Unpredictable pointer behavior - c++

At the moment I am building a cloth physics app using OpenFrameworks. I'm new to C++, for a heads up.
In my app, two 'neighbor' particle objects are passed to a spring object as pointers. As a test, I have the spring object draw lines between the two particles (between their 3d vector positions). For some reason, these lines are different every time I run the program, even though no random values are involved. When I cout the values of the particle positions from the spring struct, they often are ridiculous values like -4.15301e-12. I'm following example code almost verbatim, so I'm not really sure where I'm going wrong.
Here is the example code I'm following:
Here is my Spring struct:
#pragma once
#include "ofMain.h"
#include "Particle.h"
struct Spring {
float k, restLength;
Particle *a, *b;
ofVec3f posA, posB;
Spring(Particle *a, Particle *b, float k = .2) : a(a), b(b), k(k) {
restLength = (b->pos - a->pos).length();
void update() {
posA = a->pos;
posB = b->pos;
void draw() {
ofSetColor(0, 255, 0);
ofLine(posA.x, posA.y, posB.x, posB.y);
The particle struct:
#pragma once
#include "ofMain.h"
struct Particle {
ofVec3f pos;
Particle(ofVec3f pos) : pos(pos) {
void update() {
void draw() {
ofSetColor(ofRandom(255), 0, 0);
ofCircle(pos.x, pos.y, 3);
And this is where I pass the two particles to the spring as pointers:
#pragma once
#include "ofMain.h"
#include "Particle.h"
#include "Spring.h"
struct Petal {
float maxWidth, spacing;
vector<Particle> particles;
vector<Spring> springs;
Petal(float maxWidth, float spacing) : maxWidth(maxWidth), spacing(spacing) {
void setupPoints() {
float x = 0;
float y = 0;
for(int r = 1; r <= maxWidth; r++) {
x = (int)(r / 2) * -spacing;
y += spacing;
for(int c = 1; c <= r; c++) {
ofVec3f pos = ofVec3f(x, y, 0);
Particle p(pos);
for(int r = maxWidth; r > 0; r--) {
x = (int)(r / 2) * -spacing;
y += spacing;
for(int c = 1; c <= r; c++) {
ofVec3f pos = ofVec3f(x, y, 0);
Particle p(pos);
//find neighbors
for(int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) {
Spring s(&particles[i], &particles[findNeighbor(i)]);
int findNeighbor(int pIndex) {
float leastDist = 0;
float leastDistIndex = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) {
if(i != pIndex) {
float distance = particles[pIndex].pos.distance(particles[i].pos);
if(abs(distance) < abs(leastDist) || leastDist == 0) {
leastDist = distance;
leastDistIndex = i;
return leastDistIndex;
void update() {
for(int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) {
for(int s = 0; s < springs.size(); s++) {
void draw() {
for(int i = 0; i < particles.size(); i++) {
for(int s = 0; s < springs.size(); s++) {
This is what happens. What's strange is that some of the springs seem to be in the correct position.
Please let me know if I can clarify something.

Your particles vector holds Particles by value, and the vector can copy and move these values around. When you pass Particles as pointers to the Spring, you are passing the address of something that might not be there at some point in the future. I am not sure if this is the problem, but it certainly is something that needs fixing.


Is there a faster way to calculate the inverse of a given nxn matrix?

I'm working on a program that requires calculating the inverse of an 8x8 matrix as fast as possible. Here's the code I wrote:
class matrix
int w, h;
std::vector<std::vector<float>> cell;
matrix(int width, int height)
w = width;
h = height;
for (int i = 0; i < cell.size(); i++)
matrix transponseMatrix(matrix M)
matrix A(M.h, M.w);
for (int i = 0; i < M.h; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < M.w; j++)
A.cell[i][j] = M.cell[j][i];
return A;
float getMatrixDeterminant(matrix M)
if (M.w != M.h)
std::cout << "ERROR! Matrix isn't of nXn type.\n";
return NULL;
float determinante = 0;
if (M.w == 1)
determinante = M.cell[0][0];
if (M.w == 2)
determinante = M.cell[0][0] * M.cell[1][1] - M.cell[1][0] * M.cell[0][1];
for (int i = 0; i < M.w; i++)
matrix A(M.w - 1, M.h - 1);
int cy = 0;
for (int y = 1; y < M.h; y++)
int cx = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < M.w; x++)
if (x != i)
A.cell[cx][cy] = M.cell[x][y];
determinante += M.cell[i][0] * pow(-1, i + 0) * getMatrixDeterminant(A);
return determinante;
float getComplementOf(matrix M, int X, int Y)
float det;
if (M.w != M.h)
std::cout << "ERROR! Matrix isn't of nXn type.\n";
return NULL;
if (M.w == 2)
det = M.cell[1 - X][1 - Y];
matrix A(M.w - 1, M.h - 1);
int cy = 0;
for (int y = 0; y < M.h; y++)
if (y != Y)
int cx = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < M.w; x++)
if (x != X)
A.cell[cx][cy] = M.cell[x][y];
det = getMatrixDeterminant(A);
return (pow(-1, X + Y) * det);
matrix invertMatrix(matrix M)
matrix A(M.w, M.h);
float det = getMatrixDeterminant(M);
if (det == 0)
std::cout << "ERROR! Matrix inversion impossible (determinant is equal to 0).\n";
return A;
for (int i = 0; i < M.h; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < M.w; j++)
A.cell[j][i] = getComplementOf(M, j, i) / det;
A = transponseMatrix(A);
return A;
While it does work, it does so way too slowly for my purposes, managing to calculate an 8x8 matrix's inverse about 6 times per second.
