Libconfig edit config value - c++

I am using libconfig to read/wirte config files in my C++ game.
Right now I just have this one config file called video.cfg:
#Video config file
limited = true;
value = 20;
This config file handles the video settings of the game.
I am trying to write a very basic console program that modifies this values based on user input. However I have no idea how to do this. I can't find anything in libconfig manual and nothing on Google.
So how do you edit values in Libconfig?

#include <libconfig.h>
int main() {
config_t cfg;
config_setting_t *vid_fps_lim = 0;
config_setting_t *vid_fps_val = 0;
if (config_read_file(&cfg, "myconfig") == CONFIG_TRUE) {
/* lookup the settings we want */
vid_fps_lim = config_lookup(&cfg, "");
vid_fps_val = config_lookup(&cfg, "video.fps.value");
/* print the current settings */
printf(" = %i\n", config_setting_get_bool(vid_fps_lim));
printf("video.fps.value = %i\n", config_setting_get_int(vid_fps_val));
/* modify the settings */
config_setting_set_bool(vid_fps_lim, 1);
config_setting_set_int(vid_fps_val, 60);
/* write the modified config back */
config_write_file(&cfg, "myconfig");
return 0;
I named the file "lcex.c" and the config file "myconfig" It builds and runs on my Debian Linux machine using the following...
gcc `pkg-config --cflags libconfig` lcex.c -o lcex `pkg-config --libs libconfig`
Open your config file after running the app and you should see that the values have been updated.
Disclaimer...error handling left out to make it easier to read. I didn't build with -Wall, etc. As with any API, read the docs and handle potential errors.

I came across this question while searching for a way to have libconfig write output to a string instead of a file. I see that there's no acceptable answer here, so I thought I would provide one for posterity, even though the question is over 3 years old.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include "libconfig.h++"
main (void) {
libconfig::Config config;
std::string file = "test.conf";
try {
libconfig::Setting &limited = config.lookup("");
libconfig::Setting &value = config.lookup("video.fps.value");
limited = false;
value = 60;
catch (...) {
// Do something reasonable with exceptions here. Do not catch (...)
return 0;
Hope that helps someone!


spdlog rotating/basic file logging out working in pybind11 modules?

I'm trying to logging something in pybind11 modules with spdlog.
I add a static variable log_initializer, it's constructor will initialize spdlog.
Here's the sample code:
#include <pybind11/pybind11.h>
PYBIND11_MODULE(my_module, m) {
// def my module here
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <spdlog/sinks/rotating_file_sink.h>
const int MAX_ROTATE_SIZE = 50 * 1024 * 1024;
const int MAX_ROTATE_FILES = 10;
const spdlog::level::level_enum LOG_LEVEL = spdlog::level::info;
struct ModuleInitializer {
ModuleInitializer() {
static void init_logger() {
auto rotate_logger = spdlog::rotating_logger_mt(
"my_module", "my_module.log", MAX_ROTATE_SIZE, MAX_ROTATE_FILES);
spdlog::set_pattern("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%S.%f | %l | p-%P t-%t | %!:%# - %v");
SPDLOG_DEBUG("logging initialized");
static ModuleInitializer module_initializer;
When I use python so modules (creating by pybind11) in python3 console, the logging file is created by spdlog, not nothing actually written into the logging file.
Would you please help me ?
Then I try to open a file in pybind11 module and write something into it.
And this FILE *fp = fopen("my_module.log", "w"); fwrite("hello world!\n", 1, 13, fp); fclose(fp); will write successfully.
I don't understand which part is wrong about spdlog, and why it's not working.
Come out with that, the issue why nothing written to log file, is because the logging level configuration in spdlog, not because of the pybind11/python modules.

