How to use Strtok for tokenizing a Const char*? - c++

I have a const char* variable which may have a value like "OpenStack:OpenStack1". I want to tokenize this const char* using strtok where the delimiter(which is of a const char* type) is ":" . But the problem is strtok is of following type:
char * strtok ( char * str, const char * delimiters );
Which means I can't use const char* for the first input as it has to be char*. Could you say me how I can convert this const char* into char*?
Thank you.

Since strtok actually writes to your string, you need to make a writable copy of it to tokenize;
char* copy = strdup(myReadonlyString);
...tokenize copy...

Declare it as an array:
char tokenedStr[] = "OpenStack:OpenStack1";
if not possible, copy it to a char array.

You can make a copy of your non-modifiable string and then use strtok.
You can portably use malloc and strcpy to copy the string.


invalid operands of types const char*

I am trying to make a new const char* b by adding a new string "hello" to original const char* a:
const char* a = some_code_here;
const char* b = (a + "_hello").c_str();
And the error I get is:
error: invalid operands of types const char* and const char [6] to binary operator+
Is there anything wrong I am doing?
Switch to strings, that is std::string.
Repeat after me, forget about using char or C-style strings.
As you have demonstrated, this is one of many issues.
Did I say switch to std::string?
Your char * is a pointer. Nothing more, nothing less, a pointer. A pointer to a single char; not a structure. The char data type doesn't have methods.
Switch to std::string.
You can add (concatenate) std::string.
Switch to std::string.
The std::string has the c_str() method. Don't use unless you understand the consequences; completely.
You can't arbitrarily add const char* in C++. These objects are just pointers to a contiguous section of memory, so adding them doesn't make sense. Instead, you should use the std::string class:
std::string a = "something";
std::string b = a + "_hello";

C++ converting string to char is not working

I have the following code to convert a string to char :
string tempLine = dataLine[studentIndex];
char str = tempLine.c_str();
but this line returns an error : " a value of type "constant char *" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "char".
How can I fix this issue??
should be:
const char *str = tempLine.c_str();
Note that you're not supposed to change the content of the string. Generally, its not a good way to work with C++ strings. If you really have to fully convert a C++ string to C string - allocate memory and use strcpy to copy data, don't use the C++ string buffers directly.
edit for your request in the comments: Look here for C++ learning resources.
You cannot convert a const char*, which is what std::string::c_str() returns, to char. Change:
char str = tempLine.c_str();
const char* str = tempLine.c_str();
Note this does not copy the characters in tempLine to str, str just refers to the characters in tempLine.

