Find all tiles intersected by line segment - c++

I have to find all tiles that intersected by line segment but Bresenham's line algorithm doesnt fit to my requirements. I need to find all cells. I dont need to know intersection points, only the fact of intersection. Thanks for help.
I thought to find direction vector of line and step by step find cells by division on tile size. But i dont know how to select correct step size. 1 px step is bad i think.

Here is article of Amanatides and Woo "A Fast Voxel Traversal Algorithm for Ray Tracing" for 2D and 3D cases. Practical implementation.

You might use one of the many line equations found at: or
Supposedly you have your line in your coordinate system going through two points you deduce the y=mx+n equation and just match against your tiles and see if they intersect while moving x in the unit of your coordinate system in any direction you prefer from the smallest x of your tiles till the biggest. If your coordinate system is the screen, 1 pixel should be enough.
This is the closes I can hint right know without knowing more about the exact nature of the problem you are facing.

It is easy to modify the Bresenham's algorithm such that it tracks what you need. Here's the relevant fragment of the algorithm:
error = error + deltaerr;
if (error >= 0.5)
y = y + ystep;
error = error - 1.0;
To keep track of all the cells we need another variable. Note tat I have not rigorously checked this.
olderror = error.
error = error + deltaerr;
if (error >= 0.5)
y = y + ystep;
error = error - 1.0;
extra = error+olderror;
if (extra > 0)
plot (x,y); /* not plot (x-1,y); */
else if (extra < 0)
plot (x+1,y-1); /* not plot (x+1,y); */
// the line goes right through the cell corner
// either do nothing, or do both plot (x-1,y) and plot (x+1,y)
// depending on your definition of intersection


OpenCV least square (solve) solution accuracy

I am using the OpenCV method solve ( in C++ to fit a curve (grade 3, ax^3+bx^2+cx+d) through a set of points. I am solving A * x = B, A contain the powers of the points x-coordinates (so x^3, x^2, x^1, 1), and B contains the y coordinates of the points, x (Matrix) contains the parameters a, b, c and d.
I am using the flag DECOMP_QR on cv::solve to fit the curve.
The problem I am facing is that the set of points do not neccessarily follow a mathematical function (e.g. the function changes it's equation, see picture). So, in order to fit an accurate curve, I need to split the set of points where the curvature changes. In case of the picture below, I would split the regression at the index where the curve starts. So I need to detect where the curvature changes.
So, if I don't split, I'll get the yellow curve as a result, which is inaccurate. What I want is the blue curve.
Finding curvature changes:
To find out where the curvature changes, I want to use the solution accuracy.
So basically:
int splitIndex = 0;
for(int pointIndex = 0; pointIndex < numberOfPoints; pointIndex += 5) {
cv::Range rowR = Range(0, pointIndex); //Selected rows to index
cv::Range colR = Range(0,3); //Grade: 3 (x^3)
cv::Mat x;
bool res = cv::solve(A(rowR, colR), B(rowR, Range(0,1)),x , DECOMP_QR);
if(res == true) {
//Check for accuracy
if (accuracy too bad) {
splitIndex = pointIndex;
return splitIndex;
My questions are:
- is there a way of getting the accuracy / standard deviation from the solve command (efficiently & fast, because of real-time application (around 1ms compute time left))
- is this a good way of finding the curvature change / does anyone know a better way?
Thanks :)

CGAL Intersection Circle and Vertical Lines (not segments)