Cannot write an array in a Ubuntu device using C++ (Debug Assertion Failed. Expression (stream !=NULL))

I am working on Windows and I am trying to write an array into a Ubuntu device using C++ in Visual Studio 2019. Here's a sample of my code:
int Run_WriteCalibTable(char *pcIPAddress, int iNumArgs, float *fArgs, int *iAnsSize, char *sAns)
char pcFolderName[256];
char pcFileName[256];
sprintf(pcFolderName, "%s\\%s",pcSavePath, pcUUTSerialNumber);
sprintf(pcFileName, "%s\\calib_rfclock.conf",pcFolderName);
FILE *pFileW;
pFileW = fopen(pcFileName,"wb");
fwrite(&CalibTable, sizeof(char), CalibTable.hdr.v1.u32Len, pFileW);
return 0;
However, I keep having this pop-up from Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library that says:
Debug Assertion Failed:
File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\sefl_x86\crt\src\fwrite.c
Line: 77
Expression: (stream != NULL)
I found this thread and I tried logging in as root on my Ubuntu device. I also tried:
mount -o remount,rw /path/to/parent/directory
chmod 777 /path/to/parent/directory
And I can also create/edit manualy any file in the directory I'm trying to write into with my code, but I get the same error when running it.
Anyone knows what could cause this? I think it could be on the Windows side, but I don't know what I am doing wrong. Thanks a lot in advance.
You never check that opening the file succeeds - and it most likely fails, which is why you get the debug pop-up. Your use of \ as directory delimiters may be the only reason why it fails, but you should check to be sure.
I suggest that you use std::filesystem::path (C++17) to build your paths. That makes it easy to create paths in a portable way. You could also make use of a C++ standard std::ofstream to create the file. That way you don't need to close it afterwards. It closes automatically when it goes out of scope.
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstring>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
int Run_WriteCalibTable(char *pcIPAddress, int iNumArgs, float *fArgs,
int *iAnsSize, char *sAns)
// Build std::filesystem::paths:
auto pcFolderName = std::filesystem::path(pcSavePath) / pcUUTSerialNumber;
auto pcFileName = pcFolderName / "calib_rfclock.conf";
// only try to write to the file if opening the file succeeds:
if(std::ofstream pFileW(pcFileName, std::ios::binary); pFileW) {
// Successfully opened the file, now write to it:
pFileW.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&CalibTable),
} else {
// Opening the file failed, print the reason:
std::cerr << pcFileName << ": " << std::strerror(errno) << std::endl;

cstdio fopen and fclose not working correctly on osx

I'm using tinyxml through openframeworks which uses cstdio for file access. I can see the example program quite happily create and write files but there is no delete so my plan is to implement remove, but after trying to run this code in my own project it doesn't seem to create a file or notify me of an error.
This code runs as expected on windows, just not on mac osx 10.8.5, no file is generated.
#include <cstdio>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
bool bClosed = false;
bool bWritten = false;
FILE* testFile;
testFile = fopen(".\\test.xml", "w");
bWritten = fputs("test writing.", testFile);
bClosed = !fclose(testFile);
return 0;
edit: i now know the file exists as can read from it, i just cant view it in finder, i have hidden files shown, its not found its way into the app's package contents.
On a unix-like system (e.g. Mac OS X and Linux) a Windows path as
should rather be
Anyway the simplest solution for this case might just be

Is there any way to access page header,page footer and page content separately using libpoppler?

I am using libpoppler to parse PDF file to plain text,and I want to output page header,page footer and content separately,how can I do this??
Is there any structure or class that hold them?
Thanks in advance!!
You can get text in a page with poppler_page_get_text(). Can you parse pure text afterwards? Here is a sample code. It's not a C++ but hope you can see the idea.
Tested on a Debian Unstable amd64, libpoppler-glib-dev 0.18.4-3, gcc 4.7.1-7
$ gcc -Wall -g -Wextra get-text.c $(pkg-config --cflags --libs poppler-glib)
#include <poppler.h>
#include <glib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
GError *error = NULL;
PopplerDocument *d;
PopplerPage *p;
gchar *f;
gchar *u;
if (argc < 2)
g_error("oops: no file name given");
if (g_path_is_absolute(argv[1]))
f = argv[1];
f = g_build_filename(g_get_current_dir(), argv[1], NULL);
u = g_filename_to_uri(f, NULL, &error);
if (!u)
g_error("oops: %s", error->message);
d = poppler_document_new_from_file(u, NULL, &error);
if (!d)
return -1;
p = poppler_document_get_page(d, 1);
g_print("%s\n", poppler_page_get_text(p));
return 0;
Disclaimer: This might not be a good answer
Last time I checked libpoppler was just a good renderer that could see a pdf page as a sequence of vector drawing operations. In that sense, it should be possible for it to intercept text-drawing operations, and thus report the text somehow. But I don't think that text in the header/footer of a page be anything special from the vector point of view. Plus, I have seen a loot of very expensive pdf-to-text converter programs to fail miserably at that.
Not really. PDF has no concept of header, footer and body (unless you create tagged PDF).

