streaming H.264 over RTP with libavformat - c++

I've been trying over the past week to implement H.264 streaming over RTP, using x264 as an encoder and libavformat to pack and send the stream. Problem is, as far as I can tell it's not working correctly.
Right now I'm just encoding random data (x264_picture_alloc) and extracting NAL frames from libx264. This is fairly simple:
x264_picture_t pic_out;
x264_nal_t* nals;
int num_nals;
int frame_size = x264_encoder_encode(this->encoder, &nals, &num_nals, this->pic_in, &pic_out);
if (frame_size <= 0)
return frame_size;
// push NALs into the queue
for (int i = 0; i < num_nals; i++)
// create a NAL storage unit
NAL nal;
nal.size = nals[i].i_payload;
nal.payload = new uint8_t[nal.size];
memcpy(nal.payload, nals[i].p_payload, nal.size);
// push the storage into the NAL queue
// lock and push the NAL to the queue
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(this->nal_lock);
nal_queue is used for safely passing frames over to a Streamer class which will then send the frames out. Right now it's not threaded, as I'm just testing to try to get this to work. Before encoding individual frames, I've made sure to initialize the encoder.
But I don't believe x264 is the issue, as I can see frame data in the NALs it returns back.
Streaming the data is accomplished with libavformat, which is first initialized in a Streamer class:
Streamer::Streamer(Encoder* encoder, string rtp_address, int rtp_port, int width, int height, int fps, int bitrate)
this->encoder = encoder;
// initalize the AV context
this->ctx = avformat_alloc_context();
if (!this->ctx)
throw runtime_error("Couldn't initalize AVFormat output context");
// get the output format
this->fmt = av_guess_format("rtp", NULL, NULL);
if (!this->fmt)
throw runtime_error("Unsuitable output format");
this->ctx->oformat = this->fmt;
// try to open the RTP stream
snprintf(this->ctx->filename, sizeof(this->ctx->filename), "rtp://%s:%d", rtp_address.c_str(), rtp_port);
if (url_fopen(&(this->ctx->pb), this->ctx->filename, URL_WRONLY) < 0)
throw runtime_error("Couldn't open RTP output stream");
// add an H.264 stream
this->stream = av_new_stream(this->ctx, 1);
if (!this->stream)
throw runtime_error("Couldn't allocate H.264 stream");
// initalize codec
AVCodecContext* c = this->stream->codec;
c->codec_id = CODEC_ID_H264;
c->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
c->bit_rate = bitrate;
c->width = width;
c->height = height;
c->time_base.den = fps;
c->time_base.num = 1;
// write the header
This is where things seem to go wrong. av_write_header above seems to do absolutely nothing; I've used wireshark to verify this. For reference, I use Streamer streamer(&enc, "", 49990, 800, 600, 30, 40000); to initialize the Streamer instance, with enc being a reference to an Encoder object used to handle x264 previously.
Now when I want to stream out a NAL, I use this:
// grab a NAL
NAL nal = this->encoder->nal_pop();
cout << "NAL popped with size " << nal.size << endl;
// initalize a packet
AVPacket p;
av_init_packet(&p); = nal.payload;
p.size = nal.size;
p.stream_index = this->stream->index;
// send it out
av_write_frame(this->ctx, &p);
At this point, I can see RTP data appearing over the network, and it looks like the frames I've been sending, even including a little copyright blob from x264. But, no player I've used has been able to make any sense of the data. VLC quits wanting an SDP description, which apparently isn't required.
I then tried to play it through gst-launch:
gst-launch udpsrc port=49990 ! rtph264depay ! decodebin ! xvimagesink
This will sit waiting for UDP data, but when it is received, I get:
ERROR: element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstRtpH264Depay:rtph264depay0: No RTP
format was negotiated. Additional debug info:
gstbasertpdepayload.c(372): gst_base_rtp_depayload_chain ():
/GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstRtpH264Depay:rtph264depay0: Input buffers
need to have RTP caps set on them. This is usually achieved by setting
the 'caps' property of the upstream source element (often udpsrc or
appsrc), or by putting a capsfilter element before the depayloader and
setting the 'caps' property on that. Also see
As I'm not using GStreamer to stream itself, I'm not quite sure what it means with RTP caps. But, it makes me wonder if I'm not sending enough information over RTP to describe the stream. I'm pretty new to video and I feel like there's some key thing I'm missing here. Any hints?

h264 is an encoding standard. It specifies how video data is compressed and stored in a format that can be decompressed into a video stream at later point.
RTP is a transmission protocol. It specifies format and order of packets that can carry audio-video data that was encoded by an arbitrary encoder.
GStreamer expects to receive data that conforms to the RTP procotol. Is your expectation that libaformat will produce the RTP packets immediately readable by GStreamer warranted? Maybe GStreamers expect an additional stream description that would enable it to accept and decode the streamed packets using the proper decoder? Maybe it requires an additional RTSP exchange or the SDP stream descriptor file?
The error message states pretty clearly that an RTP format has not been negotiated. caps are short-hand for capabilities. Receiver needs to know transmitter's capabilities to set up the receiver/decoding machinery correctly.
I strongly suggest trying at least to create an SDP file for your RTP stream. libavformat should be able to do it for you.


