Django through apache - django

I am having a great deal of trouble deploying a django website written for 1.3 behind apache using django 1.4 and wsgi. There is also a wordpress site running on the same domain too. Ideally I would like to have django site running on [domain]/app/.
Does anybody have any links to a good tutorial. I am having a lot of trouble working out where to put file. It keeps saying it cannot find it.

When I was recently working to deploy my first django project, I found this tutorial helpful. It independently tests if django and wsgi are working using simple "hello world" applications for each and gives an example of how to make the file work right. I think it's not really a question of putting in the right place; it's more a question of telling Apache where is. If you can get the tutorial working it ought to be relatively straightforward to get your full django site working.

For the Django site, should simply be a matter of having:
WSGIScriptAlias /app /some/path/project/
In other words, the '/app' mount point is used with WSGIScriptAlias instead of '/' that many examples use.
If using login features, you may also need to set LOGIN_URL etc in Django settings file however, as it doesn't automatically incorporate in the mount point.


How to set virtualenv to stay active on a host server

I created a website that uses vuejs as the frontend and django as the backend with another service running behind everything that im making api calls to.
So django is setup in a way to look at the dist folder of Vuejs and serve it if you run runserver. but the problem is that my service that I created is
is also in python and it needs to run in a virtualenv in order to work (It uses tensorflow 1.15.2 and this can only run in a contained environment)
I'm sitting here and wondering how I can deploy the django application and keep the virtualenv active and Im coming up with nothing, I've tried doing some research on this but everything I found was not relevant to my problem. I've deployed it and when I close the ssh connection the virtualenv stops.
If there is anyone that can enlighten my ways I would appreciate it.
i think you need to nginx:
if you are search for keep states just in terminal i suggest tmux
You can use uWSGI and nginx to deploy Django apps on server. Here's helpful articles:
Django official docs also has a page about it:
There are articles from developers so you can refer them in case you get stuck anywhere:

Django models missing. Why my django models disappeared on production server, if on development server runs fine?

im running django development server and all models works fine..
But when i have configured and run apache through wsgi, only "Groups" and "Users" could be administrated, my own models disappears:
screenshot of admin pages from development server and production server
Why, please?
(After first comments here is my edit:)
I want to use django on localhost only, to fill and administrate small database file. Project is not intended for web hosting yet. I have no html views and templates defined. So I have try some simple view for testing purposes only, and problem is the same. Web server cant find some includes..:
image2: simple view also dosen't work
Make sure your production settings file has all the apps included. Normally when you don't see your admin models its due to the app missing from the list of apps included in
Had the exact same problem. Had to restart uwsgi
sudo service uwsgi restart
Maybe for you it's wsgi or apache. Something in the pipeline needs to know you changed some python code.

Django site on Webfaction - how the flow of information works, and integrating with Pycharm remote dev

I have been learning Django in the development mode for a two months and I am up to speed with most basic aspects of python + django now. However, I was using the built-in runserver till this time
Now, I have got a Webfaction hosting account and wanted to know the following
1) Webfaction sets up the project with a certain Django version (say 1.6.4) and Python version (say 2.7) initially
The project directory (for say project MYAPP) is /<>/webapps/MYAPP
When the site is running in production mode, how does the apache server know which Python version, and which site-packages versions to use with the MYAPP source code to render the site?
I can see that the MYAPP folder has a lib/python2.7 folder, however when I am connected to SSH terminal, and do a "which python", i see :
which python
so, do I take that this is the Python executable that is being used for rendering the website instead of the one in webapps/MYSITE/lib/python2.7 folder? How does the information/data flow about which programs to use during rendering the site with apache mod_wsgi work?
2) I was using a virtualenv in the development mode during testing. How do I use this on webfaction in production mode?
3) I am using Pycharm IDE. It worked well for the development mode. I can see that it has a remote interpreter configuration and a Deployment setting/option.
The python path that the remote interpreter settings tool detects automatically is the python executable at /usr/local/bin/python
Is this fine, or should I be pointing it to the more local python2.7 in the webapps/lib folder?
Thanks a lot of the answers and pls let me know if you need any supplemental info
Note to the OP: This should really be three separate questions.
1) For WebFaction, your Django app will use the Python version (and libraries, etc.) defined in:
Specifically, you'll want to look at what is defined for WSGIPythonPath (which should mostly match up with WSGIDaemonProcess unless you modify the config and are doing something strange).
Note that which python just tells you what the default python is in your shell. This has nothing to do with the config file for the webapp.
2) You may want to expand on this as to exactly what your use case is and why the default Django webapp created by WebFaction doesn't fit your needs. But the short answer is:
Create a virtualenv on your WebFaction account.
Install Django, etc. into the virtualenv.
Edit the httpd.conf file I mentioned above to use your virtualenv instead.
I've done this with both a Django webapp made via the WebFaction control panel and via a custom mod_wsgi webapp. So it does work. Just make sure to use the right Python version when making your virtualenv.
3) I don't use PyCharm so I can't answer this (one reason why this question should be split up).

What would be a nice (almost perfect) django settings and apache conf configuration?

I know it is a bit a newbie question,
and that by reading a lot of docs about django and apache
I might find my perfect configuration..
But I am still a bit confused also because if you google you
find a lot about devel but little about running systems.
So I'd like to collect here a bit of additional info.
I decided that it is better to have a local server for
development then to use the:
python ./ runserver
[it works fine for small projects and apps but as soon as you start
to get close to real it gets complicated]
What I know is:
- Static files will be served by the apache.
What I guess is:
I guess that django will address these files to the apache
which will be "ignored"(?) by django.
These are the settings: MEDIA_ROOT, MEDIA_URL
I am not sure about: STATIC_ROOT, STATIC_URL
[ok, assuming I do not mess up the]
Now the title question:
What would be a good apache (and unix permissions) configuraton?
How can I distinguish between MEDIA and STATIC?
Maybe I do miss something.
At present I have these aliases in apache:
Alias /admin-media /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/contrib/admin/media
Alias /things_media /home/udev/prj/DjangoSite/www/things_media

How to use django "site" framework on google app engine

I'm going to answer my question. I ask this so that other people who is still searching on how to create a django "site" will have a clear answer.
The django documentation had show how to use the django site framework. But strangely, after googling for quite a while, I can't find a good instruction on how to install the site framework. We all know to install an app, we put 'django.contrib.sites' on the INSTALLED_APP list. But how to add the site? Using the admin interface will result in error that say that the site framework is installed but no site is configured (Duhh!). So, we have to assign SITE_ID on the But what is the id? From some source, we know that the it has installed a default site by the domain But still what is the id? setting it to 0 or 1 will also result in error.
Just read the link:
Definitely the best tutorial I have found:
Flying with Django on GAE
With this I had my site on appspot after about half an hour.
The answer is....
First, put 'django.contrib.sites' on the installed app list like usual.
Then run
python syncdb
(At you project directory that is). Then, run:
python shell
Then, use the following sequence of code:
>>>import django.contrib.sites.models as mod
Make sure it prints out 1. If it doesn't you probably haven't run syncdb properly.
It will print your default site id. SITE_ID (in the number given. That should do it. At least on development server.
ps: Strangely, mine is 383L. Not 0 or 1. This is probably google app engine with django nonrel specific.