In CGAL I need to compute the exact intersection points between a set of lines and a set o circles. Starting from the circles (which can have irrational radius but rational squared_radius) I should compute the vertical line passing through the x_extremal_points of each circle (not segment but lines) and calculate the intersection point of each circle with each line.
I’m using CircularKernel and Circle_2 for the circles and Line_2 for the lines.
Here’s an example of how I compute the circles and the lines and how I check if they intersect.
int main()
Point_2 a = Point_2(250.5, 98.5);
Point_2 b = Point_2(156, 139);
//Radius is half distance ab
Circular_k::FT aRad = CGAL::squared_distance(a, b);
Circle_2 circle_a = Circle_2(a, aRad/4);
Circular_arc_point_2 a_left_point = CGAL::x_extremal_point(circle_a, false);
Circular_arc_point_2 a_right_point = CGAL::x_extremal_point(circle_a, true);
//for example use only left extremal point of circle a
CGAL::Bbox_2 a_left_point_bb = a_left_point.bbox();
Line_2 a_left_line = Line_2(Point_2(a_left_point_bb.xmin(), a_left_point_bb.ymin()),
Point_2(a_left_point_bb.xmin(), a_left_point_bb.ymax()));
if ( do_intersect(a_left_line, circle_a) ) {
std::cout << "intersect";
else {
std::cout << " do not intersect ";
return 0;
This flow rises this exception:
CGAL error: precondition violation!
Expression : y != 0
File : c:\dev\cgal-4.7\include\cgal\gmp\gmpq_type.h
Line : 371
Refer to the bug-reporting instructions at
I can’t figure out how I can calculate the intersection points.
Also, Is there a better way to compute the lines? I know abot the x_extremal_point function but it returns the Circular_arc_point point and I’m not able to construct a vertical line passing through them directly without using Bounding box.
In your code, you seem to compute the intersection of a circle with the vertical line that passes through the extremal point of the circle (I forget the bounding box). Well, then the (double) intersection is the extremal point itself...
More globally, you say in your text of introduction that you want to compute exact intersections. Then you should certainly not use bounding boxes, which by definition introduce some approximation.
If I understand your text correctly,
* for testing the intersection of your vertical lines with the other circles, you don't need to construct the lines, you only need to compare the abscissae of the extremal points of two circles, which you can do with the CGAL circular kernel.
* for computing the intersection of a vertical line that has non-rational coefficients (since its equation is of the form x= +-sqrt(r)) with another circle, then the CGAL circular kernel will not give you a pre-cooked solution. That kernel will help, but you must still compute a few things by hand.
If you don't want to bother, then you can also just take a standard CGAL kernel with Core::Expr as underlying number type. It can do "anything", but it will be slower.
For efficiency, you should look at the underlying 1D problem: projecting the lines and the circle on the X axis, you have a set of points and a set of intervals [Xc-R, Xc+R].
If the L points are sorted increasingly, you can locate the left bound of an interval in time Lg(L) by dichotomy, and scan the list of points until the right bound. This results in a O(Lg(L).C + I) behavior (C circle intervals), where I is the number of intersections reported.
I guess that with a merge-like process using an active list, if the interval bounds are also sorted you can lower to O(L + C + I).
The extension to 2D is elementary.