Weird and unpredictable crash when using libx264 cross-compiled with MinGW

I'm working on a C++ project using Visual Studio 2010 on Windows. I'm linking dynamically against x264 which I built myself as a shared library using MinGW following the guide at
The strange thing is that my x264 code is working perfectly sometimes. Then when I change some line of code (or even change the comments in the file!) and recompile everything crashes on the line
encoder_ = x264_encoder_open(&param);
With the message
Access violation reading location 0x00000000
I'm not doing anything funky at all so it's probably not my code that is wrong but I guess there is something going wrong with the linking or maybe something is wrong with how I compiled x264.
The full initialization code:
x264_param_t param = { 0 };
if (x264_param_default_preset(&param, "ultrafast", "zerolatency") < 0) {
throw KStreamerException("x264_param_default_preset failed");
param.i_threads = 1;
param.i_width = 640;
param.i_height = 480;
param.i_fps_num = 10;
param.i_fps_den = 1;
encoder_ = x264_encoder_open(&param); // <-----
if (encoder_ == 0) {
throw KStreamerException("x264_encoder_open failed");
x264_picture_alloc(&pic_, X264_CSP_I420, 640, 480);
Edit: It turns out that it always works in Release mode and when using superfast instead of ultrafast it also works in Debug mode 100%. Could it be that the ultrafast mode is doing some crazy optimizations that the debugger doesn't like?
I've met this problem too with libx264-120.
libx264-120 was built on MinGW and configuration option like below.
$ ./configure --disable-cli --enable-shared --extra-ldflags=-Wl,--output-def=libx264-120.def --enable-debug --enable-win32thread
platform: X86
system: WINDOWS
cli: no
libx264: internal
shared: yes
static: no
asm: yes
interlaced: yes
avs: yes
lavf: no
ffms: no
gpac: no
gpl: yes
thread: win32
filters: crop select_every
debug: yes
gprof: no
strip: no
PIC: no
visualize: no
bit depth: 8
chroma format: all
$ make -j8
lib /def:libx264-120.def /machine:x86
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;
#include <stdint.h>
extern "C"{
#include <x264.h>
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
int width(640);
int height(480);
int err(-1);
x264_param_t x264_param = {0};
err =
x264_param_default_preset(&x264_param, "veryfast", "zerolatency");
x264_param.i_threads = 8;
x264_param.i_width = width;
x264_param.i_height = height;
x264_param.i_fps_num = 60;//fps;
x264_param.i_fps_den = 1;
// Intra refres:
x264_param.i_keyint_max = 60;//fps;
x264_param.b_intra_refresh = 1;
//Rate control:
x264_param.rc.i_rc_method = X264_RC_CRF;
x264_param.rc.f_rf_constant = 25;
x264_param.rc.f_rf_constant_max = 35;
//For streaming:
x264_param.b_repeat_headers = 1;
x264_param.b_annexb = 1;
err = x264_param_apply_profile(&x264_param, "baseline");
x264_t *x264_encoder = x264_encoder_open(&x264_param);
x264_encoder = x264_encoder;
x264_encoder_close( x264_encoder );
return 0;
This program succeeds sometime. But will fail often on x264_encoder_open with the access violation.
The information for this is not existing on Google. And how to initialize x264_param_t and how to use x264_encoder_open are unclear.
It seems that behavior caused from x264's setting values, but I can't know these without reading some open source programs that using libx264.
And, this access violation seems doesn't occurs on FIRST TIME EXECUTION and on compilation with MinGW's gcc (e.g gcc -o test test.c -lx264;./test)
Since this behavior, I think that libx264 doing some strange processes of resources in DLL version of ilbx264 that was built on MinGW's gcc.
I had the same problem. The only way I was able to fix it was to build the x264 dll without the asm option (ie. specify --disable-asm)