I'm trying to write a c++ extension to replace the following python function in order to speed up my program
The python function looks like the following
def calc_dist(fea1, fea2):
#fea1 and fea2 are two lists with same length
I wrote the function using c++ and boost python like follows:
#include <vector>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
double calc_dist(vector<double>& fea1, vector<double>& fea2)
int len = fea1.size();
double s=0;
for(int i=0; i<len;i++){
double p=fea1[i];
double q=fea2[i];
return s;
using namespace boost::python;
and compile the above cpp code into a .so file like
g++ calc_dist.cpp -shared -fPIC -o calc_dist.so -I /usr/include/python2.6 -lboost_python
and trying to use the .so in a python program, the import works fine, indicating the module can successfully imported.
However, whenever I pass two lists to the parameter to the function, python will give errors like
ArgumentError: Python argument types in
calc_dist.calc_dist(list, list)
did not match C++ signature:
calc_dist.calc_dist(std::vector<float, std::allocator<float> >,
std::vector<float, std::allocator<float> >)
can any one help me how to solve this problem? i.e pass a python list to c++ extension using boost?
Thanks a lot!
Why did you write a function accepting std::vector if you want it to operate on a Python list? They're different things.
Boost.Python exposes python lists as the list class.
So, your function should look something like
double calc_dist(boost::python::list fea1, boost::python::list fea2)
boost::python::ssize_t len = boost::python::len(fea1);
double s=0;
for(int i=0; i<len;i++){
double p = boost::python::extract<double>(fea1[i]);
double q = boost::python::extract<double>(fea2[i]);
return s;
it's not tested, but hopefully is close enough to get you started ...
I am new in using R package "Rcpp". My question is, if I want to use a C++ function as an argument in another C++ function, how will I do that? For example: suppose I have an C++ function like this:
#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double maxllC3(const double mu){
double result;
result= R::dgamma(mu,0.1,1,0.1);
return result;
. I want to use this function in another C++ function like we can do this in R:
. How can I do that in "Rcpp" package?
put you rcpp code in an .cpp file (say ex.cpp).
use Rcpp::sourceCpp('ex.cpp') to make this function available in the global environment
then just use sumf <- function(mu, y) maxllC3(mu) + y
I am trying to call a python function from a C++ code which contains main() function using Pybind11. But I found very few references are available. Most of existing documents talk about the reversed direction, i.e. calling C++ from Python.
Is there any complete example showing how to do that? The only reference I found is: https://github.com/pybind/pybind11/issues/30
But it has very little information.
The answer to your question really has two parts: one about calling a Python function from C++, the other about embedding the interpreter.
Calling a function in pybind11 is simply a matter of getting that function into a pybind11::object variable, on which you can invoke operator() to attempt to call the object. (It doesn't have to be a function, but just something callable: for example, it could also be an object with a __call__ method). For example, to call math.sqrt(2) from C++ code you'd use:
auto math = py::module::import("math");
auto resultobj = math.attr("sqrt")(2);
double result = resultobj.cast<double>();
or you could condense it all to just:
double result = py::module::import("math").attr("sqrt")(2).cast<double>();
The second part of the question involves how to do this from a C++ executable. When building an executable (i.e. when your C++ code contains main()) you have to embed the Python interpreter in your binary before you can do anything with Python (like calling a Python function).
Embedded support is a new feature added in the current pybind11 master branch (which will become the 2.2 release). Here's a basic example that starts an embedded Python interpreter and calls a Python function (math.sqrt):
#include <pybind11/embed.h>
#include <iostream>
namespace py = pybind11;
int main() {
py::scoped_interpreter python;
auto math = py::module::import("math");
double root_two = math.attr("sqrt")(2.0).cast<double>();
std::cout << "The square root of 2 is: " << root_two << "\n";
The square root of 2 is: 1.41421
More examples and documentation of calling functions and embedding are available at http://pybind11.readthedocs.io/en/master/advanced/pycpp/object.html and http://pybind11.readthedocs.io/en/master/advanced/embedding.html, respectively.
Jasons answer is pretty much on point, but I want to add a slightly more complex (and clean) example calling a python method with a numpy input.
I want to showcase two points:
We can cast a py::object to a py::function using py::reinterpret_borrow<py::function>
We can input a std::vector that automatically gets converted to a numpy.array
Note that the user is responsible for making sure that the PyModule.attr is actually a python function. Also note that the type conversion works for a wide variety of c++ types (see here for details).
