OOP Fortran: saving pointers to intent(IN) variables - fortran

I have a Fortran module that I want to organize following OOP philosophy as much as possible, while still making it compatible with Fortran 2003. This module basically: (a) allocs/frees temporary array buffers, and (b) provides a function do_F which operates on some data. This function do_F uses these temporary buffers, but also depends several auxiliary types.
It is clear to me that I should put the buffers into a type, and initialize/free when appropriate. However, since each call to do_F takes several arguments, I am sure what is the best design strategy to use.
To be more concrete, consider the following implementations:
Pass a large number of types every time do_F is called
type object_t
! lots of private buffers
real, allocatable :: buf1(:,:,:), buf2(:,:,:), etc.
end type object_t
subroutine init_object(this)
type(object_t), intent(INOUT) :: this
allocate( this%buf1(..., ..., ...) )
end subroutine init_object
subroutine do_F(this, data, aux1, aux2, ..., auxN)
type(object_t), intent(INOUT) :: this
type(data_t), intent(INOUT) :: data
type(aux1_t), intent(IN) :: aux1
!do stuff on data using the buffers and values stored
! in aux1 .. auxN
end subroutine do_F
Save the pointers to the types that do_F needs
type object_t
! lots of private buffers
real, allocatable :: buf1(:,:,:), buf2(:,:,:), etc.
! pointers to auxiliary types
type(aux1_t), pointer :: aux1_ptr
end type object_t
subroutine init_object(this, aux1, aux2, ..., auxN)
type(object_t), intent(INOUT) :: this
type(aux1_t), intent(IN), target :: aux1
allocate( this%buf1(..., ..., ...) )
this%aux1_ptr => aux1
end subroutine init_object
subroutine do_F(this, data)
type(object_t), intent(INOUT) :: this
type(data_t), intent(INOUT) :: data
!do stuff on data using the buffers and values stored
! in this%aux1_ptr .. this%auxN_ptr
end subroutine do_F
My specific questions are:
Is the implementation #2 valid? PGI compiler didn't complain about it, but I heard that an intent(IN) is no longer well defined after the function returns
Is there a performance loss by using this scheme with pointers? Even if I don't write into these aux_ptr's, will the compiler be able to optimize my code as well as in case #1?
Some notes:
The function do_F is called ~100 times, and each call takes a couple of minutes and operates on large arrays.
Apart from do_F, there are also do_G and do_H functions that operate on the same data and use the same aux variables. That is why I wanted to reduce the number of variables passed to the function in the first place.
I don't want to combine all the aux variables into one type, because they are used throughout the rest of a large HPC code.

Intent IN variables are well defined after return, if they were before the call. The procedure is not allowed to change them. An exception are the values of pointer variables, where you can change the value of the target, but not the association status of the pointer for intent(IN) pointer dummy arguments.
I'm not sure about the efficiency though. Version 2 looks nicer after a quick read.


How can I resolve the problem about intrinsic assignment between two polymorphic components into a type variables using Gfortran?

Gfortran 8.1 and 9.1 give me an error about intrinsic assignment between two polymorphic components into a type variables. I don't have any problem using intel compiler but no in the case in gfortran. I'm asking if someone know any workaround.
Here an example that you can try to compile.
Program Check
implicit none
!> Type definitions
Type :: Atm_Type
End Type Atm_Type
Type, extends (Atm_type) :: Atm_Std_Type
End Type Atm_Std_Type
Type, extends (Atm_std_type) :: Atm_Ref_Type
End Type Atm_Ref_Type
Type :: AtList_Type
integer :: Natoms
class(Atm_Type), dimension(:), allocatable :: Atom
end Type AtList_Type
!> Variables
type(AtList_Type) :: list
call sub(list)
Subroutine Sub(List)
!---- Argument ----!
type (AtList_Type), intent(in out) :: List
!---- Local Variables ----!
integer :: i
type (AtList_Type), allocatable :: local
if (List%natoms <= 0 ) return
do i=1, List%natoms
end do
End Subroutine Sub
End Program Check
Here the workaround is very simple and appeared in one of the recent questions/answers. Just copy the whole array
local%atom = list%atom
However, it is not always possible to do that when you really need to access individual elements. If your real use case is like that, show the real use case.
If the number of possible types inside is limited, you can also use the select type type guard, but often that is not possible either.

Writing assumed-size array causes "upper bound shall not be omitted..."

