Saving and loading large array in c++ - c++

I need to save a large 3D array of integers into a file, and load it again in C++.
It is 256*256*256 = 16777216 integers.
What is the best way to save this and load it again? I am mostly interested in a quick load time.

If the array is allocated in contiguous memory (i.e.: you don't allocate each dimension separately) - you can just dump the whole memory block to file. It takes as much as it takes, but that would be the least overhead (i.e.: call binary write on the whole chunk of data).
If you're saving on one system and loading on another, you might have issues with data representation, in this case you'd probably want to serialize the array and save each value in a controlled matter.

You may be interested in Boost.Serialization, particularly if you (1) want the ability to easily store such data on disk, (2) want a coherent way to save more complex objects, and (3) want a solution that's portable.


Create array upto 10^12

I tried to create an array with size upto 10^12 elements in c++. But I can only make array upto 1000001 size. i.e
long long int dp[1000001]
But I want to store data upto 10^12 values in the array. Any Idea how can I implement this in C++ ?
First, you must realize that the size of that array is nearly 8 TB. Does your computer have that much memory? Probably not. In such case, you cannot store that much data in memory, and practically cannot have such a large array.
Any Idea how can I implement this
Instead of an array in memory, you could store the data in the file system... Assuming you have 8 TB free storage. You can use a paging mechanism to read and write small pieces of the file at a time.
The simplest way to implement that in C++ is to use operating system functionality to map the file into the memory. That way the operating system takes care of the paging. There is no standard way to map files into memory in C++, so first step is to figure out what operating system you're using. POSIX standard specifies mmap function for this purpose.
Before doing that however, I recommend considering whether you actually need to store that much data. Perhaps you need a smarter algorithm instead.

Creating and managing a byte buffer in memory, in C and/or C++, that can automatically resize as needed

When programming in C and/or C++, how does one set up byte-buffer in-memory structure, such that it can automatically resize as the situation warrants?
Often, I will want to write some unknown quantity bytes to a buffer, without knowing how much space is needed. I feel like this is a fundamental I/O programming concern – and I don’t know how to approach the problem, let alone solve it.
Specifically, I’m doing this I/O to process image data – the sizes can vary from a few kilobytes on up to hundreds of megabytes, depending on compression settings and (many!) other factors.
My current workaround, in many cases, is to:
open() a write-mode descriptor on a temporary file, and write() my indeterminate quantity of bytes to this file;
then call fsync() and subsequently close() the descriptor;
use stat() to get the size of the file;
re-open() the temporary file in read mode;
and then finally read() the entire file back into a newly allocated, properly-sized buffer.
My question, therefore, is a two-parter: one, how problematic is my workaround? and two: how can I accomplish this task using only in-memory structures?
Nothing wrong with your approach as long as you can make sure the file doesn't change size between steps 3 and 5. It is, actually, the solution that has most probably the best performance.
In case you realize (by counting bytes read vs. buffer size) while reading the file that there is more to read but you run out of buffer space, you can always use realloc to increase the buffer by an arbitrary amount. How much that "arbitrary amount" would be depends on the nature of your application and your expected memory situation. If memory is plenty, you might want to over-allocate by factor 1.5 and realloc to the actual size once you have read the complete file.
Dynamically re-allocating the buffer has, however, a bit of a speed penalty and might not always be possible when you are working with huge buffers and are already tight on memory (most implementations of realloc will temporarily need to hold both the too-small and the re-sized buffer in memory).
Depending on the buffer sizes, your program might also suffer from a performance penalty when resizing the buffer - after all, the contents you already read needs to be copied over to the new, re-sized, buffer.
In C++, you would probably use a vector to do the same thing and may run into the very same problems.
One last method to load large files is memory mapping - But this also has the requirement that you need to know how much space you need.

Why is deque using so much more RAM than vector in C++?

