MVC change ModelBinder unit test - unit-testing

to extend my validation I have created my own model binder based on following article:
In my application I extend my Person entity like this:
[MetadataType(typeof (PersonMetaData))]
public partial class Person { }
public class PersonMetaData {
[CustomRegularExpression(#"(\w|.)+#(\w|.)+", ErrorMessage = "Email is invalid")]
public string Name;
My global.asax looks like this:
protected void Application_Start()
//Change default modelbinding
ModelBinders.Binders.DefaultBinder = new CustomModelBinder();
When I call the create event for my PersonController and the provided email is invalid, the ModelState.Valid field is false.
Now I like to create a unit test for the create method:
public void MyTestInitialize()
//Change default modelbinding
ModelBinders.Binders.DefaultBinder = new CustomModelBinder();
/// <summary>
///A test for Create
// TODO: Ensure that the UrlToTest attribute specifies a URL to an ASP.NET page (for example,
// http://.../Default.aspx). This is necessary for the unit test to be executed on the web server,
// whether you are testing a page, web service, or a WCF service.
public void CreateTest()
PersonController controller = new PersonController();
Person Person = new Person();
Person.Email = "
var validationContext = new ValidationContext(Person, null, null);
var validationResults = new List<ValidationResult>();
Validator.TryValidateObject(Person, validationContext, validationResults, true);
foreach (var validationResult in validationResults)
controller.ModelState.AddModelError(validationResult.MemberNames.First(), validationResult.ErrorMessage);
ActionResult actual;
actual = controller.Create(Person);
// Make sure that our validation found the error!
Assert.IsTrue(controller.ViewData.ModelState.Count == 1, "err.");
When I debug the code the ModelState.Valid attribute is telling me that there is no error. I think that the registration of the DefaultBinder was not sucessfull.
How can I register my DefaultBinder in my unit test?
Thank you!

Have a look at this question and Darin's answer. It`s the way to test model binder, might help you.


Testing IDbCommandInterceptor with InMemoryDatabase for EFCore

I have written an IDbCommandInterceptor to intercept calls to EntityFrameworkCore DbContext. Now I would like to write unit tests for the interceptor. I am able to intercept and run custom logic for an actual db (tested with SqlServer and MySql), however when testing with an InMemoryDatabase (provided by .Net for testing purposes), my interceptor methods are never called.
Here's how I'm setting up my unit test:
TestDbContext class:
public class TestDbContext : DbContext
public TestDbContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options) { }
public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }
public class User
public int UserId { get; set; }
This is how I'm initializing the context in my test:
private TestDbContext GetTestDbContext()
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<TestDbContext>()
.UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "TestDB")
.AddInterceptors(new MyInterceptor())
var context = new TestDbContext(options);
// Seed data
context.Users.Add(new User { UserId = 1 });
context.Users.Add(new User { UserId = 2 });
context.Users.Add(new User { UserId = 3 });
return context;
Now, when I call SaveChanges() or do a query on this context, I expect it to invoke my MyInterceptor's overridden ReaderExecuted() method the same way it does when I use an actual db.
Am I missing something? Or DbCommandInterceptor does not work with InMemoryDatabase?
The InMemory provider is not a relational provider, and therefore does not implement DbCommand interceptors. You can use a SQL Server / SQL Server LocalDb / SQlite database for this kind of testing.

How do I get my NancyFX unit tests to run my validation?

I'm using NancyFX with FluentValidation, as documented at My web app is running fine and validation is working perfectly, but when I try to unit test any of the modules that use validation, I'm getting an error
Nancy.Validation.ModelValidationException : No model validator factory could be located.
Please ensure that you have an appropriate validation package installed, such as
one of the Nancy.Validation packages.
I've verified that my unit test project has references to the Nancy.Validation.FluentValidation and FluentValidation assemblies.
My test code looks like this:
public class ArticleModuleTests {
private Browser browser;
private IDatabase db;
const int USER_ID = 123;
const int ARTICLE_ID = 456;
public void SetUp() {
var user = new User { Username = "test", Id = USER_ID };
db = A.Fake<IDatabase>();
browser = new Browser(with => {
with.RequestStartup((container, pipelines, context) => context.CurrentUser = user);
public void User_Can_Publish_Article() {
var article = new { title = "Test" };
var result = browser.Post($"/users/{USER_ID}/articles", with => {
My module code is:
public class ArticlesModule : NancyModule {
private IDatabase database;
public ArticlesModule(IDatabase db) {
this.database = db;
Post["/users/{id:int}/articles"] = args => PostArticle(;
private dynamic PostArticle(int userId) {
var article = this.Bind<Article>();
var validation = this.Validate(article);
if (!validation.IsValid) return Negotiate.WithModel(validation).WithStatusCode(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
database.CreateArticle(userId, article);
return NegotiatorExtensions.WithModel(Negotiate, result)
.WithHeader("Location", $"http://whatever/users/{userId}/articles/{article.Id}");
and my validation class is:
public class ArticleValidator : AbstractValidator<Article> {
public ArticleValidator() {
RuleFor(article => article.Title)
.WithMessage("The \"title\" property is required");
RuleFor(article => article.Title)
.Length(2, 50)
.WithMessage("The \"title\" property must be between 2 and 50 characters");
The NancyFX docs say "Create a validation class... There is no need to register it anywhere as it is automatically detected." - but I'm guessing whatever automatic detection is wired up isn't firing for a unit test project. I'm building on .NET 4.5.2 and using NCrunch as my test runner; what do I need to do to get my test code to pick up the same validation classes as my application modules?
OK, turns out that because NancyFX detects and instantiates validation classes automatically, there's no explicit references in my code to Nancy.Validation.FluentValidation, and so NCrunch is omitting this assembly when building my test project. Setting "Copy referenced assemblies to workspace" in the NCrunch project settings fixed it.

