C++ Socket recv() reads the same string twice (WinSock2) - c++

I'm working on creating a maze game, where two players connect (one acts as host, the other the player). In this, I'm sending XML data as a string using the send() function. (I'm also using a pre-made Socket class, keeping in mind this is for non-profit activities, meaning it doesn't break the copyright.) Keep in mind the client & server are running on Windows 7 using the WinSock2.h package.
The problem I'm encountering is fairly straightforward. I first send the Maze XML file, this reads properly and is able to save the maze in a series of tiles. After this, another XML file is sent, updating the position of the player (and enemy) of the other user's game. However, when I attempt to READ this line, it starts reading from the beginning of the buffer, and it seems as if the buffer isn't being cleared because it starts reading the Maze XML file again.
Is there a way to clear the buffer that recv() uses? I can't think of any other reason why the Maze XML is being read twice, when it isn't being sent twice.
Below is the code that receives the XML, character by character. This is the server's code, the client code just reverses the order of sending/receiving the data. Not sure if that's necessary or relevant.
while (1) { char r;
switch(recv(s_, &r, 1, 0)) {
case 0: // not connected anymore;
// ... but last line sent
// might not end in \n,
// so return ret anyway.
return ret;
case -1:
return "";
// if (errno == EAGAIN) {
// return ret;
// } else {
// // not connected anymore
// return "";
// }
ret += r;
if (r == '<') {
counter = 0;
check = "";
check += r;
if (counter == 6 && check.compare(ender) == 0)
return ret;
//if (r == '\n') return ret;
And this is the code that sends/receives the different XML files.
Socket* s=in.Accept();
cout << "Accepted a Call from a Client." << endl;
// Here is where we receive the first (Maze) XML File, and
// send our maze as XML
string mazeS = s->ReceiveLineMaze();
TiXmlDocument testDoc;
testDoc.Parse(mazeS.c_str(), 0, TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8);
Tile** theirMaze = readXML(testDoc);
TiXmlDocument theMaze = maze->mazeToXML();
TiXmlPrinter printer;
string toSend = printer.CStr();
cout << toSend << endl;
bool inOurMaze = false;
while(boolValues->running) {
// This next line is where I want to receive the update on position
// but instead it reads the Maze XML file again, the one I read up
// above
string posReceive = s->ReceiveLineUpdate();
TiXmlDocument theirPos;
theirPos.Parse(posReceive.c_str(), 0, TIXML_ENCODING_UTF8);
... This is where I process the update XML ...
TiXmlDocument updatePos = maze->updatePositionXML();
TiXmlPrinter printerPos;
string posSend = printer.CStr();
Any help is appreciated. If it isn't clear up top, let me summarize.
I first swap an XML file that details the Maze itself. This works fine. Then I attempt to swap the update XML files, that update the player/enemy positions for the other user. But when I attempt to use recv(...), it starts to read the Maze file again, NOT the update file. It's...perplexing.
Oh, and here's the send code (very simple):
s += '\n';
where s_ is the socket and s.c_str is the string that needs to be sent (in this case the different XML files).

As #Martin points out, the issue is definitely with the code. Few things to check, looks like the data is read into the buffer "ret" and that's under your control. Is that getting flushed / cleared each time (the code does not make that clear). If this is fine, check the client code to ensure that the data is sent correctly.
Best option is to debug thru your send and receive functions in the IDE, you should be able to spot whats wrong.


