Priority Queue - Binary Heap - c++

I'm trying to implement a priority queue as an sorted array backed minimum binary heap. I'm trying to get the update_key function to run in logarithmic time, but to do this I have to know the position of the item in the array. Is there anyway to do this without the use of a map? If so, how? Thank you

If you really want to be able to change the key of an arbitrary element, a heap is not the best choice of data structure. What it gives you is the combination of:
compact representation (no pointers, just an array and an implicit
indexing scheme)
logarithmic insertion, rebalancing
logarithmic removal of the smallest (largest) element.
O(1) access to the value of the smallest (largest) element. -
A side benefit of 1. is that the lack of pointers means you do substantially fewer calls to malloc/free (new/delete).
A map (represented in the standard library as a balanced binary tree) gives you the middle two of these, adding in
logarithmic find() on any key.
So while you could attach another data structure to your heap, storing pointers in the heap and then making the comparison operator dereference through the pointer, you'd pretty soon find yourself with the complexity in time and space of just using a map in the first place.

Your find key function should operate in log(n) time. Your updating (changing the key) should be constant time. Your remove function should run in log(n) time. Your insert function should be log(n) time.
If these assumptions are true try this:
1) Find your item in your heap (IE: binary search, since it is a sorted array).
2) Update your key (you're just changing a value, constant time)
3) Remove the item from the heap log(n) to reheapify.
4) Insert your item into the heap log(n).
So, you'd have log(n) + 1 + log(n) + log(n) which reduces to log(n).
Note: this is amortized, because if you have to realloc your array, etc... that adds overhead. But you shouldn't do that very often anyway.

That's the tradeoff of the array-backed heap: you get excellent memory use (good locality and minimal overhead), but you lose track of the elements. To solve it, you have to add back some overhead.
One solution would be this. The heap contains objects of type C*. C is a class with an int member heap_index, which is the index of the object in the heap array. Whenever you move an element inside the heap array, you'll have to update its heap_index to set it to the new index.
Update_key (as well as removal of an arbitrary element) is then log(n) time because it takes constant time to find the element (via heap_index), and log(n) time to bubble it into the correct position.


fastest non-destructive method to get sorted version of a heap?

I have a priority heap holding an event queue.
I need to dump this out for the user in order, but without rendering the heap unusable.
Obviously if I was willing to destroy it I could simply dequeue events until it was empty, and add them in order to my sorted list. But then of course the heap is gone. Further, Quicksort is so much faster than a heap sort that I don't have confidence that I can build this sorted list faster than I can make a copy of the heap and sort the copy.
One idea I had was to in fact destroy the heap by dequeueing all its items, but then... replacing the now-empty priority queue with the resulting sorted list, which should maintain the heap property (of cell i being a higher priority than cell i * 2+1 and i * 2+2). So I'm also wondering whether such a heap would perform better than a regular heap.
The easiest solution is just to copy the heap array, and sort the copy. But some sorts do a bad job when given sorted or somewhat-sorted data, and I'm wondering whether the Standard C++ library's sort (or C qsort()) could be trusted to handle sorting a heap as efficiently?
Conversely, while quicksort is far faster than heapsort in the general case, this isn't the general case. The array is already heapified, which is the first half the work of heapsort. It'd be plausible that pulling the heap items out in order (the second half) could be faster than quicksort. So I'm wondering if there's a research result that it is faster to 1) copy heapified array, 2) pull items out in order and place at end of copy, and 3) reverse copy, is typically faster than quicksort. (Or, pull items out in order and place at second new array, and use that as your return value. I suspect the reversal stage may be better than increasing the cache lines needed.)
It looks to me like you're concerned about a performance problem that isn't really a problem. As I understand it, modern C++ implementations of sort use Introsort, which avoids the pathological worst-case times of a naïve Quicksort. And the difference between Quicksort and Heapsort, in the context of generating user output, is not large enough to be a concern.
Just copy the heap and sort it. Or sort the heap directly and output the result, provided of course that doing so doesn't break the heap.
You asked if a sorted heap performs better than a non-sorted heap. No. When adding an item, you still add it as the last node and sift it up. Half of the nodes in a heap are at the leaf level and assuming a uniform distribution of new items, then half of the items you add will end up at the leaf level, requiring no swaps. Worst case is if every item you add ends up being the smallest (in a min-heap), in which case every time you add an item it will take log(n) swaps to move it to the root. Now, if every item added is larger than any other item in the heap, then of course addition is O(1). But that's true regardless of whether the heap was initially created from a sorted array.
Deleting an item from the heap requires that you replace the root item with an item from the leaf level and then sift it down. In a sorted heap, the likelihood that the replacement item will end up back down at the leaf level is very high, which means that adjusting the heap will require the maximum log(n) swaps. A sorted heap almost guarantees that removal will require the maximum number of swaps. In this case, a sorted heap is potentially worse in terms of performance than a heap constructed from a randomly-arranged array.
But all that changes quickly as you begin adding items to and removing items from the heap. The heap becomes "not sorted" fairly quickly.
Over the life of the priority queue, it's highly unlikely that the initial order of items will make any noticeable difference in the performance of your binary heap.
With the usual heap implementation, just sort the heap in place. A sorted list satisfies the heap condition for a min-heap. Alternately if you sort the heap descending, you satisfy the heap condition for a max-heap. And you can always sort it one way and traverse another if that is what you need.
Note that the sort::heap documentation warns about breaking the heap condition. Be careful that you know you haven't if you are changing the heap data in place.

