Backbone.js and Django (Without Tastypie) - django

I'm using Django for my site and trying to incorporate backbone.js. Backbone encourages using Tastypie - but I would rather not. Is there a way to use backbone.js and django without tastypie? Are there any examples out there of how to do this?

I've been were you are. Needed to just make a custom API for backbone to read for the specific instances.
All that really means, is making custom views in your and attaching them to custom urls in for backbone. Your views will have to return a JSON version of the object or objects
So you end up with friendly looking urls that backbone likes
For example if I had a model of boxes and I want to write a url and a view that sends all the boxes in my database to my frontend delivering them to backbone - I could make a url like this /api/v1/box/all/ really anything you want. In your view you just need to remember to return JSON.
Remember - you need update views to to update from backbone syncings (tastypie PUTS)
something like /api/v1/box/3/update?updatedinfodata
Let me know if you would like me to expand or show some code.

It is possible to bot use TastyPie and just build your own API.
You just need to know Backbone sends to the API and data it expects to receive.


How to build API that will return HTML for the site and JSON for other clients

I have started learning DRF just a while ago and had a little question -
how can I code one API that will return HTML for the site that I am currently working on and return JSON format for other "clients"(e.g. mobile apps, desktop, etc)?
I have tried to search for this information, but didn't found any answering content.
The only way I see is to create default Django views for the site and create separated API's for other requests. Can anybody tell me if I am right and need to do so, or there is some code that is solving my problem?
Ultimately, you can think of it as a whole separate set of views, urls and instead of models you have a serializer. Within you're app you can create an API folder. Within that directory you will need to have an '_ _ init _', '', '' and a ''. Its analogous to creating a standard url, view, model structure to display an HTML page, but without the HTML template. Make distinct urls for the serializers too. For example for login do something like this:
path('my_app_api/login', serializer_view)
Youtube has tons of videos if you search django rest framework

use Django views and DRF views together

I am new to Django REST Framework. i describe my question with a example.
for example, i have a api view function that can handle GET method and return a list of Users in json. the url of this api is
now i want a view that get list of Users, send them to a template and render the template. the url of this view is
logics of above views are same.
how can i do like above example?
should i write two seprate view (api and django view)?
If you are using Django to render front-end pages than you need to write two views. Otherwise, you can use other front-end technologies for rendering front-end pages such as React.js, Angular.js, Vue.js and so on.
You can use generic ListAPIView for listing users.
You could refer to Classy Django Rest Framework for more class based APIViews.

how to use django restframework as a backend for mobile apps

I need to built an "API". Using django restframework. API has to support multiple platforms like mobile apps, webapps.
API will be used as a backend which will store all information. But my problem is how do I access users information using API. I mean normally django has user model. And we access user related stuff using request.user. But how do I access request.user information using API. Please pardon me for asking such question. But as I am new to developing API for Mobile apps. I am facing difficulty.
I think the easiest way to think about it, is that Django Rest Framework will (normally) return or process JSON data, rather than an HTML page / HTML form data.
Your models stay the same.
If you use Django's ModelForms then DRF's ModelSerialzers are very similar in use.
Likewise, using Django's class based generic views, are very similar to DRF's generic views are very similar - except rather than processing POST data from an HTML forms, they will receive JSON data. The generic views cover the same things - create via POST, update via PUT, delete via DELETE.
Like I say the main difference is that you will be dealing with JSON in place of HTML.
(You could easily use bog standard Django views without the rest-framework and return or process JSON. DRF takes a fair bit of the boilerplate code out of the process).

Django REST API to receive images

I have a Django project using Tastypie as its main API and it works ok. But now I want to be able to receive images through the API (coming from phones and such). It looks like Tastypie is not quite ready yet in that field. I'm ready to try something else just for that matter, or even write a custom view. How can I do that?
A standard Django view can technically serve as an API endpoint, too, so why not just write a view that handles a POST payload?
You could even make a form which you use to validate the input, even if your client device isn't using that form to capture content - as long as the fields and their criteria match up, it'll still fit.

Restful routes and Django

I'm in a process of migrating Rails project into Django. Rails project was built using restful routes and it never touches the database. Instead, it simply redirects to different methods which all call an external service with the specified action method. Now, I have found a number of frameworks for django that provide restful capability plus a bunch of bells and whistles, but it's an overkill for my current case.
As an alternative, I can ignore action method in by simply providing a regex to validate urls and then parse the request method in, redirecting to the appropriate method. Is this a way to go or are there any other approaches that I can look at?
Class based views look like the idiomatic way to organize restful view functions by request method.
Django snippets has several simple example implementations.