how to set up visual studio 2005 for cuda programming - c++

I have tried to setup my visual studio environment for programming with cuda,but stil I m getting the errors as cudaMemcpy is unable to resolve..
If any of you plz help me in setting up the environment.I am coding in c++.
Thanks in advance.

Check out this answer for instructions for Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 (for VS2010, see this answer).
In particular, see the bit about adding the CUDA runtime library to your link dependencies.


Rust can't find Microsoft C++ build tools

I'm a beginner who's just barely started learning Rust online, and I want to now use Rust on my computer. I installed the Rust installer, ran it, and it output this message:
Rust requires the Microsoft C++ build tools for Visual Studio 2013 or later,
but they don't seem to be installed.
I installed the Microsoft C++ 2017 build tools and restarted my computer, but it still outputs this error. From looking on Github, I understand that a lot of people have this issue, but the comments are full of technical jargon that I don't understand.
How can I set Rust up so it works? (Explained so that a beginner can understand)
I found the answer! Turns out I was installing 'Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017' instead of 'Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017'. Funny how a simple error can cause a lot of headache!

Visual Studio 2017 wont show c++ template/extansion

I am trying to use Microsoft visual studio IDE to run my c++ code, however, when I go to create a project, I do not see the option for a c++ project. I tried reinstalling the program to see if I could somehow install the package/extension however it just won't seem to come up.
The only templates that appear are in c# or f#.
If someone could please lead me into the right direction so that I can fix this, it would be great. Thank you.
I don't see any mention of C++ in the release notes.
According to this post on MSDN, there is no C++ support in the Mac version of Visual Studio. It contains links to instructions for using Visual Studio Code, as well as the option to install a VM running Windows.
Apparently Visual Studio Code supports C++ projects, since it can execute external tools. The Microsoft Visual C++ build tools are free for Windows, but I don't think there is a version for the Mac, so some other external compiler is necessary.

Set Visual Studio 2015 Compiler to VS 2010 version

I'm a student and i'm using Visual Studio 2015 to learn C++.
I need to set my compiler so it will check my code the same as Visual Studio 2010's compiler so no errors show up on my disciple's end who was instructed to check our code in 2010 environment.
Is there any way i can do that?
sorry for any bad English and i hope you understand my question.
thanks in advance!
Yes it is possible by changing "Platform Toolset":
Full details here
As correctly mentioned by #HansPassant in the comment you need VS2010 toolset installed. You can download and install VS2010 C++ Express edition

visual studio 2010 : "ConfigurationGeneral" rule is missing from the project

I want to compile a 64-bit application using Visual C++ 2010 professional, but I keep getting this error, and I have no idea what to do :
1>------ Build started: Project: Test, Configuration: Debug x64 ------
1>Error: The "ConfigurationGeneral" rule is missing from the project.
I've searched this problem on google, but all ideas didn't solve my problem.
Thank you!
I have windows 8.1 Pro 64bits if this information is needed, and I use visual studio 2010 c++ professional.
Edit : tried repairing visual studio professional, but it still doesn't work :\
The VS2010 x64 compilers are missing...
You need this update:
Did you change the language of the Visual Studio GUI recently?
I switched the language of my installation from German to English which resulted in almost the same error message. (except I'm trying to build for Win32) Switching back to German resolved this issue.
It seems that most people experience this when building for x64. So if you didn't change your language give this a try.
I have an english version of Windows 2008 R2 and the international setting (Tools/Options/Environment/International Settings) of VS2010 was "Same as Microsoft Windows". After changing it to english and afterwarts to german it solved the problem immediately.
Thanks a lot.

cannot create c++ project in Visual Studio 2010

I suppose since I installed Visual Studio 2012, I cannot create C++ project in Visual Studio 2010. But, I am not sure new installation of VS 2012 is related to this problem.
The problem I am really struggling is that neither hint message nor notification are shown when I try to create a new C++ project.
I have tried several ways from google even include stackoverflow, but failed.
Is there anyone who knows any solutions or has any workarounds?
1) I wouldn't be at all surprised if installing MSVS 2012 is the culprit. VMs are Good :)
2) You should definitely look at the Windows event log (if you haven't already)
3) You can also run MSVS 2010 with logging as follows:
Devenv.exe /log "C:\My Files\MyLog.txt"
i faced the same problem in "microsoft visual studio express 2012 for window desktop" and now it's perfectly working after having gone through repair option.
If you have another version (or express edition) of visual studio installed on the same PC that is previously used to create console applications, that might be the issue. I had the same issue and I had Visual C++ 2008 on the same computer and I could either use the visual C++ for console applications or uninstall it completely. Hope this helps!