How do you update values in priority_queue, or is there another way to update keys in heaps in c++

I was going through Djikstra's algorithm when I noticed, I could update keys in heap(with n keys) in O(logn) time (last line in the pseudocode). How do I update keys in heaps in C++, is there any method in priority_queues to do this? Or do I have to write my own heap class to do achieve updates in O(logn) like this?
Edit 1:
Clarifying my need - for a binary heap with n elements -
1) Should insert new values and find & pop minimum values in O(logn)
2) Should update already present keys in O(logn)
I tried to come up with a way to implement this using make_heap, push_heap, pop_heap, and a custom function for update as John Ding suggested.
However I am facing a problem in making the function, I first need to find the location of the key in the heap. Doing this under O(logn) in a heap requires a lookup array for position of keys in heap, see here (I don't know of any other way). However these lookup tables won't be updated when I call push_heap or pop_heap.
You can optimize dijktra algorithm with priority_queue. It is implemented by a binary heap, where you can pop the top or push in a element in O(logN) time. However, due to the encapsulation of priority_queue, you cannot modify the key(more pricisely, decrease the key) of any element.
So our method is to push multiple elements into the heap regardless of whether we have multiple elements refering to the same node.
for example, when
Node N : distance = 30, GraphNode = A(where A refers to one node in the graph, while N is one node in the heap)
is already in the heap, then using the priority_queue cannot help you do such a operation when we try to relax Node N:
decrease_key_to(N, 20)
by decreasing key can make the heap always include less than N elements, but it's cannot be implemented by priority_queue
What we can do with it is to add another node in the heap:
Node N2 : distance = 20, GraphNode = A
push N2 into the heap
That's corresponding to priority_queue::push
So you may need to implement a binary heap supporting decrease_key yourself or find an implementation online, and store a table of pointers pointing to every element in a heap to know access elements through nodes in the graph.
As an extension, using Fibonacci heap can even make decrease_key faster, that's the ultimate level of Dijkstra, Haha :)
Problem of last version of my answer:
We cannot locate the element pushed in to the heap using push_heap.
In order to do this, you need more than the priority_queue provides: you need to know where in the underlying container the element to be updated is stored. In a binary heap, for example, you need to know the position of the element for which you want to change the priority. With this you can change the priority of the element and then restore the heap property in O(log n) by bubbling the modified element up or down.
For Dijkstra, if I remember correctly, something called Fibonacci heap is more efficient than a binary heap.
Unfortunately, std::priority_queue doesn't support updates of entries in the heap, but you may be able to invalidate entries in the heap and wait for them to percolate up to the root from where they can eventually be deleted. So instead of changing an existing entry, you invalidate it and insert another one with the new priority. Whether you can live with the consequences of having invalid entries filling up the heap, is for you to judge.
For an idea how this might work in practice, see here.