In this example I want to use the method scipy.optimize.minimize with a starting point x0 that is provided from the c++ interface.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
#include <pybind11/embed.h> // python interpreter
#include <pybind11/stl.h> // type conversion
namespace py = pybind11;
int main() {
std::cout << "Starting pybind" << std::endl;
py::scoped_interpreter guard{}; // start interpreter, dies when out of scope
py::function min_rosen =
py::reinterpret_borrow<py::function>( // cast from 'object' to 'function - use `borrow` (copy) or `steal` (move)
py::module::import("py_src.exec_numpy").attr("min_rosen") // import method "min_rosen" from python "module"
py::object result = min_rosen(std::vector<double>{1,2,3,4,5}); // automatic conversion from `std::vector` to `numpy.array`, imported in `pybind11/stl.h`
bool success = result.attr("success").cast<bool>();
int num_iters = result.attr("nit").cast<int>();
double obj_value = result.attr("fun").cast<double>();
with the python script py_src/exec_numpy.py
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize, rosen, rosen_der
def min_rosen(x0):
res = minimize(rosen, x0)
return res
Hope this helps someone!
project structure
#include <pybind11/embed.h>
#include <iostream>
namespace py = pybind11;
using namespace py::literals;
int main() {
py::scoped_interpreter guard{};
// append source dir to sys.path, and python interpreter would find your custom python file
py::module_ sys = py::module_::import("sys");
py::list path = sys.attr("path");
// import custom python class and call it
py::module_ tokenize = py::module_::import("calc");
py::type customTokenizerClass = tokenize.attr("CustomTokenizer");
py::object customTokenizer = customTokenizerClass("/Users/Caleb/Desktop/codes/ptms/bert-base");
py::object res = customTokenizer.attr("custom_tokenize")("good luck");
// show the result
py::list input_ids = res.attr("input_ids");
py::list token_type_ids = res.attr("token_type_ids");
py::list attention_mask = res.attr("attention_mask");
py::list offsets = res.attr("offset_mapping");
std::string message = "input ids is {},\noffsets is {}"_s.format(input_ids, offsets);
std::cout << message << std::endl;
from transformers import BertTokenizerFast
class CustomTokenizer(object):
def __init__(self, vocab_dir):
self._tokenizer = BertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(vocab_dir)
def custom_tokenize(self, text):
return self._tokenizer(text, return_offsets_mapping=True)
def build_tokenizer(vocab_dir: str) -> BertTokenizerFast:
tokenizer = BertTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(vocab_dir)
return tokenizer
def tokenize_text(tokenizer: BertTokenizerFast, text: str) -> dict:
res = tokenizer(text, return_offsets_mapping=True)
return dict(res)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4)
# set pybind11 dir
set(pybind11_DIR /Users/Caleb/Softwares/pybind11)
find_package(pybind11 REQUIRED)
# set custom python interpreter(under macos)
add_executable(example main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(example PRIVATE pybind11::embed)
For example, suppose we have a string like:
string x = "for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){cout << \"Hello World!\n\";}"
What is the simplest way to complete the following function definition:
void do_code(string x); /* given x that's valid c++ code, executes that code as if it were written inside of the function body */
The standard C++ libraries do not contain a C++ parser/compiler. This means that your only choice is to either find and link a C++ compiler library or to simply output your string as a file and launch the C++ compiler with a system call.
The first thing, linking to a C++ compiler, would actually be quite doable in something like Visual Studio for example, that does indeed have DLL libraries for compiling C++ and spitting out a new DLL that you could link at runtime.
The second thing, is pretty much what any IDE does. It saves your text-editor stuff into a C++ file, compile it by system-executing the compiler and run the output.
That said, there are many languages with build-in interpreter that would be more suitable for runtime code interpretation.
Not directly as you're asking for C++ to be simultaneously compiled and interpreted.
But there is LLVM, which is a compiler framework and API. That would allow you to take in this case a string containing valid C++, invoke the LLVM infrastructure and then afterwards use a LLVM-based just in time compiler as described at length here. Keep in mind you must also support the C++ library. You should also have some mechanism to map variables into your interpreted C++ and take data back out.
A big but worthy undertaking, seems like someone might have done something like this already, and maybe Cling is just that.