I've tried searching for more efficient ways to invert a matrix but was unsuccessfull in finding solutions for matrices of these dimensions.
However I did find conversations in which people claimed that for matrices below 50x50 or even 1000x1000 time shouldn't be a problem, so I was wondering if I have missed something, either a faster method or some unnecessary calculations in my code.
Does anyone have experience regarding this and/or advice?
Sorry for broken english.
Your implementation have problems as others commented on the question. The largest bottleneck is the algorithm itself, calculating tons of determinants.(It's O(n!)!)
If you want a simple implementation, just implement Gaussian elimination. See finding the inverse of a matrix and the pseudo code at Wikipedia. It'll perform fast enough for small sizes such as 8x8.
If you want a complex but more efficient implementation, use a library that is optimized for LU decomposition(Gaussian elimination), QR decomposition, etc.(Such as LAPACK or OpenCV.)

Debugging a bad_alloc error c++

When I run my code everything seems to be working fine but after a certain number of timesteps (usually ~100, but a different number each time) I get the error:
"terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc' "
Not really sure how to go about debugging this as it doesn't happen at the same point each time the code runs. I will post my code but it's quite long and is admittedly a bit of a mess (this is my first real attempt at writing a program in c++), but I will try and explain the structure and where I would expect the most likely place for the origin of the error to be.
The basic structure is that I have an array of "birds" (a class I define) that choose how to update themselves at every time step by some quite complicated calculation. In doing so it regularly calls the function getVisualState to update a linked list that every bird stores as its "visual state". I believe this is the only time I allocate any memory dynamically during the simulation, so I guess there's a pretty good chance this is the source of the error. The function Bird::resetVisualState() should clear the allocated memory after it's been used (but it doesn't seem like I am running out of memory, at least monitoring it in the task manager).
If anyone can see anything they think may be the source of the problem that would be fantastic, or if not just any suggestions for how I should actually debug this!
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <gsl/gsl_rng.h>
#include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include "birdClasses.h"
using namespace std;
nBirds, nSteps, nF, v, dt, birdRad defined in "birdClasses.h"
//define other parameters.
const int nSensors = 20;
const int nMoves = 3; //no. possible moves at each step.
double dTheta = 15*M_PI/180.0; //angle that birds can change their orientation by in a timestep.
double moves[nMoves] = {-dTheta, 0, dTheta}; //possible moves.
double noise = 0.0;
double initBoxX = 20, initBoxY = 20; //size of initial box particles are placed in.
double sensorFrac[nSensors];
double sensorRef[nSensors];
double sensorRange = 2*M_PI/((double)nSensors);
int counter = 0;
int nps = numStates(nMoves,nF);
int *possibleStates = new int[nps];
//variables to record positions and orientations.
double xPositions[nSteps][nBirds], yPositions[nSteps][nBirds], orientations[nSteps][nBirds];
//array to keep track of which collisions are possible.
int couldCollide[nF][nBirds][nBirds];
//function prototypes
bool checkCollision(int i, int nFut, Bird *birds, double xi, double yi);
unsigned long int getVisualState(Bird *birdList, int nFut, int i, double cX, double cY, double cAng);
void updateTree(double exploreX, double exploreY, double exploreO, Bird *bird, int bn, int nFut);
int main()
sensorRef[0] = sensorRange;
for(int u=1; u<nSensors; u++) sensorRef[u] = sensorRef[u-1] + sensorRange;
//set up GSL random number generator.
const gsl_rng_type * Tr;
gsl_rng * RNG;
Tr = gsl_rng_default;
RNG = gsl_rng_alloc (Tr);
//set up output
ofstream output("output.txt");
//initialize birds in a box randomly, all with the same orientation.
