Safe multi-thread counter increment - c++

For example, I've got a some work that is computed simultaneously by multiple threads.
For demonstration purposes the work is performed inside a while loop. In a single iteration each thread performs its own portion of the work, before the next iteration begins a counter should be incremented once.
My problem is that the counter is updated by each thread.
As this seems like a relatively simple thing to want to do, I presume there is a 'best practice' or common way to go about it?
Here is some sample code to illustrate the issue and help the discussion along.
(Im using boost threads)
class someTask {
int mCounter; //initialized to 0
int mTotal; //initialized to i.e. 100000
boost::mutex cntmutex;
int getCount()
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock( cntmutex );
return mCount;
void process( int thread_id, int numThreads )
while ( getCount() < mTotal )
// The main task is performed here and is divided
// into sub-tasks based on the thread_id and numThreads
// Wait for all thread to get to this point
mCounter++; // < ---- how to ensure this is only updated once?

The main problem I see here is that you reason at a too-low level. Therefore, I am going to present an alternative solution based on the new C++11 thread API.
The main idea is that you essentially have a schedule -> dispatch -> do -> collect -> loop routine. In your example you try to reason about all this within the do phase which is quite hard. Your pattern can be much more easily expressed using the opposite approach.
First we isolate the work to be done in its own routine:
void process_thread(size_t id, size_t numThreads) {
// do something
Now, we can easily invoke this routine:
#include <future>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
void process(size_t const total, size_t const numThreads) {
for (size_t count = 0; count != total; ++count) {
std::vector< std::future<void> > results;
// Create all threads, launch the work!
for (size_t id = 0; id != numThreads; ++id) {
results.push_back(std::async(process_thread, id, numThreads));
// The destruction of `std::future`
// requires waiting for the task to complete (*)
(*) See this question.
You can read more about std::async here, and a short introduction is offered here (they appear to be somewhat contradictory on the effect of the launch policy, oh well). It is simpler here to let the implementation decides whether or not to create OS threads: it can adapt depending on the number of available cores.
Note how the code is simplified by removing shared state. Because the threads share nothing, we no longer have to worry about synchronization explicitly!

You protected the counter with a mutex, ensuring that no two threads can access the counter at the same time. Your other option would be using Boost::atomic, c++11 atomic operations or platform-specific atomic operations.
However, your code seems to access mCounter without holding the mutex:
while ( mCounter < mTotal )
That's a problem. You need to hold the mutex to access the shared state.
You may prefer to use this idiom:
Acquire lock.
Do tests and other things to decide whether we need to do work or not.
Adjust accounting to reflect the work we've decided to do.
Release lock. Do work. Acquire lock.
Adjust accounting to reflect the work we've done.
Loop back to step 2 unless we're totally done.
Release lock.

You need to use a message-passing solution. This is more easily enabled by libraries like TBB or PPL. PPL is included for free in Visual Studio 2010 and above, and TBB can be downloaded for free under a FOSS licence from Intel.
concurrent_queue<unsigned int> done;
std::vector<Work> work;
// fill work here
parallel_for(0, work.size(), [&](unsigned int i) {
It's lockless and you can have an external thread monitor the done variable to see how much, and what, has been completed.

I would like to disagree with David on doing multiple lock acquisitions to do the work.
Mutexes are expensive and with more threads contending for a mutex , it basically falls back to a system call , which results in user space to kernel space context switch along with the with the caller Thread(/s) forced to sleep :Thus a lot of overheads.
So If you are using a multiprocessor system , I would strongly recommend using spin locks instead [1].
So what i would do is :
=> Get rid of the scoped lock acquisition to check the condition.
=> Make your counter volatile to support above
=> In the while loop do the condition check again after acquiring the lock.
class someTask {
volatile int mCounter; //initialized to 0 : Make your counter Volatile
int mTotal; //initialized to i.e. 100000
boost::mutex cntmutex;
void process( int thread_id, int numThreads )
while ( mCounter < mTotal ) //compare without acquiring lock
// The main task is performed here and is divided
// into sub-tasks based on the thread_id and numThreads
//Now compare again to make sure that the condition still holds
//This would save all those acquisitions and lock release we did just to
//check whther the condition was true.
if(mCounter < mTotal)


