I have written a program that can take a list and change it into a tree.
build_tree([X,Y],'Tree'(X,Y)) :- !.
build_tree([X|Y],'Tree'(X,Z)) :- build_tree(Y, Z).
If I want to reverse the process and take the tree and change it back into a list, how would I do this?
Note that your tree->list conversion isn't a function since trees may correspond to multiple lists:
?- build_tree([1, 2, 3], T).
T = 'Tree'(1, 'Tree'(2, 3)).
?- build_tree([1, 'Tree'(2, 3)], T).
T = 'Tree'(1, 'Tree'(2, 3)).
If you want a predicate that can generate all lists from a tree, remove the cut from build_tree and apply it with a variable first argument. If you want a deterministic conversion, write a new predicate tree_to_list.
Just curious, how would that deterministic version play out? Assuming there was only one possible list, from the tree, for example:
('Tree'('Tree'(nil, 2, nil), 5, 'Tree'(nil, 6, nil)).
Which gives: L = [5, 2, 6]
If you remove the cut from the first rule, your code it's ready to work in 'backward' mode:
?- build_tree([1,2,3,4],T).
T = 'Tree'(1, 'Tree'(2, 'Tree'(3, 4))) ;
?- build_tree(X,$T).
X = [1, 'Tree'(2, 'Tree'(3, 4))] ;
X = [1, 2, 'Tree'(3, 4)] ;
X = [1, 2, 3, 4] ;
flatten(leaf, []).
flatten(node(L, E, R), Ls) :-
flatten(L, Ls1),
append(Ls1, [E], Ls2),
flatten(R, Ls3),
append(Ls2, Ls3, Ls).
if you consider tree ass node(leaf,Element,leaf) for example
gives X=[2,3,5].
and if you wanna have bst
List to Tree.
insert(E,node(L,N,R),T) :-
E >= N,
insert(E,node(L,N,R),T) :-
E < N,
list_to_tree(List,Tree) :-
I'm writing a predicate for finding the bigger number in pairs. If the number has no pair - it will be just added.
write_list([A|[]]):- write(A).
write_list([A, B|Tail]) :- ((A>B, write(A));(A<B,write(B))), nl,
My problem is, I cannot figure out how to write a result in another list instead of printing the result out:
write_list([1,2,6,8,5], X).
X = [2,6,8,8,5].
write only prints the content to the standard output, it does not "yield" it to the result list. In Prolog the only way to generate values, is through unification.
You thus need to define a predicate maxpair/2, not write_list/1.
The predicate thus looks like:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
maxpair([A], [A]).
maxpair([A, B|Tail], [H|T]) :-
H #= max(A, B),
maxpair([B|Tail], T).
The first clause says that the maxpair/2 of a singleton list is that singleton list. The latter says that the maxpair/2 for a list containing two or more lists is a list that starts with the maximum of the first two elements, and we recurse on the tail of the list.
The above can also yield a list in reverse. For example:
?- write_list(L, [5, 3, 2, 1]).
L = [5, 3, 2, 1] ;
?- write_list(L, [1, 4, 2, 5]).
?- write_list(L, [3, 3, 5, 5]).
L = [_542, _548, _554, 5],
_542 in inf..3,
3#=max(_542, _548),
_548 in inf..3,
3#=max(_548, _554),
_554 in inf..3 ;
?- write_list(L, [3, 5, 5, 4]).
L = [_1128, _1134, 5, 4],
_1128 in inf..3,
3#=max(_1128, _1134),
_1134 in inf..3 ;
So depending on the situation it can:
fully reconstruct the list;
construct a list with some variables with intervals; or
proof that it is impossible to construct such a list.
So I'm totally new to Prolog and need some help. I'm trying to take a list of lists like [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8]] and create a list like [2,3,5,6,8], so basically all the values into a new list besides the first of each list. I got this:
test5(X,[_|A]) :- test5(X,A).
which returns [2,3] and then [5,6] and then [8] each time I press enter. I'm not sure how to make them run all at once and make them into a list. I tried using append in different ways but I could not get this working. Any idea on how to implement this? Thanks!
You have the common predicate flatten/2, which almost does the job:
?- flatten([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8]], L).
L = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8].
There are many implementations of flatten/2 available, just google it.
If you know that the list of lists is not nested, you should rather use append/2.
Then, you need to drop the first element of each list before appending:
list_tail([_|T], T).
?- maplist(list_tail, [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8]], T), append(T, L).