Bird birdList[nBirds];
for(int i=0; i<nBirds; i++) {
int uniqueVisStates[nMoves];
double cX, cY, fX, fY, exploreX, exploreY, exploreO;
//main time step loop
for(int ts=0; ts<nSteps; ts++) {
//save current positions
for(int i=0; i<nBirds; i++) {
xPositions[ts][i] = birdList[i].get_xPos();
yPositions[ts][i] = birdList[i].get_yPos();
orientations[ts][i] = birdList[i].get_orientation();
//update list of possible collisions.
for(int nFut=0; nFut<nF; nFut++) {
for(int i=0; i<nBirds; i++) {
cX = birdList[i].get_xPos(); cY = birdList[i].get_yPos();
counter = 0;
for(int j=0; j<nBirds; j++) {
if(i==j) {
} else {
fX = birdList[j].get_futureX(nFut); fY = birdList[j].get_futureY(nFut);
if((cX-fX)*(cX-fX)+(cY-fY)*(cY-fY) < ((nFut+1)*v*dt+2*birdRad)*((nFut+1)*v*dt+2*birdRad)) {
if(counter < nBirds) couldCollide[nFut][i][counter]=-1;
//loop over birds to choose how they update their orientation.
for(int bn=0; bn<nBirds; bn++) {
//loop over possible moves bird can make NOW.
for(int l=0; l<nMoves; l++) {
for(int mn=0; mn<nMoves; mn++) {
for(int l=0; l<nps; l++) {
counter = 0;
exploreO = birdList[bn].get_orientation() + moves[mn];
exploreX = birdList[bn].get_xPos() + cos(exploreO)*v*dt;
exploreY = birdList[bn].get_yPos() + sin(exploreO)*v*dt;
vector<int> visStates (possibleStates,possibleStates+counter);
vector<int>::iterator it;
sort (visStates.begin(),visStates.end());
it = unique(visStates.begin(),visStates.end());
uniqueVisStates[mn] = distance(visStates.begin(),it);
int maxInd = 0, maxVal = uniqueVisStates[0];
for(int h=1; h<nMoves; h++) {
if(uniqueVisStates[h] > maxVal) {
maxInd = h; maxVal = uniqueVisStates[h];
} else if(uniqueVisStates[h]==maxVal) {
if(abs(moves[h])<abs(moves[maxInd])) {
maxInd = h;
for(int bn=0; bn<nBirds; bn++) birdList[bn].finishUpdate();
cout << ts << "\n";
for(int ts=0; ts<(nSteps-1); ts++) {
for(int bn=0; bn<nBirds; bn++) {
output << xPositions[ts][bn] << " " << yPositions[ts][bn] << " " << orientations[ts][bn] << "\n";
delete[] possibleStates;
return 0;
bool checkCollision(int i, int nFut, Bird *birds, double xi, double yi) {
int cond = 1; int index, counti=0;
while(cond) {
index = couldCollide[nFut][i][counti];
if(index==-1) break;
double xj = birds[index].get_futureX(nFut);
double yj = birds[index].get_futureY(nFut);
if((xi-xj)*(xi-xj)+(yi-yj)*(yi-yj) < 4*birdRad*birdRad) {
return 1;
if(counti==nBirds) break;
return 0;
unsigned long int getVisualState(Bird *birdList, int nFut, int i, double cX, double cY, double cAng) {
//finds the visual state of bird i based on its current "exploring position" and the predicted positions of other birds at timestep nFut.
//visual state is defined by discretizing the bird's field of view into nSensors (relative to current orientation) and creating a vector of
//0s and 1s depending on whether each sensor is < half covered or not. This is then converted to an integer (as we are actually interested only
//in the number of unique visual states.
double relX, relY, relDist, dAng, s, dTheta, ang1, ang2;
//clear current visual state.
for(int j=0; j<nBirds; j++) {
if(i==j) continue;
relX = birdList[j].get_futureX(nFut)-cX;
relY = birdList[j].get_futureY(nFut)-cY;
relDist = sqrt(relX*relX+relY*relY);
dAng = acos((cos(cAng)*relX+sin(cAng)*relY)/relDist);
dTheta = atan(birdRad/relDist);
s = cos(cAng)*relY - sin(cAng)*relX;
if( s<0 ) dAng = 2*M_PI-dAng;
ang1 = dAng - dTheta; ang2 = dAng + dTheta;
if( ang1 < 0 ) {
} else if( ang2 > 2*M_PI ) {
} else {
Node *sI = birdList[i].get_visualState();
int ind1, ind2;
for(int k=0; k<nSensors; k++) sensorFrac[k]=0.0; //initialize.
while(sI->next->next != 0) {
ang1 = sI->value; ang2 = sI->next->value;
ind1 = floor(ang1/sensorRange); ind2 = floor(ang2/sensorRange);
if(ind2==nSensors) ind2--; //this happens if ang2 = 2pi (which can happen a lot).
if(ind1==ind2) {
sensorFrac[ind1] += (ang2-ang1)/sensorRange;
} else if(ind2-ind1==1) {
sensorFrac[ind1] += (sensorRef[ind1]-ang1)/sensorRange;
sensorFrac[ind2] += (ang2-sensorRef[ind1])/sensorRange;
} else {
sensorFrac[ind1] += (sensorRef[ind1]-ang1)/sensorRange;
sensorFrac[ind2] += (ang2-sensorRef[ind2-1])/sensorRange;
for(int y=ind1+1;y<ind2;y++) sensorFrac[y] = 1.0;
//do final interval separately.