FFMPEG library- transcode raw image to h264 stream, and the output file does not contains pts and dts info

I am trying using ffmpeg c++ library to convert several raw yuyv image to h264 stream, the image come from memory and passed as string about 24fps, i do the convention as the following steps:
init AVFormatContext,AVCodec,AVCodecContext and create new AVStream. this step i mainly refer to ffmpeg-libav-tutorial, and AVFormatContext use customize write_buffer() function(refer to simplest_ffmpeg_mem_handler)
receive raw frame data, set width and height(1920x1080), and set pts and dts. here i manually set the output fps to 24, and use a global counter to count num of frames, and the pts is calculated by this counter, code snippet(video_avs is AVStream,output_fps is 24 and time_base is 1/24):
input_frame->width = w; // 1920
input_frame->height = h; // 1080
input_frame->pkt_dts = input_frame->pts = global_pts;
global_pts += video_avs->time_base.den/video_avs->time_base.num / output_fps.num * output_fps.den;
convert it from yuyv to yuv422(because h264 does not support yuyv) and resize it from 1920x1080 to 640x480(because i need this resolution output), use sws_scale()
use avcodec_send_frame() and avcodec_receive_packet() to get the output packet. set output_packet duration and stream_index, then use av_write_frame() to write frame data.
AVPacket *output_packet = av_packet_alloc();
int response = avcodec_send_frame(encoder->video_avcc, frame);
while (response >= 0) {
response = avcodec_receive_packet(encoder->video_avcc, output_packet); // !! here output_packet.size is calculated
if (response == AVERROR(EAGAIN) || response == AVERROR_EOF) {
else if (response < 0) {
printf("Error while sending packet to decoder"); // ??av_err2str(response)会报错
return response;
// duration = next_pts - this_pts = timescale / fps = 1 / timebase / fps
output_packet->duration = (encoder->video_avs->time_base.den / encoder->video_avs->time_base.num) / (output_fps.num / output_fps.den);
output_packet->stream_index = 0;
int response = av_write_frame(encoder->avfc, output_packet); // packet order are not ensure
if (response != 0) { printf("Error %d while receiving packet from decoder", response); return -1;}
in write_buffer() function, video stream output is stored to string variable, and then i write this string to file with ostream, and suffix mp4.
after all the above steps, the output.mp4 cannot be played, the ffprobe output.mp4 -show_frames output is
Input #0, h264, from '/Users/ming/code/dev/haomo/output.mp4':
Duration: N/A, bitrate: N/A
Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (High 4:2:2), yuv422p(progressive), 640x480, 24.92 fps, 24 tbr, 1200k tbn, 48 tbc
Note that before and after calling av_write_frame() in step 4, the passed argument output_packet contains correct pts and dts info, i cannot figure out why the output stream lost these info.
I figure it out, the output stream is a raw h264 stream, and I directly store this stream into a file with a suffix of ".mp4", so it is actually not a correct mp4 file.
Then it store the stream into output.h264 file, and use ffmpeg to convert it to mp4 file: ffmpeg -framerate 24 -i output.h264 -c copy output.mp4, finally this output.mp4 contains right pts data and can be played.

Update parameters during ffmpeg encoding process is running

I want to update parameters like fps, bitrate, gop of video encoder which were already passed to AVCodecContext structure previously.I want to get it's reflection at same time whenever I update any parameters.
One thing can be done, is that need to close codec using av codec close and again open it.
But I think that is not good way.
Here is my ffmpeg's source code for video encoding:
int got_output = 0, ret = 0;
//av_init_packet(&pkt); = NULL; // packet data will be allocated by the encoder
pkt.size = 0;
ret = avcodec_encode_video2(c, &pkt, frame, &got_output);
if (ret < 0)
cerr << "Error sending a frame for encoding\n";
Is there any FFMPEG's API that can be used to reload encoding parameters?
No, FFmpeg does not have an API for a running process. It is something you would need to develop yourself.