Use the Dynamic Linking Loader (POSIX only)
This has been tested in Linux and OSX.
void do_code( std::string x ) {
{ std::ofstream s("temp.cc");
s << "#include<iostream>\nextern \"C\" void f(){" << x << '}'; }
std::system( "g++ temp.cc -shared -fPIC -otemp.o" );
auto h = dlopen( "./temp.o", RTLD_LAZY );
reinterpret_cast< void(*)() >( dlsym( h, "f" ) )();
dlclose( h );
int main() {
std::string x = "for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){std::cout << \"Hello World!\\n\";}";
do_code( x );
Try it online! You'll need to compile with the -ldl parameter to link libdl.a. Don't copy-paste this into production code as this has no error checking.
Works for me:
system("echo \"#include <iostream> \nint main() { for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){std::cout << i << std::endl;} }\" >temp.cc; g++ -o temp temp.cc && ./temp");
I'm using the rpcgen libraries to create an application where I have to use a hashmap on the server side. Is it advisable to use the STL libraries (or any C++ code) with rpcgen? I've tried compiling the files with g++ and it works. Or would I be better off implementing something like a linked list instead of a hashmap (I'm assuming complexity is not an issue) while sticking with C?
Something like this : My input file is
struct intpair {
int a;
int b;
program ADD_PROG {
version ADD_VERS {
int ADD(intpair) = 1;
} = 1;
} = 0x23451111;
(from http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/~pxk/rutgers/notes/rpc/index.html).
I want to use a hashmap on the server side. I tried doing something like this in my server side file:
#include "add.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
int *
add_1_svc(intpair *argp, struct svc_req *rqstp)
std::map<std::string, int> voteList;
static int result;
std::string s = "Aa";
voteList.insert(std::pair<std::string, int> ("ABC", 100));
printf("Add called\n");
return &result;
and it works. I did have to rename the files and use g++ though.
It looks like the C++ STL components don't "leak" through the interface you're implementing, so it should be all fine and good. One thing to be aware of is exception safety: you might want to add a top-level try/catch block to convert any exceptions into an appropriate error.
I have a class interface written in C++. I have a few classes that implement this interface also written in C++. These are called in the context of a larger C++ program, which essentially implements "main". I want to be able to write implementations of this interface in Python, and allow them to be used in the context of the larger C++ program, as if they had been just written in C++.
There's been a lot written about interfacing python and C++ but I cannot quite figure out how to do what I want. The closest I can find is here: http://www.cs.brown.edu/~jwicks/boost/libs/python/doc/tutorial/doc/html/python/exposing.html#python.class_virtual_functions, but this isn't quite right.
To be more concrete, suppose I have an existing C++ interface defined something like:
// myif.h
class myif {
virtual float myfunc(float a);
What I want to be able to do is something like:
// mycl.py
... some magic python stuff ...
class MyCl(myif):
def myfunc(a):
return a*2
Then, back in my C++ code, I want to be able to say something like:
// mymain.cc
void main(...) {
... some magic c++ stuff ...
myif c = MyCl(); // get the python class
cout << c.myfunc(5) << endl; // should print 10
I hope this is sufficiently clear ;)
There's two parts to this answer. First you need to expose your interface in Python in a way which allows Python implementations to override parts of it at will. Then you need to show your C++ program (in main how to call Python.
Exposing the existing interface to Python:
The first part is pretty easy to do with SWIG. I modified your example scenario slightly to fix a few issues and added an extra function for testing:
// myif.h
class myif {
virtual float myfunc(float a) = 0;
inline void runCode(myif *inst) {
std::cout << inst->myfunc(5) << std::endl;
For now I'll look at the problem without embedding Python in your application, i.e. you start excetion in Python, not in int main() in C++. It's fairly straightforward to add that later though.
First up is getting cross-language polymorphism working:
%module(directors="1") module
// We need to include myif.h in the SWIG generated C++ file
#include <iostream>
#include "myif.h"
// Enable cross-language polymorphism in the SWIG wrapper.
// It's pretty slow so not enable by default
%feature("director") myif;
// Tell swig to wrap everything in myif.h
%include "myif.h"
To do that we've enabled SWIG's director feature globally and specifically for our interface. The rest of it is pretty standard SWIG though.
I wrote a test Python implementation:
import module
class MyCl(module.myif):
def __init__(self):
def myfunc(self,a):
return a*2.0
cl = MyCl()
print cl.myfunc(100.0)
With that I was then able to compile and run this:
swig -python -c++ -Wall myif.i
g++ -Wall -Wextra -shared -o _module.so myif_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python2.7 -lpython2.7
python mycl.py
Exactly what you'd hope to see from that test.