Synchronize n Threads with only using Semaphore and/or mutex in C++

We're studying for our test next week, and have been given an exercise from our teacher, and we just don't see the solution:
How to synchronize n threads, so that all n threads wait at a specific location and only continue with their "work" together when all n threads have reached that location?
We're allowed to use Mutex and Semaphore constructs. The solution should be easy, but we just cant find the answer.
Here's a big hint. You need 2 semaphores, both with N flags. You can solve this with an extra thread. The key is that you can call down() on a semaphore multiple times. e.g. If you call down() on a semaphore 8 times, you need all 8 up()'s before you can continue.
// an additional thread (not one of the N)
void trigger(Semaphore* workersCollect, Semaphore* workersRelease, int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
// Prototype for the "checkpoint" function (exercise for the reader)
void await(Semaphore* workersCollect, Semaphore* workersRelease);
You can also solve it without the extra thread, by using more complicated state checking.
This design has a drawback. If a worker finishes its work extremely quickly, it can grab more than one task (while another thread ends up not running at all). This is fine if you have a threadpool kind of design, but bad if, say, each thread is supposed to work on it's own distinct section of a dataset.
To fix that, you need a semaphore per thread. Something akin to
Semaphore workerRelease[N];
but being careful to avoid false sharing. (You don't want more than 1 semaphore on a cache line.)

One mutex vs Multiple mutexes. Which one is better for the thread pool?

Example here, just want to protect the iData to ensure only one thread visit it at the same time.
struct myData;
myData iData;
Method 1, mutex inside the call function (multiple mutexes could be created):
void _proceedTest(myData &data)
std::mutex mtx;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
int const nMaxThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int iThread = 0; iThread < nMaxThreads; ++iThread)
threads.push_back(std::thread(_proceedTest, iData));
for (auto& th : threads) th.join();
Method2, use only one mutex:
void _proceedTest(myData &data, std::mutex &mtx)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
std::mutex mtx;
int const nMaxThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int iThread = 0; iThread < nMaxThreads; ++iThread)
threads.push_back(std::thread(_proceedTest, iData, mtx));
for (auto& th : threads) th.join();
I want to make sure that the Method 1 (multiple mutexes) ensures that only one thread can visit the iData at the same time.
If Method 1 is correct, not sure Method 1 is better of Method 2?
I want to make sure that the Method 1 (multiple mutexes) ensures that only one thread can visit the iData at the same time.
Your 1st example creates a local mutex variable on the stack, it won't be shared with the other threads. Thus it's completely useless.
It won't guarantee exclusive access to iData.
If Method 1 is correct, not sure Method 1 is better of Method 2?
It isn't correct.
The other answers are correct on the technical level, but there is an important language independent thing missing: you always prefer to minimize the number of different mutexes/locks/... !
Because: as soon as you have more than one thing that a thread needs to acquire in order to do something (to then release all acquired locks) order becomes crucial.
When you have two locks, and you have to different pieces of code, like:
getLockA() {
getLockB() {
do something
release B
release A
getLockB() {
getLockA() {
you can quickly run into deadlocks - because two threads/processes can acquire one lock each - and then they are both stuck, waiting for the other one to release its lock. Of course - when looking at the above example "you would never make a mistake, and always go A first then B". But what if those locks exist in completely different parts of your application? And they aren't acquired in the same method or class, but over the course of say 3, 5 nested method invocations?
Thus: when you can solve your problem with one lock - use one lock only! The more locks you need to get something done, the higher the risk to end up in dead locks.
Method 1 only works if you make the mutex variable static.
void _proceedTest(myData &data)
static std::mutex mtx;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lk(mtx);
This will make mtx be shared by all threads that enter _proceedTest.
Since a static function scope variable is only visible to users of the function, it is not really a sufficient lock for the passed in data. This is because it is conceivable that multiple threads could be calling different functions that each want to manipulate data.
Thus, even though Method 1 is salvageable, Method 2 is still better, even though the cohesion between the lock and the data is weak.
The mutex in version 1 will go out of scope once you leave the _proceedTest scope, locking a mutex like that makes no sense because it will never be accessible to the other thread.
In the second version multiple threads can share the mutex (as long as it doesn't go out of scope, for example as a class member), this way one thread can lock it and the other thread can see that it is locked (and won't be able to lock it aswell, hence the term mutual exclusion).