ang1 = sI->value; ang2 = sI->next->value;
ind1 = floor(ang1/sensorRange); ind2 = floor(ang2/sensorRange);
if(ind2==nSensors) ind2--; //this happens if ang2 = 2pi (which can happen a lot).
if(ind1==ind2) {
sensorFrac[ind1] += (ang2-ang1)/sensorRange;
} else if(ind2-ind1==1) {
sensorFrac[ind1] += (sensorRef[ind1]-ang1)/sensorRange;
sensorFrac[ind2] += (ang2-sensorRef[ind1])/sensorRange;
} else {
sensorFrac[ind1] += (sensorRef[ind1]-ang1)/sensorRange;
sensorFrac[ind2] += (ang2-sensorRef[ind2-1])/sensorRange;
for(int y=ind1+1;y<ind2;y++) sensorFrac[y] = 1.0;
int output = 0, multiplier = 1;
for(int y=0; y<nSensors; y++) {
if(sensorFrac[y]>0.5) output += multiplier;
multiplier *= 2;
return output;
void updateTree(double exploreX, double exploreY, double exploreO, Bird *bird, int bn, int nFut) {
double o,x,y;
if(checkCollision(bn,nFut,bird,exploreX,exploreY)) return;
int vs = getVisualState(bird,nFut,bn,exploreX,exploreY,exploreO);
possibleStates[counter] = vs;
if(nFut < (nF-1)) {
for(int m=0; m<nMoves; m++) {
o = exploreO + moves[m];
x = exploreX + cos(o)*v*dt;
y = exploreY + sin(o)*v*dt;
} else {
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
const int nBirds = 50;
const int nF = 6; //number of future timesteps to consider.
const int nSteps = 200;
const double v = 20, dt = 0.1, birdRad = 0.2;
int numStates(int numMoves, int nFut) {
int num = 1; int multiplier = numMoves;
for(int i=1; i<nFut; i++) {
num += multiplier;
multiplier *= numMoves;
return num;
//Node class is just for a linked list (used in constructing the visual states),
class Node {
int identifier; // 0 is left side of interval, 1 is right side
double value; //angular value.
Node *next; //pointer to the next interval.
void display(Node *start);
//printout linked list if necessary (mainly for debugging purposes).
void Node::display(Node *start) {
if(start != 0) {
double inter = start->value;
cout << inter << " ";
//bird class.
class Bird {
double currX, currY;
double updatedX, updatedY;
double currOrientation;
double futureX[nF], futureY[nF];
Node *visualState;
Bird() {
currOrientation=0.0; currX = 0.0; currY = 0.0;
visualState = new Node;
visualState->value = 0.0;
visualState->next = new Node;
visualState->next->value = 0.0;
visualState->next->next = 0;
Bird(double x, double y, double o) {
currX = x; currY = y; currOrientation = o;
visualState = new Node;
visualState->value = 0.0;
visualState->next = new Node;
visualState->next->value = 0.0;
visualState->next->next = 0;
void set_position(double x, double y) {
currX = x; currY = y;
double get_xPos() {
return currX;
double get_yPos() {
return currY;
double get_orientation() {
return currOrientation;
double get_futureX(int ts) {
return futureX[ts];
double get_futureY(int ts) {
return futureY[ts];
//return pointer to first node.
Node* get_visualState() {
return visualState;
void updateFuture() {
//use current orientation and position to update future positions.
for(int i=0; i<nF; i++) {
futureX[i] = currX + v*(i+1)*cos(currOrientation)*dt;
futureY[i] = currY + v*(i+1)*sin(currOrientation)*dt;
void update_Pos(double x, double y) {
updatedX = x;
updatedY = y;
//run this after all birds have updated positions:
void finishUpdate() {
currX = updatedX;
currY = updatedY;
void update_Orientation(double o) {
currOrientation += o;
//add the interval defined by [l r] to the visual state.
void addInterval(double l, double r) {
int placed = 0; double cL = 0.0; double cR = 0.0;
if(visualState->value==0.0 && visualState->next->value==0.0) { //then this is first interval to place.
visualState->value = l;
visualState->next->value = r;
placed = 1;
Node *curr_L = visualState;
Node *prev_L = visualState;
while(placed==0) {
cL = curr_L->value;
cR = curr_L->next->value;
if(l<cL && r<cL) { //add new interval before this one.
Node *newRoot = new Node;
newRoot->value = l;
newRoot->identifier = 0;
newRoot->next = new Node;
newRoot->next->value = r;
newRoot->next->next = curr_L;
if(curr_L == visualState) {
visualState = newRoot;
} else {
prev_L->next->next = newRoot;
placed = 1;
} else if(l <= cL && r >= cR) {
curr_L->value = l;
curr_L->next->value = r;
placed = 1;
} else if(l <= cL && r <= cR) {
curr_L->value = l;
placed = 1;
} else if(l >= cL && r <= cR) {
placed = 1; //dont need to do anything.