Embedding the Python in the application:
Next up we need to implement a real version of your mymain.cc. I've put together a sketch of what it might look like:
#include <iostream>
#include "myif.h"
#include <Python.h>
int main()
const double input = 5.0;
PyObject *main = PyImport_AddModule("__main__");
PyObject *dict = PyModule_GetDict(main);
PyObject *module = PyImport_Import(PyString_FromString("mycl"));
PyModule_AddObject(main, "mycl", module);
PyObject *instance = PyRun_String("mycl.MyCl()", Py_eval_input, dict, dict);
PyObject *result = PyObject_CallMethod(instance, "myfunc", (char *)"(O)" ,PyFloat_FromDouble(input));
PyObject *error = PyErr_Occurred();
if (error) {
std::cerr << "Error occured in PyRun_String" << std::endl;
double ret = PyFloat_AsDouble(result);
std::cout << ret << std::endl;
return 0;
It's basically just standard embedding Python in another application. It works and gives exactly what you'd hope to see also:
g++ -Wall -Wextra -I/usr/include/python2.7 main.cc -o main -lpython2.7
The final piece of the puzzle is being able to convert the PyObject* that you get from creating the instance in Python into a myif *. SWIG again makes this reasonably straightforward.
First we need to ask SWIG to expose its runtime in a headerfile for us. We do this with an extra call to SWIG:
swig -Wall -c++ -python -external-runtime runtime.h
Next we need to re-compile our SWIG module, explicitly giving the table of types SWIG knows about a name so we can look it up from within our main.cc. We recompile the .so using:
g++ -DSWIG_TYPE_TABLE=myif -Wall -Wextra -shared -o _module.so myif_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python2.7 -lpython2.7
Then we add a helper function for converting the PyObject* to myif* in our main.cc:
#include "runtime.h"
// runtime.h was generated by SWIG for us with the second call we made
myif *python2interface(PyObject *obj) {
void *argp1 = 0;
swig_type_info * pTypeInfo = SWIG_TypeQuery("myif *");
const int res = SWIG_ConvertPtr(obj, &argp1,pTypeInfo, 0);
if (!SWIG_IsOK(res)) {
return reinterpret_cast<myif*>(argp1);
Now this is in place we can use it from within main():
int main()
const double input = 5.5;
PyObject *module = PyImport_ImportModule("mycl");
PyObject *cls = PyObject_GetAttrString(module, "MyCl");
PyObject *instance = PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs(cls, NULL);
myif *inst = python2interface(instance);
std::cout << inst->myfunc(input) << std::endl;
return 0;
Finally we have to compile main.cc with -DSWIG_TYPE_TABLE=myif and this gives:
Minimal example; note that it is complicated by the fact that Base is not pure virtual. There we go:
using std::string;
namespace py=boost::python;
struct Base{
virtual string foo() const { return "Base.foo"; }
// fooBase is non-virtual, calling it from anywhere (c++ or python)
// will go through c++ dispatch
string fooBase() const { return foo(); }
struct BaseWrapper: Base, py::wrapper<Base>{
string foo() const{
// if Base were abstract (non-instantiable in python), then
// there would be only this->get_override("foo")() here
// if called on a class which overrides foo in python
if(this->get_override("foo")) return this->get_override("foo")();
// no override in python; happens if Base(Wrapper) is instantiated directly
else return Base::foo();
import sys
import baz
class PyDerived(baz.Base):
def foo(self): return 'PyDerived.foo'
print base.foo(), base.fooBase()
print der.foo(), der.fooBase()
g++ -shared -fPIC -o baz.so baz.cpp -lboost_python `pkg-config python --cflags`
And the result is:
Base.foo Base.foo
PyDerived.foo PyDerived.foo
where you can see how fooBase() (the non-virtual c++ function) calls virtual foo(), which resolves to the override regardless whether in c++ or python. You could derive a class from Base in c++ and it would work just the same.
EDIT (extracting c++ object):
PyObject* obj; // given
py::object pyObj(obj); // wrap as boost::python object (cheap)
py::extract<Base> ex(pyObj);
if(ex.check()){ // types are compatible
Base& b=ex(); // get the wrapped object
// ...