Storing the last value of a file from SD card using arduino

I am making a device that moves back and fourth and needs to store its last position so that upon power up, the last stored value can be grabbed from the last line of the file on an SD card, and it can resume operation. This file will then be destroyed and re-written. For this particular application homing and other methods can not be used because it must start in the spot it last was. Due to position tracking via encoder, there is no positional memory otherwise.The file is setup to be a single data column seperated by commas.
Currently I am successfully writing to the SD card as position changes, and reading the entire file to be printed on the Serial monitor. However, I really only need the last value. The length of the file will always be different do to system operation.
I have read a lot of different solutions but none of them seem to work for my application.
I can read the entire file using:
void read_file() {
// open the file for reading:
myFile = SD.open("test8.txt");
if (myFile) {
// read from the file until there's nothing else in it:
// read from the file until there's nothing else in it:
while (myFile.available()) {
String a = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
int j;
char temp = myFile.read();
if (temp != ',' && temp != '\r')
{ //a=temp;
a += temp;
else if (temp == ',' || temp == '\r') {
j = a.toInt();
// Serial.println(a);
// close the file:
} else {
// if the file didn't open, print an error:
Serial.println("error opening test8.txt");
This gives me a stream of the values separated by 0 like this:
Ideally I just need 20133 to be grabbed and stored as an int.
I have also tried:
void read_file_3() {
// open the file for reading:
myFile = SD.open("test8.txt");
if (myFile) {
// read from the file until there's nothing else in it:
// close the file:
} else {
// if the file didn't open, print an error:
Serial.println("error opening test.txt");
This only returns "1", which does not make any sense to me.
I have found a sketch that does what I want, however it is very slow due to the use of string class. Per post #6 here: https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=379209.0
This does grab the last stored value, however it takes quite awhile as the file gets bigger, and may blow up memory.
How could this be done without the string class?
void read_file() {
// open the file for reading:
myFile = SD.open("test8.txt");
if (myFile) {
while (myFile.available())
String line_str = myFile.readStringUntil(','); // string lavue reading from the stream - from , to , (coma to comma)
int line = line_str.toInt();
if (line != 0) // checking for the last NON-Zero value
line2 = line; // this really does the trick
// Serial.print(line2);
// delay(100);
Serial.print("Last line = ");
// close the file:
// SD.remove("test3.txt");
} else {
// if the file didn't open, print an error:
Serial.println("error opening test.txt");
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
seek returns true if it succesffuly goes to that position and false if it does not find anything there, like for instance if the file isn't that big. It does not give you the value at that position. That's why you see a 1, seek is returning true that it was able to go to the position (myFile.size()) and that's what you're printing.
Beyond that, you don't want to go to the end of the file, that would be after your number. You want to go to a position 5 characters before the end of the file if your number is 5 digits long.
Either way, once you seek that position, then you still need to use read just like you did in your first code to actually read the number. seek doesn't do that, it just takes you to that position in the file.
EDIT: Since you edited the post, I'll edit the answer to go along. You're going backwards. You had it right the first time. Use the same read method you started with, just seek the end of the file before you start reading so you don't have to read all the way through. You almost had it. The only thing you did wrong the first time was printing what you got back from seek instead of seeking the right position and then reading the file.
That thing you looked up with the String class is going backward from where you were. Forget you ever saw that. It's doing the same thing you were already doing in the first place only it's also wasting a lot of memory and code space in the process.
Use your original code and just add a seek to skip to the end of the file.
This assumes that it's always a 5 digit number. If not then you may need a little bit of tweaking:
void read_file() {
// open the file for reading:
myFile = SD.open("test8.txt");
if (myFile) {
myFile.seek(myFile.size() - 5);
// read from the file until there's nothing else in it:
// read from the file until there's nothing else in it:
while (myFile.available()) {
String a = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
int j;
char temp = myFile.read();
if (temp != ',' && temp != '\r')
{ //a=temp;
a += temp;
else if (temp == ',' || temp == '\r') {
j = a.toInt();
// Serial.println(a);
// close the file:
} else {
// if the file didn't open, print an error:
Serial.println("error opening test8.txt");
See, all I've done is take your original function and add a line to seek the end to it.

Data not written with ofstream, even though success is returned

I'm writing a program which fetches a large number of email files using libcurl and then writes the file to disk, and then generates a receipt.
My problem is that, whilst most of the receipts seem to get written, the majority of the emails aren't written to disk. Worse, even though the file doesn't get written, ofstream returns success - so the receipt gets written even if the file write didn't complete successfully.
My guess is that, because ofstream is asynchronous, if a write doesn't complete in time then it'll get dropped on the floor - only a certain number of writes being possible concurrently. I am just guessing here.
Perhaps I need to refactor my code to write synchronously - but I can't believe that that's necessary. Does anyone have any idea how I can make this work?
The email sizes range from a few KBytes to a couple of MBytes.
int write_file(string filename, string mail_item) {
ofstream out(filename.c_str());
out << mail_item;
if (!out) {
This is part of another function, and has been cut out so that only the salient code for this question is shown.
vector<string> directory = curl_listroot(curl);
for (int i=0; i<directory.size(); i++) {
vector<int> mail_list = curl_search(curl,directory[i],make_vector<string>() << "SEEN" << "RECENT" << "NEW" << "ANSWERED" << "FLAGGED");
for (int j=0; j<mail_list.size(); j++) {
curl_reset(curl, imap.username, imap.password);
string mail_item = curl_fetch(curl,directory[i],mail_list[j]);
if (mail_item.compare("") != 0) {
string m_id = getMessageID(mail_item);
string filename = save_path+"/"+RECEIPTNAME+"/"+clean_filename(m_id) + ".eml";
if (!file_exists(filename)) {
string real_filename;
real_filename = save_path+"/"+INBOXNAME+"/"+clean_filename(m_id) + ".eml";
int success = write_file(real_filename, mail_item);
if (success == FUNCTION_SUCCESS) {
write_file(filename, ""); //write empty receipt
All suggestions gratefully received! Thank you!
Okay. I've found an answer - there may be better answers - but this one works for me. The problem seems to be in the OS (Linux, in this case) - ofstream completes, having handed the responsibility for writing the file to the OS, but the file hasn't actually been written yet (so whilst ofstream may be synchronous the end to end write of the file, from data to file safely written to disk, isn't). Given that I'm banging away with a huge number of writes in quick succession (potentially thousands), this won't necessarily work. The OS may throw its hands in the air and drop a significant number of the files writes on the floor (hence my original request for a synchronous way of writing the files - end to end).
My solution is to pause after each write to give the OS time to catch up. It's inelegant though, and not as performant as it should be - it doesn't take half a second to write an empty file. Additionally, on slow storage, half a second might not be enough time. I'd welcome any clever suggestions for how to improve my code.
int write_file(string filename, string mail_item) {
ofstream out(filename.c_str());
if (!out) {
out << mail_item << endl;
usleep(500000); //wait for half a second to give the OS time to output the file
if (!out) {
if (!out) {

