Finding where a process was run from - c++

So i have an issue that i have an application that gets started. Then through a test i need to turn it off and start it again. But it needs t obe done without hard coding.
So is there a way of finding where a process was run from? I can find a list of all processes running but dont know if this is even possible.
EDIT: Its on a windows 7 OS.

QueryFullProcessImageName() will provide the path to the executable image for a process:
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
char exe_path[MAX_PATH];
DWORD exe_path_size = MAX_PATH;
if (QueryFullProcessImageName(GetCurrentProcess(),
std::cout << exe_path << "\n";
return 0;

Easy and portable way would be using argv[0].
It returns the full .exe file path which is all you need

First, what do you mean by "find where the process is run from"? I'm assuming you mean the parent's process id, but it could mean current working directory, ip of remote call, etc...
To find the parent's process id, look into getppid().
Edit: this assumes that you (like any sane programmer) are using a unix-like machine.
Edit #2: You're on Windows, so I have no idea.
Edit #3: Since you're looking for the path to the program you are executing, use argv[0]. The first command line arg to int main(int argc, char* argv[]) is always the path to the binary.


execve(...) does not execute program despite passing in PATH variable

I'm executing a simple shell program from the directory:
Using the code below, I'm able to run files that are in the same folder as my shell executable, but am unable to run programs such as ls.exe.
The tokens container includes the file name as the first element and any subsequent tokens (such as "-l" in the input "ls.exe -l") in the following elements.
if (fork())
int status;
std::vector<const char*> exeArgs;
std::vector<const char*> envArgs;
std::for_each(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(),
[&exeArgs](const string& elem){ exeArgs.push_back(elem.c_str()); }
string path = "PATH=";
if (execve(exeArgs[0], const_cast<char *const *>(&exeArgs[0]),
const_cast<char *const *>(&envArgs[0])))
std::cout << word << ": command not found" << std::endl;
I've spent countless hours just googling and reading the man pages over and over but can't seem to get a clue why this code doesn't work.
The idea is that my shell program should allow users to set the PATH variable and then execute programs with that PATH variable, which is why I have to make execve() work properly instead of just using execvp().
I have a map of shell variables in a separate part of the file but since I can't even get this to work, I thought it would be pointless to include that.
You do know that the exec family of functions replaces the current process with the image of the new program? That's why it's so common to use fork before exec.
Armed with that knowledge, it's easy to find a solution for you, and how you can use execvp (which you need to use, execve doesn't really use the environment you pass, it just passes it along to the new program): You fork and use setenv to set the PATH of the new process, before calling execvp.

How to change the name of .exe on runtime

Persay, if I wanna change the .exe on runtime of my program (Like its original name would be: someexe.exe and after you have closed it will change to something random or similiar)
I've seen it happen before and I'm very much interested in implementing it just for fun!
Thanks :)
I'm not 100% sure, but the regular rename function should work. However, I'm not sure if it's possible to rename a file that is currently held open by the OS (and I have no Windows system that I can test on right now).
If you can't do it on "your own executable", then you'd have to rename the file by running another program [or batchfile] and then resuming your own program [e.g. let the rename program start your program again, and it recognising somehow that it's now the new name and can continue.
Possible code
#include <iostream>
#include <windows.h>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
system("title a.exe");
std::cout<<"a.exe is the current name of your .exe file\n";
//do your stuff
std::cout<<"a.exe is changing to b.exe\n";
system("RENAME C:\\path\\a.exe b.exe");
system("title b.exe");
//do your stuff
std::cout<<"now b.exe is changing to a.exe\n";
system("title a.exe");
system("RENAME C:\\path\\b.exe a.exe");
//do you stuff
return 0;
But using systemcommand is considered to be bad practise therefore you should use rename command ,, code :
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc , char** argv)
//do your stuff
//do your stuff
return 0;
You have to make a copy of the executable file. Then you can rename that file and when you close your current program file you need to transfer control to another program preferably a batch file which deleted the original executable.
in windows system() should be able to do these stuff.
you also need to write your own batch file with code to delete thr program that calls it.