std::string to char*

I want to convert a std::string into a char* or char[] data type.
std::string str = "string";
char* chr = str;
Results in: “error: cannot convert ‘std::string’ to ‘char’ ...”.
What methods are there available to do this?
It won't automatically convert (thank god). You'll have to use the method c_str() to get the C string version.
std::string str = "string";
const char *cstr = str.c_str();
Note that it returns a const char *; you aren't allowed to change the C-style string returned by c_str(). If you want to process it you'll have to copy it first:
std::string str = "string";
char *cstr = new char[str.length() + 1];
strcpy(cstr, str.c_str());
// do stuff
delete [] cstr;
Or in modern C++:
std::vector<char> cstr(str.c_str(), str.c_str() + str.size() + 1);
More details here, and here but you can use
string str = "some string" ;
char *cstr = &str[0];
As of C++11, you can also use the member function, which returns char *
string str = "some string" ;
char *cstr =;
If I'd need a mutable raw copy of a c++'s string contents, then I'd do this:
std::string str = "string";
char* chr = strdup(str.c_str());
and later:
So why don't I fiddle with std::vector or new[] like anyone else? Because when I need a mutable C-style raw char* string, then because I want to call C code which changes the string and C code deallocates stuff with free() and allocates with malloc() (strdup uses malloc). So if I pass my raw string to some function X written in C it might have a constraint on it's argument that it has to allocated on the heap (for example if the function might want to call realloc on the parameter). But it is highly unlikely that it would expect an argument allocated with (some user-redefined) new[]!
(This answer applies to C++98 only.)
Please, don't use a raw char*.
std::string str = "string";
std::vector<char> chars(str.c_str(), str.c_str() + str.size() + 1u);
// use &chars[0] as a char*
If you just want a C-style string representing the same content:
char const* ca = str.c_str();
If you want a C-style string with new contents, one way (given that you don't know the string size at compile-time) is dynamic allocation:
char* ca = new char[str.size()+1];
std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), ca);
ca[str.size()] = '\0';
Don't forget to delete[] it later.
If you want a statically-allocated, limited-length array instead:
size_t const MAX = 80; // maximum number of chars
char ca[MAX] = {};
std::copy(str.begin(), (str.size() >= MAX ? str.begin() + MAX : str.end()), ca);
std::string doesn't implicitly convert to these types for the simple reason that needing to do this is usually a design smell. Make sure that you really need it.
If you definitely need a char*, the best way is probably:
vector<char> v(str.begin(), str.end());
char* ca = &v[0]; // pointer to start of vector
This would be better as a comment on bobobobo's answer, but I don't have the rep for that. It accomplishes the same thing but with better practices.
Although the other answers are useful, if you ever need to convert std::string to char* explicitly without const, const_cast is your friend.
std::string str = "string";
char* chr = const_cast<char*>(str.c_str());
Note that this will not give you a copy of the data; it will give you a pointer to the string. Thus, if you modify an element of chr, you'll modify str.
Assuming you just need a C-style string to pass as input:
std::string str = "string";
const char* chr = str.c_str();
To obtain a const char * from an std::string use the c_str() member function :
std::string str = "string";
const char* chr = str.c_str();
To obtain a non-const char * from an std::string you can use the data() member function which returns a non-const pointer since C++17 :
std::string str = "string";
char* chr =;
For older versions of the language, you can use range construction to copy the string into a vector from which a non-const pointer can be obtained :
std::string str = "string";
std::vector<char> str_copy(str.c_str(), str.c_str() + str.size() + 1);
char* chr =;
But beware that this won't let you modify the string contained in str, only the copy's data can be changed this way. Note that it's specially important in older versions of the language to use c_str() here because back then std::string wasn't guaranteed to be null terminated until c_str() was called.
To be strictly pedantic, you cannot "convert a std::string into a char* or char[] data type."
As the other answers have shown, you can copy the content of the std::string to a char array, or make a const char* to the content of the std::string so that you can access it in a "C style".
If you're trying to change the content of the std::string, the std::string type has all of the methods to do anything you could possibly need to do to it.
If you're trying to pass it to some function which takes a char*, there's std::string::c_str().
Here is one more robust version from Protocol Buffer
char* string_as_array(string* str)
return str->empty() ? NULL : &*str->begin();
// test codes
std::string mystr("you are here");
char* pstr = string_as_array(&mystr);
cout << pstr << endl; // you are here
Conversion in OOP style
class StringConverter {
public: static char * strToChar(std::string str);
char * StringConverter::strToChar(std::string str)
return (char*)str.c_str();
StringConverter::strToChar("converted string")
For completeness' sake, don't forget std::string::copy().
std::string str = "string";
const size_t MAX = 80;
char chrs[MAX];
str.copy(chrs, MAX);
std::string::copy() doesn't NUL terminate. If you need to ensure a NUL terminator for use in C string functions:
std::string str = "string";
const size_t MAX = 80;
char chrs[MAX];
memset(chrs, '\0', MAX);
str.copy(chrs, MAX-1);
You can make it using iterator.
std::string str = "string";
std::string::iterator p=str.begin();
char* chr = &(*p);
Good luck.
A safe version of orlp's char* answer using unique_ptr:
std::string str = "string";
auto cstr = std::make_unique<char[]>(str.length() + 1);
strcpy(cstr.get(), str.c_str());
char* result = strcpy((char*)malloc(str.length()+1), str.c_str());
Alternatively , you can use vectors to get a writable char* as demonstrated below;
//this handles memory manipulations and is more convenient
string str;
vector <char> writable (str.begin (), str.end) ;
writable .push_back ('\0');
char* cstring = &writable[0] //or &*writable.begin ()
This will also work
std::string s;
std::cout<<"Enter the String";
std::getline(std::cin, s);
char *a=new char[s.size()+1];
No body ever mentioned sprintf?
std::string s;
char * c;
sprintf(c, "%s", s.c_str());