I am writing code to add on a closed-source Finite-Element Framework that forces me (due to relying on some old F77 style approaches) in one place to rely on assumed-size arrays.
Is it possible to write an assumed-size array to the standard output, whatever its size may be?
This is not working:
module fun
implicit none
subroutine writer(a)
integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: a
write(*,*) a
end subroutine writer
end module fun
program test
use fun
implicit none
integer, dimension(2) :: a
a(1) = 1
a(2) = 2
call writer(a)
end program test
With the Intel Fortran compiler throwing
error #6364: The upper bound shall not be omitted in the last dimension of a reference to an assumed size array.
The compiler does not know how large an assumed-size array is. It has only the address of the first element. You are responsible to tell how large it is.
write(*,*) a(1:n)
Equivalently you can use an explicit-size array
integer, intent(in) :: a(n)
and then you can do
write(*,*) a
An assumed-size array may not occur as a whole array reference when that reference requires the shape of the array. As an output item in a write statement that is one such disallowed case.
So, in that sense the answer is: no, it is not possible to have the write statement as you have it.
From an assumed-size array, array sections and array elements may appear:
write (*,*) a(1:2)
write (*,*) a(1), a(2)
write (*,*) (a(i), i=1,2)
leading simply to how to get the value 2 into the subroutine; at other times it may be 7 required. Let's call it n.
Naturally, changing the subroutine is tempting:
subroutine writer (a,n)
integer n
integer a(n) ! or still a(*)
end subroutine
or even
subroutine writer (a)
integer a(:)
end subroutine
One often hasn't a choice, alas, in particular when associating a procedure with a dummy procedure with a specific interface . However, n can get into the subroutine through any of several other ways: as a module or host entity, or through a common block (avoid this one if possible). These methods do not require modifying the interface of the procedure. For example:
subroutine writer(a)
use aux_params, only : n
integer, dimension(*), intent(in) :: a
write(*,*) a(1:n)
end subroutine writer
or we could have n as an entity in the module fun and have it accesible in writer through host association. In either case, setting this n's value in the main program before writer is executed will be necessary.

Have time in a pure manner in Fortran?

I am looking for a pure way to have access to time information. I thought about intrinsic functions and subroutines of standards compiler (date_and_time,cpu_time, system_clock, ltime, ctime, ...), the format do not really matter to me. I also thought about MPI function, but it is the same as intrinsic functions, there are all impure functions.
Here is a minimal example:
elemental subroutine add(message, text)
! function add
character(len=:),allocatable,intent(inout) :: message
character(len=*), intent(in) :: text
character(len=1), parameter :: nl=char(10)
character(10) :: time
! character(8) :: date
! time= 'hhmmss.sss'
call DATE_AND_TIME(time)
Message= Message//time////text//nl
end subroutine add
and I get a logical error :
Error: Subroutine call to intrinsic ‘date_and_time’ at (1) is not PURE
Thus, I am wandering if a pure way to have a time information exists, or if it is impossible to have it purely (maybe because it has to use cpu information which, for a reason unknown to me, could be thread-unsafe).
Maybe, a subquestion, could be is there a solution to force the compiler to consider date_and_time pure (or any other function of that kind)?
The answer about a pure manner to get time is no. A function that returns the current time or date, is impure because at different times it will yield different results—it refers to some global state.
There are certainly tricks to persuade the compiler that a subroutine is pure. One is to flat out lie in an interface block.
But there are consequences from lying to the compiler. It can do optimizations which are unsafe to do and the results will be undefined (most often correct anyway, but...).
module m
elemental subroutine add(text)
character(len=*), intent(in) :: text
character(len=1), parameter :: nl=char(10)
character(10) :: time
intrinsic date_and_time
pure subroutine my_date_and_time(time)
character(10), intent(out) :: time
end subroutine
end interface
call MY_DATE_AND_TIME(time)
end subroutine add
end module
program test
use m
call add("test")
end program
subroutine my_date_and_time(time)
character(10), intent(out) :: time
call date_and_time(time)
end subroutine
Notice I had to delete your message because that was absolutely incompatible with elemental.

Program stops due to array allocation in a function [duplicate]