I have a problem I am working on where I need to use some sort of 2 dimensional array. The array is fixed width (four columns), but I need to create extra rows on the fly.
To do this, I have been using vectors of vectors, and I have been using some nested loops that contain this:
array[n][0] = a;
array[n][1] = b;
array[n][2] = c;
array[n][3] = d;
to add the rows and their contents. The trouble is that I appear to be running out of memory with the number of elements I was trying to create, so I reduced the number that I was using. But then I started reading about deque, and thought it would allow me to use more memory because it doesn't have to be contiguous. I changed all mentions of "vector" to "deque", in this loop, as well as all declarations. But then it appeared that I ran out of memory again, this time with even with the reduced number of rows.
I looked at how much memory my code is using, and when I am using deque, the memory rises steadily to above 2GB, and the program closes soon after, even when using the smaller number of rows. I'm not sure exactly where in this loop it is when it runs out of memory.
When I use vectors, the memory usage (for the same number of rows) is still under 1GB, even when the loop exits. It then goes on to a similar loop where more rows are added, still only reaching about 1.4GB.
So my question is. Is this normal for deque to use more than twice the memory of vector, or am I making an erroneous assumption in thinking I can just replace the word "vector" with "deque" in the declarations/initializations and the above code?
Thanks in advance.
I'm using:
MS Visual C++ 2010 (32-bit)
Windows 7 (64-bit)
The real answer here has little to do with the core data structure. The answer is that MSVC's implementation of std::deque is especially awful and degenerates to an array of pointers to individual elements, rather than the array of arrays it should be. Frankly, only twice the memory use of vector is surprising. If you had a better implementation of deque you'd get better results.
It all depends on the internal implementation of deque (I won't speak about vector since it is relatively straightforward).
Fact is, deque has completely different guarantees than vector (the most important one being that it supports O(1) insertion at both ends while vector only supports O(1) insertion at the back). This in turn means the internal structures managed by deque have to be more complex than vector.
To allow that, a typical deque implementation will split its memory in several non-contiguous blocks. But each individual memory block has a fixed overhead to allow the memory management to work (eg. whatever the size of the block, the system may need another 16 or 32 bytes or whatever in addition, just for bookkeeping). Since, contrary to a vector, a deque requires many small, independent blocks, the overhead stacks up which can explain the difference you see. Also note that those individual memory blocks need to be managed (maybe in separate structures?), which probably means some (or a lot of) additional overhead too.
As for a way to solve your problem, you could try what #BasileStarynkevitch suggested in the comments, this will indeed reduce your memory usage but it will get you only so far because at some point you'll still run out of memory. And what if you try to run your program on a machine that only has 256MB RAM? Any other solution which goal is to reduce your memory footprint while still trying to keep all your data in memory will suffer from the same problems.
A proper solution when handling large datasets like yours would be to adapt your algorithms and data structures in order to be able to handle small partitions at a time of your whole dataset, and load/save those partitions as needed in order to make room for the other partitions. Unfortunately since it probably means disk access, it also means a big drop in performance but hey, you can't eat the cake and have it too.
There two common ways to efficiently implement a deque: either with a modified dynamic array or with a doubly linked list.
The modified dynamic array uses is basically a dynamic array that can grow from both ends, sometimes called array deques. These array deques have all the properties of a dynamic array, such as constant-time random access, good locality of reference, and inefficient insertion/removal in the middle, with the addition of amortized constant-time insertion/removal at both ends, instead of just one end.
There are several implementations of modified dynamic array:
Allocating deque contents from the center of the underlying array,
and resizing the underlying array when either end is reached. This
approach may require more frequent resizings and waste more space,
particularly when elements are only inserted at one end.
Storing deque contents in a circular buffer, and only resizing when
the buffer becomes full. This decreases the frequency of resizings.
Storing contents in multiple smaller arrays, allocating additional
arrays at the beginning or end as needed. Indexing is implemented by
keeping a dynamic array containing pointers to each of the smaller
Different libraries may implement deques in different ways, but generally as a modified dynamic array. Most likely your standard library uses the approach #1 to implement std::deque, and since you append elements only from one end, you ultimately waste a lot of space. For that reason, it makes an illusion that std::deque takes up more space than usual std::vector.
Furthermore, if std::deque would be implemented as doubly-linked list, that would result in a waste of space too since each element would need to accommodate 2 pointers in addition to your custom data.
Implementation with approach #3 (modified dynamic array approach too) would again result in a waste of space to accommodate additional metadata such as pointers to all those small arrays.
In any case, std::deque is less efficient in terms of storage than plain old std::vector. Without knowing what do you want to achieve I cannot confidently suggest which data structure do you need. However, it seems like you don't even know what deques are for, therefore, what you really want in your situation is std::vector. Deques, in general, have different application.
Deque can have additional memory overhead over vector because it's made of a few blocks instead of contiguous one.
As opposed to std::vector, the elements of a deque are not stored contiguously: typical implementations use a sequence of individually allocated fixed-size arrays.
The primary issue is running out of memory.
So, do you need all the data in memory at once?
You may never be able to accomplish this.
Partial Processing
You may want to consider processing the data into "chunks" or smaller sub-matrices. For example, using the standard rectangular grid:
Read data of first quadrant.
Process data of first quandrant.
Store results (in a file) of first quandrant.
Repeat for remaining quandrants.
If you are searching for a particle or a set of datum, you can do that without reading in the entire data set into memory.
Allocate a block (array) of memory.
Read a portion of the data into this block of memory.
Search the block of data.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the data is found.
Streaming Data
If your application is receiving the raw data from an input source (other than a file), you will want to store the data for later processing.
This will require more than one buffer and is more efficient using at least two threads of execution.
The Reading Thread will be reading data into a buffer until the buffer is full. When the buffer is full, it will read data into another empty one.
The Writing Thread will initially wait until either the first read buffer is full or the read operation is finished. Next, the Writing Thread takes data out of the read buffer and writes to a file. The Write Thread then starts writing from the next read buffer.
This technique is called Double Buffering or Multiple Buffering.
Sparse Data
If there is a lot of zero or unused data in the matrix, you should try using Sparse Matrices. Essentially, this is a list of structures that hold the data's coordinates and the value. This also works when most of the data is a common value other than zero. This saves a lot of memory space; but costs a little bit more execution time.
Data Compression
You could also change your algorithms to use data compression. The idea here is to store the data location, value and the number or contiguous equal values (a.k.a. runs). So instead of storing 100 consecutive data points of the same value, you would store the starting position (of the run), the value, and 100 as the quantity. This saves a lot of space, but requires more processing time when accessing the data.
Memory Mapped File
There are libraries that can treat a file as memory. Essentially, they read in a "page" of the file into memory. When the requests go out of the "page", they read in another page. All this is performed "behind the scenes". All you need to do is treat the file like memory.
Arrays and deques are not your primary issue, quantity of data is. Your primary issue can be resolved by processing small pieces of data at a time, compressing the data storage, or treating the data in the file as memory. If you are trying to process streaming data, don't. Ideally, streaming data should be placed into a file and then processed later.
A historical purpose of a file is to contain data that doesn't fit into memory.