how to discard from streams? .ignore() doesnt work for this purpose, any other methods?

I have a lack of understanding about streams. The idea is, to read a file to the ifstream and then working with it. Extract Data from the stream to a string, and discard the part which is now in a string from the stream. Is that possible? Or how to handle those problems?
The following method, is for inserting a file which is properly read by the ifstream. (its a text file, containing informations about "Lost" episodes, its an episodeguide. It works fine, for one element of the class episodes. Every time i instantiate a episode file, i want to check the stream of that file, discard the informations about one episode (its indicated by "****", then the next episode starts) and process the informations discarded in a string. If I create a new object of Episode I want to discard the next informations about the episodes after "****" to the next "****" and so on.
void Episode::read(ifstream& in) {
string contents((istreambuf_iterator<char>(in)), istreambuf_iterator<char>());
size_t episodeEndPos = contents.find("****");
if ( episodeEndPos == -1) {
in.clear(), in.sync();
fullContent = contents;
else { // empty stream for next episode
in.ignore(episodeEndPos + 4);
fullContent = contents.substr(0, episodeEndPos);
// fill attributes
I tried it with inFile >> words (to read the words, this is a way to get the words out of the stream) another way i was thinking about is, to use .ignore (to ignore an amount of characters in the stream). But that doesnt work as intended. Sorry for my bad english, hopefully its clear what i want to do.
If your goal is at each call of Read() to read the next episode and advance in the file, then the trick is to to use tellg() and seekg() to bookmark the position and update it:
void Episode::Read(ifstream& in) {
streampos pos = in.tellg(); // backup current position
string fullContent;
string contents((istreambuf_iterator<char>(in)), istreambuf_iterator<char>());
size_t episodeEndPos = contents.find("****");
if (episodeEndPos == -1) {
in.clear(), in.sync();
fullContent = contents;
else { // empty stream for next episode
fullContent = contents.substr(0, episodeEndPos);
in.seekg(pos + streamoff(episodeEndPos + 4)); // position file at next episode
In this way, you can call several time your function, every call reading the next episode.
However, please note that your approach is not optimised. When you construct your contents string from a stream iterator, you load the full rest of the file in the memory, starting at the current position in the stream. So here you keep on reading and reading again big subparts of the file.
Edit: streamlined version adapted to your format
You just need to read the line, check if it's not a separator line and concatenate...
void Episode::Read(ifstream& in) {
string line;
string fullContent;
while (getline(in, line) && line !="****") {
fullContent += line + "\n";
cout << "DATENSATZ: " << fullContent << endl; // just to verify content
// fill attributes
The code you got reads the entire stream in one go just to use some part of the read text to initialize an object. Imagining a gigantic file that is almost certainly a bad idea. The easier approach is to just read until the end marker is found. In an ideal world, the end marker is easily found. Based on comments it seems to be on a line of its own which would make it quite easy:
void Episode::read(std::istream& in) {
std::string text;
for (std::string line; in >> line && line != "****"; ) {
text += line + "\n";
fullContent = text;
If the separate isn't on a line of its own, you could use code like this instead:
void Episode::read(std::istream& in) {
std::string text;
for (std::istreambuf_iterator<char> it(in), end; it != end; ++it) {
if (*it == '*' && 4u <= text.size() && text.substr(text.size() - 4) == "****") {
if (4u <= text.size() && text.substr(text.size() - 4u) == "****") {
text.resize(text.size() - 4u);
fullContent = text;
Both of these approaches would simple read the file from start to end and consume the characters to be extracted in the process, stopping as soon as reading of one record is done.

