How do I convert from CSpDynamicString to `char *` with ATL? - atl

I'm writing a custom text-to-speech program that uses SAPI 5, and one problem I'm facing is that enumerating voices with SpEnumTokens and iterating over them produces CSpDynamicString objects.
My question is, how do I convert CSpDynamicString to char * so I could printf them?
It looks like I've to use some kind of text-conversion macro from ATL. I found an example that does this (given dstrDesc is CSpDynamicString):
CSpDynamicString dstrDesc;
SpGetDescription(voiceToken, &dstrDesc);
printf("%s\n", W2T(dstrDesc));
However this only prints the first character of the voice name!
Any ideas?

CSpDynamicString implements an operator to convert to WCHAR* and also manages the LPWSTR pointer internally. So, W2T gets you LPTSTR pointer as printf argument. If you have a Unicode build, this is results still in a WCHAR* pointer and printf("%s"... expects CHAR* argument - this is where you can have the problem you are describing.
Try it this way:
CSpDynamicString dstrDesc;
SpGetDescription(voiceToken, &dstrDesc);
printf("%ls\n", (WCHAR*) dstrDesc);


Conversion (const char*) var goes wrong

I need to convert from CString to double in Embedded Visual C++, which supports only old style C++. I am using the following code
CString str = "4.5";
double var = atof( (const char*) (LPCTSTR) str )
and resutlt is var=4.0, so I am loosing decimal digits.
I have made another test
LPCTSTR str = "4.5";
const char* var = (const char*) str
and result again var=4.0
Can anyone help me to get a correct result?
The issue here is, that you are lying to the compiler, and the compiler trusts you. Using Embedded Visual C++ I'm going to assume, that you are targeting Windows CE. Windows CE exposes a Unicode API surface only, so your project is very likely set to use Unicode (UTF-16 LE encoding).
In that case, CString expands to CStringW, which stores code units as wchar_t. When doing (const char*) (LPCTSTR) str you are then casting from a wchar_t const* to a char const*. Given the input, the first byte has the value 52 (the ASCII encoding for the character 4). The second byte has the value 0. That is interpreted as the terminator of the C-style string. In other words, you are passing the string "4" to your call to atof. Naturally, you'll get the value 4.0 as the result.
To fix the code, use something like the following:
CStringW str = L"4.5";
double var = _wtof( str.GetString() );
_wtof is a Microsoft-specific extension to its CRT.
Note two things in particular:
The code uses a CString variant with explicit character encoding (CStringW). Always be explicit about your string types. This helps read your code and catch bugs before they happen (although all those C-style casts in the original code defeats that entirely).
The code calls the CString::GetString member to retrieve a pointer to the immutable buffer. This, too, makes the code easier to read, by not using what looks to be a C-style cast (but is an operator instead).
Also consider defining the _CSTRING_DISABLE_NARROW_WIDE_CONVERSION macro to prevent inadvertent character set conversions from happening (e.g. CString str = "4.5";). This, too, helps you catch bugs early (unless you defeat that with C-style casts as well).
CString is not const char* To convert a TCHAR CString to ASCII, use the CT2A macro - this will also allow you to convert the string to UTF8 (or any other Windows code page):
// Convert using the local code page
CString str(_T("Hello, world!"));
CT2A ascii(str);
TRACE(_T("ASCII: %S\n"), ascii.m_psz);
// Convert to UTF8
CString str(_T("Some Unicode goodness"));
CT2A ascii(str, CP_UTF8);
TRACE(_T("UTF8: %S\n"), ascii.m_psz);
Found a solution using scanf
CString str="4.5"
double var=0.0;
_stscanf( str, _T("%lf"), &var );
This gives a correct result var=4.5
Thanks everyone for comments and help.

how to convert char array to LPCTSTR

I have function like this which takes variable number of argument and constructs
the string and passes it to another function to print the log .
logverbose( const char * format, ... )
char buffer[1024];
va_list args;
va_start (args, format);
vsprintf (buffer,format, args);
va_end (args);
Instead of using buffer[1024] is there any other way? since log can be bigger or very smaller . All this am writing in C++ code please let me know if there is better way to do this .....
You can probably just pass it:
LOGWriteEntry (buffer);
If you are using ancient memory models with windows, you might have to explicitly cast it:
LOGWriteEntry ((LPCTSTR) buffer);
LPCTSTr is Long Pointer to a Const TCHAR STRing. (I overlooked the TCHAR) with the first answer.
You'll have to use the MultiByteToWideChar function to copy buffer to another buffer and pass that to the function:
w_char buf2 [1024];
MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 0, buffer, -1, buf2, sizeof buf2);
LOGWriteEntry (buf2);
A good way to proceed might be from among these alternatives:
Design the logverbose function to use TCHAR rather than char; or
Find out if the logging API provides a char version of LOGWriteEntry, and use that alternative.
If no char version of LOGWriteEntry exists, extend that API by writing one. Perhaps it can be written as a cut-and-paste clone of LOGWriteEntry, with all TCHAR use replaced by char, and lower-level functions replaced by their ASCII equivalents. For example, if LOGWriteEntry happens to call the Windows API function ReportEvent, your LOGWriteEntryA version could call ReportEventA.
Really, in modern applications, you should just forget about char and just use wchar_t everywhere (compatible with Microsoft's WCHAR). Under Unicode builds, TCHAR becomes WCHAR. Even if you don't provide a translated version of your program (all UI elements and help text is English), a program which uses wide characters can at least input, process and output international text, so it is "halfway there".

how to convert or cast CString to LPWSTR?

