Very Strange JSAPI Visualization Charts slow loading - google-visualization

I know similar question have been asked earlier. But I rather explain mine because I feel there is a larger issue at hand.
Well I am working in a ASP.NET MVC environment. I have a set of jQuery and scripts being initialized in the _Layout.js file. I have added the at the end of all the remaining jQuery references.
1. Now, lately, not always, but sometimes (which is frequent for the last 4 days actually)... I realized my Google charts were not loading or were loading extremely slowly.
I used fiddler, I used firebug etc, but the request stop and waits and waits and keeps waiting at the stage where browser calls "Sending request google...."
I assumed it was because of fiddler and firebug there was some delay, but it was not. So this is what I tried, whenever the problem occurs I immediately switched off all fiddlers and firebugs and opened Command prompt and did a ping "Request Timed Out". I immediatly also opened browser and tried to open at this moment... It searched and then suddenly redirected to as I am located in India.
Now, did anybody face such similar problem recently? I hope this is temporary... or is there anything I am missing?


Overleaf lost connection every several minutes

I have two windows computers, both using the Microsoft Edge browser. When I'm typing on the Overleaf website, the connection gets lost every 2-5 minutes. What's worse, some unsynced sentences are gone when the connection resumes. I'm not sure whether this is a network problem since all other websites look good, including Twitter and Gmail. I wondered if this is about the framework of what Overleaf cloud service used. Could anyone give some tips about the issue here?

How do I get past ColdFusion server-specific error code 2?

I had installed ColdFusion 2018 recently and with the installation less than a month old (and my understanding of the technology even less), my Cold Fusion service has stopped working. I have tried a number of things and have referred to a number of articles and out of many such errors where the service is not being accessible, some of them were able to get it resolved. However, some other obscure reason that may be causing this error have been untouched and unknown.
Whenever, I try to restart the service, I get an error as shown below:
Windows could not start the ColdFusion 8 Application Server on Local Computer. For more information, review the System Event Log. If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to server-specific code error 2.”
Without much understanding, I started to google it out. Looking into every one of these posts, I tried
Configure JRE and try to relaunch the service by looking at "JAVA_HOME" variable and JVM.config
Run the batch files in every possible combination to find if anything clicks
Check if the present JAVA version works and is compatible with Coldfusion version installed
Fiddling with the "SessionStorage" var in neo-runtime.xml file as some suggested
and few other tricks coupled with a numerous service restart attempts and a few machine reboots as well.
A service that renders Cold Fusion pages should be shut down abruptly. To add to agony, the CF Admin also depends on the service and hence does not work.
Any pointers to any potential solutions?

NACL Isn't Loading Modules?

I'm wanting to start developing with NaCl / Pepper and I've gotten my build environment working great, but I can't seem to use any of the examples in my browser.
I've enabled Native Client, debugging, etc. But none of the modules seem to trigger the 'loaded' event, so I have no idea what is going on. This goes for .pexe and .nexe
I have the git here, and I honestly have no idea if there's a problem with my build process, my browser configuration, or what. Has anybody got a clue what's going on here?
This is the closest I've gotten to an error message, and apparently this is a chrome runtime flag, but running chrome with this flag has no effect, and now instead of working, no messages are output.
Try disabling debugging. Enabling debugging means that the NaCl loader will start the Native Client module, and then immediately suspend it and wait for the debugger to connect (then you can resume it with the debugger). So if you don't connect a debugger it will just wait forever. Also if you want to use the debugger on Windows, you need to disable Chrome's sandbox to allow the local TCP connection (for the record, the error message that gets cut off in the screen shot links to the following chrome bug)

Can't reproduce situation with a tool (jmeter) that I can reproduce manually with two browser windows