Convert std::string to char * alternative

I have done a search in google and been told this is impossible as I can only get a static char * from a string, so I am looking for an alternative.
Here is the situation:
I have a .txt file that contains a list of other .txt files and some numbers, this is done so the program can be added to without recompilation. I use an ifstream to read the filenames into a string.
The function that they are required for is expecting a char * not a string and apparently this conversion is impossible.
I have access to this function but it calls another function with the char * so I think im stuck using a char *.
Does anyone know of a work around or another way of doing this?
In C++, I’d always do the following if a non-const char* is needed:
std::vector<char> buffer(str.length() + 1, '\0');
std::copy(str.begin(), str.end(), buffer.begin());
char* cstr = &buffer[0];
The first line creates a modifiable copy of our string that is guaranteed to reside in a contiguous memory block. The second line gets a pointer to the beginning of this buffer. Notice that the vector is one element bigger than the string to accomodate a null termination.
You can get a const char* to the string using c_str:
std::string str = "foo bar" ;
const char *ptr = str.c_str() ;
If you need just a char* you have to make a copy, e.g. doing:
char *cpy = new char[str.size()+1] ;
strcpy(cpy, str.c_str());
As previous posters have mentioned if the called function does in fact modify the string then you will need to copy it. However for future reference if you are simply dealing with an old c-style function that takes a char* but doesn't actually modfiy the argument, you can const-cast the result of the c_str() call.
void oldFn(char *c) { // doesn't modify c }
std::string tStr("asdf");
oldFn(const_cast< char* >(tStr.c_str());
There is c_str(); if you need a C compatible version of a std::string. See
It's not static though but const. If your other function requires char* (without const) you can either cast away the constness (WARNING! Make sure the function doesn't modify the string) or create a local copy as codebolt suggested. Don't forget to delete the copy afterwards!
Can't you just pass the string as such to your function that takes a char*:

How do I convert a string to a char* in c++?

I have an error in my program: "could not convert from string to char*". How do I perform this conversion?
If you can settle for a const char*, you just need to call the c_str() method on it:
const char *mycharp = mystring.c_str();
If you really need a modifiable char*, you will need to make a copy of the string's buffer. A vector is an ideal way of handling this for you:
std::vector<char> v(mystring.length() + 1);
std::strcpy(&v[0], mystring.c_str());
char* pc = &v[0];
Invoke str.c_str() to get a const char*:
const char *pch = str.c_str();
Note that the resulting const char* is only valid until str is changed or destroyed.
However, if you really need a non-const, you probably shouldn't use std::string, as it wasn't designed to allow changing its underlying data behind its back. That said, you can get a pointer to its data by invoking &str[0] or &*str.begin().
The ugliness of this should be considered a feature. In C++98, std::string isn't even required to store its data in a contiguous chunk of memory, so this might explode into your face. I think has changed, but I cannot even remember whether this was for C++03 or the upcoming next version of the standard, C++1x.
If you need to do this, consider using a std::vector<char> instead. You can access its data the same way: &v[0] or &*v.begin().
//assume you have an std::string, str.
char* cstr = new char[str.length() +1];
strcpy(cstr, str.c_str());
//eventually, remember to delete cstr
delete[] cstr;
Use the c_str() method on a string object to get a const char* pointer. Warning: The returned pointer is no longer valid if the string object is modified or destroyed.
Since you wanted to go from a string to a char* (ie, not a const char*) you can do this BUT BEWARE: there be dragons here:
string foo = "foo";
char* foo_c = &foo[0];
If you try to modify the contents of the string, you're well and truly on your own.
If const char* is good for you then use this: myString.c_str()
If you really need char* and know for sure that char* WILL NOT CHANGE then you can use this: const_cast<char*>(myString.c_str())
If char* may change then you need to copy the string into something else and use that instead. That something else may be std::vector, or new char[], it depends on your needs.
std::string::c_str() returns a c-string with the same contents as the string object.
std::string str("Hello");
const char* cstr = str.c_str();