The following code is returning a Segmentation Fault because the allocatable array I am trying to pass is not being properly recognized (size returns 1, when it should be 3). In this page (http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=170599) a similar example seems to indicate that it should work fine in F95; my code file has a .F90 extension, but I tried changing it to F95, and I am using gfortran to compile.
My guess is that the problem should be in the way I am passing the allocatable array to the subroutine; What am I doing wrong?
INTEGER :: iii,jjj
DO iii=1,3
DO jjj=1,3
CALL Subtest(Array)
SUBROUTINE Subtest(Array)
INTEGER :: iii,jjj
DO iii=1,SIZE(Array,1)
DO jjj=1,SIZE(Array,2)
If a procedure has a dummy argument that is an allocatable, then an explicit interface is required in any calling scope.
(There are numerous things that require an explicit interface, an allocatable dummy is but one.)
You can provide that explicit interface yourself by putting an interface block for your subroutine inside the main program. An alternative and far, far, far better option is to put the subroutine inside a module and then USE that module in the main program - the explicit interface is then automatically created. There is an example of this on the eng-tips site that you provided a link to - see the post by xwb.
Note that it only makes sense for a dummy argument to have the allocatable attribute if you are going to do something related to its allocation status - query its status, reallocate it, deallocate it, etc.
Please also note that your allocatable dummy argument array is declared with intent(in), which means its allocation status will be that of the associated actual argument (and it may not be changed during the procedure). The actual argument passed to your subroutine may be unallocated and therefore illegal to reference, even with an explicit interface. The compiler will not know this and the behaviour of inquiries like size is undefined in such cases.
Hence, you first have to check the allocation status of array with allocated(array) before referencing its contents. I would further suggest to implement loops over the full array with lbound and ubound, since in general you can't be sure about array's bounds:
subroutine subtest(array)
double precision, allocatable, intent(in) :: array(:,:)
integer :: iii, jjj
if(allocated(array)) then
print*, size(array, 1), size(array, 2)
do iii = lbound(array, 1), ubound(array, 1)
do jjj = lbound(array, 2), ubound(array, 2)
print*, array(iii,jjj)
end subroutine
This is a simple example that uses allocatable dummy arguments with a module.
module arrayMod
real,dimension(:,:),allocatable :: theArray
end module arrayMod
program test
use arrayMod
implicit none
subroutine arraySub
end subroutine arraySub
end interface
write(*,*) allocated(theArray)
call arraySub
write(*,*) allocated(theArray)
end program test
subroutine arraySub
use arrayMod
write(*,*) 'Inside arraySub()'
end subroutine arraySub

Array of unknown rank as subroutine argument

I am designing a module which works with the hdf5 Fortran library. This module contains subroutines to read and write arrays of different types and shapes to/from a file.
e.g. I wish to be able to call writeToHDF5(filepath, array) regardless of what the shape and type of array is. I realise that interfaces have to be used to achieve this with different types. I am however wondering if it is possible to have an assumed shape of the array.
if an array was defined such as
integer(kind=4), dimension(*),intent(in) :: array
and a two dimensional array was passed this would work. Is there any way to do this without creating separate subroutines for each shape of the array?
As Vladimir F says, Fortran 2015 adds "assumed-rank" - this is useful Fortran-Fortran (it was requested by MPI for the Fortran bindings), but when you receive such an array, you can't do much with it directly without additional complications. Several compilers support this already, but few (if any?) support the newly added SELECT RANK construct that make this a bit more useful.
You can, however, use C_LOC and C_F_POINTER to "cast" the assumed-rank dummy to a pointer to an array of whatever rank you like, so that's a possibility.
The standard (even back to Fortran 90) does give you an out here. If you write:call writeToHDF5(filepath, array(1,1)) (assuming array is rank 2 here), the explicit interface of the called procedure can specify any rank for the dummy argument through the magic of "sequence association". There are some restrictions, though - in particular the array is not allowed to be assumed-shape or POINTER.
I know that this comes out late, but for any future readers - the answer is actually yes.
This is a simple example of a procedure to read a single data-set of integers with any given shape. The inputs needed were read from the HDF5 using a single routine which does not require any special specification and are the same for integer, real, string and so on.
I have tested it on a "0-D" array (so size of (/1/) ), 1-D, 2-D, 3-D and 4-D arrays.
In all cases, the data was retrieved properly.
(Note: I removed some checks regarding the Errorflag, as they are not critical for the example)
subroutine ReadSingleDataset_int(FileName,DataName,DataType,Data_dims,Errorflag,InputArray)
implicit none
character(len=*), intent(in) :: FileName,DataName
integer(HID_T), intent(in) :: DataType
integer(hsize_t), dimension(:), intent(in) :: Data_dims
logical, intent(out) :: ErrorFlag
integer, dimension(*), intent(inout) :: InputArray
integer :: hdferr
integer(HID_T) :: file_id,dset_id
IF (.NOT.HDF5_initialized) THEN
CALL h5open_f(hdferr)
call h5fopen_f(trim(FileName),H5F_ACC_RDONLY_F, file_id, hdferr)
call h5dopen_f(file_id,trim(DataName),dset_id,hdferr)
call h5dread_f(dset_id,DataType,InputArray,Data_dims,hdferr)
call h5dclose_f(dset_id,hdferr)
call h5fclose_f(file_id,hdferr)
end subroutine ReadSingleDataset_int
My main interest in this now is - would it be possible to replace the type/class specific (integer/real/etc') with a generic one on the lines of:
class(*), dimension(*), intent(inout) :: InputArray
As I have several routines like that (for int, real, string) which only vary in that specification of the input type/class. If that limitation could be alleviated as well, that will be even more elegant.
(Just to point out the issue - the h5dread_f does not accept the buffer argument, InputArray in my case, to be unlimited polymorphic)