} else if(l >= cL && l<=cR && r >= cR) {
curr_L->next->value = r;
placed = 1;
if(l > cR && r > cR) {
if(curr_L->next->next != 0) {
prev_L = curr_L;
curr_L = curr_L->next->next;
} else {
Node *newEndL = new Node;
newEndL->value = l;
newEndL->identifier = 0;
newEndL->next = new Node;
newEndL->next->value = r;
newEndL->next->identifier = 1;
newEndL->next->next = 0;
curr_L->next->next = newEndL;
placed = 1;
//remove any overlaps.
void cleanUp(Node *start) {
Node *NP, *NNP; NP = start->next->next;
if(NP==0) return;
NNP = start->next->next->next->next;
double cL = start->value, cR = start->next->value, nL = start->next->next->value, nR = start->next->next->next->value;
if(nL < cR) {
if(nR > cR) {
start->next->value = nR;
start->next->next = NNP;
if(NNP!=0) cleanUp(NP);
//reset the visual state.
void resetVisualState() {
Node *cNode = visualState;
Node *nNode = visualState->next;
while(nNode != 0) {
delete cNode;
cNode = nNode;
nNode = nNode->next;
delete cNode;
delete nNode;
visualState = new Node;
visualState->identifier = 0;
visualState->value = 0.0;
visualState->next = new Node;
visualState->next->identifier = 1;
visualState->next->value = 0.0;
visualState->next->next = 0;
or if not just any suggestions for how I should actually debug this!
You can try to set catchpoint in gdb to catch std::bad_alloc exception:
(gdb) catch throw bad_alloc
(See Setting Catchpoints)
If you are able to reproduce this bad_alloc in gdb you can then look at bt to see possible reason of this exception.
I think this is a logic bug and not necessarily memory related.
In void addInterval(double l, double r) you declare
Node *curr_L = visualState;
Node *prev_L = visualState;
These pointers will now point to whatever the member visualState is pointing to.
later on you are changing visualState to point to a newly created Node
Node *newRoot = new Node;
// ....
if(curr_L == visualState) {
visualState = newRoot;
but your pointers curr_L and prev_L will still point to whatever visualState was pointing to before. The only time you change those pointers is at
if(curr_L->next->next != 0) {
prev_L = curr_L;
curr_L = curr_L->next->next;
which is the same as
prev_L = curr_L;
curr_L = curr_L->next->next;
Is this your intention? You can follow the assignment of curr_L by looking for *curr_L = * in your editor.
I would suggest testing your code on a small data sample and make sure your code follows your intentions. Use a debugger or trace outputs. Use
valgrind if you have access to it, I think you will appreciate valgrind.

Eigen C++ Assertion Failed

I have an Eigen MatrixXd object, called v, and I am facing some problems when trying to access this matrix content. When I only print the content at the console (as in the code), works just as fine. When I try to use the content, the error shows up:
Assertion failed: (row >= 0 && row < rows() && col >= 0 && col < cols()), function operator(), file /usr/local/Cellar/eigen/3.2.4/include/eigen3/Eigen/src/Core/DenseCoeffsBase.h, line 337.
ChosenPoint ** points = new ChosenPoint*[width];
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
points[i] = new ChosenPoint[height];
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
points[i][j].setPoint(i, j, false);
Matrix<double, 2, 1> v = (aT * a).inverse() * aT * b;
if (v.rows() == 2 && v.cols() == 1)
points[x][y].setFlow(v(0,0), v(1,0), frame);
And my ChosenPoint class:
typedef struct point
double x;
double y;
bool isValid;
} point;
class ChosenPoint
void setNumberOfFrames(int numberOfFrames)
this->flow = new point[numberOfFrames];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfFrames; i++)
point f;
f.x = 0.0;
f.y = 0.0;
this->flow[i] = f;
void setPoint(int x, int y, bool isValid)
this->pt.x = (double) x;
this->pt.y = (double) y;
this->pt.isValid = isValid;
point getPoint()
return this->pt;
point* getFlow()
return this->flow;
void setFlow(double &xFlow, double &yFlow, int &position)
this->flow[position].x = xFlow;
this->flow[position].y = yFlow;
void updateFlow(int position)
this->flow[position].x = 2*this->flow[position].x;
this->flow[position].y = 2*this->flow[position].y;
void updateFlow(double xFlow, double yFlow, int position)
this->flow[position].x = xFlow;
this->flow[position].y = yFlow;
point pt;
point *flow;
My fault. The problem was with one of the other matrixes that I was using in the project, and took me a while to figure it out. Unfortunately, Eigen doesn`t seem to be really helpful when this happens:
I had 2 matrixes (A and B). The matrix with problem was A (somehow, some data was not loaded into the matrix). But when i multiplied A and B, it generated a new matrix C with some valid results (all my sanity checks were unuseful). I admit I don`t know a lot of Eigen.