STL priority_queue<pair> vs. map

I need a priority queue that will store a value for every key, not just the key. I think the viable options are std::multi_map<K,V> since it iterates in key order, or std::priority_queue<std::pair<K,V>> since it sorts on K before V. Is there any reason I should prefer one over the other, other than personal preference? Are they really the same, or did I miss something?
A priority queue is sorted initially, in O(N) time, and then iterating all the elements in decreasing order takes O(N log N) time. It is stored in a std::vector behind the scenes, so there's only a small coefficient after the big-O behavior. Part of that, though, is moving the elements around inside the vector. If sizeof (K) or sizeof (V) is large, it will be a bit slower.
std::map is a red-black tree (in universal practice), so it takes O(N log N) time to insert the elements, keeping them sorted after each insertion. They are stored as linked nodes, so each item incurs malloc and free overhead. Then it takes O(N) time to iterate over them and destroy the structure.
The priority queue overall should usually have better performance, but it's more constraining on your usage: the data items will move around during iteration, and you can only iterate once.
If you don't need to insert new items while iterating, you can use std::sort with a std::vector, of course. This should outperform the priority_queue by some constant factor.
As with most things in performance, the only way to judge for sure is to try it both ways (with real-world testcases) and measure.
By the way, to maximize performance, you can define a custom comparison function to ignore the V and compare only the K within the pair<K,V>.

Looking for clarification on Hashing and BST functions and Big O notation

So I am trying to understand the data types and Big O notation of some functions for a BST and Hashing.
So first off, how are BSTs and Hashing stored? Are BSTs usually arrays, or are they linked lists because they have to point to their left and right leaves?
What about Hashing? I've had the most trouble finding clear information regarding Hashing in terms of computation-based searching. I understand that Hashing is best implemented with an array of chains. Is this for faster searching or to decrease overhead on creating the allocated data type?
This following question might be just bad interpretation on my part, but what makes a traversal function different from a search function in BSTs, Hashing, and STL containers?
Is traversal Big O(N) for BSTS because you're actually visiting each node/data member, whereas search() can reduce its time by eliminating half the searching field?
And somewhat related, why is it that in the STL, list.insert() and list.erase() have a Big O(1) whereas the vector and deque counterparts are O(N)?
Lastly, why would a vector.push_back() be O(N)? I thought the function could be done something along the lines of this like O(1), but I've come across text saying it is O(N):
vector<int> vic(2,3);
vector<int>::const iterator IT = vic.end();
//wanna insert 4 to the end using push_back
(*IT) = 4;
hopefully this works. I'm a bit tired but I would love any explanations why something similar to that wouldn't be efficient or plausible. Thanks
BST's (Ordered Binary Trees) are a series of nodes where a parent node points to its two children, which in turn point to their max-two children, etc. They're traversed in O(n) time because traversal visits every node. Lookups take O(log n) time. Inserts take O(1) time because internally they don't need to a bunch of existing nodes; just allocate some memory and re-aim the pointers. :)
Hashes (unordered_map) use a hashing algorithm to assign elements to buckets. Usually buckets contain a linked list so that hash collisions just result in several elements in the same bucket. Traversal will again be O(n), as expected. Lookups and inserts will be amortized O(1). Amortized means that on average, O(1), though an individual insert might result in a rehashing (redistribution of buckets to minimize collisions). But over time the average complexity is O(1). Note, however, that big-O notation doesn't really deal with the "constant" aspect; only order of growth. The constant overhead in the hashing algorithms can be high enough that for some data-sets the O(log n) binary trees outperform the hashes. Nevertheless, the hash's advantage is that its operations are constant time-complexity.
Search functions take advantage (in the case of binary trees) of the notion of "order"; a search through a BST has the same characteristics as a basic binary search over an ordered array. O(log n) growth. Hashes don't really "search". They compute the bucket, and then quickly run through the collisions to find the target. That's why lookups are constant time.
As for insert and erase; in array-based sequence containers, all elements that come after the target have to be bumped over to the right. Move semantics in C++11 can improve upon the performance, but the operation is still O(n). For linked sequence containers (list, forward_list, trees), insertion and erasing just means fiddling with some pointers internally. It's a constant-time process.
push_back() will be O(1) until you exceed the existing allocated capacity of the vector. Once the capacity is exceeded, a new allocation takes place to produce a container that is large enough to accept more elements. All the elements need to then be moved into the larger memory region, which is an O(n) process. I believe Move Semantics can help here as well, but it's still going to be O(n). Vectors and strings are implemented such that as they allocate space for a growing data set, they allocate more than they need, in anticipation of additional growth. This is an efficiency safeguard; it means that the typical push_back() won't trigger a new allocation and move of the entire data set into a larger container. But eventually after enough push_backs, the limit will be reached, and the vector's elements will be copied into a larger container, which again has some extra headroom left over for more efficient push_backs.
Traversal refers to visiting every node, whereas search is only to find a particular node, so your intuition is spot on there. O(N) complexity because you need to visit N nodes.
std::vector::insert is for insert in the middle, and it involves copying all subsequent elements over by one slot, inorder to make room for the element being inserted, hence O(N). Linked list doesnt have this issue, hence O(1). Similar logic for erase. deque properties are similar to vector
std::vector::push_back is a O(1) operation, for the most part, only deviates if capacity is exceeded and reallocations + copy are needed.

