what c++ norme i'm currently using? [duplicate] - c++

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How to determine the version of the C++ standard used by the compiler?
(9 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
Recently I had faced compiling errors in a c++ code I wrote so I've been asked if I was using a C++11 compiler, but honestly I don't know how to check on my compiler version ! so any idea how to figure this out ??
Btw I'm using codeblocks as an IDE which includes the GCC compiler and GDB debugger from MinGW. also if I'm compiling my c++ code under Linux what command should I run to know my compiler version ?

That can be a tricky question. C++11 refers to a version of the
standard, not to a version of the compiler. Different compilers, and
different versions of any given compiler, will typically implement a mix
of versions of the standard, at least for recent versions. More or
less, because any implementation of C++11 will be fairly new, and thus
probably fairly buggy.
Most compilers have options to output the version; many will output it
systematically in verbose mode. For g++, try g++ --version. Recent
versions of g++ do have some support for C++11, but you have to activate
it with -std=c++0x (rather than the usual -std=c++03 or
-std=c++98). As the name (c++0x, rather than c++11) indicates, it
is not truly C++11; it is an implementation of some (most?) of the
major new features, in a preliminary version based on various working
papers, and not the final standard.
(FWIW: I don't think any compiler fully implements all of C++11, but I'd
love to be proven wrong.)

You can find out your compiler version like this:
g++ --version
That doesn't tell you if you are using c++11. To use c++11 features, you would have to call the compiler with thr -std=c++0x flag:
g++ -std=c++0x ....
Bear in mind that gcc doesn't implement 100% of c++11 yet, and how much it implements depends on the version. See here for a table of supported features.
EDIT: strictly speaking, if you are using GCC you cannot be using a fully compliant c++11 compiler due to the missing features. But versions 4.6.1 onwards cover a great deal of the standard.

If you're in linux, checking the version is easy.
> gcc --version
Will tell you the version you have. Note that GCC C++11 support is incomplete still, you can find the details here: http://gcc.gnu.org/projects/cxx0x.html
I've used a few C++11 features myself, namely initializer lists, and the nullptr constant. I'm using GCC 4.6 and it's working fine.
edit: And yes, as #jaunchopanza said, you'll need the -std=c++0x compiler flag to make it work. If you're using Code::Blocks, just right-click on your project, choose Build options..., and check the item that says Have g++ follow the coming C++0x ISO C++ language standard [-std=c++0x]


Do any compilers currently support C++20?

I purchased a book recently entitled beginning C++20. I was looking to begin learning c++ though I now realize that I can't find a compiler that can run the code in the book as I get an error since the compiler I'm using (xcode) does not support c++ 20. I'm wondering if there are any compilers that I can run on my mac that support c++20.
gcc version 8 and up supports some of C++20; you can try using that.
It should also be noted that Xcode isn't a compiler, but instead an IDE that should be using clang as the actual compiler. Clang also currently has support for some of the C++ 20 features. To use them the -std=c++20 flag will still be needed.
Here can you find the currently implemented feature support of the GCC compiler of the C++20 specification:
GCC Link
But you need to enable it in your console command or add this to your toolchain: "-std=c++20"

C++ versions, what they mean, how to update them

Is the c++ version you use tied to the version of compiler you have or IDE?
If it isn't either of those, how do I use c++ 11 on my IDE? How do i update what C++ version i use in my programs?
How do I check what version I'm using?
I know that printing the __cplusplus variable can tell me what version I'm using, but this doesn't answer my other questions, neither does it answer my third question, because: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14131551/10938047
Found this question, with the answer containing an outdated link.
Visual Studio 2012 __cplusplus and C++ 11
The C++ version you can use is obviously tied to the compiler you use. If your compiler doesn't support some newer standard then of course you cannot use it.
As for IDEs; some IDEs are tied to a specific compiler, some can use different ones.
Some compilers support multiple language versions but require you to explicitly enable anything newer than what they enable by default. For example; most older versions of GCC support C++17 just fine, but default to C++11 or C++14 unless you tell them to enable C++17 support via the -std=c++17 command line option.

C++11 features compatibility with different versions of GCC

Following, my previous question about How to safely deploy an application built with an upgraded compiler, there is still a doubt for me about the C++11 features compatibility. Using devtoolset-2, the application that will be built with gcc 4.8.2 but linked with libstdc++.so.6.0.13 will have full C++11 features supported or only the common set with libstdc++6.0.19 ?
I am not really sure to understand this point actually.
You shouldn't be mixing libstdc++ like that, so it's a moot point. You should redistribute the libstdc++ that comes with devtoolset-2 and link against that specifically. Otherwise the compiler and standard library will be at odds with each other, and even they won't know the answer to your question!
Then, simply look up a list of what C++11 features are supported in GCC 4.8.2.