Anyway, hope this is helpful for more people like me.

Implementing rasterization and depth buffer in c++

I am trying to implement the rasterization method in cc+. I am trying to implement an interpolation function that handles the interpolation between the x,y and z vertices. That way I can save the inverse of z in a depth buffer.
At this point I get only the vertices drawn on the rendered image. Can someone see what is wrong with my code? I have posted the full code so you can see the whole program.
Many thanks in advance.
I saw that I had made an error in vertexshader by writing pixel.zinv = 1 / vPrime.z instead of p.zinv = 1/ vPrime.z. Now nothing renders, just a black screen.
My check to see if a pixel should be painted was wrong.
if (depthBuffer[row[i].x][row[i].y] < row[i].zinv)
is correct. Now I get little pieces of color.
#include <iostream>
#include <glm/glm.hpp>
#include <SDL.h>
#include "SDLauxiliary.h"
#include "TestModel.h"
using namespace std;
using glm::vec2;
using glm::vec3;
using glm::ivec2;
using glm::mat3;
using glm::max;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
int cc = 0;
const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 500;
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 500;
SDL_Surface* screen;
int t;
vector<Triangle> triangles;
vec3 cameraPos(0, 0, -3.001);
float f = 500;
double yaw = 0;
vec3 c1(cos(yaw), 0, -sin(yaw));
vec3 c2(0, 1, 0);
vec3 c3(sin(yaw), 0, cos(yaw));
glm::mat3 R(c1, c2, c3);
float translation = 0.1; // use this to set translation increment
const float PI = 3.1415927;
vec3 currentColor;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct Pixel
int x;
int y;
float zinv;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Update();
void Draw();
void VertexShader(const vec3& v, Pixel& p);
void Interpolate(ivec2 a, ivec2 b, vector<ivec2>& result);
void DrawLineSDL(SDL_Surface* surface, ivec2 a, ivec2 b, vec3 color);
void DrawPolygonEdges(const vector<vec3>& vertices);
void ComputePolygonRows(const vector<Pixel>& vertexPixels, vector<Pixel>& leftPixels, vector<Pixel>& rightPixels);
void DrawPolygonRows(const vector<Pixel>& leftPixels, const vector<Pixel>& rightPixels);
void DrawPolygon(const vector<vec3>& vertices);
void Interpolate2(Pixel a, Pixel b, vector<Pixel>& result);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
t = SDL_GetTicks(); // Set start value for timer.
while (NoQuitMessageSDL())
SDL_SaveBMP(screen, "screenshot.bmp");
return 0;
void Draw()
SDL_FillRect(screen, 0, 0);
if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen))
for (int y = 0; y<SCREEN_HEIGHT; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x<SCREEN_WIDTH; ++x)
depthBuffer[y][x] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i<triangles.size(); ++i)
currentColor = triangles[i].color;
vector<vec3> vertices(3);
int aa = 24;
vertices[0] = triangles[i].v0;
vertices[1] = triangles[i].v1;
vertices[2] = triangles[i].v2;
if (SDL_MUSTLOCK(screen))
SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0);
void VertexShader(const vec3& v, Pixel& p)
vec3 vPrime = (v - cameraPos)*R;
p.zinv = 1 / vPrime.z;
p.x = f * vPrime.x / vPrime.z + SCREEN_WIDTH / 2;
p.y = f * vPrime.y / vPrime.z + SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2;
//cout << p.x << " this is it " << p.y << endl;
depthBuffer[p.x][p.y] = pixel.zinv;
void ComputePolygonRows(const vector<Pixel>& vertexPixels,
vector<Pixel>& leftPixels, vector<Pixel>& rightPixels)
// Find y-min,max for the 3 vertices
vec3 vp(vertexPixels[0].y, vertexPixels[1].y, vertexPixels[2].y);
Pixel start; Pixel end; Pixel middle;
int yMin = 1000;
int yMax = -1000;
int w=0; int s=0;
for (int k = 0; k < vertexPixels.size(); ++k)
if (vp[k] <= yMin)
yMin = vp[k];
end = vertexPixels[k];
w = k;
for (int k = 0; k < vertexPixels.size(); ++k)
if (vp[k] >= yMax)
yMax = vp[k];
start = vertexPixels[k];
s = k;
for (int k = 0; k < vertexPixels.size(); ++k)
if (vertexPixels[k].y != start.y
&& vertexPixels[k].y != end.y)
middle = vertexPixels[k];
if (w!= k && s!= k)
middle = vertexPixels[k];
int ROWS = yMax - yMin + 1;
for (int i = 0; i<ROWS; ++i)
leftPixels[i].x = +numeric_limits<int>::max();