How to write unit test for ActionFilter when using Service Locator

I am planning to write an ActionFilter for business validation and in which some services will be resolved via Service Locator(I know this is not good practice and as far as possible i avoid Service Locator pattern, but for this case i want to use it).
OnActionExecuting method of the filter is something like this:
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext actionContext)
// get validator for input;
var validator = actionContext.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<IValidator<TypeOfInput>>();// i will ask another question for this line
//send errors
Is it possible to write unit test for above ActionFilterand how?
Here is an sample on how to create a mock (using XUnit and Moq framework) to verify that the IsValid method is called and where the mock returns an false.
using Dealz.Common.Web.Tests.Utils;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Moq;
using System;
using Xunit;
namespace Dealz.Common.Web.Tests.ActionFilters
public class TestActionFilter
public void ActionFilterTest()
* Setup
// Create the userValidatorMock
var userValidatorMock = new Mock<IValidator<User>>();
userValidatorMock.Setup(validator => validator
// For any parameter passed to IsValid
// return false when IsValid is called
// Make sure that `IsValid` is being called at least once or throw error
// If provider.GetService(typeof(IValidator<User>)) gets called,
// IValidator<User> mock will be returned
var serviceProviderMock = new Mock<IServiceProvider>();
serviceProviderMock.Setup(provider => provider.GetService(typeof(IValidator<User>)))
// Mock the HttpContext to return a mockable
var httpContextMock = new Mock<HttpContext>();
httpContextMock.SetupGet(context => context.RequestServices)
var actionExecutingContext = HttpContextUtils.MockedActionExecutingContext(httpContextMock.Object, null);
* Act
var userValidator = new ValidationActionFilter<User>();
* Verify
// Make sure that IsValid is being called at least once, otherwise this throws an exception. This is a behavior test
// TODO: Also Mock HttpContext.Response and return in it's Body proeprty a memory stream where
// your ActionFilter writes to and validate the input is what you desire.
class User
public string Username { get; set; }
class ValidationActionFilter<T> : IActionFilter where T : class, new()
public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext actionContext)
var type = typeof(IValidator<>).MakeGenericType(typeof(T));
var validator = (IValidator<T>)actionContext.HttpContext
// Get your input somehow
T input = new T();
if (!validator.IsValid(input))
//send errors
internal interface IValidator<T>
bool IsValid(T input);
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Filters;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Dealz.Common.Web.Tests.Utils
public class HttpContextUtils
public static ActionExecutingContext MockedActionExecutingContext(
HttpContext context,
IList<IFilterMetadata> filters,
IDictionary<string, object> actionArguments,
object controller
var actionContext = new ActionContext() { HttpContext = context };
return new ActionExecutingContext(actionContext, filters, actionArguments, controller);
public static ActionExecutingContext MockedActionExecutingContext(
HttpContext context,
object controller
return MockedActionExecutingContext(context, new List<IFilterMetadata>(), new Dictionary<string, object>(), controller);
As you can see, it's quite a mess, you need to create plenty of mocks to simulate different responses of the actuall classes, only to be able to test the ActionAttribute in isolation.
I like #Tseng's above answer but thought of giving one more answer as his answer covers more scenarios (like generics) and could be overwhelming for some users.
Here I have an action filter attribute which just checks the ModelState and short circuits(returns the response without the action being invoked) the request by setting the Result property on the context. Within the filter, I try to use the ServiceLocator pattern to get a logger to log some data(some might not like this but this is an example)
public class ValidationFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
if (!context.ModelState.IsValid)
var logger = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<ILogger<ValidationFilterAttribute>>();
logger.LogWarning("some message here");
context.Result = new JsonResult(new InvalidData() { Message = "some messgae here" })
StatusCode = 400
public class InvalidData
public string Message { get; set; }
Unit Test
public void ValidationFilterAttributeTest_ModelStateErrors_ResultInBadRequestResult()
// Arrange
var serviceProviderMock = new Mock<IServiceProvider>();
.Setup(serviceProvider => serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(ILogger<ValidationFilterAttribute>)))
var httpContext = new DefaultHttpContext();
httpContext.RequestServices = serviceProviderMock.Object;
var actionContext = new ActionContext(httpContext, new RouteData(), new ActionDescriptor());
var actionExecutingContext = new ActionExecutingContext(
filters: new List<IFilterMetadata>(), // for majority of scenarios you need not worry about populating this parameter
actionArguments: new Dictionary<string, object>(), // if the filter uses this data, add some data to this dictionary
controller: null); // since the filter being tested here does not use the data from this parameter, just provide null
var validationFilter = new ValidationFilterAttribute();
// Act
// Add an erorr into model state on purpose to make it invalid
actionContext.ModelState.AddModelError("Age", "Age cannot be below 18 years.");
// Assert
var jsonResult = Assert.IsType<JsonResult>(actionExecutingContext.Result);
Assert.Equal(400, jsonResult.StatusCode);
var invalidData = Assert.IsType<InvalidData>(jsonResult.Value);
Assert.Equal("some messgae here", invalidData.Message);