Why is std::mutex faster than std::atomic?

I want to put objects in std::vector in multi-threaded mode. So I decided to compare two approaches: one uses std::atomic and the other std::mutex. I see that the second approach is faster than the first one. Why?
I use GCC 4.8.1 and, on my machine (8 threads), I see that the first solution requires 391502 microseconds and the second solution requires 175689 microseconds.
#include <vector>
#include <omp.h>
#include <atomic>
#include <mutex>
#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
const size_t size = 1000000;
std::vector<int> first_result(size);
std::vector<int> second_result(size);
std::atomic<bool> sync(false);
auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 1)
for (int counter = 0; counter < size; counter++) {
while( {
first_result[counter] = counter; ;
auto end_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end_time - start_time).count() << std::endl;
auto start_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::mutex mutex;
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 1)
for (int counter = 0; counter < size; counter++) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex);
second_result[counter] = counter;
auto end_time = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
std::cout << std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::microseconds>(end_time - start_time).count() << std::endl;
return 0;
I don't think your question can be answered referring only to the standard- mutexes are as platform-dependent as they can be. However, there is one thing, that should be mentioned.
Mutexes are not slow. You may have seen some articles, that compare their performance against custom spin-locks and other "lightweight" stuff, but that's not the right approach - these are not interchangeable.
Spin locks are considerably fast, when they are locked (acquired) for a relatively short amount of time - acquiring them is very cheap, but other threads, that are also trying to lock, are active for whole this time (running constantly in loop).
Custom spin-lock could be implemented this way:
class SpinLock
std::atomic_flag _lockFlag;
: _lockFlag {ATOMIC_FLAG_INIT}
{ }
void lock()
{ }
bool try_lock()
return !_lockFlag.test_and_set(std::memory_order_acquire);
void unlock()
Mutex is a primitive, that is much more complicated. In particular, on Windows, we have two such primitives - Critical Section, that works in per-process basis and Mutex, which doesn't have such limitation.
Locking mutex (or critical section) is much more expensive, but OS has the ability to really put other waiting threads to "sleep", which improves performance and helps tasks scheduler in efficient resources management.
Why I write this? Because modern mutexes are often so-called "hybrid mutexes". When such mutex is locked, it behaves like a normal spin-lock - other waiting threads perform some number of "spins" and then heavy mutex is locked to prevent from wasting resources.
In your case, mutex is locked in each loop iteration to perform this instruction:
second_result[counter] = omp_get_thread_num();
It looks like a fast one, so "real" mutex may never be locked. That means, that in this case your "mutex" can be as fast as atomic-based solution (because it becomes an atomic-based solution itself).
Also, in the first solution you used some kind of spin-lock-like behaviour, but I am not sure if this behaviour is predictable in multi-threaded environment. I am pretty sure, that "locking" should have acquire semantics, while unlocking is a release op. Relaxed memory ordering may be too weak for this use case.
I edited the code to be more compact and correct. It uses the std::atomic_flag, which is the only type (unlike std::atomic<> specializations), that is guaranteed to be lock-free (even std::atomic<bool> does not give you that).
Also, referring to the comment below about "not yielding": it is a matter of specific case and requirements. Spin locks are very important part of multi-threaded programming and their performance can often be improved by slightly modifying its behavior. For example, Boost library implements spinlock::lock() as follows:
void lock()
for( unsigned k = 0; !try_lock(); ++k )
boost::detail::yield( k );
source: boost/smart_ptr/detail/spinlock_std_atomic.hpp
Where detail::yield() is (Win32 version):
inline void yield( unsigned k )
if( k < 4 )
#if defined( BOOST_SMT_PAUSE )
else if( k < 16 )
else if( k < 32 )
Sleep( 0 );
Sleep( 1 );
// Sleep isn't supported on the Windows Runtime.
First, thread spins for some fixed number of times (4 in this case). If mutex is still locked, pause instruction is used (if available) or Sleep(0) is called, which basically causes context-switch and allows scheduler to give another blocked thread a chance to do something useful. Then, Sleep(1) is called to perform actual (short) sleep. Very nice!
Also, this statement:
The purpose of a spinlock is busy waiting
is not entirely true. The purpose of spinlock is to serve as a fast, easy-to-implement lock primitive - but it still needs to be written properly, with certain possible scenarios in mind. For example, Intel says (regarding Boost's usage of _mm_pause() as a method of yielding inside lock()):
In the spin-wait loop, the pause intrinsic improves the speed at which
the code detects the release of the lock and provides especially
significant performance gain.
So, implementations like
void lock() { while(m_flag.test_and_set(std::memory_order_acquire)); }
may not be as good as it seems.
There is an additional important issue related to your problem. An efficient spinlock never "spins" on an operation that involves (even potential) modification of a memory location (such as exchange or test_and_set). On typical modern architectures, these operations generate instructions that require the cache line with a lock memory location to be in the exclusive state, which is extremely time-consuming (especially, when multiple threads are spinning at the same time). Always spin on load/read only and try to acquire the lock only when there is a chance that this operation will succeed.
A nice relevant article is, for instance, here: Correctly implementing a spinlock in C++