Linux fork/exec to application in same directory

Is there an exec variant that will use the current application directory to locate the target program?
I am using C++ and Qt to implement a "last ditch" error reporting system. Using Google Breakpad, I can create a minidump and direct execution to a handler. Because my application is in an unstable state, I just want to fork and start a separate error handling process using minimal dependencies. The error reporting application will be deployed in the same directory as the application executable.
I am quite unfamiliar with the fork and exec options, and am not finding an exec option that includes the current application directory in the search path. Here is what I have so far:
static bool dumpCallback(const char* /*dump_path*/,
const char* /*minidump_id*/,
void* /*context*/,
bool succeeded)
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid == 0)
// This is what I would *like* to work.
const char* error_reporter_path = "error_reporter";
// This works, but requires hard-coding the entire path, which seems lame,
// and really isn't an option, given our deployment model.
// const char* error_reporter_path = "/path/to/app/error_reporter";
// This also works, but I don't like the dependency on QApplication at this
// point, since the application is unstable.
// const char* error_reporter_path =
// QString("%1/%2")
// .arg(QApplication::applicationDirPath())
// .arg("error_reporter").toLatin1().constData();
(char *) 0);
return succeeded;
Any other suggestions on best practices for using fork and exec would be appreciated as well; this is my first introduction to using them. I'm only concerned about Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora) at this point; I will work on handlers for other operating systems later.
What you asked for is actually quite easy:
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid == 0)
const char* error_reporter_path = "./error_reporter";
(char *) 0);
return pid != -1;
but it doesn't do what you want. The current working directory is not necessarily the same thing as the directory containing the current executable -- in fact, under almost all circumstances, it won't be.
What I would recommend you do is make error_reporter_path a global variable, and initialize it at the very beginning of main, using your "option 2" code
The QString object (not just its constData) then has to live for the lifetime of the program, but that shouldn't be a problem. Note that you should be converting to UTF-8, not Latin1 (I guess QString uses wide characters?)
I think you have 2 choices:
Add '.' to $PATH.
Prepend the result of getcwd() to the executable name.
You should build the path to your helper executable at your program's startup, and save it somewhere (in a global or static variable). If you only need to run on Linux, you can do this by reading /proc/self/exe to get the location of your executable. Something like this:
// Locate helper binary next to the current binary.
char self_path[PATH_MAX];
if (readlink("/proc/self/exe", self_path, sizeof(self_path) - 1) == -1) {
string helper_path(self_path);
size_t pos = helper_path.rfind('/');
if (pos == string::npos) {
helper_path.erase(pos + 1);
helper_path += "helper";
Excerpted from a full working example here:
Never, ever, under any circumstances add "." to $PATH !!
If you prepend getcwd() to the executable name (argv[0]), you have to do is as the first thing in main, before anything has the chance to change the current working directory. Then you have to consider what to do about symbolic links in the resulting filename. And even after that you can never be sure that argv[0] is set to the command used to execute your program
Option 3:
Hardcode the full filename in your executable, but use the configure script to set the filename. (You are using a configure script, right?)
Option 4;
Don't call exec. You don't have to call exec after a fork. Just pretend you have just entered "main", and call "exit" when your error reporting has finished.

opening an exe from current dir C++

I have the python code... but how do i do it in c++?
I don't have much experience with c++. What i want is to make an exe that will be put as autorun in an cd. It has to open the application.ini file in my cd with xulrunner.exe in my cd. As the path will vary in each computer i hav to do something like this.
import subprocess
import os
path= os.getcwd()
final = path + '/xulrunner.exe ' + path + '/application.ini'
print final
os.system('final')['C:\\Temp\\a b c\\Notepad.exe'])
I'm not completely sure I understand what you're asking, but you may want the 'system' function. This will invoke the platform's command processor to execute the command given.
If all of your files (xulrunner.exe and application.ini) are in the same directory as the auto-run executable, you should be able to just rely on the working directory being correct and not need to give a full path.
For example:
system("xulrunner.exe application.ini");
os.system() is system(), in Win32 getcwd() is GetCurrentDirectory()
Probably should stick to char buffers for strings. So, something like (untested, untried)
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int ac, char **av) {
char path[MAX_PATH+1];
GetCurrentDirectory(MAX_PATH, path);
char final[MAX_PATH * 2 + 100];
sprintf(final, "%s /xulrunner.exe %s/application.ini", path, path);
printf("%s", final);
// not sure what the notepad call is for, probably another system call
return 0;
It depends on the platform you're implementing it for, but on Windows (assuming from the C:\ that's where you are), you'll need to dip into the Windows API and use CreateProcess. On Linux, it would be system or popen (not terribly familiar there).
If the EXE you're running is known to be in the current working directory (wherever your program is started from), you can simply use the filename ("xulrunner.exe") as the name. You may be safer with ".\xulrunner.exe", but that's more preference. You can also specify a subdirectory, or even SetCurrentDirectory to move to another dir.
BOOL startedProgram = CreateProcess("xulrunner.exe", "application.ini", [fill in other options as you need]);

How do I get the directory that a program is running from?