T = [[2, 3], [5, 6], [8]],
L = [2, 3, 5, 6, 8].
It might be a good exercise to take a more careful look at the implementation of append/2 linked above. With a small change in the definition (literally removing 1 character and adding 5) it will do the dropping and appending in the same step, without traversing the original list twice.
So why is it that #repeat's initial solution does not terminate when the first argument is not a proper list, but the second is a proper list?
nt_tails_append([[_|T]|Ls], As) :-
append(T, Ws, As),
nt_tails_append(Ls, Ws).
It is because when the first argument to nt_tails_append/2 is a free variable, the first two arguments to append/3 above are variables, too. When we call append/3 in this mode, we get, by definition:
?- append(A, B, L).
A = [],
B = L .
In other words, the second and the third arguments are now unified. With the definition of nt_tail_append/2, this means that the recursive call gets the same second argument as the original call, and a new free variable as the first argument. This is an endless loop, of course.
(Tellingly, if you care to look at the definition of append/2 linked above, you will see that the first argument must_be a list.)
How does this help?
tails_append(Ls, As) :-
maplist(list_tail, Ls, T),
append(T, As).
list_tail([_|T], T).
The way that maplist is defined, all list arguments will be instantiated to proper lists. So you can safely use append/3 (here, used in the definition of append/2).
Here is how you could do it using append/3:
lists_concatenatedTails([[_|Xs0]|Xss],Ys) :-
Sample query:
?- lists_concatenatedTails([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8]], Xs).
Xs = [2, 3, 5, 6, 8].
Edit 2015-05-07
Note that the code that #Boris suggested (using list_tail/2,maplist/3,append/2) also gives answers for the following query:
?- maplist(list_tail,Xss,Yss), append(Yss,[1,2,3]).
Xss = [[_G97, 1, 2, 3]], Yss = [[1, 2, 3]] ;
Xss = [[_G97], [_G106, 1, 2, 3]], Yss = [[], [1, 2, 3]] ;
Xss = [[_G97, 1], [_G106, 2, 3]], Yss = [[1], [2, 3]] ;
Xss = [[_G97, 1, 2], [_G106, 3]], Yss = [[1, 2], [3]] ;
Xss = [[_G97, 1, 2, 3], [_G106]], Yss = [[1, 2, 3], []] ;
Xss = [[_G97], [_G106], [_G115, 1, 2, 3]], Yss = [[], [], [1, 2, 3]] ...
This doesn't terminate universally---nor do we expect it to: the set of solutions is infinite in size and it can, in this case, only be covered by an infinite sequence of answers.
In the following equivalent query lists_concatenatedTails/2 "loops" right away:
?- lists_concatenatedTails(Lss,[1,2,3]).
% not a single answer within finite time
Only when constraining the length of Lss right away, fair enumeration can be achieved:
?- length(Lss,_), lists_concatenatedTails(Lss,[1,2,3]).
Lss = [[_G23, 1, 2, 3]] ;
Lss = [[_G26], [_G29, 1, 2, 3]] ;
Lss = [[_G26, 1], [_G32, 2, 3]] ;
Lss = [[_G26, 1, 2], [_G35, 3]] ;
Lss = [[_G26, 1, 2, 3], [_G38]] ;
Lss = [[_G29], [_G32], [_G35, 1, 2, 3]] ...
This is the code for deleting or removing an element from a given list:
remove_elem(X,L1,L2) :-
L1 = [H|T],
X == H,
L2 = Temp.
remove_elem(X,L1,L2) :-
L1 = [H|T],
X \== H,
L2 = [H|Temp].
How can I modify it, so that I can delete every occurrence of a sub list from a list?
When I tried to put a list in an element, it only deletes the element and only once.
It should be this:
?- remove([1,2],[1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],L).
L = [3,4,5,6,1]. % expected result
Inspired by #CapelliC's implementation I wrote the following code based on
append_t([] ,Ys,Ys, true).
append_t([X|Xs],Ys,Zs,Truth) :-
append_aux_t([] ,_ ,_ ,_,false). % aux pred for using 1st argument indexing
append_aux_t([Z|Zs],Ys,Xs,X,Truth) :-
and_t(X=Z, append_t(Xs,Ys,Zs), Truth).
One append_t/4 goal can replace two prefix_of_t/3 and append/3 goals.
