How can I configure django-auth-ldap to use more than one LDAP server? - django

I've been using django-auth-ldap for a while to auth against a single server (AUTH_LDAP_SERVER_URI in There have been some changes in my organization recently, and I now need to be able to check against two different LDAP servers (actually: Active Directory, but I don't think that comes into play here). Unfortunately there is not a single location that has all of the user info I need.
Is there any way I can configure django-auth-ldap to check against more than 1 server? The documentation seems to assume a single server/URI. I'd also entertain ideas outside of django-auth-ldap, but I'd really like to stick with it if possible because it keeps things simple.

You would need to extend the custom auth handler to take an iterable for servers to check against and just step through them.
There is nothing stopping you from checking any number of directories for the information you need - there is no limitation in the underlying libraries.

django-auth-ldap 1.1 (just released) allows you to easily define multiple subclasses of the authentication backend that use different collections of settings. See


Django 1.8: Password Protect Entire Project

I have built my first Django App! It is built to help my business track inventory. As such, I would not like it to be publicly available.
Maybe someday I will set up multiple user accounts, etc, but for now I really just need a basic password gate to get it up and running.
Does anyone have any middleware that works for this? All the solutions that I am finding are pretty old and they do not seem to work with the latest version of Django.
If you just need a single username/password couple, handling it directly via HTTP authentication in your webserver configuration will be the easiest way to achieve this. The benefits of this approach are:
You can set it up in 5 minutes: example with nginx, example with apache
You don't have to write code you'll delete later
It will protect all your website, including static files, third-party apps, admin, etc.
I found an answer that worked for me posted here:
#login_required for multiple views
Make sure the LOGIN_REQUIRED_URLS_EXCEPTIONS path is correctly set to your login page.

Is there any way to administer multiple Django servers at once?

Short Version
Is there any tool that will let me use a single Django admin page to affect multiple Django installations on different servers?
Detailed Version
I've got a bunch of different servers, each with their own Django installation. This works great ... except when I want to do something via the Django admin to all of the servers, in which case I have to log on to each server separately.
For instance, let's say I have a release coming and a co-worker (who's not a programmer) wants to use the admin to make a "message" record about the release for the server's users to see. They have to log in to each server's admin individually, create the message record, then move on to the next server until they've gotten through all of them.
To get around this whenever I have a multi-server change I've been using Git; ie.:
I make a commit with files for the change
I push that commit
I pull that commit on all of the servers at once (using Fabric).
However, this too is sub-optimal, because we can't take advantage of the admin interface, and doing something as simple as adding a "new release coming" message requires an actual (mini-)release itself.
So, it seems to me the best way to handle this would be if there was some sort of meta-admin tool my co-worker could use to Django admin work on multiple servers at once. Does anything like that exist?

Need one login for two different sites

I am tasked to create a web site using Django. It will be a 'sister' site to an existing Plone site. The same Apache instance will be the front end to the sites which allows me to use the same domain name.
However, the owners want the users to be able to log into one and still be logged into the other one.
How can this be accomplished?
Thanks! :)
Gut reaction is to use OAuth - see How to build a secure Django single signon between different sites?
Alternatively, have you tried this single sign-on app - ?
Also have a look on Django's documentation on how to implement your own authorization backend at
My gut reaction is to use LDAP. Plone's LDAP support is a little rough, but it works. Does Django have equivalent or better LDAP support? If so, then I think you are off and running…
You can move authentication to SQLPASPlugin and use the same table for Django and Plone.
There are two problems here, shared logins, and single sign on. LDAP or SQL based logins will give you the first, but you'll still have to enter your password in both sites. You need single sign on to remain logged in across bpth.
plone.session 3.0 (part of Plone 4, but compatible with Plone 3.3 if you also add hashlib to your buildout) is compatible with Apache mod_auth_tkt single sign on. It should be simple enough to configure Django to use Apache authentication, or if you're not running Apache, wrap plone.session's in a simple wsgi wrapper. Use the Plone site's require_login script as the TKTAuthLoginURL.

Alternative Django Authenication

Need to integrate Django with an existing authentication system. That system has it's own database, API, login/logout,edit profile web pages and cookie.
(I may have to add a few additional profile fields stored/updated locally)
What's the proper approach to substitute the out-of-the-box authentication in Django?
The proper approach to substitute authentication from django's out-of-the-box to your own is to substitute your classes in the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS tuple in as described in This is incredibly useful for just the issue you're describing.
A good example of an authentication backend done this way is django-cas. This uses CAS to authenticate in a django application. You can use this as your template and just write hooks into your own authentication system identically.
I've created a custom authentication backend when I've had to do something similar to what you have to do. See:
In the authenticate function you call your api to authenticate the user, and then map them to a django.contrib.auth.model.User object on some primary key, like username for example. If the primary key is something other than username I usually create a mapping object, or put it into the profile object for the project.
This depends on how you want to handle the problem. If you don't need to keep the existing system running, your best bet is to import their data into the django project.
If the authentication system must stay in tact, you might have to write a wrapper for django.auth. I've done this in the past using SQLAlchemy to integrate to the external database.
It might be helpful to take a look at the Django 1.2 multi-db support
In either case I'd try to get the user information into django.auth rather than to write your own authentication system.

How to host 50 domains/sites with common Django code base

I have 50 different websites that use the same layout and code base, but mostly non-overlapping data (regional support sites, not link farm). Is there a way to have a single installation of the code and run all 50 at the same time?
When I have a bug to fix (or deploy new feature), I want to deploy ONE time + 1 restart and be done with it.
Code needs to know what domain the request is coming to so the appropriate data is displayed.
The Sites framework comes to mind.
Apart from that we have Django running for multiple sites by symlinking Django to various docroots. Works like a charm, too.
I can see two quite distinct ways to do this:
Use one database and the sites framework. Every post/picture/whatever model is connected to a Site and you always filter on Site. This requires a separate settings file for every database.
Use one database for each and every site. This allows different users for every site, but requires duplication of everything that is stored in the database. It also requires a separate settings file pointing to the correct database.
Either way, you do not duplicate any code, only data.
If you need to do site-specific, or post-specific changes to ie. a template, you should read up on how Django loads templates. It allows you to specify a list, ie ["story_%d.html", "story_site_%d.html", "story.html"] and django will look for the templates in that order.
I just ran into this and ended up using a custom middleware class that:
Fetch the HTTP_HOST
Clean the HTTP_HOST (remove www, ports, etc.)
Look up domain in a Website table that's tied to each account.
Set the account instance on the HTTPRequest object.
The throughout my view code I do lookups based on the account stored in the HTTPRequest objects.
Hope that helps someone in the future.