Multihreading recursive program c++

I am working on a recursive algorithm which we want to parallelize to improve the performance.
I implemented multithreading using Visual c++ 12.0 and < thread > library . However I dont see any performance improvements. The time taken either less by a few milliseconds or is more than the time with single thread.
Kindly let me know if am doing something wrong and what corrections should I make to the code.
Here is my code
void nonRecursiveFoo(<className> &data, int first, int last)
//process the data between first and last index and set its value to true based on some condition
//no threads are created here
void recursiveFoo(<className> &data, int first, int last)
int partitionIndex = -1;
for (int i = first + 1; i < last; i++)
//some logic setting the index
If ( some condition is true)
partitionIndex = i;
//no dependency of partitions on one another and so can be parallelized
if( partitionIndex != -1)
//assume some threadlimit
if (Commons::GetCurrentThreadCount() < Commons::GetThreadLimit())
std::thread t1(recursiveFoo, std::ref(data), first, index);
recursiveFoo(data, partitionIndex , last);
nonRecursiveFoo(data, first, partitionIndex );
nonRecursiveFoo(data, partitionIndex , last);
int main()
std::mutex threadCountMutex;
static void Commons::IncrementCurrentThreadCount()
static int GetCurrentThreadCount()
return CurrentThreadCount;
static void SetThreadLimit(int count)
ThreadLimit = count;
static int GetThreadLimit()
return ThreadLimit;
static int GetMinPointsPerThread()
return MinimumPointsPerThread;
Without further information (see comments) this is mostly guesswork, but there are a few things you should watch out for:
First of all, make sure that your partitioning logic is very short and fast compared to the processing. Otherwise, you are just creating more work than you gain processing power.
Make sure, there is enough work to begin with or the speedup might be not enough to pay for the additional overhead of thread creation.
Check that your work gets evenly distributed among the different threads and don't spawn more threads than you have cores on your computer (print the number of total threads at the end - don't rely on your ThreadLimit).
Don't let your partitions get too small, (especially no less than 64 Bytes) or you end up with false sharing.
It would be MUCH more efficient, to implement CurrentThreadCount as a std::atomic<int> in which case you don't need a mutex.
Put the increment of the counter before the creation of the thread. Otherwise, the newly created thread might read the counter before it is incremented and spawn a new thread again, even if the max number of threads is already reached (This is still not a perfect solution, but I would only invest more time on this if you have verified, that overcommitting is your actual problem)
If you really must use a mutex (for reasons outside of the example code) you have to use it for every access to CurrentThreadCount (read and write access). Otherwise this is - strictly speaking - a race condition and thus UB.
By using t1.join you're basically waiting for the other thread to finish - i.e. not doing anything in parallel.
By looking at your algorithm I don't see how it can be parallelized(thus improved) by using threads - you have to wait for a single recursive call to end.
First of all, you are not doing anything in parallel, as every thread creation blocks, until the created thread has finished. Hence, your multithreaded code will always be slower than the non multithreaded version.
In order to parallelize you could spawn threads for that part, where the non-recursive function is called, put the thread ID into a vector and join on the highest level of the recursion, by walking through the vector. (Although there are more elegant ways to do that, but for a first should this would be OK, I think).
Thus, all non recursive calls will run in parallel. But you should use another condition than the max number of threads, but the size of the problem, e.g. last-first<threshold.