Because of that, the implementation of list_sublist_removed/3 gets a bit simpler than before:
list_sublist_removed([] ,[_|_] ,[]).
list_sublist_removed([X|Xs],[L|Ls],Zs) :-
(Zs = Zs0 , Xs1 = Xs0),
(Zs = [X|Zs0], Xs1 = Xs)),
Still deterministic?
?- list_sublist_removed([1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],[1,2],L).
L = [3,4,5,6,1].
Yes! What about the following?
?- list_sublist_removed([1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],X,[3,4,5,6,1]).
X = [1,2] ; % succeeds with useless choice-point
Nope. So there is still room for potential improvement...
This logically pure implementation is based on the predicates if_/3 and (=)/3.
First, we build a reified version of prefix_of/2:
prefix_of_t([X|Xs],Zs,T) :-
prefix_of_t__aux([Z|Zs],X,Xs,T) :-
if_(X=Z, prefix_of_t(Xs,Zs,T), T=false).
Then, on to the main predicate list_sublist_removed/3:
list_sublist_removed([X|Xs],[L|Ls],Zs) :-
if_(prefix_of_t([L|Ls],[X|Xs]), % test
(Zs = Zs0, append([L|Ls],Xs0,[X|Xs])), % case 1
(Zs = [X|Zs0], Xs0 = Xs)), % case 2
A few operational notes on the recursive clause of list_sublist_removed/3:
First (test), we check if [L|Ls] is a prefix of [X|Xs].
If it is present (case 1), we strip it off [X|Xs] yielding Xs0 and add nothing to Zs.
If it is absent (case 2), we strip X off [X|Xs] and add X to Zs.
We recurse on the rest of [X|Xs] until no more items are left to process.
Onwards to some queries!
The use case you gave in your question:
?- list_sublist_removed([1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],[1,2],L).
L = [3,4,5,6,1]. % succeeds deterministically
Two queries that try to find the sublist that was removed:
?- list_sublist_removed([1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],Sub,[ 3,4,5,6,1]).
Sub = [1,2] ? ;
?- list_sublist_removed([1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],Sub,[1,3,4,5,6,1]).
Next, let's find a suitable Ls in this query:
?- list_sublist_removed(Ls,[1,2],[3,4,5,6,1]).
% a lot of time passes ... and nothing happens!
Non-termination! This is unfortunate, but within expectations, as the solution set is infinite. However, by a-priori constraining the length of Ls, we can get all expected results:
?- length(Ls,_), list_sublist_removed(Ls,[1,2],[3,4,5,6,1]).
Ls = [ 3,4,5,6,1] ?
; Ls = [1,2, 3,4,5,6,1] ?
; Ls = [3, 1,2, 4,5,6,1] ?
; Ls = [3,4, 1,2, 5,6,1] ?
; Ls = [3,4,5, 1,2, 6,1] ?
; Ls = [3,4,5,6, 1,2, 1] ?
; Ls = [3,4,5,6,1, 1,2 ] ?
; Ls = [1,2, 1,2, 3,4,5,6,1] ? ...
So many years I study Prolog, still it deserves some surprises... your problem it's quite simple to solve, when you know the list library, and you have a specific mode (like the one you posted as example). But can also be also quite complex to generalize, and it's unclear to me if the approach proposed by #repeat, based on #false suggestion (if_/3 and friends) can be 'ported' to plain, old Prolog (a-la Clocksin-Mellish, just to say).
A solution, that has been not so easy to find, based on old-school Prolog
list_sublist_removed(L, S, R) :-
append([A, S, B], L),
S \= [],
list_sublist_removed(B, S, T),
append(A, T, R),
; L = R.
some test:
?- list_sublist_removed([1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],[1,2],L).
L = [3, 4, 5, 6, 1].
?- list_sublist_removed([1,2,3,4,1,2,5,6,1,2,1],X,[3, 4, 5, 6, 1]).
X = [1, 2].
?- length(X,_), list_sublist_removed(X,[1,2],[3, 4, 5, 6, 1]).
X = [3, 4, 5, 6, 1] ;
X = [3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 1] ...
I want to write a function that returns true if two lists are exactly the same(order of elements matters).
I tried it this way:
same([ ], [ ]).
same([H1|R1], [H2|R2]):-
H1 == H2,
same(R1, R2).
It returns true while two lists are the same, also I expect if I have
?- same(X, [1, 2, 3]).
I want it to return
X = [1, 2, 3].
But it doesn't work if input is like this. Here are some sample outputs I got:
?- same([1, 2], [1, 2]).
?- same([2, 1], [1, 2]).
