FB App opening in new browser rather then FB Canvas if I use DJango Fandjango App - django

I have a FB App which I created using Fandjango. It works fine if a user logs in to the application for the first time but in case user has used the app earlier and want to open the app, it opens up in independent browser and not in FB Canvas.
Any Idea how can it be corrected.

You're seeing this behavior because Fandjango caches the signed request in a cookie so you don't have to proxy every request through the Facebook canvas. There is currently no way to disable caching because it would introduce a very large overhead (several seconds per request) and make it very difficult for you to redirect the user to various parts of your application.
See https://github.com/jgorset/fandjango/issues/55.


Is it possible to access a logged-in session using Headless Chrome if you have control of that logged-in session?

I need to book an appointment on a website. These appointments are released sporadically and booked up quickly. To even see available appointment times, you have to login & complete a reCaptcha. If I wanted to write a scraper using Headless Chrome to continually scrape the site and notify me when a new appointment comes up, following the login flow each time would require beating the reCaptcha, which is at least non-zero difficult.
A better approach (I thought) would be to log in once manually, grab my session cookies, and then load them into Headless Chrome before making a request directly to the appointment times page. The server would see my request, see my session cookies, and respond as if the manually-logged in session had been refreshed. This is pretty much as outlined in the answer to this StackOverflow question: how to manage log in session through headless chrome?
But this doesn't work, and I can't figure out why. I get redirected every time straight back to the login page. I've tried on Chrome & Firefox, and with several other login-requiring websites (Facebook, Reddit, etc.).
How can these servers possibly discern between the original client and the one using copied cookies, when the cookies are what the servers use to identify clients in the first place?
Exact steps to reproduce:
Login to site of your choice on Chrome, let's say Facebook.
Export your cookies to your clipboard from the site using the EditThisCookie Extension
Launch an incognito window (to reset your active cookies) and import those session cookies with the same handy extension.
Navigate to the target, past-the-login-form url.
Get redirected.
Get frustrated.

Ember / browser refresh button / reload entire site / resetting everything. How to override that behavior?

Apparently when you hit the refresh button, the browser reloads the entire site (with all the scripts), resetting everything, including the "loggedInUser" I put in the application controller.... Is it the browser thing? Or ember thing?
How to stop any of them / both to just stop doing that...? Or should I take the non-trivial route of storing stuffs in browser local storage, etc? Really?
It's not too difficult to keep the state of your app on browser refresh. I chose to store an auth token, user id, and user role in cookies. Here is an Auth Manager object that can be used to manage the client side of user authentication.
Gist auth_manager.js
I instantiate it when the app loads, and call it's 'authenticate' method on init, and when a user successfully authenticates from the server, like in my login or sign up controllers.
I hope this points you in the right direction.

Twitter OAuth and WebApp (with Ember)

Currently I am working on an WebApp with Ember.JS. Now I want my customers to log in with their Twitter account using OAuth but I don't want my App to reload when they do.
So my idea was to have the login button open an popup to the Twitter authentication page which redirects to my page which has some JS based on the result e.g
But since it first redirects to Twitter (the popup) browsers remove the window.opener properties to prevent cross site scripting even though it does redirect back to my own domain (where the JS code is).
Is there another way to go about this?
edit: I could user postMessage, but this doesn't work in IE8/IE9 in a popup. Only in an iFrame.
Yes, you have the same idea as some other programmers at Vestorly; they made a social authentication plugin called Torii I would recommend this as they have probably also taken care of all your obvious security concerns.

Django CSRF protection for mobile apps and chrome extensions

I have done a few mobile apps using django as my backend, and now I am working on a chrome extension. I want my users to be able to send POST requests up to the server using the app/extension but is there a way to do it without first asking the server for a CSRF token? It just saves the app from making two requests every time we want to submit data. For example, I want to update my profile on my social media app or update a wallet from a chrome extension. It would be nice to open up the profile view input the data and push it to the server. It's less sleek if I have to open the profile, then wait for it to grab a token from the server and then I can submit the data. Is there another way to do this? Or am I stuck making multiple requests every time I want to submit data?
Also, a little clarification, CSRF prevents sites from submitting forms with user's data. But what is to stop me from making a site that uses ajax or something to grab the real site and steal the CSRF token and then paste that into my cross site request form? I feel like there is a loophole here. I know that I am not quite understanding this all the way.
You can, and should, make any API endpoint CSRF exempt.
Django offers the csrf_exempt decorator for exactly this, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/contrib/csrf/#django.views.decorators.csrf.csrf_exempt.
Also CSRF is intended to prevent unintended actions being performed via GET request forgeries. It is not intended to make it impossible for an automated system to submit forms, there are captchas for that.
As for what prevents you from using AJAX to grab the whole site and extract the token is something called the Same-Origin Policy. This is implemented by the browser and prevents any AJAX call from returning data when the target of the AJAX call is a different domain without the correct headers set. (I'm not entirely sure what sandboxing is applied to chrome extensions concerning this). As such it will, or at least should, fail to get data via AJAX for normal websites, e.g. a profile page. If you want to interact with third party websites you should look into whether or not they offer an API.

Can I prompt a user to log in to facebook through a bookmarklet generated div?

I'm looking to see some info about my facebook contacts, and I want the info to be overlayed on the currently open website.
Currently, I'm trying to do this via a bookmarklet.
Is it possible for me to overlay a div over the currently open web page and populate it with a functioning facebook login button (if the user is not logged in)? Are there publicly available working examples of something like this?
It is probably not possible to simply embed Facebook within an iframe because Facebook blocks people from embedding their pages within frames or iframes by putting this into the response header, "X-Frame-Options: DENY". This is most likely to prevent click-jacking and similar security exploits.
To test this, enter any page from Facebook into http://savanttools.com/testframe
Facebook has an API which allows you to do many things, but it requires server side code, and can not be done simply with a bookmarklet.
There is also always the brute force method where your server scrapes data from any website you want it to. Then that data could be put into a bookmarklet.
Finally, the same thing could be achieved by writing an add-on or a user script without using a bookmarklet at all.