Interop exception with VC++ and MySQL C++ Connector - c++

I am helping a friend with his bachelor thesis project. It is a program that calculates bending moments for various materials. One of the extra requirements that the client desires is database functionality to store and retrieve various pieces of data being used in the program.
The program is a forms application written in managed C++. I jumped on board to help with writing the database functionality. I am using MySQL Server 5.5 and the MySQL Connector/C++ to bridge the program and the database. Everything has been going pretty well and all the functionality we need works just fine, but only in debug. As soon as we put the program into release mode there is undefined behavior occurring at runtime. Below is the function that is used to open a connection to the database:
m_driver = get_driver_instance();
m_conn = m_driver->connect(m_dbHost, m_dbUser, m_dbPwd);
catch(sql::SQLException &e)
int a = e.getErrorCode();
MessageBoxA(NULL, e.what(), "DB Error", MB_OK);
The values passed into the connect function are all std::string. In debug mode the connection is made with no issues. In release mode an exception is caught after the connect function is called, and displays the message "Unknown MySQL Server Host '####' (0)" where the #### is always some garbage text. I also notice that in the output window another exception is being thrown, this one is the type System.Runtime.InteropServices.SEHException.
I have been doing some research and have seen numerous cases of this exception on many forums (and here on stack exchange) but no one seems to be having this issue with the MySQL connector. My assumption is that the memory is being corrupted because the program is mixed mode, with the main program code being written in Managed C++ and my database helper code being in native C++ (as required by the connector).
Is there something I can change in my code to try and fix this issue to that the strings aren't being corrupted at run time. I have tried many different hacks to try and solve the problem but nothing has worked.
Update: I am now seeing this error in debug mode. I added code to retrieve values from the database and populate some text boxes on the form. The code is as follows:
// Populate the form with material details
String^ selectedMaterial = (String^)(comboBox1->SelectedItem);
string selectedMaterial_ = "";
MarshalString(selectedMaterial, selectedMaterial_);
sql::ResultSet* results = dbHelper.GetData("matname", selectedMaterial_);
if (results->rowsCount() == 1)
// Outdim
string outdim_ = "";
outdim_ = results->getString("outdim");
String^ outdim = gcnew String(outdim_.c_str());
textBox1->Text = outdim;
// !!!! Duplicate materials in list
When it tries to read outdim from the result set the SEHException is thrown, and the only other piece of information given is that it was thrown in an external component.
Update 2: I ran Application Verifier against the debug executable and then launched the program from VS2010. However the form window never loads so somewhere along the line the program must be getting halted. Strangely there is absolutely no information in the log files in Application Verifier. I also tried with the release version and I didnt get any useful information from that either.


redhawk module service function usage example crashes

So I am building a redhawk module and trying to just pass data through it as a test. After putting their example of how to work with input and output ports into the serviceFunction() I am able to build the module with no errors (I changed variable names to match my ports). When I put the module on the white board and link it up it's fine but as soon as I start the module it crashes. I added a line to write the incoming stream id to the console and that will hit the console 10 to 20 times before the crash (it correctly writes the id of the signal generator that is providing the signal). If I plot the output port nothing is plotted before the crash (when I say crash I mean that the module just disappears from the white board, the ide is still up and running).
The service function is:
int freqModFrTest_i::serviceFunction()
bulkio::InFloatPort::dataTransfer *tmp = dataFloatIn->getPacket(bulkio::Const::BLOCKING);
if (not tmp) { // No data is available
return NOOP;
std::vector<float> outputData;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<tmp->dataBuffer.size(); i++) {
outputData[i] = (float)tmp->dataBuffer[i];
// NOTE: You must make at least one valid pushSRI call
if (tmp->sriChanged) {
ComplexOut->pushPacket(outputData, tmp->T, tmp->EOS, tmp->streamID);
return NORMAL;
Has anyone had a similar issue or any ideas on what would be causing this?
Additional Info:
Following the sugestion by pwolfram I built a sig generator and this component into a waveform. When launching it from a domain I got the error:
2016-01-14 07:41:50,430 ERROR DCE:aa1a189e-0b5b-4968-9150-5fc3d501dadc{1}:1030 -
Child process 3772 terminated with signal 11
when trying to restart the component (as it just stoped rather then disapering) I get the following error:
Error while executing callable. Caused by org.omg.CORBA.TRANSIENT:
Retries exceeded, couldn't reconnect to
Retries exceeded, couldn't reconnect to
In REDHAWK 2.0.0 I created a component with the same name (freqModFrTest) and port names (dataFloatIn and ComplexOut) and used your service function verbatim. I did not however get any issues.
Here are a few things to try:
Clean and rebuild the component. The Sandbox (what you referred to as the whiteboard) will run the binary that has been built. It is possible that you've modified the code and have an older version of the binary on disk. Right click on the project and select "clean project". Then right click and select "Build Project" this will make sure that the binary matches your source code.
Run the component in debug mode. If you double click on the SPD file, under the "overview" tab there is "Debug a component in the sandbox". This will launch the component in the chalkboard within a debugging context. You can set breakpoints and walk through the code line by line. If you set no breakpoints though the IDE will stop execution when a fatal error occurs. If there is an issue (like invalid memory access) the IDE will prompt you to enter debug mode and it should point out the line in code where the issue is.
If those options fail, you can enable core dumps and use GDB to see where in the code the issue is occurring. There are lots of tutorials online for GDB but the gist is that before launching the IDE, you'll want to type "ulimit -c unlimited" then from the same terminal, launch the IDE. Now when your component dies, it will produce a core file.
Hopefully one of these gets you going down the right path.

