Regular expressions converting into a diagram [closed] - regex

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Is there any software to convert a regular expression into a diagram to show the finite state machine will work. I find it helpful to have things pictorial to aid in bug fixing and ensuring that the regular expression is correct.

I really like which looks like it uses Parcon.
Example (live link):

You should try RegexBuddy - IMHO it's best tool for regexp creation, validation, advanced visualisation and debugging. Also it has the unique ability to emulate the features and limitations of all the popular regular expression flavors, like PCRE, Perl, JavaScript, Java and etc.

If you don't mind using eclipse...

I ran a google search for "regex visualization" graphvis, and I found this:
The tool is web based. I was actually hoping that I might be able to find a command line tool, because that would be easier to script. Nonetheless, the implementation seems to be well documented, and might serve as a starting point for other tools.

There used to be a good online tool for this at Unfortunately, it appears to be currently unavailable.


Regular expression to English [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Given a regular expression, is there a library or webservice which will give the human/non-programmer an English description?
For example, .+ => one or more characters
There is an excellent site called that does exactly that, as well. It also provides access to different regex engines, allows you to save and debug your regexes and test strings...very nice.
I don't know about a website, but RegexBuddy will do that for you.
I'm a big fan of RegExr. Similar to regex101, but has more features and a nicer interface in my opinion.
This is an old question, but I was looking for something like this myself a few minutes ago, so here is the solution I found with a quick Google search.
The explanation is a little terse, but worked well enough for my needs.
Here in a link to a screenshot (not enough reputation to post images).
Screenshot of a simple regex example
I tried Tim Peitzcker's suggested, but liked the simple format of this site better.
Regex Coach can do this, though it is a desktop app rather than something callable

What's a good Wordpress extension for coloring C/C++/script code? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My research group uses a Wordpress blog. Frequently I want post snippets or even entire short programs I've been working on to it, with most of my code being written in C/C++ or scripting languages (Bash, TCL, etc).
I figure that there have to be some good extensions to Wordpress to colorify code since so many people use it. I'm looking for something similar to StackOverflow's colorizing system, though I realize it may not be quite as robust!
Can you point me to some of your favorites/the ones you think are most reliable?
Thanks in advance!
This was the first I investigated when I started a Wordpress blog. You can use Wordpress' sourcecode shortcode, as exemplified here. It requires JavaScript on the client side (otherwise it renders as just preformatted text).
Cheers & hth.,
GeSHi is a good backend for highlighting lots of different languages. There are Wordpress plugins that support it, but I don't have a specific recommendation. (I use GeSHi for our wiki.)
You might also consider Pastie or Gist as a way to share snippets.

Is there a free tool that is like a regexp wizard? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Does there exist a free Windows software program that will help you generate regular expressions using a wizard?
I'm not exactly sure what I am looking for but I am not looking for a regexp evaluator. What I need is a calculator/wizard to help me learn how reg expressions work, while not knowing all the syntax details (until i have the experience of course).
Expresso is a good free tool. It just needs email registration, but it's free. The developer of that tool also wrote The 30 Minute Regex Tutorial which you can use to follow along. It's included in the help file of Expresso.
RegexBuddy is not free, but seems to have a helpful UI and a cool debugger. Take a look at the demos.
gSkinner has a good online tool which has a desktop version too.
The Regex Coach won't quite do what you want, but it does have an info panel that explains your regex in plain English and it shows you when you've got a match in your test string.
A tool is handy for testing purposes, but if your ultimate goal is to actually learn regex, get Mastering Regular Expressions: the book w.r.t. regex-es.
A good on-line resource is
Expresso is just the best for me and it's free.....
ReguLazy is a neat idea for this sort of thing. It's a pretty simple way to build and test a regex.

What is a good regular expression tester for OS X? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm looking for a GUI based RegExp tester in the vein of, or this JavaScript expression tester here, for OS X, to help me when writing regular expressions.
It would be really handy for it to work in more than one language (i.e. Python, JavaScript, or Ruby).
Other than using MacVim's own find as you type tool, or a command line editor like Vim or Emacs, (I use Textmate as my main editor), what are my options here?
give Reggy a try! ...simple and effective!
NOTE: Though the last 1.3 release of the app is quite old (2007), a new version written in Objective-c is under development on Github
Maybe you can just use one of the online RegExp testers, like "RegExr".
I've found a nice Regexp tester for JavaScript at, which is available as a widget for OS X, and is even nice enough to give you numbered captures, something that's quite rare amongst RegExp testers.
However, to buy it you need to send some unspecified amount of money via paypal for it - I flipped a dollar in, partly because I didn't know whether it would be any good, and it turns out to be pretty nice.
My favorite WebApp to test for regular expressions is RegExr.
But this was not the question ;)
So, if you really need an app, take a look at RegExhibit from Roger Jolly. It's quite simple and gives you the ability to find, replace and split.
By the way, RegExhibit is free an open-source!
I've used and liked JRegExpTester:
It's in Java and only does Java regexes, unfortunately.
There's also a handy FF plugin:
I realize this question is quite old, but...
I prefer to download/buy from the App Store. So I spent the $2.99 and gave Patterns a try. There are a few other good looking RegEx GUI applications on the App Store, but all of them are double the price and offer little to no extra functionality.
You should check out iRegEx. It's the fastest, leanest, and it has the best UI. And it's the cheapest too. It only needs a decent icon… ;)

Any good advice on using emacs for C++ project? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm looking for a good article on using emacs as C/C++ IDE.
Something like Steve Yegge's "Effective emacs".
No specific article, really, but I've found EmacsWiki to be full of useful information. Consider checking out these entries:
CPlusPlus as a starting point for many C++-related articles, and
CppTemplate to define a template that can give you a good skeleton when you start new files
I've recently stumbled upon this article which is quite good.
EDIT: Yep the link is no longer valid. It seems like they've changed their url recently and it doesn't redirect properly. Hopefully it will be back soon. Anyway the article was called "Benjamin Rutt's Emacs C development tips". I managed to find a copy here.
I'm planning to write such article in near future, but you can now take my configuration of Cedet + Emacs, that helps me to effectively edit C++ sources.
If you'll have questions, you could ask me directly
Be aware that Emacs' C++ mode is based on only regular expressions, not a grammar. Hence, the syntax highlighting is not based strictly on the syntax of the language itself, but rather is largely based on commonplace formatting. The Emacs syntax highlighting of C++ often makes mistakes.
The problem is not limited to syntax hightlighting. The same defective design applies to the automatic formatting. All this said, I have been using only Emacs for all of my editing of C++ source code for over 20 years, since the cfront days. (I usually turn off electric key bindings, because of Emacs' defective regex-based design. Regexes do not have enough expressive power to describe the C++ syntax accurately.
I recommend ggtags and irony-mode. Other then that you may want to use helm-ag to search ("grep") for strings in your codebase.