rightPixels[i].x = -numeric_limits<int>::max();
int pixels1 = glm::abs(start.y - end.y) + 1;
vector<Pixel> line1(pixels1);
Interpolate2(end, start, line1);
int pixels2 = glm::abs(end.y - middle.y) + 1;
vector<Pixel> line2(pixels2);
Interpolate2(end, middle, line2);
int pixels3 = glm::abs(middle.y - start.y) + 1;
vector<Pixel> line3(pixels3);
Interpolate2(middle, start, line3);
vector<Pixel> side1(ROWS);
for (int i = 0; i < line2.size(); ++i)
side1[i] = line2[i];
for (int i = 0; i < line3.size(); ++i)
side1[line2.size()+i-1] = line3[i];
for (int i = 0; i < ROWS; ++i)
if (line1[i].x < leftPixels[i].x)
leftPixels[i] = line1[i];
if (line1[i].x > rightPixels[i].x)
rightPixels[i] = line1[i];
if (side1[i].x < leftPixels[i].x)
leftPixels[i] = side1[i];
if (side1[i].x > rightPixels[i].x)
rightPixels[i] = side1[i];
void DrawPolygonRows(const vector<Pixel>& leftPixels, const vector<Pixel>& rightPixels)
//cout << cc++ << endl;
for (int k = 0; k < leftPixels.size(); ++k)
int pixels = glm::abs(leftPixels[k].x - rightPixels[k].x) + 1;
vector<Pixel> row(pixels);
Interpolate2(leftPixels[k], rightPixels[k], row);
for (int i = 0; i < pixels; ++i)
if (depthBuffer[row[i].x][row[i].y] < row[i].zinv)
PutPixelSDL(screen, row[i].x, row[i].y, currentColor);
depthBuffer[row[i].x][row[i].y] = row[i].zinv;
void DrawPolygon(const vector<vec3>& vertices)
int V = vertices.size();
vector<Pixel> vertexPixels(V);
for (int i = 0; i<V; ++i)
VertexShader(vertices[i], vertexPixels[i]);
vector<Pixel> leftPixels;
vector<Pixel> rightPixels;
ComputePolygonRows(vertexPixels, leftPixels, rightPixels);
DrawPolygonRows(leftPixels, rightPixels);
void Interpolate2(Pixel a, Pixel b, vector<Pixel>& result)
int N = result.size();
float stepx = (b.x - a.x) / float(glm::max(N - 1, 1));
float stepy = (b.y - a.y) / float(glm::max(N - 1, 1));
float stepz = (b.zinv - a.zinv) / float(glm::max(N - 1, 1));
float currentx = a.x;
float currenty = a.y;
float currentz = a.zinv;
for (int i = 0; i<N; ++i)
result[i].x = currentx;
result[i].y = currenty;
result[i].zinv = currentz;
currentx = a.x;
currenty = a.y;
currentz = a.zinv;
currentx += stepx;
currenty += stepy;
currentz += stepz;
The last loop in the last function seems incorrect to me. You define currentx outside the loop. Then, define a local variable inside the loop with the same name and use it later in the loop. I'd suggest not using the same name for variable inside the loop and outside it to make it more readable. Also, using global variables make the code difficult to read too, since I prefer to look at a function as a separate entity for analysis.

How to speed up vector initialization c++

I had a previous question about a stack overflow error and switch to vectors for my arrays of objects. That question can be referenced here if needed: How to get rid of stack overflow error
My current question is however, how do I speed up the initialization of the vectors. My current method currently takes ~15 seconds. Using arrays instead of vectors it took like a second with a size of arrays small enough that didn't throw the stack overflow error.
Here is how I am initializing it:
in main.cpp I initialize my dungeon object:
dungeon = Dungeon(0, &textureHandler, MIN_X, MAX_Y);
in my dungeon(...) constructor, I initialize my 5x5 vector of rooms and call loadDungeon:
Dungeon::Dungeon(int dungeonID, TextureHandler* textureHandler, int topLeftX, int topLeftY)
currentRoomRow = 0;
currentRoomCol = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < MAX_RM_ROWS; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < MAX_RM_COLS; ++c)
loadDungeon(dungeonID, textureHandler, topLeftX, topLeftY);
my Room constructor populates my 30x50 vector of cells (so I can set them up in the loadDungeon function):
for (int r = 0; r < MAX_ROWS; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < MAX_COLS; ++c)
My default cell constructor is simple and isn't doing much but I'll post it anyway:
x = 0;
y = 0;
width = 16;
height = 16;
solid = false;
And lastly my loadDungeon() function will set up the cells. Eventually this will read from a file and load the cells up but for now I would like to optimize this a bit if possible.