I tried to use this code:
LPWSTR temp = A2W(selectedFileName);
but when I check the temp variable, just get the first character
thanks in advance
If I recall correctly, CString is typedef'd to either CStringA or CStringW, depending on whether you're building Unicode or not.
LPWSTR is a "Long Pointer to a Wide STRing" -- aka: wchar_t*
If you want to pass a CString to a function that takes LPWSTR, you can do:
some_function(LPWSTR str);
// if building in unicode:
// if building in ansi:
// The better way, especially if you're building in both string types:
HOWEVER LPWSTR is non-const access to a string. Are you using a function that tries to modify the string? If so, you want to use an actual buffer, not a CString.
Also, when you "check" temp -- what do you mean? did you try cout << temp? Because that won't work (it will display just the first character):
char uses one byte per character. wchar_t uses two bytes per character. For plain english, when you convert it to wide strings, it uses the same bytes as the original string, but each character gets padded with a zero. Since the NULL terminator is also a zero, if you use a poor debugger or cout (which is uses ANSI text), you will only see the first character.
If you want to print a wide string to standard out, use wcout.
In short: You cannot. If you need a non-const pointer to the underlying character buffer of a CString object you need to call GetBuffer.
If you need a const pointer you can simply use static_cast<LPCWSTR>(selectedFilename).
I know this is a decently old question, but I had this same question and none of the previous answers worked for me.
This, however, did work for my unicode build:
LPWSTR temp = (LPWSTR)(LPCWSTR)selectedFileName;
LPWSTR is a "Long Pointer to a Wide String". It is like wchar*.
CString strTmp = "temp";
wchar* szTmp;
szTmp = new WCHAR[wcslen(strTmp) + 1];
wcscpy_s(szTmp, wcslen(strTmp) + 1, strTmp);

Convert CString to character array?

How to convert CString in MFC to char[] (character array)
You use CString::GetBuffer() to get the TCHAR[] - the pointer to the buffer. If you compiled without UNICODE defined that's enough - TCHAR is same as char, otherwise you'll have to allocate a separate buffer and use WideCharToMultiByte() for conversion.
I struggled with this, but what I use now is this: (UNICODE friendly)
CString strCommand("My Text to send to DLL.");
char strPass[256];
strcpy_s( strPass, CStringA(strCommand).GetString() );
// CStringA is a non-wide/unicode character version of CString
This will then put your null terminated char array in strPass for you.
Also, if you control the DLL on the other side, specifying your parameters as:
const char* strParameter
rather than
char strParameter*
will "likely" convert CStrings for you with the default casting generally being effective.
You can use GetBuffer function to get the character buffer from CString.
Calling only the GetBuffer method is not sufficient, you'll need too copy this buffer to the array.
For example:
CString sPath(_T("C:\temp\"));
_tcscpy(szDisplayName, sPath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH));
As noted elsewhere, if You need to port CString for warning C4840: non-portable f.
The quick, Unicode && Multibyte striong conversion is using:
//was: Str1.Format( szBuffer, m_strName );
Str1.Format(szBuffer, static_cast<LPCTSTR>(m_strName) );

Pass an element from C type string array to a COM object as BSTR? (in C++)

I am writing a C++ DLL that is called by an external program.
1.) I take an array of strings (as char *var) as an argument from this program.
2.) I want to iterate through this array and call a COM function on each element of the string array. The COM function must take a BSTR:
DLL_EXPORT(void) runUnitModel(char *rateMaterialTypeNames) {
HRESULT hr = CoInitialize(NULL);
// Create the interface pointer.
IUnitModelPtr pIUnit(__uuidof(BlastFurnaceUnitModel));
int i;
for(i=0; i < sizeOfPortRatesArray; i++)
pIUnit->createPort(SysAllocString(BSTR((const char *)rateMaterialTypeNames[i])));
I think its the SysAllocString(BSTR((const char *)rateMaterialTypeNames[i])) bit that is giving me problems. I get an access violation when the programs runs.
Is this the right way to access the value of the rateMaterialTypeName at i? Note I am expecting something like "IronOre" as the value at i, not a single character.
If you're using Microsofts ATL, you can use the CComBSTR class.
It will accept a char* and create a BSTR from it, also, you don't need to worry about deleting the BSTR, all that happens in the dtor for CComBSTR.
Also, see Matthew Xaviers answer, it doesn't look like you're passing your array of strings into that function properly.
Hope this helps
Because a variable holding a C string is just a pointer to the first element (a char*), in order to pass an array of C strings, the parameter to your function should be a char**:
DLL_EXPORT(void) runUnitModel(char **rateMaterialTypeNames)
This way, when you evaluate rateMaterialTypeNames[i], the result will be a char*, which is the parameter type you need to pass to SysAllocString().
Added note: you will also need to convert the strings to wide chars at some point, as Tommy Hui's answer points out.
If the parameter to the function rateMaterialTypeNames is a string, then
is a character and not a string. You should use just the parameter name itself.
In addition, casts in general are bad. The conversion to a BSTR is a big flag. The parameter type for SysAllocString is
const OLECHAR*
which for 32-bit compilers is a wide character. So this will definitely fail because the actual parameter is a char*.
What the code needs is a conversion of narrow string to a wide string.
const OLECHAR* pOleChar = A2COLE( *pChar );
BSTR str = SysAllocString( pOleChar );
// do something with the 'str'
SysFreeString( str ); // need to cleanup the allocated BSTR