performance of array vs. map

I have to loop over a subset of elements in a large array where each element point to another one (problem coming from the detection of connected component in a large graph).
My algo is going as follows:
1. consider 1st element
2. consider next element as the one pointed by the previous element.
3. loop until no new element is discover
4. consider next element not already consider in 1-3, get back to 1.
Note that the number of elements to consider is much smaller than the total number of elements.
For what I see now, I can either:
//create a map of all element, init all values to 0, set to 1 when consider
map<int,int> is_set; // is_set.size() will be equal to N
//create a (too) large array (total size), init to 0 the elements to consider
int* is_set = (int*)malloc(total_size * sizeof(int)); // is_set length will be total_size>>N
I know that accessing keys in map is O(log N) while it's only constant for arrays, but I don't know if malloc is not more costly at the creation while it also requires more memory?
When in doubt, measure the performance of both alternatives. That's the only way to know for sure which approach will be fastest for your application.
That said, a one-time large malloc is generally not terribly expensive. Also, although the map is O(log N), the big-O conceals a relatively large constant factor, at least for the std::map implementation, in my experience. I would not be surprised to find that the array approach is faster in this case, but again the only way to know for sure is to measure.
Keep in mind too that although the map does not have a large up-front memory allocation, it has many small allocations over the lifetime of the object (every time you insert a new element, you get another allocation, and every time you remove an element, you get another free). If you have very many of these, that can fragment your heap, which may negatively impact performance depending on what else your application might be doing at the same time.
If indexed search suits your needs (like provided by regular C-style arrays), probably std::map is not the right class for you. Instead, consider using std::vector if you need dynamic run-time allocation or std::array if your collection is fixed-sized and you just need the fastest bounds-safe alternative to a C-style pointer.
You can find more information on this previous post.
I know that accessing keys in map is O(log N) while it's only constant for arrays, but I don't know if malloc is not more costly at the creation while it also requires more memory?
Each entry in the map is dynamically allocated, so if the dynamic allocation is an issue it will be a bigger issue in the map. As of the data structure, you can use a bitmap rather than a plain array of int's. That will reduce the size of the array by a factor of 32 in architectures with 32bit ints, the extra cost of mapping the index into the array will in most cases be much smaller than the cost of the extra memory, as the structure is more compact and can fit in fewer cache lines.
There are other things to consider, as whether the density of elements in the set is small or not. If there are very few entries (i.e. the graph is sparse) then either option could be fine. As a final option you can manually implement the map by using a vector of pair<int,int> and short them, then use binary search. That will reduce the number of allocations, incur some extra cost in sorting and provide a more compact O(log N) solution than a map. Still, I would try to go for the bitmask.