} else {
// error
// shorter, thrwos when conversion not possible
Base &b=py::extract<Base>(py::object(obj))();
Construct py::object from PyObject* and use py::extract to query whether the python object matches what you are trying to extract: PyObject* obj; py::extract<Base> extractor(py::object(obj)); if(!extractor.check()) /* error */; Base& b=extractor();
Quoting http://wiki.python.org/moin/boost.python/Inheritance
"Boost.Python also allows us to represent C++ inheritance relationships so that wrapped derived classes may be passed where values, pointers, or references to a base class are expected as arguments."
There are examples of virtual functions so that solves the first part (the one with class MyCl(myif))
For specific examples doing this, http://wiki.python.org/moin/boost.python/OverridableVirtualFunctions
For the line myif c = MyCl(); you need to expose your python (module) to C++. There are examples here http://wiki.python.org/moin/boost.python/EmbeddingPython
Based upon the (very helpful) answer by Eudoxos I've taken his code and extended it such that there is now an embedded interpreter, with a built-in module.
This answer is the Boost.Python equivalent of my SWIG based answer.
The headerfile myif.h:
class myif {
virtual float myfunc(float a) const { return 0; }
virtual ~myif() {}
Is basically as in the question, but with a default implementation of myfunc and a virtual destructor.
For the Python implementation, MyCl.py I have basically the same as the question:
import myif
class MyCl(myif.myif):
def myfunc(self,a):
return a*2.0
This then leaves mymain.cc, most of which is based upon the answer from Eudoxos:
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include "myif.h"
using namespace boost::python;
// This is basically Eudoxos's answer:
struct MyIfWrapper: myif, wrapper<myif>{
float myfunc(float a) const {
return this->get_override("myfunc")(a);
return myif::myfunc(a);
// End answer by Eudoxos
int main( int argc, char ** argv ) {
try {
// Tell python that "myif" is a built-in module
PyImport_AppendInittab("myif", initmyif);
// Set up embedded Python interpreter:
object main_module = import("__main__");
object main_namespace = main_module.attr("__dict__");
main_namespace["mycl"] = import("mycl");
// Create the Python object with an eval()
object obj = eval("mycl.MyCl()", main_namespace);
// Find the base C++ type for the Python object (from Eudoxos)
const myif &b=extract<myif>(obj)();
std::cout << b.myfunc(5) << std::endl;
} catch( error_already_set ) {
The key part that I've added here, above and beyond the "how do I embed Python using Boost.Python?" and "how do I extend Python using Boost.python?" (which was answered by Eudoxos) is the answer to the question "How do I do both at once in the same program?". The solution to this lies with the PyImport_AppendInittab call, which takes the initialisation function that would normally be called when the module is loaded and registers it as a built-in module. Thus when mycl.py says import myif it ends up importing the built-in Boost.Python module.
Take a look at Boost Python, that is the most versatile and powerful tool to bridge between C++ and Python.
There's no real way to interface C++ code directly with Python.
SWIG does handle this, but it builds its own wrapper.
One alternative I prefer over SWIG is ctypes, but to use this you need to create a C wrapper.
For the example:
// myif.h
class myif {
virtual float myfunc(float a);
Build a C wrapper like so:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) float myif_myfunc(myif* m, float a) {
return m->myfunc(a);
Since you are building using C++, the extern "C" allows for C linkage so you can call it easily from your dll, and __declspec(dllexport) allows the function to be called from the dll.
In Python:
from ctypes import *
from os.path import dirname
dlldir = dirname(__file__) # this strips it to the directory only
dlldir.replace( '\\', '\\\\' ) # Replaces \ with \\ in dlldir
lib = cdll.LoadLibrary(dlldir+'\\myif.dll') # Loads from the full path to your module.
# Just an alias for the void pointer for your class
c_myif = c_void_p
# This tells Python how to interpret the return type and arguments
lib.myif_myfunc.argtypes = [ c_myif, c_float ]
lib.myif_myfunc.restype = c_float
class MyCl(myif):
def __init__:
# Assume you wrapped a constructor for myif in C
self.obj = lib.myif_newmyif(None)
def myfunc(a):
return lib.myif_myfunc(self.obj, a)
While SWIG does all this for you, there's little room for you to modify things as you please without getting frustrated at all the changes you have to redo when you regenerate the SWIG wrapper.
One issue with ctypes is that it doesn't handle STL structures, since it's made for C. SWIG does handle this for you, but you may be able to wrap it yourself in the C. It's up to you.
Here's the Python doc for ctypes:
Also, the built dll should be in the same folder as your Python interface (why wouldn't it be?).
I am curious though, why would you want to call Python from inside C++ instead of calling the C++ implementation directly?