Avoding multiple thread spawns in pthreads

I have an application that is parallellized using pthreads. The application has a iterative routine call and a thread spawn within the rountine (pthread_create and pthread_join) to parallelize the computation intensive section in the routine. When I use an instrumenting tool like PIN to collect the statistics the tool reports statistics for several threads(no of threads x no of iterations). I beleive it is because it is spawning new set of threads each time the routine is called.
How can I ensure that I create the thread only once and all successive calls use the threads that have been created first.
When I do the same with OpenMP and then try to collect the statistics, I see that the threads are created only once. Is it beacause of the OpenMP runtime ?
im jus giving a simplified version of the code.
int main()
//some code
do {
compute_distance(objects,clusters, &delta); //routine with pthread
} while (delta > threshold )
void compute_distance(double **objects,double *clusters, double *delta)
//some code again
//computation moved to a separate parallel routine..
for (i=0, i<nthreads;i++)
for (i=0, i<nthreads;i++)
rc = pthread_join(thread[i], &status);
I hope this clearly explains the problem.
How do we save the thread id and test if was already created?
You can make a simple thread pool implementation which creates threads and makes them sleep. Once a thread is required, instead of "pthread_create", you can ask the thread pool subsystem to pick up a thread and do the required work.. This will ensure your control over the number of threads..
An easy thing you can do with minimal code changes is to write some wrappers for pthread_create and _join. Basically you can do something like:
typedef struct {
volatile int go;
volatile int done;
pthread_t h;
void* (*fn)(void*);
void* args;
} pthread_w_t;
void* pthread_w_fn(void* args) {
pthread_w_t* p = (pthread_w_t*)args;
// just let the thread be killed at the end
for(;;) {
while (!p->go) { pthread_yield(); }; // yields are good
p->go = 0; // don't want to go again until told to
p->done = 1;
int pthread_create_w(pthread_w_t* th, pthread_attr_t* a,
void* (*fn)(void*), void* args) {
if (!th->h) {
th->done = 0;
th->go = 0;
th->fn = fn;
th->args = args;
th->done = 0; //make sure join won't return too soon
th->go = 1; //and let the wrapper function start the real thread code
int pthread_join_w(pthread_w_t*th) {
while (!th->done) { pthread_yield(); };
and then you'll have to change your calls and pthread_ts, or create some #define macros to change pthread_create to pthread_create_w etc....and you'll have to init your pthread_w_ts to zero.
Messing with those volatiles can be troublesome though. you'll probably need to spend some time getting my rough outline to actually work properly.
To ensure something that several threads might try to do only happens once, use pthread_once(). To ensure something only happens once that might be done by a single thread, just use a bool (likely one in static storage).
Honestly, it would be far easier to answer your question for everyone if you would edit your question – not comment, since that destroys formatting – to contain the real code in question, including the OpenMP pragmas.