Precision problems in raycasting algorithm

I am programming a raycasting engine.
The starting position of a ray is given by the position of the player who is standing inside a 2D-grid.
When casting a ray into a direction, I have to determine the grids that the ray is intersecting.
(The in-depth description of the concept is here:
There is a small inaccuracy which causes some trouble. I believe that the problem is caused by an incorrect calculation of the grid steps.
However I lack the mathematical understanding to fix that problem.
Problem description:
When the ray is heading to the left, the grid intersection step size is slightly different than the step size when it's heading to the right.
(Why do I even care about this?: It's causing the problem that some horizontal grid intersections are further away from the player than vertical grid intersections when vertical and horizontal intersections are close to each other, specifically in corners. Since I am using different textures for vertical intersections, the look of horizontal walls are ruined, because a vertical texture is used on small parts of the wall, even though it's an horizontal wall.)
Is this problem caused by a flaw in my algorithm? This is how I calculate the first horizontal grid intersection and the grid stepsize:
Find first grid intersection:
if (current_angle > 180) {
first_grid_horizontal_y = ((int)p.pos_y / Field::width) * Field::width + Field::width;
} else {
first_grid_horizontal_y = ((int)p.pos_y / Field::width) * Field::width - 1;
first_grid_horizontal_x = p.pos_x + (p.pos_y - first_grid_horizontal_y) / tan( 180 - current_angle);
Calculate the step size:
if (current_angle > 180) {
grid_stepsize_horizontal_y = Field::width;
grid_stepsize_horizontal_x = Field::width / tan(current_angle - 180);
} else {
grid_stepsize_horizontal_y = -Field::width;
grid_stepsize_horizontal_x = Field::width / tan(180 - current_angle);
As you can see I am always using "180 - current angle" to determine the direction of the x-value. Does this cause the inaccurancy? Do I have to differentiate more between angles?
Trigonometric functions work with radians, not degrees. So
tan(180 - current_angle)
should look like
tan(Math.Pi - current_angle)
Note that it is equal to
- tan(current_angle)
If your current_angle is in degrees that:
current_angle_radians = current_angle_degrees * Math.Pi / 180
I think your inaccuracy comes from subracting 1 when going upwards.
The idea behind this is probably that you want to get the index of the last pixel of a block, but that is inneccessary: You are doing floating-point math here and the y value of the next horizontal intersection should represent the line between the grid cells. If you go downward, it represents to uppermost coordinate of a cell; if you go upwards it represents the lowermost coordinate.
(Aside: (int) y / w will round towards zero and will thus only work for non-negative numbers. You might consider using floor(x / w).)

Points on a circle, with limits. How To calculate without angle, but radius and centre point?

This is quite complicated to explain, so I will do my best, sorry if there is anything I missed out, let me know and I will rectify it.
My question is, I have been tasked to draw this shape,
This is to be done using C++ to write code that will calculate the points on this shape.
Important details.
User Input - Centre Point (X, Y), number of points to be shown, Font Size (influences radius)
Output - List of co-ordinates on the shape.
The overall aim once I have the points is to put them into a graph on Excel and it will hopefully draw it for me, at the user inputted size!
I know that the maximum Radius is 165mm and the minimum is 35mm. I have decided that my base Font Size shall be 20. I then did some thinking and came up with the equation.
Radius = (Chosen Font Size/20)*130. This is just an estimation, I realise it probably not right, but I thought it could work at least as a template.
I then decided that I should create two different circles, with two different centre points, then link them together to create the shape. I thought that the INSIDE line will have to have a larger Radius and a centre point further along the X-Axis (Y staying constant), as then it could cut into the outside line.
So I defined 2nd Centre point as (X+4, Y). (Again, just estimation, thought it doesn't really matter how far apart they are).
I then decided Radius 2 = (Chosen Font Size/20)*165 (max radius)
So, I have my 2 Radii, and two centre points.
Now to calculate the points on the circles, I am really struggling. I decided the best way to do it would be to create an increment (here is template)
for(int i=0; i<=n; i++) //where 'n' is users chosen number of points
//Equation for X point
//Equation for Y Point
Now, for the life of me, I cannot figure out an equation to calculate the points. I have found equations that involve angles, but as I do not have any, I'm struggling.
I am, in essence, trying to calculate Point 'P' here, except all the way round the circle.
Another point I am thinking may be a problem is imposing limits on the values calculated to only display the values that are on the shape.? Not sure how to chose limits exactly other than to make the outside line a full Half Circle so I have a maximum radius?
So. Does anyone have any hints/tips/links they can share with me on how to proceed exactly?
Thanks again, any problems with the question, sorry will do my best to rectify if you let me know.
R1 = (Font/20)*130;
R2 = (Font/20)*165;
for(X1=0; X1<=n; X1++)
Y1 = ((2*Y)+(pow(((4*((pow((X1-X), 2)))+(pow(R1, 2)))), 0.5)))/2;
Y2 = ((2*Y)-(pow(((4*((pow((X1-X), 2)))+(pow(R1, 2)))), 0.5)))/2;
As per Code-Guru's comments on the question, the inner circle looks more like a half circle than the outer. Use the equation in Code-Guru's answer to calculate the points for the inner circle. Then, have a look at this question for how to calculate the radius of a circle which intersects your circle, given the distance (which you can set arbitrarily) and the points of intersection (which you know, because it's a half circle). From this you can draw the outer arc for any given distance, and all you need to do is vary the distance until you produce a shape that you're happy with.
This question may help you to apply Code-Guru's equation.
The equation of a circle is
(x - h)^2 + (y - k)^2 = r^2
With a little bit of algebra, you can iterate x over the range from h to h+r incrementing by some appropriate delta and calculate the two corresponding values of y. This will draw a complete circle.
The next step is to find the x-coordinate for the intersection of the two circles (assuming that the moon shape is defined by two appropriate circles). Again, some algebra and a pencil and paper will help.
More details:
To draw a circle without using polar coordinates and trig, you can do something like this:
for x in h-r to h+r increment by delta
calculate both y coordinates
To calculate the y-coordinates, you need to solve the equation of a circle for y. The easiest way to do this is to transform it into a quadratic equation of the form A*y^2+B*y+C=0 and use the quadratic equation:
(x - h)^2 + (y - k)^2 = r^2
(x - h)^2 + (y - k)^2 - r^2 = 0
(y^2 - 2*k*y + k^2) + (x - h)^2 - r^2 = 0
y^2 - 2*k*y + (k^2 + (x - h)^2 - r^2) = 0
So we have
A = 1
B = -2*k
C = k^2 + (x - h)^2 - r^2
Now plug these into the quadratic equation and chug out the two y-values for each x value in the for loop. (Most likely, you will want to do the calculations in a separate function -- or functions.)
As you can see this is pretty messy. Doing this with trigonometry and angles will be much cleaner.
More thoughts:
Even though there are no angles in the user input described in the question, there is no intrinsic reason why you cannot use them during calculations (unless you have a specific requirement otherwise, say because your teacher told you not to). With that said, using polar coordinates makes this much easier. For a complete circle you can do something like this:
for theta = 0 to 2*PI increment by delta
x = r * cos(theta)
y = r * sin(theta)
To draw an arc, rather than a full circle, you simply change the limits for theta in the for loop. For example, the left-half of the circle goes from PI/2 to 3*PI/2.