?- same(X, [1, 2, 3]).
?- same([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, X]).
How to fix it?
The problem is that you're using ==/2 (checking whether two items are instantiated the same) rather than =/2 (checks if two items are unified or unifiable). Just change to unification:
same([], []).
same([H1|R1], [H2|R2]):-
H1 = H2,
same(R1, R2).
Then this will have the behavior you're looking for:
| ?- same(X, [1, 2, 3]).
X = [1,2,3] ? a
| ?- same([1, 2], [1, 2]).
(1 ms) yes
| ?- same([2, 1], [1, 2]).
| ?- same([1, 2, 3], [1, 2, X]).
X = 3
(1 ms) yes
| ?- same([A,B,C], L).
L = [A,B,C]
% In this last example, A, B, and C are variables. So it says L is [A,B,C],
% whatever A, B, and C are.
If you query X == 3 in Prolog, and X is not bound to the value 3, or it is just unbound, it will fail. If X is unbound and you query, X = 3, then Prolog will unify X (bind it) with 3 and it will succeed.
For more regarding the difference between =/2 and ==/2, see What is the difference between == and = in Prolog?
You can also use maplist for a nice, compact solution. maplist is very handy for iterating through a list:
same(L1, L2) :- maplist(=, L1, L2).
Here, unification (=/2) is still used for exactly the same reason as above.
Finally, as #Boris points out, in Prolog, the unification predicate will work on entire lists. In this case, this would suffice:
same(L1, L2) :- L1 = L2.
Or equivalently:
same(L, L). % Would unify L1 and L2 queried as same(L1, L2)
This will succeed if the lists are the same, or will attempt to unify them by unifying each element in turn.
| ?- same([1,2,X], [1,2,3]). % Or just [1,2,X] = [1,2,3]
X = 3
| ?- same([1,2,X], [1,2,3,4]). % Or just [1,2,X] = [1,2,3,4]
The prior more elaborate approaches are considered an exercise in list processing for illustration. But the simplest and most correct method for comparison and/or unification of lists would be L1 = L2.
I've been trying to solve this problem of mine for a while now but I'm not really sure how to go about it.
For example, let's say I have this "tree" in my database:
tree4(b(b(l(Apple),l(Banana)), b(l(Orange), l(Pear)))).
I want to be able to query the database so as to retrieve the information within each l() and present it in a list. So far I've done this:
leaves(l(X), L) :-
L = X.
leaves(b(X,Y), L) :-
leaves(X, A),
leaves(Y, B),
L = [A, B].
I then query the database and it gives me this:
?- tree4(T), leaves(T, L).
T = b(b(l(1), l(2)), b(l(3), l(4))),
L = [[1, 2], [3, 4]].
The problem with this code is it generates multiple lists nestled within my original one. Is there another way to go about this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
As you are describing a list (in this case: of leaves), consider using a DCG:
leaves(l(L)) --> [L].
leaves(b(B1,B2)) --> leaves(B1), leaves(B2).
Example query (using atoms instead of variables in tree4/1):
?- tree4(Tree), phrase(leaves(Tree), Leaves).
Tree = b(b(l(apple), l(banana)), b(l(orange), l(pear))),
Leaves = [apple, banana, orange, pear].
You can avoid the cost of the append/3 predicate by using an accumulator to collect the leaves during the traversal of the tree:
leaves(Tree, Leaves) :-
leaves(Tree, [], Leaves).
leaves(l(Leaf), Leaves, [Leaf| Leaves]).
leaves(b(Left,Right), Leaves0, Leaves) :-
leaves(Right, Leaves0, Leaves1),
leaves(Left, Leaves1, Leaves).
Using your sample call:
?- leaves(b(b(l(1), l(2)), b(l(3), l(4))), Leaves).
Leaves = [1, 2, 3, 4].
Assuming your Prolog implementation has an append predicate, you could do this:
leaves(l(X), [X]).
leaves(b(X,Y), L) :-
leaves(X, A),
leaves(Y, B),
append(A, B, L).
So leaves will always return a flat list, even if there's just one. This also assumes your tree is strictly binary, as you have it described.
Just a reminder about flatten/2, an handy builtin:
?- leaves(b(b(l(1), l(2)), b(l(3), l(4))), L), flatten(L, F).
L = [[1, 2], [3, 4]],
F = [1, 2, 3, 4].
As you can see from documentation, its use is discouraged, and you have already received plenty of good hints that allow to avoid it.