Is there a platform-agnostic and filesystem-agnostic method to obtain the full path of the directory from where a program is running using C/C++? Not to be confused with the current working directory. (Please don't suggest libraries unless they're standard ones like clib or STL.)
(If there's no platform/filesystem-agnostic method, suggestions that work in Windows and Linux for specific filesystems are welcome too.)
Here's code to get the full path to the executing app:
Variable declarations:
char pBuf[256];
size_t len = sizeof(pBuf);
int bytes = GetModuleFileName(NULL, pBuf, len);
return bytes ? bytes : -1;
int bytes = MIN(readlink("/proc/self/exe", pBuf, len), len - 1);
if(bytes >= 0)
pBuf[bytes] = '\0';
return bytes;
If you fetch the current directory when your program first starts, then you effectively have the directory your program was started from. Store the value in a variable and refer to it later in your program. This is distinct from the directory that holds the current executable program file. It isn't necessarily the same directory; if someone runs the program from a command prompt, then the program is being run from the command prompt's current working directory even though the program file lives elsewhere.
getcwd is a POSIX function and supported out of the box by all POSIX compliant platforms. You would not have to do anything special (apart from incliding the right headers unistd.h on Unix and direct.h on windows).
Since you are creating a C program it will link with the default c run time library which is linked to by ALL processes in the system (specially crafted exceptions avoided) and it will include this function by default. The CRT is never considered an external library because that provides the basic standard compliant interface to the OS.
On windows getcwd function has been deprecated in favour of _getcwd. I think you could use it in this fashion.
#include <stdio.h> /* defines FILENAME_MAX */
#ifdef WINDOWS
#include <direct.h>
#define GetCurrentDir _getcwd
#include <unistd.h>
#define GetCurrentDir getcwd
char cCurrentPath[FILENAME_MAX];
if (!GetCurrentDir(cCurrentPath, sizeof(cCurrentPath)))
return errno;
cCurrentPath[sizeof(cCurrentPath) - 1] = '\0'; /* not really required */
printf ("The current working directory is %s", cCurrentPath);
This is from the cplusplus forum
On windows:
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
std::string getexepath()
char result[ MAX_PATH ];
return std::string( result, GetModuleFileName( NULL, result, MAX_PATH ) );
On Linux:
#include <string>
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
std::string getexepath()
char result[ PATH_MAX ];
ssize_t count = readlink( "/proc/self/exe", result, PATH_MAX );
return std::string( result, (count > 0) ? count : 0 );
#include <string>
#include <limits.h>
#define _PSTAT64
#include <sys/pstat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
std::string getexepath()
char result[ PATH_MAX ];
struct pst_status ps;
if (pstat_getproc( &ps, sizeof( ps ), 0, getpid() ) < 0)
return std::string();
if (pstat_getpathname( result, PATH_MAX, &ps.pst_fid_text ) < 0)
return std::string();
return std::string( result );
If you want a standard way without libraries: No. The whole concept of a directory is not included in the standard.
If you agree that some (portable) dependency on a near-standard lib is okay: Use Boost's filesystem library and ask for the initial_path().
IMHO that's as close as you can get, with good karma (Boost is a well-established high quality set of libraries)
I know it is very late at the day to throw an answer at this one but I found that none of the answers were as useful to me as my own solution. A very simple way to get the path from your CWD to your bin folder is like this:
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::string argv_str(argv[0]);
std::string base = argv_str.substr(0, argv_str.find_last_of("/"));
You can now just use this as a base for your relative path. So for example I have this directory structure:
----> test
----> src
----> bin
and I want to compile my source code to bin and write a log to test I can just add this line to my code.
std::string pathToWrite = base + "/../test/test.log";
I have tried this approach on Linux using full path, alias etc. and it works just fine.
If you are on windows you should use a '\' as the file separator not '/'. You will have to escape this too for example:
std::string base = argv[0].substr(0, argv[0].find_last_of("\\"));
I think this should work but haven't tested, so comment would be appreciated if it works or a fix if not.
Filesystem TS is now a standard ( and supported by gcc 5.3+ and clang 3.9+ ), so you can use current_path() function from it:
std::string path = std::experimental::filesystem::current_path();
In gcc (5.3+) to include Filesystem you need to use:
#include <experimental/filesystem>
and link your code with -lstdc++fs flag.