Check if the line goes through wall on 2D map

I have 2d map and I want to check if line collides with any element. I need a function that can tell me if the line intersect any object on its way.
Take a look:
Red lines are not correct (function should return false), and green are (return true).
My collision map is map of boolean with 1 for wall and 0 for empty space.
How to this? I've read that I need to check if the line intersect any wall, but i have completely no idea how to do this on 2d map.
Thanx for any replies.
It depends on how your walls are represented.
If they are rectangle, then look for the line/segment intersection between your line and the 4 segments representing the rectangle.
If they are pixels, you can use the bresenham line algorithm to see if the pixels on the line are on these blocks.
If your walls are represented as line-segments you could test for intersection of line-segments as Paul Bourke describes:
If your walls are represented as polygons you could clip your test line against the wall polygon and see if the clipping result is non-empty as Paul Bourke describes:
So, I imagined that your cells are squares... let say they're unit squares. So, if I have any coordinate, for a point like , which are floats or doubles, they are in cell .
you need to know in which cells are the endpoints of the line
walk straight from one endpoint to the other and for each cell, test if it's a wall or not
return false when a wall is found, true otherwise.
To walk from one endpoint to the other, you need to compute the delta of each axis (call delta_x and delta_y, those values are 'int' because we're talking cells here), i.e. the number of cells it goes on the vertical and on the horizontal. You take the largest of the two. You will use that largest value for your loop. Let say it's this value is D = max(delta_x, delta_y) and XX and YY are the coordinate of the cell of one endpoint.
float step = 1.0f / D;
float current_location = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i <= D; ++i, current_location += step)
int cur_x = XX + current_location * delta_x;
int cur_y = YY + current_location * delta_y;
if (intersect_wall(cur_x, cur_y))
return false;
return true;
That's it... adapt this to your functions.