press a key to start function

I am receiving some data, which I want to receive continuously, from my port and printing on my screen. At the same time, I am writing these in a text file. I want to be able to press a key on my keyboard to start the writing to a text file process. So if I don't press it, it will keep getting the data and just displaying it on the screen but won't write in a text file.
I tried,
char x;
ofcourse that did not work. How could I do that? I searched around the web but came up with nothing. Any help would be great.
In fact if you want to do this in one thread you can. It won't be elegant but should work.
You can start receiving data in trunks in a loop and check every trunk of received data if key has been pressed. If it has, then activate printtoText(buffer).
I was thinking about something like that:
void readFile () {
char str[256];
std::cout << "Enter the name of an existing text file: ";
std::cin.get (str,256); // get c-string
std::ifstream is(str); // open file
while (is.good()) // loop while extraction from file is possible
char c = is.get(); // get character from file
if (is.good())
//Here perform checkl if the key has been pressed and if yes take additional actions
std::cout << c;
is.close(); // close file

How to prevent input text breaking while other thread is outputting to the console?

I have 2 threads: one of them is constantly cout'ing to the console some value, let's say increments an int value every second - so every second on the console is 1,2,3... and so on.
Another thread is waiting for user input - with the command cin.
Here is my problem: when I start typing something, when the time comes to cout the int value, my input gets erased from the input field, and put into the console with the int value. So when I want to type in "hello" it looks something like this:
Is there a way to prevent my input from getting put to the console, while other thread is writing to the console?
FYI this is needed for a chat app at client side - one thread is listening for messages and outputs this message as soon as it comes in, and the other thread is listening for user input to be sent to a server app.
Usually the terminal itself echos the keys typed. You can turn this off and get your program to echo it. This question will give you pointers on how to do it Hide password input on terminal
You can then just get the one thread to handle output.
If you are a slow typer, then the solution to your problem can be, as I said, making it a single thread, but that may make the app to receive only after it sends.
Another way is to increase your receiving thread's sleep time, which would provide you some more time to type (without interruption)
You could make a GUI (or use ncurses if you really want to work in the console). This way you avoid having std::cout shared by the threads.
I think you could solve this problem with a semaphore. When you have an incoming message you check to see if the user is writing something. If he does you wait until he finishes to print the message.
Is there a way to prevent my input from getting put to the console, while other thread is writing to the console?
It is the other way around. The other thread shouldn't interrupt the display of what you are typing.
Say you have typed "Hel" and then a new message comes in from the other thread. What do you do? How should it be displayed?
Totally disable echoing of what you type and only display it after you hit enter. In this way you can display messages from the different threads properly, in an atomic fashion. The big drawback is that you cannot see what you have typed already... :(
You immediately echo what you type. When the new message comes in, you undo the "Hel", print the new message and print again "Hel" on a new line and you can continue typing. Doable but a bit ugly.
You echo what you type in a separate place. That is, you split somehow the display. In one place you display the posted/received messages in order; and in another place you display what you are typing. You either need a GUI or at least some console library to do this. This would be the nicest solution but perhaps the most difficult to port to another OS due to the library dependencies.
In any case, you need a (preferably internally) synchronized stream that you can safely call from different threads and can write strings into it atomically. That is, you need to write your own synchronized stream class.
Hope this helps.
Well i recently solved this same issue with a basic workaround. This might not be the #1 solution but worked like a charm for me, as a newbie;
#include <iostream> // I/O
#include <Windows.h> // Sleep();
#include <conio.h> // _getch();
#include <string> // MessageBuffer
#include <thread> // Thread
using namespace std;
void ThreadedOutput();
string MessageBuffer; // or make it static
void main()
thread output(ThreadedOutput); // Attach the output thread
int count = 0;
char cur = 'a'; // Temporary at start
while (cur != '\r')
cur = _getch(); // Take 1 input
if (cur >= 32 && cur <= 126) // Check if input lies in alphanumeric and special keys
MessageBuffer += cur; // Store input in buffer
cout << cur; // Output the value user entered
else if (cur == 8) // If input key was backspace
cout << "\b \b"; // Move cursor 1 step back, overwrite previous character with space, move cursor 1 step back
MessageBuffer = MessageBuffer.substr(0, MessageBuffer.size() - 1); // Remove last character from buffer
else if (cur == 13) // If input was 'return' key
for (int i = 0; i < (signed)MessageBuffer.length(); i++) // Remove the written input
cout << "\b \b";
// "MessageBuffer" has your input, use it somewhere
MessageBuffer = ""; // Clear the buffer
output.join(); // Join the thread
void ThreadedOutput()
int i = 0;
while (true)
for (int i = 0; i < (signed)MessageBuffer.length(); i++) // Remove the written input
cout << "\b \b";
cout << ++i << endl; // Give parallel output with input
cout << MessageBuffer; // Rewrite the stored buffer
Sleep(1000); // Prevent this example spam