I'm working on an online reservation system (the details aren't really relevant to my issue). It's mostly developped in C# with framework 4.0. I have a DB which contains, among other things, the products and the availability of these products. The DB is accessed by a web service, the latter being queried by a web application, which in turn sends the information to be displayed to the browser. Nothing too fancy in term of architecture, but I don't have much experience with that kind of system. This projet is quite old; it's been in development for a few years and I just hopped in six months ago, having no web programming experience before.
I'm currently experiencing concurrency problems. If I open two browsers window (any browser), enter the same query in both windows and post on both pages as fast as humanly possible, I get unhandled exception in my web service. One of the client gets the data, the other receives an error. EDIT : Also, I tested using two different computers simultaneously, and I still could get the unhandled exception.
I was able to trace the problem back to a cache system that was implemented almost a year ago. There's is no locking mecanism, and the cache uses a Dictionary (which is not thread-safe). A few Stack Overflow questions helped me in pinpointing the problem and how I should correct it (this one and that one for example).
That being said, I'm trying to reproduce the problem without having to manually click in two browser windows and hoping to get the right timing to access the same cache simultaneously. The reason I'm trying to do that is that I don't like implementing a solution that should work when I can't reliably prove it actually worked. Also, there's a lot of places where the cache has been (badly) implemented, and I'm not sure I can test all those places by "guessing" the right timing manually.
So, I downloaded Apache JMeter, and using Fiddler2 hooked up to my two browsers, I could find all the HTTP requests I needed to create a Test Plan that sends exactly the same requests.
But to my dismay, JMeter couldn't reproduce the problem, even if I set my Thread Group to create 40 concurrent users! Each one of them receives the data correctly, and none triggers the unhandled exception I am getting by doing it manually. I know it's not a cookie issue, nor a difference in user-agent, as I tested with multiple browsers and with disabled cookies. As the HTTP requests were created directly from Fiddler2, it shouldn't be an issue with hidden fields or URL rewriting, and there's no dynamic field names or content involved. I know Fiddler2 has a "replay" function, but even that couldn't reproduce the problem. This baffles me to no end.
So, my questions are : why can't I reproduce the problem with JMeter? Is there a better tool than JMeter (which is quite complete for a free software) to do that? What are the browsers doing that Jmeter doesn't do (apart from rendering the page, which is really not the issue here)?
Any thought would be much appreciated!
When you say 2 Windows are you sure they use 2 sessions, depending on the browser and the way you open the second window you won't get 2 sessions.
Are you sure you reproduced all the trafic between browser and server ?
If you have more than 1 request then you should Check if it's not 2 parallel Ajax requests from the browser , if so you must know That Without some custom scripting jmeter does not reproduce those 2 parallel request for same session(except for resources download), That might be your issue .
Philippe M.

mail.MailSpooler SpoolLockTimeoutException

An exception occurred when setting up mail server parameters. This
exception was caused by:
coldfusion.mail.MailSpooler$SpoolLockTimeoutException: A timeout
occurred while waiting for the lock on the mail spool directory..
Recently i started to get this nasty exception in my mail.log file. Once this exception shows up, every mail that is sent from that coldfusion instance throws the same exception.
The only thing that seems to work is to restart the coldfusion server. After (usually) a day or two the same exception pops up again and we're back in the same situation.
I am aware of the hotfix to control the mailspool timeout but all it does is increase the timeout from 30 to 60 seconds. Since the mails are sent successfully until i get the exception, i don't think this is my solution.
Also i read the thread in the adobe forum where people have installed the hotfix, but still get the error.
I also tried a script to restart only the mailservice when this exception showed up, but this didn't work for me, as it didn't for others with this problem. This would also not be a concrete solution.
The mails that i send arre simple html mails.
The number of mails sent spreaded over a day is not more then 30.
I've sent mails from
the exact same coldfusion server many times before, but with
<cfmail>. This is the first time i'm sending them in cfscript. I
don't know if this has anything to do with it, but it's only since
i'm using the cfscript equivalent of <cfmail> that i started to get
this exception.
All related blog posts that i could find are all unanswered but also pretty old. I thought that someone might have a solution by now.
(using coldfusion 9.0.1 server on windows 2008 server)
We were also experiencing this mail spool lock issue. After the issue occurred a fourth time in 2 months, we started reviewing these forums and found no solution.
This made me think that perhaps the solution and problem are not really CF at all, so I went into the server's virus protection and excluded the CF mail spool directory so that the virus protection does not touch the spool directory at all. So far, we have not had the problem again.
So I am not sure that this is the permanent fix, but it has worked so far for us. No outside entities create emails within our systems, so the directory should be relatively safe but not having email-outs work is not an option.
this chain from talkingtree might give some light:
what they are saying is that it could be an issue with disk activity taking to long. you can increase the mail spool timeout with the jvm argument: -Dcoldfusion.spooltimeout=120
oh.... one more thing. if you're using cfmail to email dumps when an error occurrs, make sure to add 'format="text"' to the cfdump tags. some of the emails can get pretty big and might be causing the error.