ application, eventually shows a dialog that notify if a source file changed, before automatically recompile the solution.
Unfortunately I made that dialog not to show anymore, accidentally selecting the checkbox "do not show again" or something like that.
Does anyone know how could I restore that dialog?

In the Tools/Options/Projects and Solutions/Build and Run dialog are a couple of options that control this kind of behavior. I think you're looking for the "On Run, when projects are out of date" option; select "Prompt to build".


Visual Studio 2017, Intellisense is not working

I just upgraded from VS2015 to 2017, and intellisense highlighting of syntax errors has disappeared completely.
I tried some suggestions found online, mainly Edit->Intellisense->Refresh Local Cache, but that option is not there anymore.
Under Edit->Intellisense there is only Quick info which does nothing when I press it, and toggle completion mode which is greyed out
I'm using Windows 10, C++ project.
Do I need to delete some old files from VS2015 in order for intellisense to work again? like the VC.db file?
When IntelliSense stopped working in some files, I just deleted the project cache, restarted Visual Studio and opened the project again. Bear in mind that some minor settings also get reset (like the selected architecture).
Step by step
View => Solution Explorer (in case it isn't already open)
Right click "Solution 'Project name'"
Click "Open Folder in File Explorer"
Close Visual Studio
Show hidden folders (Win10 How-to)
Delete folder ".vs"
Open Visual Studio and project (wait a few seconds)
Hope this helps. -Minding
If you encounter a file in which the intellisense or error list is not functioning properly, look at the top-left corner of the navigation bar and check to see if that file is marked as “Miscellaneous Files”
If it is, the steps to solve the issue is:
Go to the file inside Solution Explorer.
Right-Click file and select Exclude From Project.
Right-Click your project/folder where the file was and click Add Existing Item, and add the file you just removed back into your project.
This should fix whatever issues you're having. (Tip: You can multi-select source/header files, so this does not need to be done one at a time).
Right-click on solution and select Rescan Solution (Visual Studio 2017). This should re-sync IntelliSense with solution data.
Please try to click Tools->Text Editor->C/C+±>Advanced, under IntelliSense, set
Member List Commit Aggressive to True and recheck this issue. Also, set
Use Aggressive Member list for Auto Member list to *False.
In my case, the project was referring to 2 different versions of the same library. I uninstalled one of the versions and intellisense started working.

Visual Studio 2012 everything out of date

In Visual Studio 2012, I usually use C# applications, which work fine. Now that I feel like I have a strong grasp of C#, I've decided to move on to C++. I have changed no preferences. All of my C++ projects say that the project is out of date. Here are my steps:
File -> New Project
Click "Visual C++" tab -> Win32 Console Application
Change nothing and click OK
Click Finish for the Win32 Application Wizard
Press F5 to run, or click the button (which says "Local Windows Debugger").
I'm not sure if I'm making a mistake or if there are missing dependencies. My question is, what is causing this and how can I prevent this message? If you don't know, then what are some things that I can do to find out?
what is causing this
=> Two possible reasons :
you just created the project and have not built it before trying to launch it
OR you made some changes to the project files and tried to launch the application before building the project
how can I prevent this message?
Tick "Do not show this dialog again" and click yes : your application will automatically be built every time you want to launch it.
OR always build the project before launching it

How to hide these two controls in Visual Studio 2008?

To save screen space, I wanna close some useless controls in my Visual Studio 2008. How to close these two?
The picture
This is the Navigation Bar.
You can change settings by entering the Options dialog via the menu (Tools -> Options). Under Text Editor settings, choose the language (C/C++) and uncheck the Navigation Bar option.
You can do this under the All Languages setting instead, but I wouldn't recommend it. I disagree with your opinion that it's a "useless control".
Note that after changing it, you may need to close and open your source files again. I had erratic behaviour on open source files when applying this option.

visual studio 2010 unable to start program .dll

I have a problem for my visual studio 2010. When I click start debugging button and it's start debugging.
It seems that there is no error "i just create one "button" on it "
But it will show Unable to start program 'c:\users\.....\xx.dll'
Does someone now how to solve it?
The second question is: when I click left button to see the "Button" source code,
why it will show all this project code? Should I revise some setting?
Visual studio will not run a .dll by itself. does your solution have an .exe project? if so, right click it and select "Set as Startup Project". if not you will need to create one, and instruct it to load the forms within your dll.
as for left clicking the button, I'm not quite sure what you are describing. can you post a picture?
In earlier versions of MSVC while running .dll, will get a dialog asking path for .exe file
But in MSVC 2010 and above there is no such option. To fix this
Right click on your dll project
Configuration Properties > Debugging. Here, in Command -> add path to your exe.
Add command arguments, if any.
You are good to go!

VC++ 2010 does not create C++ projects

I have a really big problem. Visual studio 2010 does not create C++ projects any more. When I click to create a new C++ project (no matter console or Win32) it shows the next dialog, which should allow me to choose project settings, but I cannot do anything in this dialog (when I click Cancel or Finish nothing happens, I can just close this window), also, this dialog does not show all settings, like it had.
Non-C++ project are being created successfully.
I've installed a VC++ express, but it has the same problem. Class creation window also has this problem.
I tryed to reinstall VS, but it had no effect.
I tryed to launch from VS console devenv.exe /setup and devenv.exe /InstallVSTemplates
I tryed this
This is a screeshot of project creation dialog (labels are in russian, but you can open this window in your VS to see the difference)
UPD: translated window:
Skype main window has a problem - it does not display any contensts. It seems, that problem is in IE
Yes, these wizard pages use HTML and javascript and are displayed by an embedded WebBrowser.
Your IE install is messed up.