Many questions about the various C++ compilers available to me on OS X

I am having trouble understanding the different compilers that are available to me.
I mainly use Xcode for writing and compiling, and in Xcode's preferences, there are all of these options for C++ compilation:
C++ Language Dialect:
C++98[-std=c++98] through C++14[-std=c++14]
GNU++98[-std=gnu++98] through GNU++14[-std=gnu++14]
C++ Standard Library:
libstdc++ (GNU C++ standard library)
libc++ (LLVM C++ standard library with C++11 support)
Can someone explain what exactly all of that ^ is?
I understand that (and correct me if I'm wrong), that apple no longer distributes GCC with Xcode and use Clang instead?
If that were the case, then why does Xcode have the option for GNU C++ standard library? Doesn't GNU make GCC?
What compiler is invoked when I run C++ code in my local terminal with g++ filename.cpp?
Is there any way to make sure that this g++ "compiler" is up to date?
What's the difference between compiling with g++ in the terminal and using Xcode?
Also, what would be the difference if I tried running C++ programs with Clang?
My class requires us to test our programs on the department's server's compiler via ssh from my terminal. The server is a Unix machine and I know that its compiler is GNU's GCC compiler and we also access it using g++. Does this mean that the local g++ in my terminal is also GCC?
edit: Grammar
C++ language dialect
C++98[-std=c++98] through C++14[-std=c++14]
GNU++98[-std=gnu++98] through GNU++14[-std=gnu++14]
The C++ language has evolved over time. These are the various versions of the language that are available to you. If you have to be compatible with something old, you might be forced to use an old one. Otherwise you'd probably want ot use the newest available, which is c++14 in the list above. 14 stands for 2014, 98 for 1998 - it is supposed to represent the year that version of the standard was blessed.
In addition to standard C++ there are non-standard extensions. Gnu is a compiler "manufacturer", the "GNU" above is the non-stanadard extensions as specified by GNU for a particular documented version.
C++ Standard Library:
libstdc++ (GNU C++ standard library)
libc++ (LLVM C++ standard library with C++11 support)
In addition to the base language, the standard library is also a part of the standard. These are two different implementations of the standard library. The first is by GNU, the second by llvm. llvm are a different compiler manufacturer.
On osx you'd probably use libc++ as I believe the llvm compiler (clang++) is now standard there. The llvm compiler will support the gnu extensions if you need them. You probably don't. Just use the latest version of whatever is default.
two different pieces, the compiler and the standard library. You can use clang++ with libstd++
g++ -v will tell you
not really. Update xcode to the newest or start looking at homebrew or ports to get the latest and greatest they package of whatever compiler you like.
Probably the same compiler, you can set it either to point at any compiler you have installed. So what each points at is your choice.
both g++ and clang++ are standards compliant. You're unlikely to notice much difference. They will complile the same source files into equivalent binaries.
run g++ -v in any terminal to see exactly what it is.

Which gcc version is needed to use unordered_map from C++11?

I am currently on RHEL 5.4 with gcc 4.1 installed, but I want to use unordered_map. As I found out, this is only introduced in C++11 to the standard, and therefore not available. One alternative would be using __gnu_cxx::hash_map, but I would prefer using standards.
On another development host I happend to have RHEL 6.4 and gcc 4.4, which knows unordered_map, but gives the following warning:
../include/c++/4.4.7/c++0x_warning.h:31:2: error: #error This file requires compiler and library support for the upcoming ISO C++ standard, C++0x. This support is currently experimental, and must be enabled with the -std=c++0x or -std=gnu++0x compiler options.
From the gcc homepage I can't seem to find out which gcc version supports unordered_map.
To clarify my question:
I am stuck to several operating systems and their versions by customer requirements, therefore I cannot always update to the latest GCC version and be happy. I need to maintain compatibility of my software across all platforms.
I am therefore searching for the minimum GCC version required to use unordered_map. I am aware of the fact that supplying -std=c++0x to GCC fixes the error above, but I dont know how far the "experimental" warning means I should not be using unordered_map.
Some guys in this thread strongly advise not to use this experimental C++11 implementation
... so what should I do?
You cannot find such information on the GCC page. There is information about library features, but only about current version of GCC. In your GCC 4.4, you can simply use -std=c++0x flag to remove the warning.
If you are scared about experimental and cannot update the compiler - just don't use unordered_map from C++11. You can write your own, use one from tr1, or use the one from boost, no matter.
If you just look at GCC site - there is message there:
Important: GCC's support for C++11 is still experimental. Some
features were implemented based on early proposals, and no attempt
will be made to maintain backward compatibility when they are updated
to match the final C++11 standard.
By the way, all features of the C++11 standard are realized in GCC, it's actually old standard, since now C++14 is already approved, but support is still expiremental.
I have no idea WHY it's still experimental, for example on clang site:
Clang fully implements all published ISO C++ standards including
C++11, as well as the upcoming C++14 standard, and some parts of the
fledgling C++1z standard, and is considered a production-quality C++
And only C++1z support is experimental.
You should upgrade to gcc 4.9.2, if you can. Otherwise use gcc 4.4. They'll both need the -std=c++0x option.