void Dungeon::loadDungeon(int dungeonID, TextureHandler* textureHandler, int topLeftX, int topLeftY)
int startX = topLeftX + (textureHandler->getSpriteWidth()/2);
int startY = topLeftY - (textureHandler->getSpriteHeight()/2);
int xOffset = 0;
int yOffset = 0;
for (int r = 0; r < MAX_RM_ROWS; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < MAX_RM_COLS; ++c)
for (int cellRow = 0; cellRow < rooms[r][c].getMaxRows(); ++cellRow)
xOffset = 0;
for (int cellCol = 0; cellCol < rooms[r][c].getMaxCols(); ++cellCol)
rooms[r][c].setupCell(cellRow, cellCol, startX + xOffset, startY - yOffset, textureHandler->getSpriteWidth(), textureHandler->getSpriteHeight(), false, textureHandler->getSpriteTexCoords("grass"));
xOffset += textureHandler->getSpriteWidth();
yOffset += textureHandler->getSpriteHeight();
currentDungeon = dungeonID;
currentRoomRow = 0;
currentRoomCol = 0;
So how can I speed this up so it doesn't take ~15 seconds to load up every time. I feel like it shouldn't take 15 seconds to load a simple 2D game.
Well my solution was to use std::vector::reserve call (rooms.reserve in my code and it ended up working well. I changed my function Dungeon::loadDungeon to Dungeon::loadDefaultDungeon because it now loads off a save file.
Anyway here is the code (I got it down to about 4-5 seconds from ~15+ seconds in debug mode):
rooms.reserve(MAX_RM_ROWS * MAX_RM_COLS);
currentDungeon = 0;
currentRoomRow = 0;
currentRoomCol = 0;
void Dungeon::loadDefaultDungeon(TextureHandler* textureHandler, int topLeftX, int topLeftY)
int startX = topLeftX + (textureHandler->getSpriteWidth()/2);
int startY = topLeftY - (textureHandler->getSpriteHeight()/2);
int xOffset = 0;
int yOffset = 0;
cerr << "Loading default dungeon..." << endl;
for (int roomRow = 0; roomRow < MAX_RM_ROWS; ++roomRow)
for (int roomCol = 0; roomCol < MAX_RM_COLS; ++roomCol)
int curRoom = roomRow * MAX_RM_COLS + roomCol;
for (int cellRow = 0; cellRow < rooms[curRoom].getMaxRows(); ++cellRow)
for (int cellCol = 0; cellCol < rooms[curRoom].getMaxCols(); ++cellCol)
rooms[curRoom].setupCell(cellRow, cellCol, startX + xOffset, startY - yOffset, textureHandler->getSpriteWidth(), textureHandler->getSpriteHeight(), false, textureHandler->getSpriteTexCoords("default"), "default");
xOffset += textureHandler->getSpriteWidth();
yOffset += textureHandler->getSpriteHeight();
xOffset = 0;
cerr << " room " << curRoom << " complete" << endl;
cerr << "default dungeon loaded" << endl;
cells.reserve(MAX_ROWS * MAX_COLS);
for (int r = 0; r < MAX_ROWS; ++r)
for (int c = 0; c < MAX_COLS; ++c)
void Room::setupCell(int row, int col, float x, float y, float width, float height, bool solid, /*std::array<float, 8>*/ vector<float> texCoords, string texName)
cells[row * MAX_COLS + col].setup(x, y, width, height, solid, texCoords, texName);
void Cell::setup(float x, float y, float width, float height, bool solid, /*std::array<float,8>*/ vector<float> t, string texName)
this->x = x;
this->y = y;
this->width = width;
this->height = height;
this->solid = solid;
for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); ++i)
this->texName = texName;
It seems wasteful to have so many dynamic allocations. You can get away with one single allocation by flattening out your vector and accessing it in strides:
std::vector<Room> rooms;
rooms.resize(MAX_RM_ROWS * MAX_RM_COLS);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i != MAX_RM_ROWS; ++i)
for (unsigned int j = 0; j != MAX_RM_COLS; ++j)
Room & r = rooms[i * MAX_RM_COLS + j];
// use `r` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-----<< strides!
Note how resize is performed exactly once, incurring only one single allocation, as well as default-constructing each element. If you'd rather construct each element specifically, use rooms.reserve(MAX_RM_ROWS * MAX_RM_COLS); instead and populate the vector in the loop.
You may also wish to profile with rows and columns swapped and see which is faster.
Since it seems that your vectors have their size defined at compile time, if you can use C++11, you may consider using std::array instead of std::vector. std::array cannot be resized and lacks many of the operations in std::vector, but is much more lightweight and it seems a good fit for what you are doing.
As an example, you could declare cells as:
#include <array>
/* ... */
std::array<std::array<Cell, MAX_COLS>, MAX_ROWS> cells;
UPDATE: since a locally defined std::array allocates its internal array on the stack, the OP will experience a stack overflow due to the considerably large size of the arrays. Still, it is possible to use an std::array (and its benefits compared to using std::vector), by allocating the array on the heap. That can be done by doing something like:
typedef std::array<std::array<Cell, MAX_COLS>, MAX_ROWS> Map;
Map* cells;
/* ... */
cells = new Map();
Even better, smart pointers can be used:
#include <memory>
/* ... */
std::unique_ptr<Map> cells;
cells = std::unique_ptr(new Map());