Failed ping request in Python script - python-2.7

I have a python script that want to ping a few (quite a few!) hosts. I have set this up to read the contents of a hosts.txt file as the hosts to ping in the script. The odd thing is that I am recieving the following error, for the first few addresses (no matter what they are):
Ping request could not find host Please check the name and try again.
I have included the address shown above at twice (within the file) and it attempts a ping. Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong - I am a python newbie, so be gentle.
Here is my script:
import subprocess
hosts_file = open("hosts.txt","r")
lines = hosts_file.readlines()
for line in lines:
ping = subprocess.Popen(
["ping", "-n", "1",line],
stdout = subprocess.PIPE,
stderr = subprocess.PIPE
out, error = ping.communicate()
print out
print error
Here is my hosts.txt file:
And here are the results from the above test:
Ping request could not find host
. Please check the name and try again.
Ping request could not find host
. Please check the name and try again.
Ping request could not find host
. Please check the name and try again.
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 1, Received = 0, Lost = 1 (100% loss)

Looks like the line variable contains a linebreak at the end (except for the last line of the file). From the Python tutorial:
f.readline() reads a single line from the file; a newline character (\n) is left at the end of the string, and is only omitted on the last line of the file if the file doesn’t end in a newline.
You need to strip the \n before calling Popen: How can I remove (chomp) a newline in Python?

Few comments:
Using readlines() is highly not recommended as it will load the entire file into memory.
I suggest using Generator in order to perform rstrip on each line and then pinging the server.
No need to use file.close - you can use with statement that does it for you
Your code should look like this:
import subprocess
def PingHostName(hostname):
print out
if err is not None: print err
with open('C:\\myfile.txt') as f:
striped_lines=(line.rstrip() for line in f)
for x in striped_lines: PingHostName(x)


Rsyslog, omprog, and python

I have an issue with Rsyslog's 'omprog' module when trying to get it to interact with my python (2.7) code. Rsyslog is supposed to send desired messages to python's stdin, yet it does not receive anything. I wonder if anyone else has had better success with this output module?
template(name="sshmsg" type="string" string="%msg%")
if ($programname == "myprogram") then {
If I replace the binary with a test shell script containing a line below, it works
cat /dev/stdin >> /var/log/ssh2.log
I also tried reading stdin in the shell script into a variable using
var="$(cat /dev/stdin)"
Neither of the above resulted var containing anything
Finally, when trying to read stdin from python script, I get nothing. Sometimes, it says resource unavailable (errno 11) error message.
import sys
f = open("/var/log/ssh2.log", "a", 0)
while True:
for line in sys.stdin:
msg = line.strip()
if not msg:
The issue seems similar to can not read correctly from STDIN except adding a non-block flag did nothing.
I notice that your template sshmsg doesn't end with a newline. Try changing it to string="%msg%\n". Though it won't matter to rsyslog, Python will not be able to give you the data until it sees a newline.
Then it should work, but you probably not see any output from your python as it is buffered. Try adding an f.flush() after the last write in the loop, or opening the file unbuffered.
omprog will keep the pipe open, sending multiple lines until your program exits.
Note, not all shells might understand $() syntax.
In case of your shell script you can use read to read into a variable.
# This will read until \n
read log
echo $log
The python source code (tested with python 3.8.2) can be adjusted to:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
# Changed from unbuffered to buffered as unbuffered is only possible in binary mode Ref (1):
f = open("/var/log/ssh2.log", "a", 1)
while True:
for line in sys.stdin:
msg = line.strip()
if not msg:
In case you want to have the output of you executed script (debugging) you can adjust the settings in Rsyslog.conf with the output option
template(name="sshmsg" type="string" string="%msg%")
if ($programname == "myprogram") then {
Ref (1):

Continuing the loop

Ok so I have code that is supposed to run through a txt file and ping the Ip's if the ping is equal to 0 its does an 'nslookup' on it and then it's supposed to continue but after it does the first one in the terminal it's left on a > as if waiting for input. In other instances, my code runs through the txt file fine but once I added in the 'nslookup' it stops after the first one and waits for input.
Is there a way to make it continue to cycle through the txt file till it gets to the end?
Heres the code I'm using I know there are other ways to do a look up on an Ip address but I'm trying to use 'nslookup' in this case unless its impossible.
import os
with open('test.txt','r') as f:
for line in f:
response = os.system("ping -c 1 " + line)
if response == 0:
print os.system('nslookup')
print(line, "is down!")
that's simply because you forgot to pass the argument to nslookup
When you don't pass any argument, the program starts in interactive mode with its own shell.
Default server :
But using os.system won't make you able to get the output of the command. For that you would need
output = subprocess.check_output(['nslookup',line.strip()])
print(output) # or do something else with it
instead of your os.system command

socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known No DNS issue

I am trying to learn network scripting via Python. I am trying to extract device names from file "Device_List" and then ssh to the device, executing a command on it and printing the output.
It works fine when I use IP address in the file however it does not if I use a hostname. I tried this on an Ubuntu Trusty as well as Mac OSX.
I get the following error:
FWIP = socket.gethostbyname(name)
socket.gaierror: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
I am able to resolve the hostname on both machines so it is not a DNS issue.
Moreover, if I input the device name from keyboard instead of file, it works fine.
Could you please help me find the issue?
My Code:
import datetime
import paramiko
import socket
import time
import sys
import getpass
with open("Device_List") as dev:
for name in dev:
ssh = paramiko.SSHClient()
Uname = raw_input("Username : ")
Pw = getpass.getpass()
print "Connected to ", name
FWIP = socket.gethostbyname(name)
ssh.connect(FWIP, username=Uname,password=Pw)
remote_conn = ssh.invoke_shell()
remote_conn.send("set cli pager off\n")
command = raw_input("Enter Command to run : ")
remote_conn.send(command + "\n")
output = remote_conn.recv(65534)
print output
print "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"
print "Moving Onto Next Device..."
print "Device List Over"
When you iterate over lines in a text file, e.g. your
with open("Device_List") as dev:
for name in dev:
the default I/O subsystem always includes the '\n' line ending character. One reason is that this way you can tell when a text file ends without ending the final line.
Get used to using (e.g.) dev.rstrip() when you don't want that.

GitPython: How can I access the contents of a file in a commit in GitPython

I am new to GitPython and I am trying to get the content of a file within a commit. I am able to get each file from a specific commit, but I am getting an error each time I run the command. Now, I know that the file exist in GitPython, but each time I run my program, I am getting the following error:
returned non-zero exit status 1
I am using Python 2.7.6 and Ubuntu Linux 14.04.
I know that the file exist, since I also go directly into Git from the command line, check out the respective commit, search for the file, and find it. I also run the cat command on it, and the file contents are displayed. Many times when the error shows up, it says that the file in question does not exist. I am trying to go through each commit with GitPython, get every blob or file from each individual commit, and run an external Java program on the content of that file. The Java program is designed to return a string to Python. To capture the string returned from my Java code, I am also using subprocess.check_output. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I tried passing in the command as a list:
cmd = ['java', '-classpath', '/home/rahkeemg/workspace/CSCI499_Java/bin/:/usr/local/lib/*:', 'java_gram.mainJava','absolute/path/to/file']
subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False)
And I have also tried passing the command as a string:
subprocess.check_output('java -classpath /home/rahkeemg/workspace/CSCI499_Java/bin/:/usr/local/lib/*: java_gram.mainJava {file}'.format(file=entry.abspath.strip()), shell=True)
Is it possible to access the contents of a file from GitPython?
For example, say there is a commit and it has one file
In that file is the following lines of code:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
public class foo{
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{}
I want to access everything in the file and run an external program on it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Below is a piece of the code I am using to do so
#! usr/bin/env python
__author__ = 'rahkeemg'
from git import *
import git, json, subprocess, re
git_dir = '/home/rahkeemg/Documents/GitRepositories/WhereHows'
# make an instance of the repository from specified path
repo = Repo(path=git_dir)
heads = repo.heads # obtain the different repositories
master = heads.master # get the master repository
print master
# get all of the commits on the master branch
commits = list(repo.iter_commits(master))
cmd = ['java', '-classpath', '/home/rahkeemg/workspace/CSCI499_Java/bin/:/usr/local/lib/*:', 'java_gram.mainJava']
# start at the very 1st commit, or start at commit 0
for i in range(len(commits) - 1, 0, -1):
commit = commits[i]
commit_num = len(commits) - 1 - i
print commit_num, ": ", commit.hexsha, '\n', commit.message, '\n'
for entry in commit.tree.traverse():
if'\.java', entry.path):
current_file = str(entry.abspath.strip())
# add the current file or blob to the list for the command to run
print entry.abspath
# This is the scenario where I pass arguments into command as a string
print subprocess.check_output('java -classpath /home/rahkeemg/workspace/CSCI499_Java/bin/:/usr/local/lib/*: java_gram.mainJava {file}'.format(file=entry.abspath.strip()), shell=True)
# scenario where I pass arguments into command as a list
j_response = subprocess.check_output(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print "Error on file: ", current_file
# Use pop on list to remove the last string, which is the selected file at the moment, to make place for the next file.
First of all, when you traverse the commit history like this, the file will not be checked out. All you get is the filename, maybe leading to the file or maybe not, but certainly it will not lead to the file from different revision than currently checked-out.
However, there is a solution to this. Remember that in principle, anything you could do with some git command, you can do with GitPython.
To get file contents from specific revision, you can do the following, which I've taken from that page:
git show <treeish>:<file>
therefore, in GitPython:
file_contents ='{}:{}'.format(commit.hexsha, entry.path))
However, that still wouldn't make the file appear on disk. If you need some real path for the file, you can use tempfile:
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
# at this point file with name contains contents of
# the file from path entry.path at revision commit.hexsha
# your program launch goes here, use as filename to be read
os.unlink( # delete the temp file

writing ping results from Paramiko stdout into a txt file

I have a method in which I can connect to a host and ping it. I can see the ping results on the screen, but cannot write them into a file. The file is always empty. Can anyone help me in this regard?
def Check(self,fname):
client = SSHClient()
ping_command = 'ping -n -c 5 '+str(self.ip)
stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command(ping_command)
for line in stdout.readlines():
print line
with open(fname,'ab') as text_file:
except IOError:
I also tried to store stdout into a variable and then write that variable into the file and didn't get any results. I also found some topics in the site about Paramiko output, and none of them helped.