Replacing av_read_frame() to reduce delay

I am implementing a (very) low latency video streaming C++ application using ffmpeg. The client receives a video which is encoded with x264’s zerolatency preset, so there is no need for buffering. As described here, if you use av_read_frame() to read packets of the encoded video stream, you will always have at least one frame delay because of internal buffering done in ffmpeg. So when I call av_read_frame() after frame n+1 has been sent to the client, the function will return frame n.
Getting rid of this buffering by setting the AVFormatContext flags AVFMT_FLAG_NOPARSE | AVFMT_FLAG_NOFILLIN as suggested in the source disables packet parsing and therefore breaks decoding, as noted in the source.
Therefore, I am writing my own packet receiver and parser. First, here are the relevant steps of the working solution (including one frame delay) using av_read_frame():
AVFormatContext *fctx;
AVCodecContext *cctx;
AVPacket *pkt;
AVFrame *frm;
//Initialization of AV structures
//Main Loop
//Receive packet
av_read_frame(fctx, pkt);
avcodec_send_packet(cctx, pkt);
avcodec_receive_frame(cctx, frm);
//Display frame
And below is my solution, which mimics the behavior of av_read_frame(), as far as I could reproduce it. I was able to track the source code of av_read_frame() down to ff_read_packet(),but I cannot find the source of AVInputformat.read_packet().
int tcpsocket;
AVCodecContext *cctx;
AVPacket *pkt;
AVFrame *frm;
uint8_t recvbuf[(int)10e5];
int pos = 0;
AVCodecParserContext * parser = av_parser_init(AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
parser->flags |= PARSER_FLAG_USE_CODEC_TS;
//Initialization of AV structures and the tcpsocket
//Main Loop
//Receive packet
int length = read(tcpsocket, recvbuf, 10e5);
if (length >= 0) {
//Creating temporary packet
AVPacket * tempPacket = new AVPacket;
av_new_packet(tempPacket, length);
memcpy(tempPacket->data, recvbuf, length);
tempPacket->pos = pos;
pos += length;
//Parsing temporary packet into pkt
av_parser_parse2(parser, cctx,
&(pkt->data), &(pkt->size),
tempPacket->data, tempPacket->size,
tempPacket->pts, tempPacket->dts, tempPacket->pos
pkt->pts = parser->pts;
pkt->dts = parser->dts;
pkt->pos = parser->pos;
//Set keyframe flag
if (parser->key_frame == 1 ||
(parser->key_frame == -1 &&
parser->pict_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_I))
pkt->flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;
if (parser->key_frame == -1 && parser->pict_type == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_NONE && (pkt->flags & AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY))
pkt->flags |= AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY;
pkt->duration = 96000; //Same result as in av_read_frame()
avcodec_send_packet(cctx, pkt);
avcodec_receive_frame(cctx, frm);
//Display frame
I checked the fields of the resulting packet (pkt) just before avcodec_send_packet() in both solutions. They are as far as I can tell identical. The only difference might be the actual content of pkt->data. My solution decodes I-Frames fine, but the references in P-Frames seem to be broken, causing heavy artifacts and error messages such as “invalid level prefix”, “error while decoding MB xx”, and similar.
I would be very grateful for any hints.
Edit 1: I have developed a workaround for the time being: in the video server, after sending the packet containing the encoded data of a frame, I send one dummy packet which only contains the delimiters marking beginning and end of the packet. This way, I push the actual video data frames through av_read_frame(). I discard the dummy packets immediately after av_frame_read().
Edit 2: Solved here by rom1v, as written in his comment to this question.
av_parser_parse2() does not neccessarily consume your tempPacket in one go. You have to call it in another loop and check its return value, like in the API docs.