Excel 2013 access violation 0xC0000005

I have a problem with an old piece of software (early 2000) written in C++ that uses Excel for processing data. It worked fine in previous versions of Excel but since version 2013, I get a crash that I haven't seen before.
We have created our own COM add-in for Excel, this add-in is registered with regsvr32 and available in Excel 2013. The add-in refused to work at first but disabling Data Execution Prevention (DEP) got it working.
This add-in is accessed by creating an instance of Excel in code:
_Application.CreateDispatch ("Excel.Application");
After creating the instance of Excel we get the loaded add-ins from the instance and find our add-in by looping through the COM add-ins.
Once we got our add-in we can send commands through the interface:
IExcelServer* server = excel.GetServerAddIn(); // Obtain the server COM-AddIn.
HRESULT result = server->Execute (&req, &rep, &retval);
One of the commands we can send here is requesting a value from Excel based on a given string label (the label will be in column A and this function returns the value in column B on the same row). Now the code crashes on the following line of code:
rng.Find (COleVariant (label), CovOptional, CovOptional, COleVariant (xlWhole), CovOptional, xlSearchNext, CovOptional, CovOptional, CovOptional);
The 'rng' object is of type Range and is from the correct sheet and the range goes from A1 to A17. When we get the value from 'rng' object (rng.GetValue2()) it gives us the following array (which contains the value that is specified in the label argument):
safearray of VARIANT = [1,17](Empty,Empty,BSTR = 0x160bc6bc "Web",Empty,Empty,Empty,Empty,BSTR = 0x0bbca5cc "Pre",BSTR = 0x15f499fc "WebStart",BSTR = 0x0bbca48c "WebMid",BSTR = 0x0bbca5a4 "WebEnd",BSTR = 0x160bc80c "Post",Empty,Empty,BSTR = 0x15f49a24 "SafeStartWeb",BSTR = 0x15f49a4c "SafeEndWeb",Empty)
We receive the following error while debugging:
"Unhandled Exception at 0x00ccbb4A in Excel.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000."
We also see the following message in the windows event viewer every time that Excel crashes:
"The description for Event ID 0 from source MSOIDSVC.EXE cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.
If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.
The following information was included with the event:
InitializeSvcAPI failed with hr = 0x8004888d"
The code is made in VS2010 using C++ and running Windows7 x64. We have also tested the code on a Windows8 x64 machine but we got the same result.
Has someone seen this crash before or can advise how to fix it?
Thanks in advance.

ora-24399- Invalid number of connections specified -OCCI program

I am using following simple code to connect to database and I am getting error as ORA-24399 which says invalid number of connections specified. I have googled enough but not clue. This is a CPP program.
Following is code Snippet:
Environment *env = Environment::createEnvironment(Environment::DEFAULT);
Connection *con= env->createConnection("test","test","testdb");
catch(SQLException ex)
P.S Using SQL Plus I am able to connect to the database where this code is being run. There are no issues there. Only through program there is a failure seen.
P.P.S Tried using connectionpool as well but still no luck...
Looking at your error, it seems that the problem is somewhere else in your code: you should fix the parameters (related to connection numbers) in the call to OCIConnectionPoolCreate.