Using the pagefile for caching?

I have to deal with a huge amount of data that usually doesn't fit into main memory. The way I access this data has high locality, so caching parts of it in memory looks like a good option. Is it feasible to just malloc() a huge array, and let the operating system figure out which bits to page out and which bits to keep?
Assuming the data comes from a file, you're better off memory mapping that file. Otherwise, what you end up doing is allocating your array, and then copying the data from your file into the array -- and since your array is mapped to the page file, you're basically just copying the original file to the page file, and in the process polluting the "cache" (i.e., physical memory) so other data that's currently active has a much better chance of being evicted. Then, when you're done you (typically) write the data back from the array to the original file, which (in this case) means copying from the page file back to the original file.
Memory mapping the file instead just creates some address space and maps it directly to the original file instead. This avoids copying data from the original file to the page file (and back again when you're done) as well as temporarily moving data into physical memory on the way from the original file to the page file. The biggest win, of course, is when/if there are substantial pieces of the original file that you never really use at all (in which case they may never be read into physical memory at all, assuming the unused chunk is at least a page in size).
If the data are in a large file, look into using mmap to read it. Modern computers have so much RAM, you might not enough swap space available.

How to store a hash table in a file?

How can I store a hash table with separate chaining in a file on disk?
Generating the data stored in the hash table at runtime is expensive, it would be faster to just load the HT from disk...if only I can figure out how to do it.
The lookups are done with the HT loaded in memory. I need to find a way to store the hashtable (in memory) to a file in some binary format. So that next time when the program runs it can just load the HT off disk into RAM.
I am using C++.
What language are you using? The common method is to do some sort binary serialization.
Ok, I see you have edited to add the language. For C++ there a few options. I believe the Boost serialization mechanism is pretty good. In addition, the page for Boost's serialization library also describes alternatives. Here is the link:
Assuming C/C++: Use array indexes and fixed size structs instead of pointers and variable length allocations. You should be able to directly write() the data structures to file for later read()ing.
For anything higher-level: A lot of higher language APIs have serialization facilities. Java and Qt/C++ both have methods that sprint immediately to mind, so I know others do as well.
You could just write the entire data structure directly to disk by using serialization (e.g. in Java). However, you might be forced to read the entire object back into memory in order to access its elements. If this is not practical, then you could consider using a random access file to store the elements of the hash table. Instead of using a pointer to represent the next element in the chain, you would just use the byte position in the file.
Ditch the pointers for indices.
This is a bit similar to constructing an on-disk DAWG, which I did a while back. What made that so very sweet was that it could be loaded directly with mmap instead reading the file. If the hash-space is manageable, say 216 or 224 entries, then I think I would do something like this:
Keep a list of free indices. (if the table is empty, each chain-index would point at the next index.)
When chaining is needed use the free space in the table.
If you need to put something in an index that's occupied by a squatter (overflow from elsewhere) :
record the index (let's call it N)
swap the new element and the squatter
put the squatter in a new free index, (F).
follow the chain on the squatter's hash index, to replace N with F.
If you completely run out of free indices, you probably need a bigger table, but you can cope a little longer by using mremap to create extra room after the table.
This should allow you to mmap and use the table directly, without modification. (scary fast if in the OS cache!) but you have to work with indices instead of pointers. It's pretty spooky to have megabytes available in syscall-round-trip-time, and still have it take up less than that in physical memory, because of paging.
Perhaps DBM could be of use to you.
If your hash table implementation is any good, then just store the hash and each object's data - putting an object into the table shouldn't be expensive given the hash, and not serialising the table or chain directly lets you vary the exact implementation between save and load.