Using libavformat to mux H.264 frames into RTP

I have an encoder that produces a series of H.264 I-frames and P-frames. I'm trying to use libavformat to mux and transmit these frames over RTP, but I'm stuck.
My program sends RTP data, but the RTP timestamp increments by 1 each successive frame, instead of 90000/fps. It also doesn't look like it's doing the proper framing for H.264 NAL, since I can't decode the stream as H.264 in Wireshark.
I suspect that I'm not setting up the codec information properly, but it appears in many places in the output format context, so it's unclear what exactly needs to be setup. The examples seem to all copy codec context info from encoders, which isn't my use case.
This is what I'm trying:
int main() {
AVFormatContext context = avformat_alloc_context();
if (!context) {
printf("avformat_alloc_context failed\n");
AVOutputFormat *format = av_guess_format("rtp", NULL, NULL);
if (!format) {
printf("av_guess_format failed\n");
context->oformat = format;
snprintf(context->filename, sizeof(context->filename), "rtp://%s:%d", "", 10000);
if (avio_open(&(context->pb), context->filename, AVIO_FLAG_READ_WRITE) < 0) {
printf("avio_open failed\n");
stream = avformat_new_stream(context, NULL);
if (!stream) {
printf("avformat_new_stream failed\n");
stream->codecpar->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;
stream->codecpar->codec_id = AV_CODEC_ID_H264;
stream->codecpar->width = 1920;
stream->codecpar->height = 1080;
avformat_write_header(context, NULL);
write packets
Example write packet:
int write_packet(uint8_t *data, int size) {
AVPacket p;
av_init_packet(&p); = buffer;
p.size = size;
p.stream_index = stream->index;
av_interleaved_write_frame(context, &p);
I've even went so far to build in libx264, find the encoder, and copy the codec context info from there into the stream codecpar, with the same result. My goal is to build without libx264, and any other libs that aren't required, but it isn't clear whether libx264 is required for defaults such as time base.
How can the libavformat RTP muxer be initialized to properly send H.264 frames over RTCP+RTP?

Filling CMediaType and IMediaSample from AVPacket for h264 video

I have searched and have found almost nothing, so I would really appreciate some help with my question.
I am writting a DirectShow source filter which uses libav to read and send downstream h264 packets from youtube's FLV file. But I can't find appropriate libav structure's fields to implement correctly filter's GetMediType() and FillBuffer(). Some libav fields is null. In consequence h264 decoder crashes in attempt to process received data.
Where am I wrong? In working with libav or with DirectShow interfaces? Maybe h264 requires additional processing when working with libav or I fill reference time incorrectly? Does someone have any links useful for writing DirectShow h264 source filter with libav?
Part of GetMediaType():
pvi->AvgTimePerFrame = UNITS_PER_SECOND / m_pFormatContext->streams[m_streamNo]->codec->sample_rate; //sample_rate is 0
pvi->dwBitRate = m_pFormatContext->bit_rate;
pvi->rcSource = videoRect;
pvi->rcTarget = videoRect;
pvi->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
pvi->bmiHeader.biWidth = videoRect.right;
pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight = videoRect.bottom;
pvi->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
pvi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = m_pFormatContext->streams[m_streamNo]->codec->bits_per_raw_sample;//or should here be bits_per_coded_sample
pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression = FOURCC_H264;
pvi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = GetBitmapSize(&pvi->bmiHeader);
Part of FillBuffer():
//Get buffer pointer
BYTE* pBuffer = NULL;
if (pSamp->GetPointer(&pBuffer) < 0)
return S_FALSE;
//Get next packet
AVPacket* pPacket = m_mediaFile.getNextPacket();
if (pPacket->data == NULL)
return S_FALSE;
//Check packet and buffer size
if (pSamp->GetSize() < pPacket->size)
return S_FALSE;
//Copy from packet to sample buffer
memcpy(pBuffer, pPacket->data, pPacket->size);
//Set media sample time
REFERENCE_TIME start = m_mediaFile.timeStampToReferenceTime(pPacket->pts);
REFERENCE_TIME duration = m_mediaFile.timeStampToReferenceTime(pPacket->duration);
REFERENCE_TIME end = start + duration;
pSamp->SetTime(&start, &end);
pSamp->SetMediaTime(&start, &end);
P.S. I've debugged my filter with hax264 decoder and it crashes on call to libav deprecated function img_convert().
Here is the MSDN link you need to build a correct H.264 media type: H.264 Video Types
You have to fill the right fields with the right values.
The AM_MEDIA_TYPE should contain the right MEDIASUBTYPE for h264.
And these are plain wrong :
pvi->bmiHeader.biWidth = videoRect.right;
pvi->bmiHeader.biHeight = videoRect.bottom;
You should use a width/height which is independent of the rcSource/rcTarget, due to the them being indicators, and maybe completely zero if you take them from some other filter.
pvi->bmiHeader.biBitCount = m_pFormatContext->streams[m_streamNo]->codec->bits_per_raw_sample;//or should here be bits_per_coded_sample
This only makes sense if biWidth*biHeight*biBitCount/8 are the true size of the sample. I do not think so ...
pvi->bmiHeader.biCompression = FOURCC_H264;
This must also be passed in the AM_MEDIA_TYPE in the subtype parameter.
pvi->bmiHeader.biSizeImage = GetBitmapSize(&pvi->bmiHeader);
This fails, because the fourcc is unknown to the function and the bitcount is plain wrong for this sample, due to not being a full frame.
You have to take a look at how the data stream is handled by the downstream h264 filter. This seems to be flawed.