C++ and ADODB : Com error 0x800a0e78

I have a C++ library that calls a stored procedure in MSSQL database using ADODB. Everything works fine on development database. But on test database, I am getting Com error 0x800a0e78: This option is not allowed if an object is closed.
The code looks like
ADODB::_CommandPtr cmd = NULL;
ADODB::_RecordsetPtr rs = NULL;
CHECKHR(cmd.CreateInstance( __uuidof( ADODB::Command) ));
cmd->ActiveConnection = m_connexion;
cmd->CommandText = "my_stored_procedure";
cmd->CommandType = ADODB::adCmdStoredProc;
//input param
// output param
rs = cmd->Execute( NULL, NULL, ADODB::adCmdStoredProc);
while(! rs->ADO_EOF ) { ...
rs->ADO_EOF is where it crashes the program if I use the test database.
note: The stored procedure is same in both the databases and returns same data.
There is one more flow where another SP is called. It works well with the test database. The problem appears only with this particular SP.
I tend to think that it is not a code issue because it works with development database. But I can consistently reproduce the problem with test database.
Please suggest of next actions I should take to resolve this issue
Due to some miracle this C++ exception has gone away after 1 day. But it is so very slow that the execution almost always times out. I do not know how to justify this behavior
UPDATE: 2013-07-18
After so much time, the error has appeared again. This time with development DB with the same SP
[Com error 0x800a0e78 : Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.
on the same line
while(! rs->ADO_EOF ) {
in rs I can see a memory address pointing to ADODB recordset object. But rs->ADO_EOF is generating the said error

MySQL++ - Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable was corrupted

im having issues with MySQL++ and desperately need help.
I'm using Visual Studio 2010, MySQL++ v3.1.0 and MySQL v5.1.59( x86 & x64 );
All Library's have been compiled correctly. This error only occurs in Debug version due to the compiler setting "Both (/RTC1, equiv. to /RTCsu) (/RTC1)" being on.
Edit: I should note that this only happens in Debug version. In Release it works like a charm
I've tracked the problem back to the mysqlpp_d.dll, the MySQL++ object are crashing on there destructors due to reference counting. It complains about not being capable of accessing the memory of the ref counter, and when it tries to decrease it, it crashes. At least thats what I think happens.
I tried this to make sure everything gets derefrenced and removed in the correct order (even tho its irrelevant, but helped me track the true problem down I hope):
It crashes with:
First-chance exception at 0x000007feeef5dd4c (mysqlpp_d.dll) in Launcher.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x000007feeeff5148.
Unhandled exception at 0x000007feeef5dd4c (mysqlpp_d.dll) in Launcher.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x000007feeeff5148.
And breakes here:
This code has a serious bug:
mysqlpp::UseQueryResult res;
mysqlpp::Query query = conn.query();
query << "SELECT USER();";
res = query.use();
row = res.fetch_row();
You aren't consuming all the result sets. In MySQL, stored procedures that return data return at least two separate result sets: the first is the results you asked for, and the second is status information about the call itself. See examples/multiquery.cpp in the MySQL++ source distribution for the correct way to handle this. Also see section 3.16 in the MySQL++ user manual.
The main consequence of this is that later queries on the same connection will fail.
I think your memory corruption is actually a secondary effect, and that the primary problem stems from ignoring the MySQL C API's attempts to tell you that you're trying to run two overlapping queries on the same connection, because you didn't consume the entire first result set. From what little code you've posted, I can see that you're ignoring returned error codes, so if you've also disabled MySQL++ exceptions, your code will completely ignore this error and blithely go on to stomp all over things it shouldn't.
By the way, please lose the trailing semicolon on the query. It isn't needed with the C API, and can cause confusion, especially in the face of multi-queries. Use semicolons only to separate multiple statements in a single query.