Asp. NET MVC 4.5 - How to Unit Test Actions?

In MVC 4.5 , using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.
is there a way to really unit test an ActionResult? All documentation I have seen only tests the view name!
Assert.AreEqual("Action Method", result.ViewName);
Well, I want to have a really test. How can I test the response of the controller-action ?
Given something basic along the lines of:
public ActionResult Display(string productCode)
var model = new ProductModel(productCode);
if (model.NotFound)
return this.RedirectToRoute("NotFound");
return this.View("Product", model);
Instead of something that asserts like Assert.AreEqual("Action Method", result.ViewName); (which can be a valid test.
You have many options including...
Looking at the model type
public void Display_WhenPassedValidProductCode_CreatesModel()
using (var controller = this.CreateController())
// Arrange Mocks on controller, e.g. a Service or Repository
// Act
var result = controller.Display(string.Empty) as ViewResult;
var model = (ProductModel)result.Model;
Assert.IsInstanceOfType(model, typeof(ProductModel));
Looking at the model population process
public void Display_WhenPassedValidProductCode_PopulatesModel()
using (var controller = this.CreateController())
const string ProductCode = "123465";
// Arrange Mocks on controller, e.g. a Service or Repository
// Act
var result = controller.Display(ProductCode) as ViewResult;
var model = (ProductModel)result.Model;
Assert.AreEqual(ProductCode, model.ProductCode);
Looking at the type of action result
public void Display_WhenNotFound_Redirects()
using (var controller = this.CreateController())
const string ProductCode = "789000";
// Arrange Mocks on controller, e.g. a Service or Repository
// Act
var result = controller.Display(ProductCode) as RedirectToRouteResult;
Assert.IsNotNull(result); // An "as" cast will be null if the type does not match
Basically you can test pretty much anything, pick an example on your code base and try and test it. If you get stuck construct a decent question and post it here.

MVC4 - TryValidateModel breaks unit tests

I have the following controller method
public ActionResult Create(Category category)
//default values
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(category.GeoAreaLevelIdentifier))
category.GeoAreaLevelIdentifier = "OutputArea";
category.CreatorIdentifier = EsdContext.User.UniqueIdentifier.ToString();
category.Created = DateTime.Now;
new CategoryBroker().Create(category);
return JsonNow(category);
which fills some default values to the model and THEN validates it. This is because the client code is allowed to submit a model without some of the required fields. The missing fields are filled by the controller (see above).
RevalidateModel method calls TryValidateModel:
protected void RevalidateModel(object model)
TryValidateModel(model); //called explicitly since model has been updated
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
//error message
But when I call Create method from a unit test, it fails because TryValidateModel expects controllerContext:
Value cannot be null.Parameter name: controllerContext
What is the best way to solve this problem?
Should I create the controllerContext eg by MvcContrib TestHelper?
In this case
using Moq;
readonly MockRepository _mockRepository = new MockRepository(MockBehavior.Default);
controller.ControllerContext = _mockRepository.Create<ControllerContext>().Object;
works good enough.