How to use open graph in facebook APP page - django

I have a facebook app, in which I am opening my website's pages. I want to use open graph in this app. what I mean is this:
user can see all pages and can post as a open graph. When any user's click on ticker link on facebook, it should open into my facebook app. (similar like social reader app).
Please tell me is it possible?

Use fandjango to deal with the authentication for your canvas app and then use facepy (by the same developer) for interacting with the Graph API

Use Fandjango for authentication and facepy for graph api.


Extract my timeline posts from Facebook Graph API

I am trying to extract my posts, via Graph API from facebook. I used some basic code snippets but they don't work. I can not get my feed even in the Graph Explorer. It always says that I don;t have the permission and I have to submit my App for review and provide a video tutorial on how I use the extracted posts.
But I want to extract just my posts, I don't care for anybody elses. Do I seriously need FB App review to do that?
This is what I get with my token from my app:
user/posts requires additional contract signing:
Use /me/posts with your own App, with your User Token and authorize with the user_posts permission. This works without any approval from Facebook - for your account and your App only, of course. I just tested if it still works in the Graph API Explorer and it did:

Facebook Analytics page views

When I load my web page, I am logging an app view event using the Facebook SDK as such:
If I have the URL of the page from which I logged that page view. How do I programmatically get the page view count for that particular URL/page? Is there a Graph API request I can make or maybe some method on the Facebook Web SDK I can use to get such data?
There's no Graph API to retrieve this data, you can use the Facebook Analytics UI at

Share large photo from FB album

I'm creating a web app where I'd like to 1) upload a photo to an app-specific album on Facebook and then 2) share that photo as a LARGE item/image (not a thumbnail) on the users' Timeline. I know this is doable via User Generated Photo optional parameter but is there any other way to accomplish this for a web app?
There is nothing stopping web apps from publishing Open Graph actions with User Generated Photos. It's a simple process:
Setup Facebook auth on your site, your simplest option being to use the Javascript SDK with getLoginStatus. Make sure to request publish_actions permission from users.
Create an Open Graph action and your OG object types
When the user takes the appropriate action, make an API call of the following form (signed with the user access token and POST'd):
Step 1 is the hardest part and you'd have to do that anyway if you weren't going down the Open Graph actions route.
As an example, Instagram use took as their action and a photo as their object. Their objects URLs are simply the individual photo pages on the Instagram website. So their API POST call would look like this:
As mentioned in the User Generated Photos documentation this will show up as a large, full-width photo on the users Timeline and feed.
The simplest way to perform all these API calls from a web app is to use the Javascript SDK and the FB.api function. You won't need to use any server-side code at all in that case!
Just fill this code on your photo caption
"took a ##[0:[124024574287414:1:photo]] with #[124024574287414:0]"
(without double quote symbol)
It clickable to instagram website, It's my own custom code, I made it for a week :(

Open Graph Protocol, Facebook App & Facebook Like Button on Website

So I set up an App to handle open graph protocol setting for my website. I embedded the open graph protocol metadata into the site and I added a Facebook like button that ties to the home page. I ran it through the linter and everything looks good. But when I look at the administration interface in Facebook, it shows a different number of "likes" than on my page itself. Also I thought by setting it up in this way I would be able to see who liked my page as well. Finally, when I go to my website and I am logged into facebook, it does not show an "admin page" link which I thought it is supposed to do. I have been looking all over the Facebook developer documentation and cannot seem to find an answer. Thank you!

Can I create a facebook app automatically(from a java program) using any api from a java program or servlet?

I am searching for an automated mechanism to create a facebook app from my java program/servlet.
Usually, I have to go to, then click the "Apps" link at the top, then hit the "Create new App" button and create an app by providing the site url etc.
I am having a requirement where a user enters his facebook id in my site and hits the "Create App" button. My site will authenticate with facebook using OAuth 2.0 and will have to create an app in the users account. The app generally points to the user's profile page of my site.
Is it possible to do this? Can any one help me?
Thank you all in advance.
In short, no you can't. You have to verify that you are a human when you create an app, and facebook intentionally do not provide a way to programmatically create apps.