If you want to use Filesystem with Microsoft Visual Studio, then read this.
No, there's no standard way. I believe that the C/C++ standards don't even consider the existence of directories (or other file system organizations).
On Windows the GetModuleFileName() will return the full path to the executable file of the current process when the hModule parameter is set to NULL. I can't help with Linux.
Also you should clarify whether you want the current directory or the directory that the program image/executable resides. As it stands your question is a little ambiguous on this point.
On Windows the simplest way is to use the _get_pgmptr function in stdlib.h to get a pointer to a string which represents the absolute path to the executable, including the executables name.
char* path;
printf(path); // Example output: C:/Projects/Hello/World.exe
Maybe concatenate the current working directory with argv[0]? I'm not sure if that would work in Windows but it works in linux.
For example:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char the_path[256];
getcwd(the_path, 255);
strcat(the_path, "/");
strcat(the_path, argv[0]);
printf("%s\n", the_path);
return 0;
When run, it outputs:
jeremy#jeremy-desktop:~/Desktop$ ./test
For Win32 GetCurrentDirectory should do the trick.
You can not use argv[0] for that purpose, usually it does contain full path to the executable, but not nessesarily - process could be created with arbitrary value in the field.
Also mind you, the current directory and the directory with the executable are two different things, so getcwd() won't help you either.
On Windows use GetModuleFileName(), on Linux read /dev/proc/procID/.. files.
Just my two cents, but doesn't the following code portably work in C++17?
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
std::cout << "Path is " << fs::path(argv[0]).parent_path() << '\n';
Seems to work for me on Linux at least.
Based on the previous idea, I now have:
std::filesystem::path prepend_exe_path(const std::string& filename, const std::string& exe_path = "");
With implementation:
fs::path prepend_exe_path(const std::string& filename, const std::string& exe_path)
static auto exe_parent_path = fs::path(exe_path).parent_path();
return exe_parent_path / filename;
And initialization trick in main():
(void) prepend_exe_path("", argv[0]);
Thanks #Sam Redway for the argv[0] idea. And of course, I understand that C++17 was not around for many years when the OP asked the question.
Just to belatedly pile on here,...
there is no standard solution, because the languages are agnostic of underlying file systems, so as others have said, the concept of a directory based file system is outside the scope of the c / c++ languages.
on top of that, you want not the current working directory, but the directory the program is running in, which must take into account how the program got to where it is - ie was it spawned as a new process via a fork, etc. To get the directory a program is running in, as the solutions have demonstrated, requires that you get that information from the process control structures of the operating system in question, which is the only authority on this question. Thus, by definition, its an OS specific solution.
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
// The directory path returned by native GetCurrentDirectory() no end backslash
string getCurrentDirectoryOnWindows()
const unsigned long maxDir = 260;
char currentDir[maxDir];
GetCurrentDirectory(maxDir, currentDir);
return string(currentDir);
For Windows system at console you can use system(dir) command. And console gives you information about directory and etc. Read about the dir command at cmd. But for Unix-like systems, I don't know... If this command is run, read bash command. ls does not display directory...
int main()
system("pause"); //this wait for Enter-key-press;
return 0;
Works with starting from C++11, using experimental filesystem, and C++14-C++17 as well using official filesystem.
#pragma once
#ifdef __cpp_lib_filesystem
#include <filesystem>
#include <experimental/filesystem>
namespace std {
namespace filesystem = experimental::filesystem;
std::filesystem::path getexepath();
#include "application.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h> //GetModuleFileNameW
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h> //readlink
std::filesystem::path getexepath()
#ifdef _WIN32
wchar_t path[MAX_PATH] = { 0 };
GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, path, MAX_PATH);
return path;
char result[PATH_MAX];
ssize_t count = readlink("/proc/self/exe", result, PATH_MAX);
return std::string(result, (count > 0) ? count : 0);
For relative paths, here's what I did. I am aware of the age of this question, I simply want to contribute a simpler answer that works in the majority of cases:
Say you have a path like this:
For some reason, Linux-built executables made in eclipse work fine with this. However, windows gets very confused if given a path like this to work with!
As stated above there are several ways to get the current path to the executable, but the easiest way I find works a charm in the majority of cases is appending this to the FRONT of your path:
Just adding "./" should get you sorted! :) Then you can start loading from whatever directory you wish, so long as it is with the executable itself.
EDIT: This won't work if you try to launch the executable from code::blocks if that's the development environment being used, as for some reason, code::blocks doesn't load stuff right... :D
EDIT2: Some new things I have found is that if you specify a static path like this one in your code (Assuming is something you need to load):
If you then launch your app from the actual directory (or in Windows, you make a shortcut, and set the working dir to your app dir) then it will work like that.
Keep this in mind when debugging issues related to missing resource/file paths. (Especially in IDEs that set the wrong working dir when launching a build exe from the IDE)
A library solution (although I know this was not asked for).
If you happen to use Qt:
Path to the current .exe
#include <Windows.h>
std::wstring getexepathW()
wchar_t result[MAX_PATH];
return std::wstring(result, GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, result, MAX_PATH));
std::wcout << getexepathW() << std::endl;
// -------- OR --------
std::string getexepathA()
char result[MAX_PATH];
return std::string(result, GetModuleFileNameA(NULL, result, MAX_PATH));
std::cout << getexepathA() << std::endl;
This question was asked 15 years ago, so the existing answers are now incorrect. If you're using C++17 or greater, the solution is very straightforward today:
#include <filesystem>
std::cout << std::filesystem::current_path();
See for more information.
On POSIX platforms, you can use getcwd().
On Windows, you may use _getcwd(), as use of getcwd() has been deprecated.
For standard libraries, if Boost were standard enough for you, I would have suggested Boost::filesystem, but they seem to have removed path normalization from the proposal. You may have to wait until TR2 becomes readily available for a fully standard solution.
Boost Filesystem's initial_path() behaves like POSIX's getcwd(), and neither does what you want by itself, but appending argv[0] to either of them should do it.
You may note that the result is not always pretty--you may get things like /foo/bar/../../baz/a.out or /foo/bar//baz/a.out, but I believe that it always results in a valid path which names the executable (note that consecutive slashes in a path are collapsed to one).
I previously wrote a solution using envp (the third argument to main() which worked on Linux but didn't seem workable on Windows, so I'm essentially recommending the same solution as someone else did previously, but with the additional explanation of why it is actually correct even if the results are not pretty.
As Minok mentioned, there is no such functionality specified ini C standard or C++ standard. This is considered to be purely OS-specific feature and it is specified in POSIX standard, for example.
Thorsten79 has given good suggestion, it is Boost.Filesystem library. However, it may be inconvenient in case you don't want to have any link-time dependencies in binary form for your program.
A good alternative I would recommend is collection of 100% headers-only STLSoft C++ Libraries Matthew Wilson (author of must-read books about C++). There is portable facade PlatformSTL gives access to system-specific API: WinSTL for Windows and UnixSTL on Unix, so it is portable solution. All the system-specific elements are specified with use of traits and policies, so it is extensible framework. There is filesystem library provided, of course.
The linux bash command
which progname will report a path to program.
Even if one could issue the which command from within your program and direct the output to a tmp file and the program
subsequently reads that tmp file, it will not tell you if that program is the one executing. It only tells you where a program having that name is located.
What is required is to obtain your process id number, and to parse out the path to the name
In my program I want to know if the program was
executed from the user's bin directory or from another in the path
or from /usr/bin. /usr/bin would contain the supported version.
My feeling is that in Linux there is the one solution that is portable.
Use realpath() in stdlib.h like this:
char *working_dir_path = realpath(".", NULL);
The following worked well for me on macOS 10.15.7
brew install boost
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
boost::filesystem::path p{argv[0]};
p = absolute(p).parent_path();
std::cout << p << std::endl;
return 0;
g++ -Wall -std=c++11 -l boost_filesystem main.cpp